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Interpretive strategy: wall text/label of exhibition - Shelter Union The wall texts gives clear for developing interpretive facilities and program due to its precise focus on the location identified. Moreover, it plays significant roles in the line’s preservation, administration and enjoyment. The Top Down institution and Bottom Up Agency aim at enhancing comprehension and appreciation of the trail and industry. It also aids in developing public support for preserving trail resources and providing information essential for suitable and safe use.
The labels help in creating a positive, enlightening, provocative and meaningful experience for the visitors. The wall texts possess numerous advantages regarding enhancing populace new comprehension, new insights, new enthusiasms, and new interest. Moreover, the wall texts aid the visitor in developing a keener awareness, appreciation and understanding of the location of their visiting. The interpretive strategy aids in accomplishing the management goals and making the visit a productive and enjoyable experience.
Wall texts provide accuracy and balance at all the stages of the project planning thus aiding in avoiding simplistic and romantic stereotypes. The method act as the best knowledge guide for exhibitions as it consists of simple signs and publications of high potential segments. The wall label of the A Day in the Life was design by artist Marie AntoinetteReferenceSerrell, B. (1996). Exhibit labels: An interpretive approach. Walnut Creek, Calif: Alta Mira Press.
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