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Key Barriers Existing within the E-learning Approach - Thesis Example

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The paper "Key Barriers Existing within the E-learning Approach" states that with regards to the personal barriers persistent in e-learning pedagogy, learning as well as its personalized environment is regarded as quite critical for the succession of the e-learning approach…
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Key Barriers Existing within the E-learning Approach
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E-Learning Research Objectives: The prior aim of the research study is to determine the various barriers that prevail in the procedure of e-learning in the context of the primary schools of Saudi Arabia. Moreover, this study also reviews the success factors that perceive to form an efficient e-learning program. Research Methods: Concerning the research objectives, a quantitative research approach has been used in this study. Moreover, primary along with secondary sources have been adopted as a method of data collection. In terms of collecting primary data, a questionnaire survey was conducted with 362 teachers of Saudi Arabia involved in providing e-learning education to the students. Conversely, the secondary data has been gathered by accessing the authenticated journals, articles as well as other online sources relevant to the subject matter of the research study. Research Findings: Based on the overall finding of the research, it has been ascertained that continuous advancement in technologies imposed considerable impact over the inhabitants of Saudi Arabia especially in the circumstance of e-learning. The study further revealed that administrative, personal, technical and financial aspects mainly prevent e-learning success in primary public schools within the nation. Based on this fact, in this research study, the above discussed four aspects were considered as independent variables and e-learning success to be the dependant variable. Moreover, it was found that the average numerical value in terms of mean of responses of the teachers in technical barriers was recorded at 4.1996, administrative barriers with 4.2206, financial barriers around 4.2479 and personal barriers with 3.6811. Furthermore, the findings also indicated that administrative barriers have high effect in the succession of e-learning, as reflected by the value of coefficient. Nevertheless, the findings depicted the important fact that in order to attain greater success in the context of e-learning approach in Saudi Arabia, the teacher and the students must remain highly concerned about mitigating the above identified barriers in an effective manner. Table of Contents Abstract 1 1. Introduction 4 1.1.Background of the Research 4 1.2. Aim of the Research Study 5 1.3. Objectives of the Research Study 5 1.4. Research Study Questions 6 2.Phenomenon of the Research Study 6 3. E-Learning Success 8 4. References 12 1. Introduction 1.1. Background of the Research E-learning refers to the form of learning approach or its related activities, which involves the transmission of information with the use of internet. The e-learning approach has wider applicability from the students’ learning viewpoint, as a form of gaining new learning experiences. In this current scenario, internet has been playing an important role in the life of the individuals, which allows them to acquire varied sort of information at any point of time (Rosenberg, 2005). In the context of e-learning approach, the letter ‘e’ refers to electronic. This particular approach incorporates different spheres of educational activities that need to be carried out by individuals or groups with the help of any network or any other electronic device (Naidu, 2006). Similarly, the approach of e-learning has profoundly mitigated the issues relating to time and distance in the form of allowing the learners to perform electronic exchange of information and learning materials. Since, the revolution and the emergence of internet along with numerous online platforms are able to perform various activities, educational sector got immensely benefited. Moreover, the continuous advancement in the online platforms has certainly led various studying institutes to diversify their attention towards the approach of e-learning in a rapid manner. E-learning or electronic learning is regarded as the learning approach, which amalgamates media and technology with the learning procedure. In other words, e-learning generally refers to deliberate application of networked information as well as communication technologies in educational environment (Naidu, 2006). Alternatively, e-learning impose significant impact on the performance of varied educational institutes that use internet as a mode of learning approach and thus proved to be an important phenomenon for educational sectors in developed and developing countries since several years. However, nations including Saudi Arabia have revealed the importance of digital revolution in the educational activities, which acquired significant mode of learning. Moreover, in the current context with rapid expansion in the internet platforms, Saudi Arabia still needs to make considerable efforts in strengthening its e-learning approach by increasing greater awareness about the stated approach amid the learners. Identifiably, Saudi Arabian e-learning approach is in a reform stage, but during the preceding few years, the same has been demonstrated with noteworthy transformation. It will be vital to mention that the e-learning approach has high growth prospect due to the involvement of young inhabitants belonging to the nation in having wider access of internet. Furthermore, the approach of e-learning gets high level of support from government and various other educational spheres (Aljabre, 2012). 1.2. Aim of the Research Study The study aims to determine the key barriers existing within the e-learning approach in the context of the primary public schools belonging to Saudi Arabia. 1.3. Objectives of the Research Study In order to substantiate the above depicted research aim, the objectives of this particular research study have been depicted below. To examine the technical barriers that restrict e-learning success in primary public schools in Saudi Arabia To determine the personal barriers that prevent e-learning success in primary public schools in Saudi Arabia To assess the administrative barriers that restrict the success of e-learning approach in primary schools of Saudi Arabia To identify the financial barriers of e-learning that prevent e-learning success in primary public schools in Saudi Arabia 1.4. Research Study Questions In order to accomplish the aforesaid aim and objectives of the research, the following research question has been framed: What are the most affective barriers that prevent e-learning success in primary public schools in Saudi Arabia? 2. Phenomenon of the Research Study Considering the factors of growing advancement in technologies and use of internet, the users have been reaping several significant opportunities as well as experiencing major threats. In the educational context, the evolution of internet platforms provided opportunities to the learners in developing their respective learning patterns. In this similar context, the above stated factor empowered the individuals to perform various activities in the form of using technologies and interacting with others. E-learning utilises the platform of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to significantly develop the education system through the standardisation of the learning approach (Alves-da-Silva & et. al., 2011). The widespread accessibility and the ease that the e-learning approach provides to its users in the context of distance learning and training in various organisations eventually aid them to reap several opportunities. Apparently, in the context of Saudi Arabia, the approach of e-learning is continuously transforming considerably. Since the evolution of e-learning, the nation considered this approach as highly beneficial, owing to the reason that it allowed the inhabitants to meet their requirements related to the demand of education. Moreover, the advancement in the use of internet has provided a platform to various Saudi Arabian institutes to provide quality learning to the students. Thus, especially in the context of meeting the ever increasing demand of education, e-learning emerged as one of the most popular modes towards delivering quality education to the students. In this regard, it is to be affirmed that one of the prime activities included in the e-learning approach is assisting the students by delivering them with their required learning materials irrespective of any particular subject or research topic. Besides, the evaluation of e-learning approach is significantly beneficial from the perspective of both the educators and the learners, as it facilitates costs reduction, increases the transactions of learning, minimises huge human intervention and possessing wider access over different educational based information. However, certain disadvantages in the form of emerging technical, personal, administrative and financial barriers led towards rising difficulties in integrating different activities of e-learning approach in an appropriate manner (Mapuva & Muyengwa, 2009). In relation to the above context, the research study attempt to explore the prospect of e-learning approach and identify the noteworthy barriers that prevent its success in most of the Saudi Arabian primary schools. Additionally, based on this prospect, the research considered four different independent variables including technical, personal, administrative and financial barriers that have significant impact over e-learning success. Specially mentioning, based on considering such factors as independent variables, the e-learning succession in relation to Saudi Arabian primary schools has been evaluated. Since the approach of e-learning in Saudi Arabia is still at its early stage, it is thus indispensable to understand the prospect of the teachers regarding the key barriers that they face at distinct situations. The research is deemed to be quite beneficial for various educational institutes, as this would help them to understand and evaluate the possibilities of attaining e-learning success and also eradicate those barriers that restrict the same. Nevertheless, with having proper understanding about the key barriers of e-learning, the Saudi Arabian educational sector will prove to be quite beneficial in strengthening the e-learning approach. 3. E-Learning Success With regards to determine the success of e-learning in the context of Saudi Arabian primary schools, Selim (2007) highlighted that in the current scenario, e-learning is integrated within the educational programs through the advancement in varied technologies. In order to acquire a brief understanding about the success of e-learning, it is quite essential to recognise the barriers that restrict the same in educational context. In this regard, Selim (2007) advocated that removing the technical barriers through ease of access, interface as well as making interactions will largely determine the succession of e-learning in primary public schools belonging to Saudi Arabia. Besides, the attitudes of the students and the increasing technical competence from both the students and the teachers are also quite important in determining e-learning success. Musa & Othman (2012) affirmed that e-learning project will not be successful, if the students and the teachers do not have proper access over the technical support and advices. Thus, it will be vital to mention that that the instructors’ or the teachers’ attitudes towards the students and the students’ perception over e-learning approach as well as technical competencies are the key success factors of the stated process i.e. e-learning. Nawaz & Qureshi (2010) noted that in this contemporary era, it is quite important for both the teachers and the students to be provided with strong technical support in order to enrich the approach of e-learning in the educational system. In the context of the teachers, the technical support is important for ensuring that they possess required skills and utilise available resources towards promoting e-learning education. On the other hand, from the perspective of the students, technical support is important for acquisition of skills to fulfil the requirements of unique curriculum. In this regard, Sife & et. al. (2007) argued that technical support is one of the key success factors of e-learning approach, which includes support towards installation, maintenance, processing, administration of networks and security management. Besides, Odunaike & et. al. (2013) claimed that the approach of e-learning involves e-teaching as well as e-learning activities that provide t administrative support to the teachers in promoting the aspect of e-learning. In relation to the above context, Sife & et. al. (2007) stated that administrative support is highly been important for successful incorporation of ICTs in the learning processes. Borotis & et. al. (2008) affirmed that eradicating various financial barriers including lack of financial resources is highly important to ascertain the success of e-learning approach in the educational context. In this context, Chaloux (2008) added that financial aids could prove to be quite efficient mechanism in removing or lessening the various financial hurdles over the access of e-learning approach to the educators and the students. Correspondingly, Elango & et. al. (2008) revealed that one of the prime reasons behind the failure of e-learning approach in the background of primary public schools in Saudi Arabia is having lack in resolving the issues related to administrative that eventually reduce the morale of the students towards learning by a certain degree. Moreover, the lack of professional development including the consideration of improper resources and prevailing differences in the organizational policies of e-learning are duly considered being the major obstacles in the succession of e-learning approach. Thus, in this regard, proper holistic approach is highly required for the success of e-learning system in mitigating varied administrative issues (Chaloux, 2008). Simultaneously, Kundi & et. al. (2010) acknowledged that for ensuring successful e-learning program in the educational context, apart from possessing sound technical skills, the developers also need to concern hindering the personal problems persisting within the teachers and the students. With regards to the personal barriers persistent in e-learning pedagogy, learning as well as its personalized environment is regarded as quite critical for the succession of e-learning approach. It is strongly believed that the interests of the individuals and their attitude may differ from one another, which significantly impose considerable impact on the successful implementation of e-learning. Besides, removing the barriers related to lack of proper understanding of e-learning, pedagogy concern, motivating the learners towards e-learning, delivering appropriate working conditions to the teachers, eradicating the negative perceptions of the students towards the stated approach among others are highly important for ensuring e-learning success. In this regard, effective adaptation of best practices and training activities can help in enriching the key success factors that are held accountable for successful implementation of e-learning in the primary public schools in Saudi Arabia (Alhomod & Shafi, 2013). 4. References Alves-da-Silva, N. S. & et. al., 2011. The Evolution of E-Learning Management Systems: An Ethical Approach. International Journal of Cyber Ethics in Education, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 12-24. Alhomod, S. & Shafi, M. M., 2013. Success Factors of E-Learning Projects: A Technical Perspective. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 247-253. Aljabre, A., 2012. An Exploration of Distance Learning in Saudi Arabian Universities: Current Practices and Future Possibilities. International Journal of Business, Humanities and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 132-137. Borotis, S. & et. al., 2008. Critical Success Factors for E-Learning Adoption. Athens University of Economics and Business, pp. 497-511. Chaloux, B., 2008. Overcoming the Financial Aid Barrier for E-Learners. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 55-59. Elango, R. & et. al., 2008. Quality of e-Learning: An Analysis Based on e-Learners’ Perception of e-Learning. The Electronic Journal of e-Learning, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 31-44. Kundi, G. M. & et. al., 2010. The Predictors of Success for E-Learning in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) In N-W.F.P, Pakistan. Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 545-578. Mapuva, J. & Muyengwa, L., 2009. Conquering the Barriers to Learning in Higher Education through e-Learning. International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 221-227. Musa, M. H. & Othman, M. S., 2012. Critical Success Factor in E-Learning: An Examination of Technology and Student Factors. International Journal of Advances in Engineering & Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 140-148. Naidu, S., 2006. E-learning: A Guidebook of Principles, Procedures and Practices. Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia, pp. 1-82. Nawaz, A. & Qureshi, Q. A., 2010. Sustained Technical Support: Issue & Prospects for E-Learning in Heis. Global Journal of Management and Business Research, Vol. 10, No. 9, pp. 32-39. Odunaike, S. A. & et. al., 2013. E-learning Implementation Critical Success Factors. Proceedings of the International Multi Conference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, Vol. 1, pp. 13-15. Rosenberg, M. J., 2005. Beyond E-Learning: Approaches and Technologies to Enhance Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Performance. John Wiley & Sons. Sife, A. S. & et. al., 2007. New Technologies for Teaching and Learning: Challenges for Higher Learning Institutions in Developing Countries. International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology (IJEDICT), Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 57-67. Selim, H. M., 2007. Critical Success Factors for E-Learning Acceptance: Confirmatory Factor Models. Computers & Education, Vol. 49, pp. 369-413. Read More
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