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The implementation strategies which could effectively be applied in the classroom: (1) cooperative grouping, where students are formed into heterogeneous groups to effectively solicit diverse inputs and share knowledge, skills, and abilities towards an identified goal; (2) simulations and games, where learning objectives can be achieved through designing instructional approaches with simulations (paralleling actual learning environments) and games that encourage thinking outside the box and soliciting the creative skills of students; (3) use of software applications in learning through searching and navigating online sites for research projects, essays, or taking academic performance tests and fun learning games; (4) collaborative writing, where students would be assigned specific research topics where essays are to be written through group efforts (this particular scenario could use research-based strategies that include cooperative grouping and technological integration); and (5) blogging feedback was also one of the classroom examples evaluated which could be used in one’s classroom as a means of soliciting inputs, comments, feedback from students using technological applications, as required.
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