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School Development Environment - Case Study Example

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The study "School Development Environment" focuses on the ideas of a harmonious environment for school development. The views should be stated in a way that will distinguish complaints from the ideas that are encouraging, and if done effectively will perpetuate a good relationship in the school…
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School Development Environment
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al Affiliation) Enhancing Good Relationship in Elementary School. We are advised to have a critical analysis of the different views that are brought forward by school community. This will ensure a harmonious environment for the school development. The views should be stated in a way that will distinguishes complains from the ideas that are encouraging, and if done effectively will perpetuate a good relationship in the school. The views of the people have consequently been categorized according to the action that we expect to be taken afterwards. Views that will require a lot of improvement/ complains Teacher grade 3- freedom regarding the choice of books to use in the classroom. This area will ensure that the teacher is able to do his/her work diligently. Teacher grade 5- a workers day out or retreat is best for cohesion in the team. They should have time together so as to have an understanding, and sharing of views together. Teacher grade 4- we should ensure an equal opportunity to members of staff regarding faculty meetings. Teacher grade 3- consultation with the teachers is an important issue, it is not necessary to go ahead and do things without first consulting the grade teachers. Teacher, grade 2- in case of changes we should be notified earlier so as to create ample time for preparation. Teacher, unknown grade- time should be allocated for new agendas during faculty meetings. They shouldn’t be ignored. Teacher grade 3- Nancy should be easily accessible, available. Teacher, grade 1- all grades should be given equal opportunities. Teacher, grade 2- Nancy should spare time with the teachers. Teacher, grade 2/3 combination- the teacher assignment was unfair ad requires to be done again. Views that will require little adjustment/ encouragements Teacher, grade 5- playing with the kids is a great idea. It brings her closer to her kids, and this also ensures a good relationship between them. (Monday) Parent, grade 6- we should keep on with the open house for parents just like last month, and give monthly bulleting to the parents. (Monday) Staff member, tenure 3 years- the principal is approachable and very accommodating, she should keep on with that. (Monday) Teacher, grade 3- the support and encouragement that is offered should continue. It is good when all the required sources are available. (Monday) Staff member, 2 years tenure- she is good and very supportive. (Monday) Parent, grade 5- the monthly bulleting a nice idea that should keep on. Parent, grade 2- the voice mail idea was a step ahead. It gives child’s feedback to the parents. The data can also be organized on a simpler way, which will highlight the interviewee and his/her perceptions. Teacher, grade 1- grades should be given equal opportunities Teacher, grade 2- spare time with teachers -notify teachers of any changes to provide ample time for preparation. Teacher, grade 3- support and encouragement should continue. It is good to have enough resources -freedom to choose books to use in class. -consultation with the teachers before doing changes in class. -Nancy should be available and easily accessible. -equal participation during meetings. Teacher, grade 4- equal opportunities regarding faculty meetings. Teacher, grade 5- allocating time with the students a nice idea. Playing with them in the field allocates ample time with your students. Teacher, grade 6- we keep on with the open hose and monthly bulleting for parents. Parent, grade 1- Parent, grade 2- voicemail was a bright idea; it gives feedback on child’s progress. Parent, grade 5- the monthly bulleting to keep o informing parents of child’s progress. Parent, grade 6- open house and monthly bulleting for parents a nice idea Staff member, tenure 2years – principal good and supportive. Staff member, tenure 3 years- principal available and can be approached. She is accommodative. -she has set goals and objectives When organizing the data we will realize that the second data is quicker to understand and act on upon. Although, they both give individual feelings and perceptions, the first data will take a lot of time because the ideas are not organized in a simpler manner. Not much difference can be noticed from the two data. While meeting Nancy we will majorly focus on the demand that are not being attended to and that need adjustment. Individual Type Style The purpose of individual assessment of the team was to mix each other a bit so as to enhance a good understanding of one another. During this assessment it would be possible to realize areas that should be improved and what deficiency is at the working place. In addition to this, it will also ensure that the workers are able to open up to each other. The interrelation will ease the team’s interaction which will enhance maximization of an individual’s output. The instrument that is used was purposely to ensure that the workers are aware of one another discrete working style. It is good to have knowledge of your working partners’ style so as to enhance a good working environment. The instrument was introduced as a way of analyzing individual style of work. Lori describes it as way of letting the workers have a good understanding amongst them, and not to mean that was what they really are. Every member of the team needs to know what style he/she prefers when part of the team. The explanation was done well, although, an improvement on the description should have been enhanced. This is because some employees would make decision without clear understanding of what really describes them. An example is when Cindy objects the word controlling as it has been used to describe someone who seeks attention and lead the rest. She finds the term so negative. Actually controlling does not fully describe someone who follows teams’ decisions. The idea of separating the workers according to the style that they think of themselves was a good idea. They are divided to help us identify what one thinks is the best style to handle his or her team. The effectiveness of this is however, doubted because the idea brings out argument of different kinds. Although they are all wiling to identify themselves with the alphabets, the team cannot agree on the effectiveness of the alphabets. Felix is described as to really fit his Q since he has been very productive to the company. What difference this causes is that he is not given the opportunity to speak first by Rachel. According to Tai, this behavior has described her as a true A. Rachel feels this is offensive because she is denied the chance to speak first. According to her the issue should not be that case. We learn the different styles preferred by the workers, the activity should have only been effective if such arguments would have not come up. To be effective he should have not allowed the employees to give views of their partners. Tai’s question is like a challenge to Lori. Everybody thinks he knows everything better than them. To answer this question he shouldn’t allow the alphabet to take control of their relationship while on duty. He should advice the team to take the exercise as a way of enhancing the understanding of one another but not away of discriminating one another. The trip was effective; the team could realize who they are really working with. Solving team challenges The challenges at Docsystem billing are planted on each person’s role with almost all sections facing various difficulties, the main issue that is affecting the organization however, is the under staffing with an individual working a bigger work load (Anderson, 2011). This denies the company enough time to process documents for their clients. At the office level the staff faces various difficulties. The billing specialist who attends to the initial computer input handles a majority of the companies’ cases. The task is expected to happen without the help of the DocSystems intervention. This section faces problems at times such as fitting of more categories in the DocSystem data base that makes the specialist have hard times in categorizing them accurately. This is time wasting. The medical insurance has a lot of work to do, the hard times they face is on the networking, getting into their clients is a hard time due to the poor networking of the company. It does not allow enough time for processing the documents for the company’s clients. Basing on the data provided the company should lay down these ideas for the betterment of the clients and the staff. The team has problems with the idea of Jim due to the rush and busy schedule that the employees had put up with the running of the company (Anderson, 2011). We recommend the company to adhere to its employees work, but during this period the duties of the employees should not be subdivided just in a manner that breaks down the duties by subduing duties directly, but allocating duties that are able to be done at stipulated time. Work duties should not be too much for an individual to handle, because clients will lose patience and either seeks alternative companies that offer the same services (Anderson, 2011). Reference Anderson, D. L. (2011). Organization Development: The Process of Leading Organizational Change. London: Uxford University Press. Read More
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School Development Environment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words.
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School Development Environment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 Words.
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