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The Future Student of the Harvard Law School - Scholarship Essay Example

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The author of this paper 'The Future Student of the Harvard Law School' presents an opportunity to update the headmaster and thus supplement the file with the Harvard Law School. This is in with the suggestion regarding an additional letter of recommendation sent directly to the school…
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The Future Student of the Harvard Law School
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To begin with, I am convinced that I am an excellent match for the Harvard Law School Program on International Financial Systems (PIFS), since the program has been instrumental at inculcating exchange of ideas as well as research on capital markets, financial regulation, and international financial systems. With my Bachelor’s degree in Finance, and my keen interest towards the international law realms, I have undoubtedly looked into a number of law schools and found that Harvard Law School’s PIF, being run by acclaimed professor Hal Scott is an exceptional blueprint, which offers a more comprehensive study of international finance than any other law school.

It gives me more reason to be genuinely excited about the possibility of participating in Harvard Law School’s global international legal studies outside the classroom. Specifically, the international learning possibilities afforded by attending the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva, Switzerland appear sizeable when I contemplate such measures. My personal commitment towards improving the conditions in Tanzania and East Africa, as discussed in my personal statement, would greatly be facilitated by my studies of the World Trade Organization law and the United Nations law, besides international finance and economics.

Harvard Law School has a universal appeal to an individual who is looking to attend a law school, as well as to any organization or agency, which is looking to hire the sharpest legal minds. I would be most pleased and honored to be a part of the Harvard Law School’s younger demographics, with decades ahead of me to hone my legal skills and to become a scholar in a field that will only continue to grow and develop as international experts in the law. I am indebted to you for considering my application.

You can get in touch with me as and when needed. Sincerely, Kathy McNichol-Seemi

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