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Healthcare Reforms: Solutions to Illegal Immigrants Influence Healthcare - Essay Example

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"Healthcare Reforms: Solutions to Illegal Immigrants Influence Healthcare" paper states that a possible solution that can be put forth to illegal immigration is Amnesty. Amnesty will allow any undocumented individuals to remain within the United States without any penalty…
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Healthcare Reforms: Solutions to Illegal Immigrants Influence Healthcare
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Healthcare reforms: Solutions to illegal immigrants influence healthcare affiliation Healthcare reforms: Solutions to illegal immigrants influence healthcare immigration effect on healthcare has been controversial today. Recently, a large number of immigrants infiltrating the United States has been noted. This has resulted from the United States government providing social benefits. Rather, the increase in immigration cases has been impacted far more by the changes noticed in the policies about immigration or by the conflicts due to politics or even natural disasters occurring in the countries of the immigrants.

Illegal immigrants do not have insurance for health coverage; they use emergency room services as their primary resource of health care. They often use emergency services because of the active act existing in the Labor act of 1986 that allows them to use emergency medical treatment. It has been noted that many undocumented immigrants are overrunning medical institutions because they are unable to pay their hospital bills. Healthcare ends up uncompensated and this ends up creating a threat to the viability of the hospital financially crippling its ability to provide care to other patients (Derose, Bahney, Lurie, & Escarce, 2009).

Illegal immigrants create a burden on the United States economy in the healthcare sector. 

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