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Work Place Culture - Essay Example

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The paper "Work Place Culture" describes what organizational culture is a very important aspect that all business organization needs to adhere to if they want to achieve efficiency in the provision of their services. Various countries in the world have work cultures…
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Work Place Culture
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Work Place Culture Organizational culture is a very important aspect that all business organization needs to adhere to if they want to achieve efficiency in the provision of their services. Various countries in the world have work cultures, which are always unique to them. These work cultures usually determine the manner in which employees have to conduct their duties. On this basis, it is essential for the foreign business organization to know the work culture of a particular country before investing in it. These would ensure that they are able to get the best from their employees. Table of Contents: Introduction……………………………………………………… 3 Theoretical Framework…………………………………………..4 Relevant Scenario………………………………………….……..9 Conclusion……………………………………………………….10 Recommendations……………………………………………….11 Bibliography……………………………………………………..13 Appendix………………………………………………………….16 Introduction: As the head of Head of Human resource department at Carlstron Solutions, it is my responsibility to provide a report that addresses the potential opportunities and challenges that Carlstrom solutions will find when it invests in the markets of Nigeria, China, and Brazil. China, Nigeria, and Brazil are countries which are experiencing economic growth in their various continents. China is one of the leading economies in the world, and this is after its adoption of the capitalistic economy in the 1980s. Brazil, on the other hand, has a robust economy, with a large number of lower middle-class citizens. Nigeria is an African country, with one of the best economies in the continent, which is characterized by oil production, and exportation. On this basis, Nigeria, China, and Brazil are very good markets for the products of Carlstron solutions. It is the knowledge of this management that Carlstron Solutions has achieved numerous successes in providing retailing services in the United Kingdom. This success has come into existence because of the quality of the organization's human resource staff, and the working culture of the organization. It is important to explain that the company managed to effectively reconcile the various working cultures of the employees of the organization, to be able to conform to the organizational culture, in terms of how our employees work. It is therefore of great importance for the company to continue with this policy of valuing its employees. To succeed in this objective, it is therefore of paramount importance to understand the cultural challenges and opportunities that workers in Brazil, Nigeria, and China possess. The theories in use for purposes of finding the cultural opportunities and challenges in these markets include the seven dimension theory, advocated by Fons Trompenaars as well as the cultural dimension theory advocated by Hofstede. Theoretical Exploration: CHINA: One cultural dimension that Trompenaars identifies includes universalism, against particularism (Argyris, 2012). Argyris (2012) explains that the working culture of the Chinese people belongs under particularism, as advocated by Trompenaars. This culture involves the dictation of the behavior of an individual, based on the situation, and not the rules. Chinese workers believe that rules are enacted to guide people on how to behave under certain circumstances, but these rules are not binding on them. On this basis, Argyris (2012) denotes that through this cultural practice, the behavior of the Chinese workers will always change, depending on the situation, and who is involved in the situation under consideration. This is very beneficial to the organization because chances are high that Chinese workers will be innovative, for purposes of meeting the objectives of the business organization. To take advantage of this flexibility amongst the Chinese workforce, Grinker, Lubkemann, and Steiner (2010) denotes that it is important for the management to build a motivational framework that would encourage employees of the organization to come up with innovative ideas that can propel the company to growth. Hugman (2012) denotes that this cultural practice is also useful in developing an efficient and effective communication policy by the company. This is because this culture emphasizes on the building of relationships, both personal as well as work relationships. To build these relationships, there is a need of developing an effective communication strategy. Luke (2012) denotes that in order to prevent workers from misbehaving because of their autonomy and flexibility, the company will have the opportunity to come up with rules and policies that will guide employees in making their decisions (Somerville, 2005). Furthermore, the Chinese believe in the creation of social networks, and hence their loyalty is always on the manager, and not the company. One of the major opportunities that emerge out of this cultural practice is that the management will be able to scrutinize in depth, the person they employ (Firat, 2011). This includes the background of the potential employees, as well as his or her social works. This is because when people are creating social networks, they are always concerned with the kind of person that they are engaging with, and the kind of benefit that they will derive from the individual under consideration. This kind of information is useful to the management. This is because they will acquire the ability to identify skills of their new employees and use those skills for purposes of achieving the objectives of the business organization (Maruca, 2008). This is a cultural dimension that Trompenaars refers to as diffuse, and it entails the discussion of business affairs, in social events (Firat, 2011). This is advantageous to the company because opportunities of creating business networks emerge. These can help it expand within the Chinese market. Due to these Chinese cultural practices, Clarke (2003) denotes that there are also some challenges. These challenges emanate because the Chinese culture can view as masculine. Masculinity is a dimension of Hofstede cultural belief, and it denotes that under this belief, people care for money, success, as well as other issues that increase the power and prestige of an individual (Clarke, 2003). The Chinese are so much concerned about money that they can even engage in unethical conducts for purposes of acquiring the money under consideration. Clarke (2003) denotes that the Chinese can steal sensitive company information for purposes of selling it to a rival company, in exchange for money. This behavior is also made possible because of the Chinese people are not loyal to the company, thus engaging in such unethical behavior is not appropriate(Mauno, Kiuru and Kinnunen, 2011). This is a very challenging situation for the company, and it is because the company will have to find ways and means of safeguarding its sensitive information, as well as using the information under consideration to do business in China (Schein, 2010). Furthermore, Schein (2010) believes that the Chinese are aware and categorical that power to make decisions is concentrated on a few individuals, who are the leaders. This is a cultural dimension referred to as power distance dimension, by Hofstede (Hugman, 2012). This, therefore, plays a great role in limiting their loyalty to the organization and taking it to decision-makers in the organization, that is the managers and directors found in the organization. This is a challenge in the sense that the employees of the organization can leave when a particular manager or director leaves the organization (Parker, 2000). This would force the organization to engage in a new recruitment exercise, which is always expensive, as well as time-consuming. BRAZIL: On the other hand, Chan (2005) gives an explanation that the cultural work practice of Brazil is different from the cultural work practice of China. Brazilian workers often believe on personal achievement, as well as personal freedom. Trompenaars and as well as Hofstede call this cultural dimension as an individualistic culture (Chan, 2005). One major opportunity that emanates from this cultural practice of Brazilian workers is that the company will manage to come up with an effective communication strategy that will help in identifying the various needs of its employees and thereafter developing a motivational framework aimed at satisfying those needs under consideration. Booth, Robson, and Welham (2004) denote that these needs can either be the need for self-esteem, security, family, respect, morality, power, etc. By identifying these needs, and developing an effective motivational framework that can serve these needs, then chances are very high that the company will get an opportunity of expanding greatly into the Brazilian market (Sherman, 2006). This is because it will manage to retain its employees, improve the services it offers, and hence achieve an increased profitability. By plowing back these profits into the market, the company will manage to increase its market share. Furthermore, Booth, Robson, and Welham (2004) explain that the Brazilian workers are very keen on the laws, values, obligations, and rules. Trompenaars identifies this cultural dimension as universal. This cultural practice is a great opportunity for the company to install its organizational culture to the Brazilian workforce. This is through developing various rules and procedures, aimed at outlining the required behaviors of employees, as well as establishing ethical standards that employee of the organization have to meet (Booth, Robson and Welham, 2004). It is important to explain that when employees of an organization are able to adhere to the culture of the organization, then chances are high that the organization under consideration will achieve its objectives, and aims. This is because the culture of the organization is based and built on its objectives, and aims. Furthermore, organizational communication within this cultural practice is formal in nature, and it can occur through face to face communication, through emails, as well as internal memos. Bechet (2008) explains that these are very effective methods of communication since a manager will be able to explain effectively and in depth, on the expectations of the organization, towards an employee. However, one negative cultural aspect of the Brazilian workers is that they are emotional. Trompenaars explains it as the fourth cultural dimension and it competes with the dimension of neutrality (Bell, 2013). Managing an emotional person is a very challenging situation. Booth, Robson, and Welham (2004) denotes that it is difficult to manage an emotional person because on most occasions, they do not act in a rational manner, but spontaneously. This behavior is bad, and this is because an employee can vent out his or her emotions to a customer, leading to the loss of the customer under consideration, or even a bad name to the organization. Hofstede denotes that this situation can fall under the category of indulgence, against restraint. NIGERIA: The cultural practice of Nigeria is slightly different from the cultural practices of Brazil. One such cultural practice amongst the Nigerian workforce is a belief that they control their work environment (Robson and Welham, 2004). On this basis, Nigerian workers believe that rules and obligations are there to guide them into working, and it is not a must that they should follow these rules. Trompenaars describes this aspect as internal direction (Bechet, 2008). Nigerian workers believe that the organization cannot help them to achieve their goals in life and that the destiny is in their hands. This aspect will cause disloyalty to the organization, and therefore result to inefficiency in the manner in which the employees of the organization conduct their affairs (Bell, 2013). This is a great challenge to the organization, and this is because it will always be difficult to retain a disloyal employee (Mauno, Kiuru and Kinnunen, 2011). Furthermore, it would be difficult to control the employees under consideration, and trying to enact control measures over these employees, would lead to rebellion (Mason, 2012). This is not conducive for a business organization that is entering the market, since it needs a strong brand name, to beat off competition (Maruca, 2008). Communicating with these workers is also a challenge, and this is because there is always a need for consensus before arriving at a decision. Bechet (2008) denotes that it would take a long time to achieve consensus where a large number of people are involved. Furthermore, Bell (2013) gives an explanation that the decisions arrived at, might not be beneficial to the company, but they may be beneficial to the employees under consideration. There are also opportunities in these cultural aspects of the Nigerians. One opportunity is that the company will manage to acquire highly talented individuals, and this is because Nigerian workers constantly improve their skills, due to their belief that they control their destiny (Moodian, 2009). A talented and skilled workforce is important for an organization because chances are high that the organization under consideration will manage to effectively produce high-quality services to its customers. Discussion of the Relevant Scenario: From these theoretical frameworks, it is important to explain that most of the cultural challenges and opportunities fit into our company. For instance, Moodian (2009) gives an explanation that most Nigerian workers are always keen on improving their skills, and capabilities for purposes of improving their chances of ascending into the corporate ladder. This is one of the virtues of the company, mainly because the company normally advocates for an improvement in the skills of its employees. In fact, one of the motivational measures of the company is to sponsor employees who have excelled in their work for further studies, with the main aim of improving their skills. In the case of China, Maruca (2008) explains that the Chinese are very disloyal people, and on this basis, they would only seek to serve their interests. This is a great contradiction to what the company believes in, mainly because the company believes that the Chinese would work for an organization that Carter for their interests. This is not an aspect of disloyalty, but an aspect of self-improvement. For instance, Abraham Maslow recognized these needs and referred to them as self-actualization needs (Mason, 2012). It is the interest of the company to ensure that all the needs of its employees are well catered for. This is because the company believes when the needs of employees are satisfied, then the employees under consideration will satisfy the needs of the organization. Furthermore, the Chinese are very flexible in their approach to work, and this is an aspect that promotes innovation. This is a situation that the company highly values. On the other hand, Brazilian cultures of conforming to rules and procedures are in line with the procedures of the company. This is because the company normally has a guideline of procedures and rules that its employees should follow when conducting the affairs of the company. Brazilians would follow rules to the later, and this is a good situation for the company since it will be able to implement its organizational culture to Brazil. This, in turn, would help in meeting the objectives and aims of the company. On the other hand, the challenge identified from the literature concerning Nigerian workers, that it is difficult to control them is not a challenge to the company. This is because the leadership of the company believes in the laissez faire type of leadership, whereby employees have the freedom to act in any manner, as long as it would not compromise the services of the company, as well as the quality of their work. On this basis, the literature does not contradict with the practical scenario of the company. Conclusion: In conclusion, Nigeria, China and Brazil have different cultural practices that are shaped by their living environments. For instance, the Chinese culture of social networks is shaped by their living behavior whereby they value friendship and family values. On this basis, friends and family members would always help each other whenever they are in need. Cultural practices of people in Brazil, as well as Nigeria, are also influenced by their living environments, which is always competitive, and democratic. On this basis, these people are more concerned with producing high-quality work, for purposes of being ahead of their competitors. These practices are very useful for the company since it is the objective and aim of the company to produce high-quality services and products for purposes of being ahead of its competitors. On this note, the identified opportunities and challenges in the cultural practice of workers in these countries conform with that of the company. Recommendation: Based on these facts, in order to be successful in investing in countries such as Nigeria, China, as well as Brazil, there is a need for the organization to form a task force that will investigate deeply these cultural values, and thereafter find a solution on how to integrate these cultural values, so that they may conform with the work culture of the organization. It is important to provide an explanation that the management should not thrive to change these culture because it would fail (Moodian, 2009). This is because most people are always resistant to change. A good example of a business initiative that failed because of failure to integrate different cultures into an organization is the merger between Daimler and Chrysler. In this merger, Daimler, a German company acquired Chrysler an American company. The Germans are conservative, while the Americans are liberal, and these two cultures could not work together, leading to the failure of the merger. To prevent this scenario from happening, there is a need of the company to try and change its organizational culture, to reflect the working cultures of the country it is investing in, and without compromising the core values of the company, which includes hard work, and production of high-quality services. Bibliography: Argyris, C. (2012). Organizational Traps: leadership, culture, organizational design. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Bechet, T. P. (2008). Strategic staffing a comprehensive system for effective workforce planning (2nd ed.). New York: American Management Association;. Bell, E. (2013). Organisational culture and learning: A case study. Nurse Education Today, 33(11), 1337-1341. Booth, N., Robson, C., & Welham, J. (2004). Tolley's managing a diverse workforce. Croydon: LexisNexis UK. Chan, K. L. (2005). Chinese Culture, Social Work Education, And Research. International Social Work, 48(4), 381-389. Clarke, S. (2003). The contemporary workforce: Implications for organizational safety culture. Personnel Review, 32(1), 40-57. Firat, B. O. (2011). Cultural activism: practices, dilemmas, and possibilities. Amsterdam: Rodopi. Grinker, R. R., Lubkemann, S. C., & Steiner, C. B. (2010). Perspectives on Africa: a reader in culture, history, and representation (2nd ed.). Chichester, West Sussex: Wiley- Blackwell. Hugman, R. (2012). Culture, values, and ethics in social work embracing diversity. New York: Routledge. Luke, T. W. (2012). Putting knowledge to work and letting information play (2nd ed.). Rotterdam: SensePublishers. Maruca, R. F. (2008). The way we work an encyclopedia of business culture. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. Mason, T. C. (2012). Ethics and international curriculum work the challenges of culture and context. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Pub. Mauno, S., Kiuru, N., & Kinnunen, U. (2011). Relationships between work-family culture and work attitudes at both the individual and the departmental level. Work & Stress, 25(2), 147-166. Moodian, M. A. (2009). Contemporary leadership and intercultural competence: exploring the cross-cultural dynamics within organizations. Los Angeles: SAGE. Parker, M. (2000). Organizational culture and identity unity and division at work. London: SAGE. Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational culture and leadership (4th ed.). San Francisco: Jossey- Bass. Sherman, R. (2006). Rethinking the Ethnographic Local: Identity, Culture, and Politics at Work in the Global Economy. Work and Occupations, 33(4), 421-428. Somerville, M. (2005). ‘Working’ Culture: Exploring Notions Of Workplace Culture And Learning At Work. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 13(1), 5-26. Appendix: Geert Hofstede: This is a philosopher who came up with the cultural dimensions theory that explains how culture affects the behavior of individuals. Fons Trompenaars: This is a philosopher who came up with the theoretical framework of seven dimensions of culture. This theory explains the behavior of an individual, by looking at it through seven different dimensions. United Kingdom: This is a country in Europe, and it consists of Scotland, Ireland, Welsh, and Britain. Nigeria: This is an African country. Brazil: This is a Latin American country. China: This is an East Asian country, and it is considered as one of the strongest economies in the world. Read More
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