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Learnings from Jamie Olivers Approach - Essay Example

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From the paper "Learnings from Jamie Olivers Approach" it is clear that there are a large number of management lessons that can be learnt from Jamie Oliver’s approach while managing his kitchen project. Throughout the project, he has shown exemplary managerial skills along with being a good leader…
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Learnings from Jamie Olivers Approach
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Recruitment or talent acquisition can be defined as “the set of activities and processes used to legally obtain a sufficient number of qualified people at the right place and time so that the people and the organization can select each other in their own best short and long term interests (Schuler, 1987). The talent acquisition methodology adopted by Jamie is also key learning from the case. Jamie recruited people based on their potential and trainability. This was done by a series of assessment tests.

It is clear that the people recruited for the organization are suitable to help achieve the organization’s vision. Jamie had used various techniques to assess potential candidates. The techniques used by Jamie were aimed at finding the right person for the job. In a similar way, a manager while hiring potential candidates shall make use of different recruitment techniques to ensure that the person selected is the most suitable for the job.Thorough training processThe training process imparted by Jamie to his trainees was thorough with a clear plan.

Classroom coaching accompanied by practical activity. Each component of the training was aimed at improving the skills of the candidates. For example, he had a week camping session to foster team spirit. He also had the trainees learn about livestock farming and quality evaluation which is an important part of a chef’s job. In a similar fashion, it is necessary that the training process of an organization is directed towards imparting specific skills to the candidates with continuous involvement from the manager.

Jamie was supportive of the weaker students. This ensured that every candidate got an equal opportunity to perform and learn. An organization should have a clear and concise plan for the improvement of the weak performers. Having such a performance improvement plan not only improves the employee’s morale but also the organization’s effectiveness. Delegation and standardsIt is important to understand that each individual in the team has specific skills that he brings to the table. It is the duty of the manager to identify the true talent of every individual and delegate tasks to all the team members in a reasonable manner.

Jamie delegated his responsibilities regarding finances, project managers and builders to specialists in the fields. Positive feedback for a job well done to the trainees is an important tool to boost the morale of the trainees. Jaime used to encourage fellow trainees by acknowledging the efforts put in. Jaime also set tough standards with respect to discipline and respect for other members of the team. He empathized with the trainees to make sure that they are motivated to work hard to achieve the vision set.

In order to ensure that all the trainees are working towards the set goal, Jaime used to have a personal observation of all and gave attention to detail. It is very important for a manager to do so. This enables him/her to ensure that everything is going on in the right direction.

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