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Concept Template and Concept Best Practices: - Research Paper Example

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Concept Paper Template and Concept Paper Best Practices Name: Institution: Introduction Concept papers are brief explanations of projects with the view of determining the effectiveness of a research or project proposal. The papers succeed in doing this by analyzing different aspects of the research or the project with the view of determining their cost effectiveness in achieving the goals of the same…
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Concept Paper Template and Concept Paper Best Practices:
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The methodology section analyses the method of the research one employs in the entire project (Chilisa, 2012). The methodology section introduces the project by providing information on the nature of the project and the data collection methods used and the methods of data presentation as used by the researchers. There are two basic methodologies including the qualitative and quantitative researches. Just as the name suggests quantitative researches analyze specific features of the research population and compares them numerically.

In quantitative research, the researcher formulates effective numerical variables that he or she thus collects and compares with each other to prove the research hypothesis. Quantitative researches thus are systematic and empirical studies on social phenomena through mathematical, computational and mathematical techniques. The researcher must identify quantifiable variables in the research groups and study these by collecting and comparing the figures against each other thus determining the pattern of distribution and relying on such a result to make decisions.

Qualitative researches on the other hand refer to social studies of behaviors and patterns that are not always measurable. The studies are complex since the researcher does not compare the figures statistically but analyses the effectiveness of a hypothesis or a behavior by analyzing its effects and distribution on different people. The type of study thus investigates unique features of the research subject. In doing this, the researcher must identify the concept or hypothesis to prove and carry out elaborate studies that prove the pattern and its effects on different social groups.

Unlike the quantitative research, it has not form of mathematical comparison and does not therefore have a basic for comparing the features and their distribution with other social groupings (Schreuder, Gregoire & Wood, 1993). The two research methodologies have several similarities key among which include the data collection methodologies. Despite the different features of the research subjects that the two methodologies analyze, the data collection methods used by the two research methodologies are similar.

The basic data collection methodologies are observation, interviews and the use of questionnaires. The three are different but the when used concurrently, they complement each other thus overcoming the inefficiencies of each other. Observations rely on the effectiveness of the researcher to observer to identify the specific features of interest to the research. In doing this, the researcher uses his or her eyes to notice the distribution of the variables and their effects in relations to the behavior of the subjects.

Interviews on the other hand are methods that offer the researcher a chance to interact with the subjects and engage them on discussions in which the interviewer asks questions while the interviewee answers thus meeting the goals of the research. Lavender, Edwards & Alfirevic, (2004) assert that questionnaires are structured documents that the researcher forwards to the research subjects with specific questions which the answer before returning to the researcher. Questionnaire are convenient ways of collecting data from the subjects since the researcher simply mails them to the respondents who fills them at their own peril before mailing

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