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Diversity Enhancement Programs at the Workplace - Research Paper Example

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The current concept on diversity widens the span and identifies diversity as an assortment of items typified by divergence and similarities. Several aspects such as increasing influx of immigrants, strategic alliances and globalization of businesses are some of the factors creating diversity…
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Diversity Enhancement Programs at the Workplace
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? Diversity Enhancement Programs at the Workplace College The current concept on diversity widens the span and identifies diversity as an assortment of items typified by divergence and similarities. Several aspects such as increasing influx of immigrants, strategic alliances with firms in other countries, and the rising globalization of businesses are some of the factors creating diversity. The aim of this work is to look at some of the benefit programs used by organisation to enhance diversity at the workplace. The literature review looks at the evolution diversity and some of the benefit programs used by modern organisations to enhance diversity. This study gathered data through qualitative research method. Questionnaires collect information from staff and management. Qualitative research process will be supported by interpretive analysis approach. The research ascertains roles played by benefit programs in enhancing diversity. Results of this paper are necessary and fundamental to stakeholders in the modern dynamic work environment. Acknowledgement Table of Contents Employee Diversity Benefit Program Questionnaire 23 Introduction According to Rasmussen, 1996, p. 274, diversity is the mosaic of individuals who convey an assortment of settings, methods, perspectives, and ideals as resources to the teams and organisations with which they relate. There are many reasons for the rise in diversity at the place of work. Among them is the influx of more immigrants, corporate strategic alliances, and search for skills across the globe, employing a diverse labour force because of deliberate action programs, and the growing globalization of businesses. Individuals and their divergences form the base of an organisation’s capacity to develop wide perspectives and to address business challenges in new and creative ways (Barbara Walker, 1991). Modern organisational setting is exemplified by an assortment of variables individuals pass to the organisation that include race, religion, gender, age, socioeconomic orientation, or regional origin. Further, it also includes character, education, way of life, sexual inclination, individual and business background, and even term of service with the organisation. Because of the changes in diversity, organisations are jostling to align benefits programs in order to attract skilled workers. Therefore, the management has to assess its benefit programs to maintain its bearing to their employees. As diversity evolves, organisations continue to focus on how they can make it a business case especially on how companies can effectively utilize diversity for competitive advantage. Diversity is getting acknowledgement as a resource capable of adding and contributing to the company’s profits. Diversity is rising almost as rapidly as the number of software sellers at an accounting conference (Talbot-Allen, 1995, p. 3) According to Clarke (1995, p. 13), it is imperative, therefore, for companies and businesses to take measures to encourage and promote diversity in the work setting. Managing diversity is a challenge as well as an opportunity for organisation’s management. It requires organisational amendments that foster a cultural background that appreciates divergences and optimizes the potential of all. A proactive focus to diversity breeds competitive advantage hence offering the organisation an opportunity. In an organisation, each segment discovers, describes, and organizes its understanding in distinctive ways (Fine, Johnson, & Ryan, 1990, p.306, 317). HR representatives are leading the culture change by developing a diversity dream to place the platform for successful diversity management. Training and sensitization on diversity should acknowledge that individuals are different and respond in different ways and hence management should endeavor to ease the friction. Diversity pertains learning from others, dignity and esteem for all, and developing workplace settings and procedures that foster learning and absorb the benefit of diverse viewpoints. Collaboration offers a structured and controlled framework for establishing a workplace where diverse adjustments happens because members acknowledge accountability for acting differently, and they are prepared to be held responsible to each other (Marshall, 1995, p. 60). Successful management of people will entail the awareness, acceptance, and understanding of differences among people. The organisations must undertake to comprehend and use the complete variety of individual potential in a diverse populace (Wentling & Palma-Rivas, 1998, p. 235). The current fast shifting demographics and globalization continue to shift workplace diversity to the fore of successful organisational strategies. Employees no longer reside and work in a confined market but instead they are part of an international economy. According to Hansen (2002), diversity is vital to existence in international business hence, a benefits plan that supports diversity is important. There is increasing demand for management to induce diverse segments of workers who frequently have wide divergent ideals and positions. The challenge is often in developing collaboration, synergy, and a unified culture. Therefore, this approach must start with a look at the benefits and a record of ideas as to how tailored programs can be accustomed to attract diverse employee’s needs. A recent study by Teradata Corporation indicates that average employee stays in an organisation for about 3.6 years and the acceleration is on the rise. The rise will increase diversity through newly recruited employees. This study will interview selected HR managers and employees as well as exploration of literature associated with diversity and benefits. The study will focus on understanding diversity and the types of benefits that organisations have adopted. Moreover, other programs such as retirement programs, conventional benefits, and insurance programs, are give a highlight in a limited way. It is interesting to note that although their has been much advocate for diversity at the work place, very modest scholarly study is directed to unveil the various programs initiated to advance this concept. Despite the highly publicized diversity policies, few studies highlight specific programs that enhance implementation of these policies. The lack of research presents an exceptional and interesting opportunity to study the topic. Statement of problem The intention of this study is to identify and establish programs that enhance implementation of diversity concept at the workplace. Research Objectives An assessment of preceding studies demonstrate little focus on diversity programs and especially so how management handle diversity in the current dynamic and challenging work setting. The deficiency in studies represents an information gap in literature for diversity programs in the modern organisation. This study will explore the emergence and implementation of diversity programs in the modern organisations. The study will be steered by the ensuing research questions: 1. Why do organisations choose certain diversity programs? 2. How do the organisations identify and develop diversity programs? 3. What diversity programs do organisations employ? 4. What moral and resource support methods exist for diversity programs? The objectives of the study are 1. discover reasons why more organisations are choosing diversity programs 2. Examine the financial and moral support for such programs 3. Establish whether established programs have intensified diversity concept at the workplace and any success achieved. Assumptions of this Study 1. All interviewee will truthfully fill the administered questionnaires. 2. Findings of this research could be useful to organisations as a reference point for future, in areas such as diversity programs and workplace management. Implications for Business Practices Can highlight variables of why organisations choose certain diversity programs. Companies can use the findings to start or improve their diversity programs. Sampled organisations can use this study to make up for their shortfalls. Limitations of this study 1. The study will comprise data from five selected organisations 2. Participating organisations will be limited 3. There is limited time to observe and investigate the participants 4. The primary data source is mainly by survey method and it lacks of objective facts. LITERETURE REVIEW History of Diversity in Organisations and Society Civil Rights movements and Acts in the early 1960s advocated for equal treatment for all individuals in society and the workplace. It became illegal for organisations to take part in acts that isolated employees from other on the base of ethnicity, race, colour, gender, religion, orientation, gender, origin, disability and age. Later governments require agencies to undertake affirmative measures to surmount past trends of exclusion and discrimination passed several acts. The various mandates abolished official policies that isolated certain type of employees and elevated expenses to organisations that did not apply fair employment systems. Laws remain an integral element of the legal tasks which organisations bear up to date. Despite significant progress, some organisations are still hostile to particular types of employees, and the progress to change is slow. Table 1 depicts a typical picture in many organizations where gender and age stereotype in quite conspicuous in the distribution of jobs or career occupations. Later on, organisations began to recommend guidance programs aimed at fostering the growth of more diverse organisational customs. Largely, diversity is the divergent attitudes, ideals, and culture among individuals based on ethnicity, race, colour, religion, origin, socioeconomic status, gender and orientation. Diversity is a sensitive issue and its discussions are under civil rights, reverse discrimination, Quotas, affirmative action, and racism. Many organisations have tended to avoid addressing the issues in order to avoid controversy. This reluctance has slowed progress and gains that would have accrued by now. Significant trends in the market place have caused the renewed focus on diversity namely the global market, drastic changes in labourforce, and an increasingly celebrated difference among employees. Earlier predispositions were for a “fit in’’ assimilation approach where employees were expected to fit into existing environments. Most managers maintained individuals who were different should adjust, and programs established to assist them through the process. It was familiar for supervisors to induct new employees on organisation culture. Managers held that their business culture adjusted over time in reaction to business realities, and it was reasonable for employees to conform. Evolution of Approaches to Diversity The significance of diversity constantly fluctuates partly because the idea is still evolving, and under challenging conditions. More people are searching for jobs today than several decades back. Business success emphasizes diversity instead of the moral necessity of earlier affirmative movements. Five approaches illustrate diversity evolution over the years and each with different assumptions. The five are the golden rule, righting and wrongs, assimilation, the culture-specific, and the multicultural approaches. The golden rule idea was to treat each person with respect. Accordingly, the only essential differences are personal differences. Assimilation approach advocated for grooming individuals to the dominant system in an organisation. This method has raised objections and conflict from people who feel they need to retain their favored style, dress, or ideals while working. This approach is poor since homogeneity could suppress the creativity and scope of view necessary to participate in today’s environment. The right the wrongs approach endeavor to tackle the historical prejudices that have steadily disadvantaged people in particular segments such as indigenous communities, disabled, and women. The culture-specific method frequently helps to prepare workers for international assignments. Information on customs and practices of a different culture suffice in order to change their conduct for that environment. Multicultural method entails raising the consciousness and approval of divergences connected with the custom and ideals of different segments. Diversity takes an extensive meaning that includes gender and ethnic groups. This method presumes that the company must adjust and customs must contain a broad array of employees. The precise aim is to reinforce the business by leveraging a collection of considerable differences. Managing the Next Phase of Diversity Managing diversity addresses more dimensions besides ethnicity and gender such as empowering all individuals in their work. Current approach sees diversity from the entire organisation perspective that involves how organisations plan takes place. Essentially, managing diversity is addressing the way organisations operate. This means establishing a work setting that let the people reach their maximum potential. Managing diversity needs not only individual conduct but rather, it necessitates a fundamental shift in the organisation’s approach of life and executing it takes years. Trends show that many companies are implementation diversity in their work setting although many more remain unreceptive. While most state agencies and quoted companies offer diversity training, about 40 percent of organisations do not provide training. A reasonable number of companies that claim to be ardent advocate for diversity lack statistics to support their claims. For example, only 30 percent of female staff holds managerial positions in Wal-Mart despite female employees comprising about 70 of the workforce. Benefits for Diverse Segments (Cafeteria Plan) Organisations tend to offer flexible benefits programs in order to contain the needs of workers. These benefit plans are widely known as cafeteria programs. These programs allow people to select the benefits according to their needs. Additionally, the program check benefits from wastage on workers who do not need them and hence lack motivational value. In the program, employees are given a core benefits offer of life and medical cover, sick off, and holiday (Bohlander & Snell, 2007, p. 473). This core benefits ensure that workers have a minimum point of coverage against sudden economic adversities. Employees get a number of credits that they can use to acquire other benefits they need. Corporations consider the numerous benefits that include gaining competitive edge in hiring and retention of workers and the capacity to adjust to a diversified workforce. Programs for Suggested Segments and Fitting Benefits Newly arrived immigrants are often an underutilized segment but a feasible workforce. Training is possibly one of the most essential benefits accessible to employees today. A study by the Boston Federal Reserve Bank, noted that while immigration is projected to make an enormous input to the growth of the country, the achievement comes at a cost because the gap between the average academic achievement of the immigrant and native is large. Smart employers have begun spending in on-site preparation programs to aid workers expand skills in math, technical and language they need to perform at work (Crain’s Chicago Business, 2001 p. 10). Forty-Seven of Fortune’s100 best organisations to work for incorporate domestic-partner allowances to same-sex partners (Levering and others, 2001 p. 22). Benefits to grow Executive Women can be quite beneficial to the society. They provide childbirth lessons and prenatal programs (Feeney, 2003 p. 82). Female enjoy reimbursements for childcare costs incurred because of work travel. Google founders trust that contented, employees will result in higher productivity (Raphael, 2003). The latest Generation appreciates flexibility in just about every feature of work. The value input time, workstations, and how monitoring takes place. Benefits that may attract this segment would be telecommuting, flexible time, and job allocation in projects with self-sufficiency. Pension plans are not a priority to this segment while on the other side, training is exceptionally important. Benefits such as subsidized/sponsored MBAs programs would attract this segment more than a retirement program. Family and personal occasions would be essential to this segment hence more off time and minimal overtime job would be appealing to this segment. Benefits for Older employees are important since many of the developing economies are experiencing an aging workforce. A recent study, (AARP-sponsored study), revealed that 69 percent of aging employees arrangement to work in their retirement period. Respondents cited soft-benefits such as ample time off and flexible programs. They also cited hard benefits such as health-care, pension and insurance benefits as important to their jobs (Cole and others, 2003 p.45). Older employees are anxious about health policies and thus they will look for organisations that provide medical insurance (Mullich, 2003 p. 50). RESEARCH METHOD Research Approach The primary data is the main source for assembling information for this study. Managers and staff in selected organisations filled about ninety-five questionnaires out of the one hundred issued. All the organisations in the selected sample will be those that have over 200 employees. Administration of questionnaires will be to employees and managers in the selected organisations. The study will be via a face-to-face interface. The method will guarantee that the interviewer can manage to get extra pertinent information. Expediency of research The interview method is practical since the questionnaire filling occurs at the organisation. This method will guarantee primary source validity although the study will use some secondary information. Since previous studies are limited, primary source remain the most sensible method. Ethical considerations Will request consent of interviewee before gathering data Will not change data provided by interviewees. Will maintain confidentiality of information Methodology The major goal of this research was to gain understanding of the programs management applies in achieving workforce diversity. The analysis compared the findings in order to address the issue of diversity. A qualitative research method was in use for exploratory reasons since there has been minimal information in this area of study. The questionnaire approaches was sufficient while secondary information was from trade journals and books. The questionnaires were structured and designed based on reviews and informal conversations. The questionnaire contained approximately 15 variables considered valuable for the study. Generally, the interviewees were supportive and eager about sharing their views. After the interview, the participants’ views underwent coding and scheduling. Five groupings with 20 variables were recognized. The categories include; Organisational characteristics associated with success of diversity programs Challenges facing implementation of diversity programs Strategies employed to sustain diversity programs Future trends in diversity programs Measurement For this study, two different questionnaires for staff and managers at the selected organisations were in place. The reason for this is to ensure that information collected is specific regarding the two segments. The questionnaire will have 15 questions that will comprise both open ended and close-ended questions. The method will be qualitative in character and adequate for the project. Data collection The study used a suitable sampling method where data gathering was from the ten organisations with over 200 employees. The allocations were five questionnaires for each of the organisations. The interview sessions proceeded over two successive weeks over weekdays at lunch break and after work. The questionnaires distribution to employees was random and managers in a few functional areas. Out of the 100 questionnaires distributed, 95 were collected. FINDINGS, DISCUSSION & IMPLICATIONS Demographic summary of respondents Table one highlight the results of the interviewees concerning demographic outline. Out of the 95 respondents, male respondents were for 65.2 percent while female were 34.8 percent. The average employee was 40 years with male at 42 years while female were 38 years. Of the total respondents, 70 percent were native whites, 15 percent nationals from Europe, 8 percent blacks, 5 percent were Asians and all the rest were 7 percent. Out of the total interviewed, only two percent were disabled, 55 percent were married, 30 percent unmarried and 10 percent were divorced, widowed or separated. About 85 percent of respondents were Christians, 5 percent were Muslims, three percent were Hindu, and the rest confessed other religions. Approximately 25 percent of the respondents had graduate certificate, 60 percent had degree certificate, 10 percent have middle- level college certificate while the rest reported other qualifications. About 30 percent had worked for over 5 years but below 10 in their current organisation, 40 percent had worked for between two and three years while 20 percent had worked for below two years while 10 percent had worked for over 10 years. Diversity programs Approximately 55 percent of the respondent indicated that their organisation have developed and implemented diversity programs over the past five years. About 45 percent think that their organisations have resourced and supported the diversity programs, 40 percent think organisation are not well resourced they have not while the rest are indifferent. Forty five percent of respondents think that the current programs are not sustainable and do not provide the best diversity plans while 30 percent think they are sustainable and ideal. Out of the total respondents, 35 percent are satisfied with their current diversity programs while about 40 percent are not. Sixty two percent of respondents think the programs are valuable are optimistic about future success of diversity programs while only 30 percent think otherwise. It is also imperative to mark that the application of interpretive analysis in this study recognizes relative importance of one attribute compared to the others. About 65 percent of the respondent think the cafeteria system is good for the diversity program but advice that the program need to identify and add more variables to make it more inclusive. Approximately 38 percent of the interviewed respondents think the current training is sufficient for knowledge and understanding of diversity while 50 percent think otherwise. Forty-two percent think the programs are critical for motivation and productivity but forty-five percent think otherwise. Interpretive breakdown brings to the fore some imperative findings. Most findings rate below average and hence the organisations will need to go back to the drawing board. Demographic data depicts a picture that needs more scrutiny. Although the figure largely represent close similarity between the proportions of variable representation in the organisation as compared to the population, the female representation if still much lower. The data represent a wide range of mix for experience, skills, age, disadvantaged segments, and nationality. The high average age represent a slightly older worker force that on one side represent the need for special consideration while on the other the need to prepare the organisation for retirements. CONCLUSION The growing diversity in the modern workplace calls for mean that benefits must keep pace. Employees will constantly look for benefits and so companies must keep pace of what standards exists among organisations in the way they package benefits to equal the workforce diversity. The changing diversity, imply that research on the subject will be an ongoing concern. The entire process is a learning experience and experts concur that attracting the best workers in the future work best with a defined benefit plan. Companies with poor retirement programs will be passed over by potential employees. In the near future, companies will be awarding their employees a set of benefits (cafeteria line); where they will select their benefits. This approach makes sense in a diverse workforce environment. It is apparent that diversity has a weighty consequence in the workplace. As the workforce maintain an upward growth, it is essential for companies to embrace relevant diversity implementation programs. Although many companies are adopting diversity, it is however far from attaining critical levels. RECOMMENDATIONS Knowledge of the benefits programs in other work settings will be helpful in developing the local cafeteria programs; this is an area that needs further research. An added area of recommended research might be on the list of best organisations to work for and see what benefits these organisations offer. In addition, a study of the 100 best organisations for women would be an ideal area of study. References Bohlander, George and Snell, Scott, Managing Human Resources, 14th edition, Thomson Publishing, 2007, p. 473. Clarke, R. L. (1995). Strength in diversity. Healthcare Financial Management, 49(10), 12-14. Cole, Caroline Louise; Gale, Sarah Fister; Greengard, Samuel and others, (2003). “25 trends that will change the way you do business,” Workforce, Vol. 82, No. 6, 43- 55. Crain’s Chicago Business (2001). “Factory owners striving to learn a new language,”Crain’s Chicago Business,Vol. 24, No. 27, 10-1., Feeney, Sheila (2003). “Employees find a field of family-friendly benefits,” Workforce,Vol. 82, No. 7, 81-83. Fine, M. G., Johnson, F. L., & Ryan, M. S. (1990). Cultural diversity in the workplace. Public Personnel Management, 19(3), 305-319. Hansen, Fay (2002). “Truth and myths about work/life balance,” Workforce, Vol. 81, No. 13, 34-39. Kiger, Patrick J. (2004). “A court decision isn’t likely to spur changes in partner benefits,” Workplace Management, Vol. 83, No. 2, 66-70. Levering, Robert and Milton Moskowitz, (2001). “The 100 best companies to work for,” Fortune, Vol. 143, No. 1, 22 pages. Mullich, Joe (2003). “They don’t retire them: theyhire them,” Workforce Management, Vol. 82, No. 13, 49-52. Raphael, Todd (2003). “At Google, the proof is in the people,” Workforce, Volume 82, Number 3, 50-51. Rasmussen, T. (1996). The ASTD trainer’s sourcebook: Diversity. New York, NY: McGraw- Hill. Talbot-Allen, L. (1995). Diversity in the workplace. CMA, 69(8), 3-6. 9(2), 201-206. Marshall, E. M. (1995). Transforming the way we work: The power of the collabourative workplace. New York, NY: AMACOM. Wentling, R. M., & Palma-Rivas, N. (1998). Current status and future trends of diversity initiatives in the workplace: Diversity experts’ perspective. Human Research Development Quarterly, 9(3), 235-253. Appendices Table 1 HOUSEHOLD DATA ANNUAL AVERAGES 9. Employed persons by occupation, sex, and age [In thousands] Occupation Total Men Women 16 years and over 16 years and over 20 years and over 16 years and over 20 years and over 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 Total 139,869 142,469 74,290 75,555 72,182 73,403 65,579 66,914 63,360 64,640 Management, professional, and related occupations 52,547 54,043 25,552 26,208 25,415 26,071 26,995 27,834 26,841 27,633 Management, business, and financial operations occupations 21,589 22,678 12,275 12,779 12,244 12,749 9,314 9,899 9,289 9,862 Management occupations 15,250 16,042 9,439 9,849 9,415 9,823 5,812 6,194 5,794 6,167 Business and financial operations occupations 6,339 6,636 2,837 2,931 2,829 2,926 3,503 3,705 3,495 3,695 Professional and related occupations 30,957 31,365 13,277 13,429 13,171 13,321 17,681 17,936 17,552 17,771 Computer and mathematical occupations 3,608 3,816 2,705 2,841 2,694 2,834 903 976 901 972 Architecture and engineering occupations 2,785 2,846 2,406 2,457 2,401 2,449 379 390 376 387 Life, physical, and social science occupations 1,303 1,316 687 720 684 719 616 596 615 590 Community and social service occupations 2,352 2,265 835 819 828 812 1,518 1,446 1,509 1,438 Legal occupations 1,770 1,786 889 885 887 884 881 901 879 898 Education, training, and library occupations 8,619 8,543 2,274 2,253 2,236 2,219 6,345 6,290 6,291 6,210 Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations 2,779 2,814 1,499 1,456 1,468 1,419 1,281 1,358 1,244 1,317 Healthcare practitioner and technical occupations 7,740 7,977 1,982 1,998 1,973 1,987 5,758 5,979 5,739 5,959 Service occupations 24,787 25,459 10,929 11,135 10,115 10,295 13,858 14,324 12,842 13,353 Healthcare support occupations 3,359 3,496 413 434 397 420 2,945 3,062 2,881 3,006 Protective service occupations 3,210 3,096 2,546 2,449 2,501 2,397 664 647 618 606 Food preparation and serving related occupations 7,747 8,018 3,534 3,648 2,987 3,111 4,213 4,370 3,571 3,765 Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations 5,492 5,591 3,359 3,430 3,232 3,286 2,133 2,160 2,086 2,109 Personal care and service occupations 4,979 5,258 1,077 1,173 998 1,080 3,902 4,085 3,686 3,866 Sales and office occupations 33,066 33,152 12,450 12,653 11,902 12,088 20,616 20,500 19,682 19,530 Sales and related occupations 15,330 15,457 7,733 7,922 7,401 7,565 7,597 7,535 6,936 6,841 Office and administrative support occupations 17,736 17,695 4,717 4,730 4,501 4,523 13,019 12,965 12,747 12,689 Natural resources, construction, and maintenance occupations 13,009 12,821 12,457 12,266 12,201 12,001 552 554 529 525 Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations 1,001 994 785 768 702 702 216 226 199 204 Construction and extraction occupations 7,125 7,005 6,962 6,832 6,846 6,707 163 173 160 166 Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations 4,883 4,821 4,710 4,666 4,654 4,592 173 156 170 155 Production, transportation, and material moving occupations 16,461 16,994 12,902 13,294 12,548 12,949 3,558 3,701 3,465 3,599 Production occupations 8,142 8,455 5,826 6,109 5,725 6,005 2,316 2,346 2,276 2,303 Transportation and material moving occupations 8,318 8,540 7,076 7,185 6,823 6,944 1,242 1,355 1,190 1,296 NOTE: Updated population controls are introduced annually with the release of January data. Sources: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Current population survey (US) Questionnaire Employee Diversity Benefit Program Questionnaire We are continuously determined to establish staff views regarding the organisations diversity benefit programs at the workplace. This evaluation is part of that practice. Kindly support us to do this by responding to the questionnaire. Organisation Name ................................................................................................................ Kindly submit the complete questionnaire by [15th April, 2013]. 1. PERSONAL DETAILS (optional) (These details are needed for communication purposes only and will not be divulged) Name: Occupation/profession Area of residence 2. CONTACT DETAILS (optional) Telephone: Email/website: This part is on personal particulars and therefore it is optional. Kindly tick/check the suitable boxes and append your observations where appropriate 3. Demographic Data Name (optional):_________________________________  Race/Ethnicity: ....................................... Number of yeas at current organisation: 1-2 3-5 6-10 More than 10 Kindly supply the following information about yourself: Age: under 16 16-34 35-54 55 and over Sex: male female Religion: Christian muslim Hindu others Kindly specify.............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Education level College cirtificate degree masters PHD Others Please specify...................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Type of work: managerial administrative clerical manual chef waiter/waitress other (specify) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What are your employment status/terms of employment? Permanent contract casual intern Others (specify) ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Notes: The above part regards demographics and is discretionary. The demographic information should be appropriate to the research objectives and should aim to the characteristics of the target audience. Please tick/check the proper boxes and substantiate remarks where appropriate. How many diversity benefit programs in the organisation are you aware of (name them) .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Have you participated in any of them? Yes No According to your own observation, are they helpful to the welfare of the employees( specify).................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... What kind of support does the management offer to employees diversity benefit programs(specify)........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Where do you see the diversity benefit programs in the next five years?(specify)..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 1. How often do you normally take off days or leave? Once a week up toper month once per year barely ever (kindly specify why) .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 2. How many days do you spend at the workplace in a week a week? 2 and below 3 up to 5 6 days 7 days Others (specify) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. Are there any other benefits apart from wages and salaries that you enjoy ?................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4. Kindly rate your English language ability Excellent average poor 5. How long (years) have you leaved in the country? Since I was born 1 & below 2-5 6-10 10-15 Above 16 years others (specify) ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6. Are there any other observations you would like to make: Regarding your current work environment --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Generally ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you for your cooperation and confidentiality will be upheld. Kindly get in touch if you would want us to pursue your remarks. Name ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Read More
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