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Visual Arts and Film Studies Visual Arts and Film Studies My Evaluation Form “Less is more”. This expression was adopted to describe an aesthetic tactic of bringing together many necessary components of a composition to create an impression of much simplicity. In this design, every element is enlisted to serve a multiple functional and visual purpose. This aspect is concentrated with doing more in less representation in the idea that time is an extensive theme. This aspect is hardly realized at the beginning of the term since much has to be covered and explored for its realization.
After a long time of struggling to get to the best model of visual representations, simplicity was realized as being the best art and that models were best represented in a simple manner than being complicated. It is not necessarily that an idea should contain a large number of elements. However, if the idea is made simple and clear, with an aesthetic sense, it can therefore be a good visual representation which fully communicates the intended message. This ideology is seconded by Alex Reuben who argued that, “simple is the best” and that “less is more” (Petersons (Firm: 2006- ), 2009. Pg.41).
Progression form This course has much emphasis on creative thinking. Besides the common skills of branding and printing, the newly developed aspect on creative thinking develops an innovative character in an individual. It can impact a bird’s sight which enables one to think beyond the field and observe things in a wider perspective. This aspect increases one’s sensitivity to all kinds of visual elements including billboards, visual effects banner and movie editing. Such visual elements are found to be much attractive and may draw one’s attention in his day to day life.
Progression is an important aspect in the life of a person. Most importantly, there is need to have a growing ambition, varying with different ages. For example, ate the age of six, my ambition was to be a cook. At seven I wanted to be a Napoleon. With much inspiration from the society, I would remain much ambitious and work towards the improvement of my art until I get to the diamond grading program in HK GIA in the month of July. According to Salvador Dali, intelligence without ambition is like a bird without wings.
It is important to seek motivation which enhances achievement of our aims. The near future was better comprised of a combination of creative thinking, visual language and an academic gemological knowledge in the luxury field (Petersons (Firm: 2006- ), 2009. Pg.56). Description of a Photography Booklet According to Cesare Pavese, we do not remember days, we remember moments. These can be remembered through pictures. Pictures can be taken on every occasion for the remembrance of the good or bad moments spend in a journey.
The total journey, for example, can be documented through captures on particular accessions or points within the journey. In this case, photography is used as an approach in the field of art whereby, all elements of art can be achieved. Such elements like texture, pattern, and line are portrayed within the pictures. Bibliography PETERSONS (FIRM : 2006- ). (2009). Petersons college guide for visual arts majors. Lawrenceville, N.J., Petersons.
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