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Performing and Visual Arts - Essay Example

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Visual and performing art can be defined through music with elements such as rhythm that comprises of divisions of beats music, which is shaped through patterns and meters. The other element is the tempo that refers to a rate of speed of beat music, and it is measured through…
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Performing and Visual Arts
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Performing and Visual Arts Performing and Visual Arts Definition of Visual and Performing Arts Visual and performing art can be defined through music with elements such as rhythm that comprises of divisions of beats music, which is shaped through patterns and meters. The other element is the tempo that refers to a rate of speed of beat music, and it is measured through numbers of beat per minute with a machine called metronome. Melody is another element, which is a substantial element in visual performing art, and it is described as the subject matter that inspires the music or series of sounds recognized.

The other element that can define visual and performance art is the timbre that refers to the quality or tone of an instrument or voice. There are different kinds of music such as the rich music, dark; in fact, the form of the music is determined by the musician in terms of the sounds. On the other hand, during the Baroque period there was a culmination of the masterworks from composers like J.S Bach and G.F Handel. There was a development of new styles of music during the mid-eighteenth century, which was facilitated by Bach and Handel.

Some of the developed musical styles were like the Rococo and pre-classical styles. During the Classic to Romantic, there was a discernment of these musical styles by composers such as Beethoven with symphonies, pianos and string quarters (Zuhur, 1988).Experience with the Visual and Performing ArtsAs a creator of visual and performance art, one uses numerous elements to depict their thoughts through music or painting. For example, there are two-dimensional objects established in painting or three-dimensional objects, where the artist employs different elements.

Moreover, from one point to the other is delineated by the elements in painting through the primary elements (Buck & Schoenberg, 2008). On the other hand, as a performer, one has a role of presenting their acts to the audience, and this can be scripted or unscripted, or it is random or orchestrated. It can also be planned or spontaneous and in some cases, the audiences are present or absent. Finally, the experience of an audience relates to the welcoming the performers, and there are instances where get involved actively in the performance and sometimes they are not witty.

Value of Studying the Visual and Performing ArtsThe value of visual and performing art relates to the knowledge and meaning that is offered which cannot be gathered from other sources and subjects. Moreover, the visual and performance art applies a perspective, which is based on judgment, invention, imagination (Reed, 2009). In fact, the integration of visual and performing art in education offers a chance for envisioning the set objectives and establishing a way of attaining them. However, it also establishes a way of identifying other alternative for evaluating, revising, solving problems, imagining and collaborating with other parties.

Humans Create or Participate in the Visual and Performing ArtsCreation and participation of human beings in visual and performing art facilitates the process of enriching lives in numerous ways, through entertainment, education; thus changing people’s perceptions towards the world. It also assists people to shape the future for their generations, for instance there are numerous ways in an artist can challenge the audience to develop other ways of thinking (Goldberg, 2007).Visual and Performing Arts Reflect or Influence SocietyVisual and performing art offers a reflection or influence in society in both positive and negative perspective.

Some of the positive perspective relates to integration with the education, while the negative perspective relates to cases such as the scenes that depict social taboos like nudity. Therefore, visual and performing art has an influence on the culture and cherished values that entail the beliefs and religion, personal and social identity.ReferencesBuck, K. & SchoenbergE. (2008). A Guide to College Choices for the Performing and Visual Arts. New York: Goldberg R. (2007). Performa: new visual art performance.

New York: Performa Zuhur, S. (1988). Images of Enchantment: Visual and Performing Arts of the Middle East. Cairo: American Univ in Cairo PressReed, S. (2009). College Guide for Visual Arts Majors Petersons College Guide for Visual Arts Majors. New York: Petersons.  

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