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The Goya Painting This painting immediately made me think of the War on Terrorism that the United Sates is currently having with the Middle East. Although it made me think of a current conflict, I knew that the painting was about an older war. The central figure in the paining if the man in the white shirt and yellow pants holding his arms outstretched. This man stands out because of the colors that Goya used in the man's clothing. In the central figure, Goya used the bright and light colors of white and yellow while the other figures are wearing darker colors that cause them to fall into the background.
Also, by outstretching the man's hands, Goya has brought more attention to the central figure whereas the other figures are crouched down and small. The last way that Goya brought attention to the central figure is through light and shadow. The use of light and shadow is very important in that Goya used bright light to bring the central figure to the viewers attention while the other figures and the building are in shadow pushing them into the background. Light and shadow is also used to get the feeling or message of the painting across to the viewer.
In this case, the gunmen are darker and dangerous looking because they are in the shadows more. The feeling is that the gunmen have a dark intent and the man in the light is innocent and does not deserve to be in the current circumstance and the light cast on the slaughtered gentleman also creates a feeling that the killing was unnecessary. I feel sad and horrified when viewing Goya's work because the paining gives me a feeling that any armed conflict between anyone is horrifying and unnecessary.
It is clear from this painting that Goya is against war, armed conflict, and, in particular, violence. Goya obviously does not care for violence and the death associated with violence the violence of war. This is clear by the feelings this paining portrays and by the depiction of the gunmen as apposed to those on the opposite side of the guns. The people being shot at look distraught and innocent as show no reason why they should be held at gunpoint. The gunmen have a dangerous and dark feel to them portraying the intent of shoot to kill with no remorse.
The portrayal of horror and unnecessary death as a result of the violence of war is picture well in Goya's painting. Political Cartoon The political cartoon I chose was from the 2006 Florida Today newspaper. The Republican Senate candidate for Florida, K. Harris, is talking to the reporters while the Republican GOP is standing behind her holding a long ten-foot pole outstretched that barely misses her. K. Harris is stating to the reporters that she never pays attention to the polls. This cartoon is tapping into the clich of "you can't touch me with a ten foot pole.
" This cartoon is also using a play of words between "pole" and "poll". The message that this cartoonist is trying to convey is that K. Harris is not following the demands of the Republican GOP and the republican GOP does not like her stance she is taking on the issues. The Republican GOP is not in support of K. Harris and would not touch her with a ten-foot pole. I believe that the cartoonist is not in support of K. Harris because K. Harris is being portrayed as a smug and ignorant candidate.
The Republican GOP's portrayal of is anger at K. Harris in the cartoon also gives me reason to believe that the cartoonist is not in support of the candidate. This cartoon is mainly stating the facts that K. Harris is not following the Republican GOP as the republican candidate and that the GOP is angry with her and does not support her. This cartoonist; therefore, seems to not support K. Harris as well.
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