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The Journalistic Functions and Values: Objectivity and Autonomy - Essay Example

The paper "The Journalistic Functions and Values: Objectivity and Autonomy" highlights a characteristic of the digital era in journalism. This is the concept of being able to have a link to additional information. It can be used as a way of pleasing the skeptical public…
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CRITICAL ASSESSMENT OF DIVERSE PERSPECTIVES ON HOW TECHNOLOGY HAS BEEN INCORPORATED INTO JOURNALISM PRODUCTION AND PRESENTATION By Students name Course Professor University State Date Introduction Any time novel technology is expected to play a role in the media evolution, scholars, researchers, and business practitioners all takes part in prophesying revolution game. The entry of this kind of new technology is surrounded with myths, as well as, revolutionary powers. For instance, the television, telephone, radio and computers introduction were all sounded with mythical pronouncements based on the will result in the end of history, politics and geography (Pavlik, 2000). However, all these technology advancements did not alter the globe dramatically as assumed. Technology am media has also experienced advancement and changes and these elements that constitutes the news have not changed, the delivery and reception has had a dramatic change in the past 25 years. The area around news collaboration, gathering and reporting has been affected most by technology. Some of the most memorable aspects relating to journalism include ;use of typewriters, leaving messages at the hotel reception desk and the snail mail gathering among others (Steensen, 2011). The production of news and journalism in general have been analysed widely, but the available discussion on the effects of novel technologies and news working system have been explored from a distance. There are frameworks that have been provided by the sociological standpoints on news production and presentation and helps in the comprehension of the cultural production and difficulties that journalist encounters and how the final product of news is impacted (Pavlik, 2000). Currently the digital technology , wireless connectivity and use of smart phones has helped the manner in which a reporter can be able to capture news as it is taking place and transmit it to the public with a short period. There are many tools that have changed the way journalism is produced and presented and more so the face of communicating news and the change in the information resource in general. Some of these changes include; podcast, YouTube, digital audio recorders and camera among others (Saltzis, and Dickinson, 2008). In order to get a clear picture of these transformation this paper seeks to use digital aspects and age as an example in order to present diverse perspectives on how technology has been incorporated in journalism production. Technology in the news room The role of technology in the news room has been seen to have under theorised aspects there is a developing number of studies that offers people with a significant finding that assist in comprehending that kind of transformations that are taking place inside the contemporary news rooms. The novel communication technology advancements being experienced in the modern society have brought along key benefits among the journalist organizations (Steensen, 2011). On the other hand they have also led to the emergence of challenging demarcation lines within the journalist workplace. One of these key areas is on the multiskilling and multitasking of journalist. There are arguments underway that the nature of work done by journalist is a gradual change. For instance, the introduction of computers in newspaper news room made the work of journalist and editors to increase and made the traditional roles repetitive at the same time. Inside the TV news, production equipment’s has resulted into the promise of a one person news collection on the basis of the idea of multi-skilled crewing (Steensen, 2011). Management led economic decisions are linked with the issue of multi skilled journalism and not as a result of a simple technological determinism (Kawamoto, 2003). Cost reduction is likely to be enhanced within the news room through increased emphasis on multiskilling, but also raises important concerns on quality reduction of the news output due to increased workloads. There are also some development that can be liked with this practice such as increased flexibility among the journalist when it comes to speeding up tasks like data search, information accessibility and accessibility to journalists themselves. All these changes discussed above reflects to current working procedures although there is another form of convergence that impacts on the contemporary news rooms. As an increasing number of news organizations are developing their presence in the digital journalism and other form of journalism there is also the rise of a new audience. Digital journalism In the past decade the internet and digital mode of journalism have resulted into radical changes to the media business and journalists at large. The platforms used for journalist content distribution have flourished, with technological developments that have led media companies to revamp their functionalities in certain times that they try to continue being lucrative and significant, while journalists function in an ever faster-paced industry. In the current society people are living in is overloaded with information. This implies that almost everybody can access news everywhere throughout the world whenever. This has been encouraged to by expanded number of news sites and bundle of TV and radio (Kawamoto, 2003). Subsequently, the media business will undoubtedly make certain acclimations to this sort of digitalized news. Novel devices needs novel aptitudes from essayists and editors. This will enable the in cease of demands and interaction and production in a favourable way to the customers. In this case those people that supplies information must be able to consider new technologies to be able to please new consumer standards (Hermida, 2013). Technology affects almost every aspect of the society and does so to journalism as well. The web has been a wellspring of concern in terms of threat, but as an opportunity since the popularization of the web. Therefore, the digital age is characterised by; Interactivity, which implies that one can make use of the part of the news encounter. The other feature is content customization. In this case users can choose on their own to what extent or level of content they need to be exposed. This can be done by either pulling or pushing content. Hypertextuality is another very important feature where it touches on the hyperlinks that assist in adding additional information to an article. The final feature is the Multimodality or convergence. This the issue related to telling a story online across diverse media formats. That is text, picture and sound can be coordinated in a solitary story. The features discussed above have an influence on the practice of journalism. This simply means the way journalist collect and present information. As stated earlier in this ear journalistic practices news new skills and take up new duties as well in order to enable the public have an increased control over his or her actions into account (Örnebring, 2010). The meaning of classic journalism is affected by these changes which have seen journalism being transformed in new ways. These transformations comprise of; One of the transformation is that news is increasingly becoming convergent and fluid. This means that there is an increased flow in news, constant updates, its publication with loads of multimedia feature, storytelling is changing and hyperlinking of content in any format. In addition, news is getting to be alert and can be purchased on request and be redone as well. In another case, journalist have acquired new tools to work with. Some of these include email and powerful search engines. Through these tools it is easy and possible to create a mobile work place (Westlund, 2013). It is also notable that journalist spend less time in the field now that he or she has almost every tool at and in the office and it becomes easy to wok up to a due date. Moreover, the procedure is affixing because of processing and uniting advances that enables them to more than solely writing and collecting information (Bardoel, and Deuze, 2001). Decentralization and flexibility of the news room has become possible now that the editors and editors in chief structures have flattened (Thurman, and Walters, 2013). Finally, a larger population is served easily and quickly by a journalist because their functionality is no more bound to geographical boundaries. The general public is increasingly becoming informed as a result of the world access to news (Scott, 2005). As a result of the interactive tools available the relationship between the public and journalist has improved as they can be able to fulfil the wish of the public is to be heard. Therefore, it is clear that what changes is the news convergence, tools used by journalist, the public and the newsroom (Wallace, 2013). The implication is that a journalist has to be able to multitask and be able to produce content that can be used in different media platforms (Deuze, 2003). New technologies have enabled the work of journalist easier compared to the past decade where materials for storytelling and report were hard to use. The audience has also increased and it has also become easier to reach this audience with not much complexities. On the other hand, the public is at large disappearing regarding geological limits in one hand and littler in another as a result of small communities that have interest in specialized information (Ursell, 2001). Therefore, journalist must meet high standards and be in a position to be able to filter between relevant from irreverent issue due to the sky rocketing amount of information. Digitalization of journalism has enhanced consolidation, cross ownership deals, and vertical integration in the media sector (Erdal, 2009). In addition, digitalization, looks like its enforcing traditional difficulties within the media markets although this is far from being an opportunity for increased variety and plurality. In summary a journalist must be flexible act as filter and be conversant with the style of writing nonlinear, integrate multimedia formats and develop positive interaction with the public. Journalism revisiting Shaping processes of journalism production and its products can be discussed under the manner in which the novel media features impact on the classical journalist functions (Deuze, 2004). The shaping of these process can be seen in contributions in information, feedback and rectification as well as being open to discussion. It is clear that contribution from the public can be even more beneficial for an even more complete certain topic convergence or simply connecting the public to the medium (Erdal, 2009). Numerous Journalist urges this disposition coordinated to the general population. For this situation a columnist quits being a data supplier since one way correspondence changes into a two way correspondence (Hermida, 2013). The Hypertextuality was regarded as a characteristic of the digital era in journalism. This sis the concept of being able to have a link to additional information. It can be used a way of pleasing the sceptical public and it is advisable to open about sources. To be in a position to know the kind of information to trust is a crucial aspect because there is an increase in information being produced and presented. This does not change as much a capacity, as it changes the position of columnists (Cottle, and Ashton, 1999). There is challenge on the authority by the accumulative resistor general society can have. Keeping in mind the end goal to be gathered as goal and sensible, a writer needs to share his or her data in a much more credible way. Multimediality basically brings changes in the way a story is told. There are multiple formats that can be used in presenting a solitary story. The journalist has a role to make sure only the adequate ones are used in order to counter boredom and zapping among the public (Pavlik, 2013). The composition should be optimal for it to be able to get some attention from other information providers such as consumers who does the same. Nowadays it is clear that journalism has to be based on more than just reporting or writing (Himelboim, and McCreery, 2012). The field has to be able to apply audio visual materials resulting from new technology also, recognize on the most ideal approaches to depict pictures and sound that will do some equity to the story being presented. Therefore, these techniques necessitates increased skills of a journalist. As highlighted earlier customization of content or public control is distributed to all other features. This brings in the bottom line which is that the public is the one that decides on what is the news and balanced reports to be collected and this weakens the function a journalism of serving democracy (Fenton, 2010). There are numerous websites and different news media that contains a wide range of assorted news messages and makes it difficult to venture into an agreement also (Carey, 1974). The general population ate the end of the day chooses what they need to peruse watch or listen to. This is because it is possible to follow the news at any time of the day the public decides on what to be exposed to it. The implication here is that journalists are no longer in a position to force something as much as they used to. Their position esteem the esteem as a general public guard dog has gone down over the previous years. Right now, it has gotten to be hard to get the message through because of a cluster of them and the disconnected open is mindful in disparate issues. In general it is notable that the introduction of digital production both in publishing and broadcasting the speed of production procedures has increased as a whole. The technology gives journalist with a chance to produce and present news in a quick way making it possible for distribution and coverage of news within a reduced period of time. On the other hand, now that journalist are able to multi task, it implies that they are able to spend more time on a certain story if it was done by two highly specialised workers. On the whole though, there is a consensus that production of news has become faster. Conclusion The journalistic functions and values have always been quite steady. These values are aspects such as objectivity, autonomy, ethics, and immediacy while the functions comprise of democracy service, being a watchdog, providing information and setting an agenda. The values are not likely to be altered by technology because they usually differentiates journalist from writers. However, the capacities are liable to change as a consequence of the novel advanced components which are customization, Multimediality, Hypertextuality and interactivity. These functions changes journalism in four ways namely convergence, journalist tools, newsroom hierarchy and the public notion. All these changes impacts on the practice of journalistic work as the novel characteristics presents a new significance to novel ways of actions. It is also notable that the journalistic values remain do not change as indicated earlier, but with increased emphasis on independence and immediacy. This implies that journalist will continue telling their stories with an aim of capturing the attention of a particular public by being impartial and report truthfully. However, they will be required to report more instantaneous in order to avert consumers from reading it on other sources. The other aspects of great importance is the Independency and remaining impartial because the explosion of groups such as blog postings with a specific angle and meaning is rampant as well. Reference List Bardoel, J. and Deuze, M., 2001. 'Network journalism': converging competencies of old and new media professionals. Australian journalism review, 23(2), p.91. Carey, J.W., 1974. The problem of journalism history. Journalism History, 1(1), p.3. Cottle, S. and Ashton, M., 1999. From BBC newsroom to BBC newscentre: On changing technology and journalist practices. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 5(3), pp.22-43. Deuze, M., 2003. The web and its journalisms: considering the consequences of different types of newsmedia online. New media & society, 5(2), pp.203-230. Deuze, M., 2004. What is multimedia journalism 1? Journalism studies, 5(2), pp.139-152. Erdal, I.J., 2009. Cross-media (re) production cultures. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 15(2), pp.215-231. Fenton, N., 2010. Drowning or waving? New media, journalism and democracy. New media, old news. Journalism & democracy in the digital age, pp.3-16. Hermosa, A., 2013. # Journalism: Reconfiguring journalism research about Twitter, one tweet at a time. Digital Journalism, 1(3), pp.295-313. Himelboim, I. and McCreery, S., 2012. New technology, old practices Examining news websites from a professional perspective. Convergence: The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, 18(4), pp.427-444. Kawamoto, K. ed., 2003. Digital journalism: Emerging media and the changing horizons of journalism. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. Örnebring, H., 2010. Technology and journalism-as-labour: Historical perspectives. Journalism, 11(1), pp.57-74. Pavlik, J., 2000. The impact of technology on journalism. Journalism Studies, 1(2), pp.229-237. Pavlik, J.V., 2013. Innovation and the Future of Journalism. Digital journalism, 1(2), pp.181-193. Saltzis, K. and Dickinson, R., 2008, May. Inside the changing newsroom: journalists' responses to media convergence. In Aslib Proceedings (Vol. 60, No. 3, pp. 216-228). Emerald Group Publishing Limited Scott, B., 2005. A contemporary history of digital journalism. Television & New Media, 6(1), pp.89-126. Steensen, S., 2011. Online journalism and the promises of new technology: A critical review and look ahead. Journalism Studies, 12(3), pp.311-327. Thurman, N. and Walters, A., 2013. Live blogging–digital journalism’s pivotal platform? A case study of the production, consumption, and form of live blogs at Guardian. co. uk. Digital Journalism, 1(1), pp.82-101. Ursell, G.D., 2001. Dumbing down or shaping up? New technologies, new media, new journalism. Journalism, 2(2), pp.175-196. Wallace, S., 2013. The complexities of convergence Multiskilled journalists working in BBC regional multimedia newsrooms. International Communication Gazette, 75(1), pp.99-117. Westlund, O., 2013. Mobile news: A review and model of journalism in an age of mobile media. Digital Journalism, 1(1), pp.6-26. Read More

Digital journalism In the past decade the internet and digital mode of journalism have resulted into radical changes to the media business and journalists at large. The platforms used for journalist content distribution have flourished, with technological developments that have led media companies to revamp their functionalities in certain times that they try to continue being lucrative and significant, while journalists function in an ever faster-paced industry. In the current society people are living in is overloaded with information.

This implies that almost everybody can access news everywhere throughout the world whenever. This has been encouraged to by expanded number of news sites and bundle of TV and radio (Kawamoto, 2003). Subsequently, the media business will undoubtedly make certain acclimations to this sort of digitalized news. Novel devices needs novel aptitudes from essayists and editors. This will enable the in cease of demands and interaction and production in a favourable way to the customers. In this case those people that supplies information must be able to consider new technologies to be able to please new consumer standards (Hermida, 2013).

Technology affects almost every aspect of the society and does so to journalism as well. The web has been a wellspring of concern in terms of threat, but as an opportunity since the popularization of the web. Therefore, the digital age is characterised by; Interactivity, which implies that one can make use of the part of the news encounter. The other feature is content customization. In this case users can choose on their own to what extent or level of content they need to be exposed. This can be done by either pulling or pushing content.

Hypertextuality is another very important feature where it touches on the hyperlinks that assist in adding additional information to an article. The final feature is the Multimodality or convergence. This the issue related to telling a story online across diverse media formats. That is text, picture and sound can be coordinated in a solitary story. The features discussed above have an influence on the practice of journalism. This simply means the way journalist collect and present information.

As stated earlier in this ear journalistic practices news new skills and take up new duties as well in order to enable the public have an increased control over his or her actions into account (Örnebring, 2010). The meaning of classic journalism is affected by these changes which have seen journalism being transformed in new ways. These transformations comprise of; One of the transformation is that news is increasingly becoming convergent and fluid. This means that there is an increased flow in news, constant updates, its publication with loads of multimedia feature, storytelling is changing and hyperlinking of content in any format.

In addition, news is getting to be alert and can be purchased on request and be redone as well. In another case, journalist have acquired new tools to work with. Some of these include email and powerful search engines. Through these tools it is easy and possible to create a mobile work place (Westlund, 2013). It is also notable that journalist spend less time in the field now that he or she has almost every tool at and in the office and it becomes easy to wok up to a due date. Moreover, the procedure is affixing because of processing and uniting advances that enables them to more than solely writing and collecting information (Bardoel, and Deuze, 2001).

Decentralization and flexibility of the news room has become possible now that the editors and editors in chief structures have flattened (Thurman, and Walters, 2013). Finally, a larger population is served easily and quickly by a journalist because their functionality is no more bound to geographical boundaries. The general public is increasingly becoming informed as a result of the world access to news (Scott, 2005). As a result of the interactive tools available the relationship between the public and journalist has improved as they can be able to fulfil the wish of the public is to be heard.

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