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Technology, Culture and Power Global Perspectives - Essay Example

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The main focus of the paper   "Technology, Culture and Power Global Perspectives" is on circumvent on the product of globalization and technology basing the argument on the magnitude of growth and development, virtual media and on competition of firms…
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Technology, Culture and Power Global Perspectives
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Technology as a Center Stage for Globalization and Development College: Technology as a Center Stage for Globalization andDevelopment To What Extent Is Technology At The Center Of Globalization Processes And Developments? Introduction The researcher investigates and shows a close linkage or inter-connection of technological advancement to economic, social and political globalization of nations. Globalization is defined as an act of interconnecting the nations based on increased political, social and economic ties. In a nutshell, the world has become a global village based on trading activities, tourism, transportation as well as factor inputs mobility just to highlight a few examples (Chapman, 2005). There is a clear distinction between the modern world and the traditional world, and this distinction traces its inception and origin from technological advancement. Pre-modern world social life was driven by people presence which has shifted to modern world where transaction is no longer pegged at presence. Virtual media drives social networks in a matter of seconds. E-marketing is driving trade and online selling and buying is only done via a mere computer or smartphones commands. Globalization has both pros and cons based on which framework one would focus his analytical tools. Mass media stands tall as the immediate driving force behind the impactful technology. The investigator will show closer relationships between globalization and technology to which, some scholars describe to bear a reciprocal feature to one another. The paper will thus circumvent on the product of globalization and technology basing the argument on the magnitude of growth and development. Competition of firms has been shaped by technology making firms that are unable to adapt to daily competitive trends close down as a result of lack of sales (Castells, 1996). In is no news, globalizations and technology are intertwined and any countries current ability to develop depends wholly on updating their technology as they are prone to obsoleteness at a rapid rate. The paper will thus be subdivided into three developmental global sections; technology and economy, technology and politics, technology and social life to help dig deeper on technology as the benchmark for rapid rate of globalization Technology and Economic Development Global Trade Global Trade refers to the exchange of good and services beyond a county’s boundary. Globalization of international trade has become inevitable for any firm. Multinational organizations such as Coca Cola, Apple, and McDonald’s companies have massively benefited from globalization (Herman & Machesney, 1997). This results from the increased knowledge about manufacturing systems and distributions that are technologically driven (International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, 2008). Franchising is made possible with management tacked via the use of installed technology tracking systems. Business ideas are incubated and transformed to valuable internationally traded goods and services. Increased markets .in foreign nations have eliminated cases of inventory accumulation thus facilitating daily production of greater outputs. Economic integrations are made possible via the use of technology which facilitates factor inputs and finished products influx into various nations with reduced trade barriers thus increased sales volume that do not necessary require physical movements. Business outsourcing based on international or global trade is achieved making specialization very easy as firms only produce high quality technology driven commodities to specific oversees segments and particular niches (Johnson & Wetmore, 2008). Antiques sales have received major boost based on advancement in technology as orders are made and goods delivered without calls for one to move and inspect good as inspections is made possible via online devices that saves to technology. Virtual media forms such as blogs and virtual communities such as Facebook’s and company websites have enabled information search about a company products and orders are placed followed by goods delivery. Global marketing Traditional forms of marketing that involved promotional techniques that were characterized by physical movements are no longer appealing. With technology particularly the mass media means such as television and via the use of virtual communities such as Facebook have been globally used to market online. Reduction in costs such as travelling and distribution through prolonged distribution channels has been noted (Kargon & Molella, 2008). E-marketing has increase market power by such global firms which have invested so much in research and developments based on technological advancement. Modern market serves a wider coverage at a glance and is quite appealing as demonstration on a particular product in terms of its usage and side effects via the use of television, Smartphones as well as the use of internet. On-line selling and buying of good are on a global perspective made possible. Firms have saved much cost that could have been spent in staffing sales persons and marketers that proved expensive in cases one has to fly to oversee nations. Segmentation position and targeting market is facilitated by the technology advance as research is electronically conducted and specific niches that are more appealing to a particular firm’s product are distributed or can be produced in one nation and through massive development in infrastructure delivered to a foreign nation. Increase use of better search engines employed by marketers makes it very easy via the company websites for retrieval of information about companies’ brands. In essence economic growth and developments are embedded on ability of a given nation to globally open its market to traders. Foreign Exchange Markets Spot markets, futures, forward and options are pegged on technology. Hedgers and speculators cannot conduct their trade without advancement in technology. Hedging involves comparing the currencies of a particularly nation to another. A hedger will via the use of the internet, inspect the country’s exchange rates, and buy foreign currency in a cheaper nation and immediately within minute sell it in other country with better exchange rates thereby making profits in minutes. Speculators on the other hand, keeps close checks on the spot market trends and conduct business on futures, forwards or option markets (Hassan, 2008). This is made available based on electronic currency transfer based on interconnections of global banks. Money laundering as also been driven by technology as they also buy from cheaper global nations and sell via more lucrative markets to make profits. It is the technology via the internet; social media forms as well as company’s websites. Economic Development of nations are closely attached to foreign exchange markets through stabilization of interest rates and price stability. Labor Market A country development is determined by the type of the workforce. Skilled labor force is attached to quality and increased output as determined by productivity of skilled workers. Globalization has led to increased labor outsourcing as well as facilitating labor mobility across the nations. With increased labor influx, nations have rapidly developed economically in terms of quality product that directly match the consumers expectation and hence eliminating higher cost of warehousing and its associated fund withholding which would otherwise minimize production as the accumulated inventory has to be sold fast. The use of just in time (JIT), in manufacturing is also attached to technology through increased knowledge that has led to innovation of software that track and manage inventories. Investment Economic development is based on GDP growth through the investment multiplier. Investor pay keen attention on the countries’ economic news updates made t mass media, virtual media as well as checking on competitive actions based on these websites. Globalization has shaped the current manner of investment based analysis of countries barriers to trade, infrastructural devilment, and price stability, availability of raw material, cheap foreign labor force and effectiveness of determine. Assessment of these factors has been achieved via the technology drive research and development either through internet or via principal-agent relationship. Report following such researches will saw massive local investment by foreign companies into particular countries. These credible investors will invest based on advanced technology that produce quality goods in cheap-resource nations and may sell locally or abroad in nations that will be more beneficial. This is based on mass media advertisement as well as virtual media that have offered massive potential customers coverage. The result is a developed nations both infrastructural as well as social since supportive firms such as insurance and banks will agglomerate which further creates employment opportunities to either local or foreign workers. Technology and Social Life Social Networks Social networks have rapidly been influenced by technological advancement. Globally, people are interconnected based on virtual communities ranging from Facebook, Twitter and Yutube. Social life transaction has shifted from the physical presence to electronic presence. Interactive forums based on openness of virtual communities have enabled online interactive segments. People are globally interconnected and daily idea generation is made possible. Countries’ social interconnections are increasing resulting to social networks integration of countries which results into peaceful coexistence presenting a platform for development. Standards of living have increased as more employment opportunities have been created based on increased job availabilities for website developers as well as software programmers. Crime Mitigation Increased social knowledge being drawn social media as shaped the identity of individuals. More information on a global perspective can be easily retrieved via the use of internet. Blogging is made possible and this has put the authorities on toes as brutal actions are revealed to the and hence such criticisms have served to be for public interest leading to increased peaceful coexistence of nations. Terrorism has been brought down based on the use of technological devices such as the uses of satellites that are able to detect proactively saving such impending dangers have being validated (Talalay, Farrands & Tooze, 1996). Global peace is thus being controlled through the internet intelligence interconnections amongst nation have been interconnected and thus a foreign country might detect a planned terror activities in an oversee country and help control via preventive measures which saves to technology developing in information and communication sector. Global Cultural Integration Cultural integration has been a major achievement arising from technological development. Traditional way of life as changed based on the awareness creation based on the massive coverage via mass media in a global perspective. Pre-modern cultural ties that could even make one to resist positive change I life such as failure to comply with medication are been brought to lowest level, this had negative impacts on individual health as they were attached deterioration in heath stocks. Sensitization has made it easy for the elimination of racial segregation where, gender as well as a long the disability lines. Through social media and mass media, many groups have come out strongly to opposes racial, sex and disable discrimination in every field including, workplaces, schools and in political fields which has brought about sense of equity in different walks of life. This has translated to developments both economically through employment and socially via increased peace amongst nations. Global Entertainment Music, movie, film production as well as written educative texts are post via the social media, electronic and mass media. These entertainment materials are globally read, watched or listened to (Kargon& Molella, 2008). The entertainment is a vital contributive industry to economic and social development based as it shapes global culture and through money paid for this material it acts as a country’s source of revenue through taxations as well as at income at individual level. People various cultural are reflected through these cinematic films such Alien Science Fiction, Hollywood as well as various songs. People are able to watch these movies, listen to songs and download for future use via search engines and various websites. Global integration is thus made possible without necessarily requiring one to travel to such countries (Harvey, 2000). Foreign languages have thud been learnt via the increased advancement in technology as people only need to have internet enable smartphones, desktops or laptops to access online libraries. This thus makes it easy for individual to transact when they travel abroad. This has led even to economic growth and development both socially and economically. Technology and Global Political Development Political Campaigns On a global perspective, any successful campaign is influenced by mass media. Political campaigns usually aim at attracting more coverage at a time. Rallies held all over the world have become digitalized ranging from political manifestos read online, through print media, virtual communities as well as live coverage on televisions. Political parties that are able to ensure media coverage is explored and utilize will attract more supporters as decision making on who to vote for will be pegged at how well one can market his manifestos on a wider coverage. Elections have been are being observed by international observers via the globalization and integration of countries. To some extent foreign countries ensures securities and fairness and transparency in election via sending their representatives as well as global election observers. World digitalization requires is focused on the close of 2015 to globally integrate the nations so as to enhance intergovernmental and citizens communications (Alexanian, 2006). Virtual communities have thus helped the bloggers to spread propagandas against their political rivals which has worked making masses develop disloyalty about some candidates. It is in effect noted that any achievement based on vote seeking would not be met for a candidate who ignores mass media to build on his reputation. Good Governance Transparency is very vital for the realization of good governance in a global scene based on application of mass media. A digitalized nation will be able to use various technological devices to convey key information to its masses. Information is said to be power and ability of individual to get accessed to valid information is of greater attachment development (Appadurai, 1997). Foreign donors will only accept transparency in utilizations of funds released for particular projects. Corruption some governments have been leaked via the actions of journalist and bloggers. These revelations have served to realize good governance due to fear of leakages which reputes the current regime which may explode to demonstration in a country. When such happens, such countries may face economic sanctions from the donor countries but this is feared and hence countries would try to ensure better and transparent government which results to economic growth and development. Good and stable government attracts foreign investors who further avail funds through taxation and domestic employment as well as quality products (Deibert, 1997). The revenues collected are thus diverted to other sectors by the government stakeholder to further curb regional country imbalance. It is therefore worth noting that mass media directly defines whether a country will be governed well. A neutral media is required in any nation to act as a watchdog to the government actions. Nations with least media freedom are prone to poor governance as their darkly acts remain under the shelf and will never reach the public, which results into stagnant economic development. Economic Integration Economic integration refers to trade blocs that are formed amongst countries on a global coverage. Technological advancement has facilitated global integration such Custom Union, EU and PTA. This has facilitated mobility of factor inputs and people within these nations leading to economic growth and development (Stefik, 1999). Technology has been used to enhance security in such countries on a global perspective. Mass media contribute to this integration during their meetings which are either covered live or are reported. The policies made during such meeting are conveyed to the citizens either via electronic media, internet or virtual communities. With increased economic integration traders do not necessarily have to move to conduct their transaction. Technology has been used to print same currency and harmonize trade barriers as seen by the EU. Citizens are thus able to export and import goods they feel will best maximize their utilities at affordable prices. Specialization is thus taken a center stage as electronic manner transfer via the internet is aiding supply and distribution of specific goods without physical movement. Containerization and transshipment is aided this global integration making governments to import whatever they need based on government to government tendering contracts. Governments are thus able to meet their citizen needs based on the revenues arising from these transactions (Thussu, 2006). Political stability has thus globally been attained amongst the members of the integration as each nation tends to care for their overseas investment. Mobilization of the membership is electronically done via the use of each country provided website. Development have this politically been achieved as integration promote good governance and will come in during challenges of political conflicts. Conclusion Global interconnectedness is the main driving force behind rapid economic growth and development. Investigation has revealed a close interconnection between technology and globalization process and development. Technology has been attached to political, economic and social developments (Dovey, 2003). Technology-driven nations that employs particularly mass media in its transaction has to a greater extent globally developed based on marketing, trading, peaceful coexistence awareness and mobilization as well as economic development. Firms’ market share and power draws close attachment to electronic marketing which is based on mass media and the use of modern such engines that appeals and reduces time spent on retrieving vital information about a particular brand and service. Global trade is thus a driving force for development and it is determined by the extent to which a country is digitalized. Social network amongst various countries’ citizens has rapidly developed leading to a rise in common culture that has led to increased social relationships. Many people can thus communicate to their friends and relatives in foreign nations easily as opposed to a traditional word (Appadurai, 1997). Virtual communities are used as the framework upon which socialization is pegged. Cash remittances from relatives working abroad has also been facilitated via technological advancement. Political stability within a country determines various economic and social activities that can be undertaken. Globalization is also rapid in a politically stable country than unstable countries. Mass media drives globalization based on rapid rates of information flow amongst stakeholder in a global perspective. Based on the research conducted, it is therefore worth noting that inventions and innovation in technology have greater attachments on globalization amongst the world’s nations. To this end, globalization and technology are attached to each other on several aspects as discussed ranging from trade, social relationships to political stabilities among nations. Globalization is pegged at technology and the researcher firmly validates the statement that technology has to greater extent been the immediate driving force for the current world’s global village (Flew, 2007). The paper is sum up on a strong encouragement of nations that have not opened up for globalization to take a step and open up their markets for globalization as this comes with better packages as discussed. Reference Alexanian, J.A. (2006) ‘Publicity Intimate Online: Iranian Web Logs in Southern California’, Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Appadurai, A. (1997) Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. Minneapolis: Minnesota Press. Barney, D. (2004) The Network Society. Cambridge: Polity. Blom, R. et al. (eds). (2003) The Information Society Reader. London: Routledge Brin, D. 1998: The Transparent Society: Will Technology Force Us to Choose Between Privacy and Freedom? Reading, MA: Perseus. Castells, M. (trilogy) The Rise of the Network Society (1996), The Power of Identity (1997), End of Millennium (1998), Oxford: Blackwell. Chapman, J. (2005) Comparative Media History. Cambridge: Polity. Deibert, R. J. (1997) Parchment, Printing, and Hypermedia: Communication in World Order Transformation. New York: Columbia University Press. Dovey, J. (2003) New Media: A Critical Introduction. London: Routledge. Flew, T. (2007) Understanding Global Media. London: Palgrave. Harcourt, W. (ed.) (1999) Women@Internet. London: Zed. Especially introduction and chapters 2 and 3. Harvey, K. (2000) Eden Online: Re-Inventing Humanity in a Technological Universe. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton. Hassan, R. (2008) The Information Society. Cambridge: Polity Press. Herman, E. S. and McChesney, R. W. (1997): The Global Media: The New Missionaries of Corporate Capitalism. London: Cassell. International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics. (2008) Special Issue: Globalisation, Communications and Political Action. Guest Editors Gillian Youngs and Juliann Emmons Allison. Johnson, D. G. and Wetmore, J. M. (2008) Technology and Society. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. Kargon, R. H. and Molella, A. P. (2008) Invented Edens: Techno-cities of the Twentieth Century. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press Department of Media and Communication 7 Stefik, M. (1999) The Internet Edge: Social, Legal, and Technological Challenges for a Networked World. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Talalay, M., Farrands, C and Tooze, R. (eds) (1996) Technology, Culture and Competitiveness: Change and the World Political Economy. London: Routledge. Thussu, D. K. T. (2006) International Communication: Continuity and Change. London: Arnold. Read More
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