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The Contemporary Age as the Age of Communication and Technological Advancement - Essay Example

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The paper "The Contemporary Age as the Age of Communication and Technological Advancement" states that latest western technological developments including the invention of computer sciences, information technology, internet and mobile phones, which have revolutionised the everyday activities…
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The Contemporary Age as the Age of Communication and Technological Advancement
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MEDIA AND COMMUNICATIONS The contemporary age is the age of communication and technological advancement, where latest sources of contacts have been devised in bulk turning the vast world into a small global village. The concept of global village is not very old; rather, it is the product of the second half of twentieth century. It was Prof. Marshall McLuhan (1911—1980) who coined the term “global village” and applied the same first time in his book under the title “The Gutenberg Galaxy” in 1962. The book has vehemently discussed advantages and blessings of technological developments particularly in the context of continuous cultural change and rapid modes of communication. “Today”, McLuhan views, “after more than a century of electric technology, we have extended our central nervous system in a global embrace, abolishing both space and time as far as our planet is concerned.” (1964: p.3: quoted in Symes, 1995). The term got unbound recognition very soon everywhere, and the political theorists, researchers and historians started using it in their articles and essays in popular parlance. Theories were articulated and researches were made in order to estimate the after affects of technological advancements in different fields of human life. Looking into the social set up early decades of last century in comparison with the last years of the same century, it appears very accurate that technological advents and rapid industrialization have not only improved the lot of the people, but also it has laid indelible impacts on social, cultural and personal life of the individuals at large. In other words, technological advancement has made grounds for the creation of quite a new and novel human being of modern times in its wake. The insertion of globalization is the most noteworthy effect of technological advancements of the contemporary era. Globalisation, in the beginning, was considered a term limited to the growing trade, commerce and other financial activities at international level. Production and exchange of goods and services in international markets were the impressions of globalisation for the common people. With the passage of time, the term got expansion and globalisation was attributed with the inclusion of cultural and social transactions on the one hand, and most powerful source of communication on the other. “Generally, globalisation is a process whereby international interconnections in practically every sphere of activity are growing. Jointly, global interconnections and the relationship they create symbolize a historically unprecedented process that is quickly remodelling the context for many activities.” (Retrieved in Under globalisation, every individual has got an opportunity to raise his voice in favour of or against an issue of national and international issue, as well as convey his message to his fellow beings as well as to companies, industries, channels, economists and politicians even. Inclusion of countless TV channels and their communication through the Cables Network help the people a lot in respect of conveying their messages to far flung areas of the globe. During the American invasion in Iraq, millions of people demonstrated against the unjust and cruel policies of George Bush, and communicated their abhorrence and displeasure against wars and terrorism. Moreover, debates, discussions and speeches conducted at various forums, and recorded by the news channels, make the minds of the people on the one hand, and serve as their representative on different issues on the other. Hence, communication resources have successfully turned the world of divergent cultures in to a global village. Computer sciences and mobile phones have brought revolution in human life. Now communal, national, international, multinational and global contracts are made and signed through magnificent internet services while sitting far away from other parties to the contract. There was a time, when people had to wait long for the reply from the other side. It was especially a great hurdle in respect of discussing a strategic plan, new corporate scheme, latest designed logo, trademark, presentation and contracts. The management looked for the replies via postal services that took several weeks while fetching the overseas messages. But the wonderful internet services and mobile phones device have brought people from thousands of miles long distance to the constant and solid link of one second only. Fast, comprehensive, accessible, easy and accurate flow of information played the most dominant part in spreading the concept of globalisation all over the world. Hence, communication is the most formidable tool for the projection and promotion of innovative ideas, novel products, fresh inventions and unique imagination. It is therefore theorists declare modern world as the world of communication, advertising and marketing, where information plays the leading role for rapid individual and collective growth and development. “The most meaningful way, Gates submits, “to differentiate your company from your competitor, the best way to put distance between you and the crowd, is to do an outstanding job with information. How you gather, manage, and use information will determine whether you win or loose.” (Gates: 1999, p 9) Communication resources always play vital part in the projection of technological inventions and introduction of cultural diffusion as well. Prof. McLuhan regarded fast communication as the most imperative source in bringing the people, belonging to remote areas of the world, closer to each other. Gates compares information flow with the growth of corporate sector and wins the leading position for a company. “What characterises”, he opines, “this period in history is the completely new ways in which information can be changed and manipulated, and the increasing speed at which we can handle it. Thus, the computer’s abilities to provide low-cost, high speed processing and transmission of digital data will transform the conventional communication devices in homes and offices.” (1995: pp 21-22) The communication resources, including newspapers, journals, radio, television and telephone have made communication very swift and brought the people in quick and constant contact with one another. Consequently, the same cultural traits and characteristics are also being adopted in even the remotest areas of the world. Newspapers and television channels have access in each and every house, commercial institution and public place. People get information out of these sources. The revolutionary measures taken in the field of information technology has encaged the Pacific of knowledge into the small but astonishing bottle of worldwide web. The credit especially goes to the search engines like Yahoo, Wikipedia, Google, and others. Thus, media sets trends and introduces new dimensions that contain significant effects on minds. Globalization has provided the people with the golden chances of realising the greatest brands Globalisation has gifted the people over the globe to communicate their liking, disliking, interests, choices and preferences towards the existing as well as future products of daily usage. By this, they are indirectly influencing and regulating the policies of great brands and giant companies as well. “The global village is an image of a world, in which everyone’s voice has a chance to be heard and information is freely shared.” (O’Shaughnessy and Stadler, 2005, p.437). Technological advancement has brought a significant change in media campaign and has opened new dimensions to the business and industry. “Technological change”, Johnson & Scholes view, “reduces the length of the product life cycle and therefore the time to recoup investment.”(1993, p 80) Investment cost can also be increased as the number of technologies in a product is increased. The world-famous brands like Microsoft, Honda, Hitachi, Marlboro, Coca-Cola and others are always busy in involving into research marketing in order to assess the fast changing preferences and latest requirements and demands of the people to make improvements in the products. The business strategies and corporate enterprises have established trends of perfect competition where people witness dramatic changes on every coming day. It is therefore, Coca-Cola Beverage Industry has engrossed modern machinery, latest freezers, beautiful packing and innovative shapes of bottling according to the latest surveys conducted to capture the voice of the people. It has also introduced special bottles in innovative presentation at special mega event including sports world cups, Olympic Games, political events and others being held in different parts of the world, as it introduced new bottles resembling soccer during the Football World Cup 2006 that became highly popular during the event. “Coca Cola’s ‘Thums-Up Cola’ outsells Coke by a four-to-one margin in India. In Turkey, Coke sells a pear-flavoured drink, while in Germany it offers a berry drink. Now, Coke is developing soft drinks for tastes around the world.” (Lamb et al, 2005 p 90) Our Earth has been divided into various regions, where over seven billion humans, belonging to different classes, clans, communities, cultures, races, ethnicity and religions live and lead their life according to the prevailing social norms, traditions, values and sets of law. The ethnic differences, among humans, are based on cultural, regional and geographical identity. In olden days, communication resources were slow, scarce and limited, and it was very difficult for the people to contact with the individuals in the remote areas of the world. Similarly, there was vast variety of culture and traditions, and people belonging to one region, were least familiar with other cultures and civilizations. With the passage of time, trade grew, which gave a significant boost to science and technology. The communication methods and travelling were also developed and trade became brisk turning the world into a small village. Quick, constant and rapid contacts lead towards making of new relationships and fortifying the old ones. “The axis of relationships”, Zaidi opines, “revolves round the caring, compassionate, congenial and considerate words which man sends to others and strengthens his circle of companions, comrades, co-workers, colleagues and corporate community.” The inclusion of globalisation in the corporate world has revolutionized the situation and competition seeks its unabated boost everywhere. The countries and their companies have entered the international markets in the 21st century along with their magnificent products encompassing individual, collective, domestic, commercial and industrial needs at global level. "Those who work in the international environment find that decision making is more complex than it is in a purely domestic environment." (Ball & McCulloch, 1999: p 19) Successful companies keep an eye on the changing market scenario and are always updated with the latest development being made in business environment. The theorists belonging to the third world countries view globalisation as the Americanisation and Westernisation of the world. They are of the opinion that through technological equipments and devices, both America and the West are eager to impose their own cultural patterns upon the world. These thinkers illustrate the example of colonial adventures of the West during 18th and 19th centuries, which aimed to enslave the Asian and African countries through their military might. As the time has got significant change, and not country can capture the land and resources of another in the same pattern as it was in vogue during the past centuries, these powerful states have attacked the world through technology. “The provisions of International law” Rajagopal submits, “currently in force are the continuance of age old imperialism prevailing in the world from eighteenth to twentieth centuries, where Asian and African countries were undergoing slavery. There is a state of consensus between the two at the point that the rich nations inflict their cultural traits in the name of socio-economic schemes and aid. By this, they simply intend to prolong their imperialism in new form.” An other political thinker Anghie states the socio-political strategies including New World Order, Globalisation, WTO and others as have been designed on the foundation of hypocrisy to give old colonisation a new form. He criticises the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) and New International Economic Order (NIEO), declaring it a mousetrap to enslave the poor nations. (2003: p 182) The influx of globalisation improved the lot of the people on the one hand, and has made them permanent consumer of the western foods and products on the other. By this, their individuality as well as variety in thinking has observed a significant set back. Economic factors carry out the pivotal part not only in the individuals lives, but also in the life of nations and states. Gone are the days when military power and ammunition was the only sign of strength of a country. Now economic stability and uplift are thought as the token of power and domination. It is therefore Japan had kept herself away for the race of ammunition and atomic technology to devote complete attention on economic stability after her defeat in WWII. All the successful sovereign states are struggling hard to make economic progress by leaps and bounds in order to capture the international markets. But unfortunately, the third world countries are unable to understand this secret. They make short-term plans and seek foreign aid in the form of loans to run their economies. During the course of this effort they forget the reality that they will have to return these loans along with high rate of interest in future. The donor agencies inflict restrictions on political, social, economic and foreign policies of the borrower countries, and they are unable to play a respectable and decisive part in international disputes and political platforms. The elimination of loans and borrowing from the great powers and their agent monetary organizations will surely free the third world countries from Egocentricities of the west, and they will be more independent to make strategies at national and international levels. Culture includes family, religious beliefs, social set up and patriotism. Since the companies have entered the international markets in the 21st century along with their magnificent products encompassing individual, collective, domestic, commercial and industrial needs at global level. The dynamics of international strategy motivate the international companies alter their strategies according to the changes taking place rapidly around them within the framework of business environment. There was a time when physical appearance determined cultural and national identity. For example, people with white skin were thought to be the Europeans or Caucasians, whereas the black skin denoted to be Africans. Far Eastern and Asian people also maintained their own individuality. With the passage of time, travelling facilities got boost and it became very easy to travel from one part of the world to the other. European colonisation adventures are also one of the main reasons for the mixing up of the diversified regional communities and acculturation. The immigration policies announced by various European and Australian countries also contributed the mixed cultural traits and social values. It is therefore the contemporary age is aptly stated as the era of globalisation. Fast and speedy travelling resources, lenient and attractive immigration policies, best available education and health facilities in the western countries and multiple job opportunities have turned the modern world into a global village. Latest western technological developments including the invention of computer sciences, information technology, internet and mobile phones, which have revolutionised the everyday activities of the people all over the world at large. The political, social, corporate and individual activities of the people, in the contemporary era revolve round technological advancements and industrial expertise. The capturing of the minds of the people of third world countries remind us Marxist perspective. Karl Marx considers capitalism a serious threat to the interests of the labour classes or proletariat, and beneficial only for the upper class or bourgeois. He proposes a model of history in which economic and political conditions determine social conditions. Hence, the USA and European countries have enslaved the world on the basis of their wonderful technological advancements, heavy ammunition, control over all the latest invented print and electronic media and all other modes and methods of communication. BIBLIOGRAPHY Anghie, Antony. (2005) Imperialism, Sovereignty and the Making of International Law. Cambridge University Press pp 28-59 Ball, Donald A. & McCulloch, Wendell H. (1999) International Business: The Challenge of Global Competition. 7th Edition. IRWIN/McGraw Press INC. p 643. Gates, Bill. (1995). The Road Ahead. Viking Penguin Books USA pp 21-22 Gates, Bill. (1999). Business @ the Speed of Thought. Using a Digital Nervous System. The Warner Book Company New York p 1 Johnson, Gerry & Scholes, Kevan. (1993). Exploring Corporate Strategy. Text and Cases. Third Edition. Prentice Hall New York pp 88-100 Lamb, Charles W, Hair, Joseph F & McDaniel, Carl. (2005). Essentials of Marketing South-Western College Pub; 8 edition. pp 72-90 O’Shaughnessy and Stadler, 2005, p.437 Rajagopal, Balakrishnan. (2003) International Law from Below: Development, Social Movements and Third World Resistance. Cambridge University Press pp181-187 Symes, Benjamin. (1995) Marshall McLuhan’s Globalisation (Quoted in Zaidi, M. H. (2002). New Dimensions of Qualitative Marketing Research. Moosa Publications, Urdu Bazaar, Gujranwala. Frat Files. Globalisation (Retrieved in Read More
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