Paralogues are homologous genes within a single species that have diverged by gene duplication. Thus, paralogues have similar bioligical functions. Paralogous genes may or may not have the same function. Based on the BLAST results, sequence similarities were highest for whole genomes. This is not expected because only a gene fragment was submitted for homology search. The nearest homologue was the E. coli MetJ gene coding for a regulatory protein (Accession No. M12869.1) The conclusion is reached based on the description of the gene given at Entrez Nucleotide ( and its described fregulatory function which has been verified by the transcriptome microarray data.
It cannot be concluded that the gene came from E.coli alone. The methionine biosynthetic pathway also occurs in other bacteria. It is highly probable that the gene could also have been isolated from Shigella because their values for all the statistical parameters in BLAST are the same. 6. Contrast and compare Affymetrix technology with the two-channel array system that was described during the lecture. (5 marks) Comparison of the Affymetrix technology with the two channel array system; 1. Both platforms generate data that is internally consistent, but the Affymetrix technology is better. 2. The two techniques do not have the same average values when comparing intensities for the same samples. 3. The two-channel microarray gives sharper contrast compared to Affymetrix.
The Affymetrix technology will show more genes that are upregulated. 4. When mRNA is quantified by RT-PCR, there is a large difference in the values obtained in both arrays; although Affymetrix gives better correlation with RT-PCR. 5. There is no correlation between mRNA level and protein expression in both platforms. 6. The two-channel microarray is less expensive compared to Affymetrix; the DNA chips can contain high number of probes. However, since the data is for relative gene expression, normalization procedures are necessary. 7. The main advantage of the Affymetrix chip is that there is only one target that hybridizes with the chip and absolute expression is measured and compared to other genes.
The Affymetrix technique does not require lengthy normalization. However, Affymetrix has to standardize the data analysis so that the data can be used to compare with other samples that are measured at a separate time. Sequence data: (Cut and paste into the Blast search) CGCACGCGTCGTCAGGTGAACAACCTGCGTCACGCTACCAACAGCGAGCTGCTGTGCGAAGCGTTTCTGCATGCCTTTACCGGGCAACCTTTGCCGGATGATGCCGATCTGCGTAAAGAGCGCAGCGACGAAATCCCGGAAGCGGCAAAAGAGATCATGCGTGAGATGGGGATTAACCCGGAGACGTGGGAATAC Do not forget to submit also your modified spreadsheet along with the hard copy of your work.
Indicate the total number of works used to complete the assessment: _______________ References Altschul, SF, Madden, Y, Schaffer, A, Zhang, ., Zhang, J, Miller, W, and Lipman, D 1997, ‘Gapped BLAST and PSI-BLAST: A new generation of protein database search programs’, Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 25, pp. 3389-3402. Le Crom, S 2004, ‘Image Analysis and Normalization’ in Trascriptome Analyses: Experimental Design, Microarray Production and Data Analyses, FEBS and Ecole Normal Superiore: Paris Marincs, F, Manfield, I, Stead, J, Mcdowall, K, & Stockley, P 2006, ‘Transcript analysis reveals an extended regulon and the importance of protein–protein co-operativity for the Escherichia coli methionine repressor’, Biochemistry Journa , vol. 396, no. 2, pp. 227-234. Park, P, Caob, Y, Lee, S, Kim, J, Chang, M, Hart, R and Choi, S 2004, ‘Current issues for DNA microarrays: platform comparison,double linear amplification, and universal RNA reference’, Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 112, pp. 225-245.
Tseng, G, Oh, M, Rohlin, L, Liao, J & Wong, W 2001, ‘Issues in cDNA microarray analysis: quality filtering, channel normalization,models of variation and assessment of gene effects’, Nucleic Acids Research, vol. 21, no.12, pp. 2549-2557.
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