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Best 200 Research Paper Topics

Best 200 Research Paper Topics

By StudentShare Release Year: 2019

A research paper is a type of academic writing. It is characterized by a need to perform decent research on the topic, gather facts and arguments supporting the topic and present the result of a research in a form of a written text. Also, academic paper requires proper referencing and relying on scientific research done previously.

This type of student’s assignment is considered to be one of the most difficult, as it demands not only thorough research or writing skills. It also requires to blend them with own opinion, but carefully.

Considering all those basic requirements, you would need to spend quite a time on this assignment. Better if the chosen topic would be both interesting and promising.

Here are 200 most prospective and exciting topics for a research paper. Choose the one you like best!

Middle School Research Paper Topics

  • The song as a way of emotional expression
  • Several ways for a student to contribute into the community
  • Text messaging impact on literacy
  • Ways to achieve academic goals
  • Ancient methods of navigation
  • The impact of reading on memory and intelligence
  • The importance of learning poetry by heart
  • The Bill of Rights and its impact on the U.S. law
  • Online games and their impact on mental health
  • World War I in literature
  • Are vegans saving the planet?
  • Ways to protect the ocean from pollution
  • GMO’s danger: reality or myth?
  • The origin and development of democracy
  • The development of visual art: main tendencies

College Research Paper Topics

  • Domestic political conflicts and the impact they have on society
  • Struggles & triumphs of the IT business
  • College battles in California
  • Political regulations their impact on society
  • Pros & cons of hunting
  • Healthcare privilege in the United States over the third world countries
  • Best punishment practices for juvenile crime
  • College tuition: parent’s or student’s responsibility
  • Gambling/online gaming from a psychological standpoint
  • Gay, bisexual, and transgender: the fight for equality
  • The impact of menstruation on a young girl’s body

Psychology Research Paper Topics

  • Psychological non-experimental research methods
  • Ethics in psychological research: pros and cons of following
  • Childs abuse and its impact on the future adulthood
  • Mate preferences: evolutionary aspects
  • Social education in groups: pros and cons
  • The correlation between eyewitness testimony and memory
  • Attention-deficit syndrome: real issue or myth?
  • Artificial intelligence dominance: myth or planet’s nearest future?
  • The role of stereotypes in society
  • Cyber crimes: tracking and investigating methods
  • How criminals target cyber zones
  • The effectiveness of sex education methods
  • The reason behind sexually transmitted diseases spread
  • Monkeys are the carriers of AIDs: facts and arguments
  • Ways to avoid STDs
  • Reasons for abortions and their validity
  • Dissociative disorders and their biggest danger
  • The impact of gambling addiction on family

Science Research Paper Topics

  • Modifications of a flu virus from year to year
  • Babies born before 27 weeks: saving medical methods
  • Stem cells: types and usage
  • Sleep disorders and their impact on body and health
  • Screening for breast cancer: pros and cons
  • Breastfeeding and baby’s health: is there a direct correlation?
  • Stem cells usage in reducing death rates
  • Eating disorders as a reason behind patient's death
  • The healthiest diet: a modern myth
  • The correlation between smoking and mental health
  • Society evolution s a continuous process
  • Marvel’s  “Avengers” from the scientific standpoint

Prime Research Paper Topics

  • Preventive measures against weapon and their effectiveness
  • How can police brutality be defined?
  • How does law affect the community
  • Drug testing and the health of patients
  • What are the motivators to sexual harassment
  • Greek letter society
  • Religion in school should be practiced or studied?
  • Ways to minimize radioactive waste
  • Children’s work: legal or not?
  • Possible Outcomes of Social Security Reform
  • Airport security increase after September 11th
  • The role of Magna Carta in the history of England
  • Music video: the stages of creation
  • The danger of street food

Business Research Paper Topics

  • The effective management techniques: compare and contrast investigation
  • The obstacles to a small business way
  • Franchising as an easier way to start the business
  • The impacts of global pollution on local business
  • Outsourcing services: great idea or money waste?
  • Corporate traditions as a way to save the company
  • Reasons for business to contribute to charity
  • Useful techniques to make a celebrity take part in a marketing campaign
  • The “marketing war” of Burger King and McDonald’s
  • The Great Depression and its outcomes
  • Expectations and real outcomes of the Manhattan Project
  • Modern Communist countries and their difference from USSR

Literature Research Paper Topics

  • The historical inaccuracy of Duma’s “Three Musketeers”
  • Harry Potter as a modern role model for adolescents
  • The allegory and symbolism of Orwell’s ‘Animal Farm’
  • The basic uses of symbols and imagery in a novel
  • The reasons to use metaphors in creative writing
  • Ways to define the novel’s genre
  • Compare and contrast horror story and a thriller
  • New aspects of prose in the 21st century
  • Faust as a real person and a character
  • The origin and development of fantasy genre
  • Feminists movement in prose
  • Alchemy in ‘The Angel of the West Window’ by Gustav Meyrink
  • The Great Gatsby as a marker of the epoch
  • The down of literature in modern society

History Research Paper Topics

  • Asian art and its impact on the European tradition
  • Greek & Roman culture: points of differentiation
  • The symbiosis of history and culture in Japan
  • The influence of bartering on the development of society
  • Green Revolution and its role  in the history
  • Effective military strategies of World War II
  • The premise of World War II
  • How high are the chances of World War III in the closest future?
  • Is democracy the most effective system of government?
  • Women’s suffrage movements and their effects on the structure of society
  • The role of mass media in a military conflict
  • Genghis Khan’s role in history
  • The protest of Martin Luther King against the Church
  • The peculiarities of Aztec Empire architecture

Computer Science Research Paper Topics

  • Multiple-Access Control Protocol
  • Mac OS main benefits over MS Windows
  • Methods to measure universal intelligence
  • Reasons voting for Google apps
  • Is Mac OS safer than Windows?
  • Brain chips for humans: myth or closest future
  • Confidential data storage and methods of its withhold
  • The evaluation of online grammar and plagiarism checkers effectiveness
  • The importance of self-defending networks
  • The safest way to connect to the internet
  • GPS system functions: how they work
  • The correlation between airport security and IT
  • Types of computer viruses
  • The role of SEO in the promotion of the website

Law Research Paper Topics

  • The effectiveness of the International Criminal Law Court Tools
  • Report & analysis of comparative criminal procedure
  • World Intellectual Property Organization and its mission
  • How does the US Copyright Office protect writer’s business?
  • The goal and mission of the European Patent Office
  • GATT documents and their importance
  • Women’s authority in third world countries
  • Report on Inter-American Human Rights Library
  • The law on mass communications
  • A gateway to environmental law (ECOLEX)
  • Election laws of the (choose country)
  • Islamic law and its correspondence with the challenges of the modern world

Controversial Topics for Research Paper

  • Standardized testing in high school should be canceled
  • NSA should purge the gathered phone records for safety purposes
  • Severe parenthood is the best way to raise a child
  • Obligatory church attendance is the best way to promote moral standards
  • Abortions are illegal
  • Reasons for the biological father to replace a child’s mother
  • Sex education is immoral
  • Living together before marriage is a norm of modern society
  • Ideas on free-ranging parenting
  • Organized religion has a bad impact on society
  • Technologies impact on religion
  • Consuming an insufficient amount of food vs. Overeating

Research Paper Topics on Education

  • The benefits of traditional education over E-Learning
  • The main goal of standardized tests
  • The effectiveness of ‘No Child Left Behind’ Act
  • Grade inflation in the US
  • Campus life as a way to develop independence
  • Reading & literacy in modern society over the early days
  • Curriculum, teaching, and assessment in 20 century
  • History of schooling statement
  • Steps to complex language learning at home
  • Self-regulated schooling: effectiveness and challenges
  • Learning style in small groups
  • Urban and village education: the differentiation points
  • The flaws of general tests

Argumentative Research Paper Topics

  • DADT repeal and its significance
  • The United States border control: insights and analysis
  • Public breastfeeding from the standpoint of society
  • Child adoption by a gay family
  • The average wage in the US as an economic rate
  • Old lady dating a young boy is immoral
  • Money or the way people use money is the root of all evil?
  • Prostitution legalization: has sense or not?
  • Scholars should be well-payed
  • The fight against obesity
  • Curfews as a way to keep young adults safe

HR Research Paper Topics

  • The negative impact of feminism on contemporary employment culture
  • The role of business ethics in the company
  • Ways to create a productive work environment
  • The importance of corporate culture and traditions for employees
  • Manipulation of a worker is immoral
  • Members of Congress must have specific term limits
  • CEOs role in the company is overrated in modern society

Research Paper Topics on People’s Rights

  • Family dramas: does the society have a right to intervene
  • Pregnancy at an early age: does a girl have the right to make a decision what to do?
  • Racial discrimination in modern schools: myth or reality
  • Academic ability and the choice of school
  • The record of citizens’ private life is illegal
  • Children’s interests in various parts of the Earth
  • Islam law and a choice of husband for a woman
  • High school bullying and the most effective methods to fight it

Dispute Topics for Research Papers

  • Reasons why white collar jobs are losing significance
  • Racial prejudice in the investigation of crime
  • Plastic pollution and its dangers for the environment
  • Drug & alcohol abuse among millennials
  • Homeschooling: flaws and benefits
  • Sexual assault: ways of detection and punishment
  • Sexual abuse and its psychological consequences
  • Bipolar disorder: consequences and methods to fight it
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