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The Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption amongst the Youth in Australia - Research Paper Example

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This research paper "The Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption amongst the Youth in Australia" presents challenges entailing ethical issues that demand to be confronted. Though this moment is always challenging, Professional researchers need to exhibit the highest level of ethics…
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A research Proposal on Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption amongst the Youth in Australia Name Course Tutor Date A research Proposal on Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption amongst the Youth in Australia Table of Contents A research Proposal on Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption amongst the Youth in Australia 1 A research Proposal on Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption amongst the Youth in Australia 1 A research Proposal on Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption amongst the Youth in Australia 2 Research Title 3 A research Proposal on Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption amongst the Youth in Australia 3 Background/Literature Review 3 Problem Statement 3 The objectives and the significance of the Research 3 Research questions 3 Factors Influencing consumption of alcohol among the youth 4 The trends and impacts of alcohol consumption among youth 4 The potential interventions methods towards alcohol consumption among the youth 5 Research Design, Methodology and Methods 6 Research Design 6 Method 6 Methodology 7 Data Analysis 8 Participants: Recruitment and Sampling 9 Recruitment and Sampling 9 Ethical Considerations 9 Reference List 11 Appendix: Interview questions for the professors 13 Research Title A research Proposal on Prevalence of Alcohol Consumption amongst the Youth in Australia Background/Literature Review Problem Statement In the current times, alcohol consumption among the youth has had harmful effects on their performance in education and general life. This population segment is prone to both long and short term effects of alcohol whilst the emotional and social repercussions additionally raise the risk factor. It is vital for the parents and the government to understand such risks and protect the youth from such problems. Preliminary studies allege that the impact is deeper than imagined and is becoming a challenge in Australia. Therefore, this research investigates prevalence of alcohol consumption amongst the youth in Australia. The objectives and the significance of the Research 1. To determine what causes alcohol consumption among the youth. 2. To determine the current trend of alcohol consumption among the youth. 3. To know the potential intervention methods for alcoholism among the youth. Research questions Some of the research questions guiding this study will include; 1. What are the factors influencing Alcohol consumption among the youth in Australia? 2. What are the trends and impacts of alcohol consumption among youth? 3. What are the potential intervention methods towards alcohol consumption among the youth? Factors Influencing consumption of alcohol among the youth A review into international literatures particularly the US and UK have shown that alcohol consumption among the youth is influenced by several factors including peer influence, family factors, access to alcohol, genetic factor and socio-demographic issues. In the US, Peer affiliations among the youth are mentioned to play a crucial role in increasing the chances of alcohol use. Huckle, Pledger and Casswell (2006, p.234) claimed that friends influence each other to consume alcohol in various occasions such as trips, birthday parties, seasonal celebration and weekend outs hence leading to addiction. A research carried in the UK in 2012 held that the quality and nature of family aspects have a vital role in exposing youth into consumption of alcohol (Wolitzky- et al 2008, p. 758). Another research in the UK, associated parental alcohol challenges, family dysfunction, early age drinking and childhood mistreatment with misuse of alcohol among the youth. The accessibility and availability of alcohol are some factors that contribute to drinking of alcohol among the youth (Jones & Magee 2011, p.633). In this perspective, accessibility is contributed by legal age of drinking, alcohol prices, the number of liquor outlets and advertising. The trends and impacts of alcohol consumption among youth The previous international studies reveal different statistics about consumption of alcohol among youth. A research carried in the US in 2014 has demonstrated risky drinking of alcohol has increased among the people in the age of 18 to 24 from 1995. Granville-Garcia et al. (2014, p.10) found out that males in the age of 14 or more were likely to drink (8.5 percent) daily compared to females (4.6 percent). On the other hand, another research carried out in the UK established that 6.5 percent of people aged 18 and above were frequent drinker and the numbers could rise due influencing factors. Studies have found strong links between alcohol consumption and criminal activities. Zhao, Stockwell and Macdonald, (2009, p.650) argued that the youth who use alcohol are likely to engage in criminal activities such as theft, burglary, vandalism and rape. Fergusson and Boden (2015, p.220) on the other hand, claimed that heavy consumption of alcohol among the youth leads to increased sexual relationships and having unprotected sex. A study done by Hallgren, Leifman and Andreasson (2012, p.583) found out that alcohol consumption results to the predisposition of aural malformations, albuminuria, smaller kidneys, otitis media and mental illnesses in the youth. The potential interventions methods towards alcohol consumption among the youth Other countries have different methods in dealing with prevalence of alcohol consumption among the youth. Some of the invention methods which have been fronted include increased taxation on alcohol, regulation of advertising, changing the drinking culture and perspective and reducing availability and accessibility of alcohol (Fergusson & Boden 2015, p.225). In their research about methods used in the US, Hallgren, Leifman and Andreasson (2012, p.586), concluded that raising rates of alcohol taxation is an efficient way of reducing consumption of alcohol among the youth. When taxation is increased, youths are likely not to afford alcohol making them to purchase other products (Fergusson & Boden, 2015, p.226). The same study also held that controlling the availability and access helps in regulating usage of alcohol by youths. However, due to various factors, some of this strategy may not work in Australia. Alcohol consumption culture and increased income in Australia may not make taxation and control and availability not effective approaches to reducing this challenge. Nevertheless, this study is committed to finding the truth. Research Design, Methodology and Methods Research Design The study will apply both the qualitative and quantitative research designs. The reason for selecting this approach is because of its flexibility, allowing the researcher to use qualitative and quantitative methods jointly and consequently enabling her to choose from a variety of measures and criteria (Gomm 2008). The study will also use qualitative and quantitative design because the researcher is intending to get both descriptive and statistical data about the current research problem. As a result of this, the researcher will accumulate more data which is aimed at resolving the current problem. Additionally, the study will assess various literatures to collect and to present the opinions of different management experts. The method is an effective approach of getting information required to describe the views and opinion regarding the factors influencing and impacts of Alcohol consumption amongst youth in Australia (Creswell 2007). Method This research will use both qualitative and quantitative research methods. In particular, the research uses a questionnaire and interviews to seek responses from the participants. The data for this study will be collected through the administration of questionnaires. The questionnaires will be issued to students 10 randomly selected students from the four universities; Victoria University, University of Melbourne, University of Sydney and Murdoch University. On the other hand, 3 professors of psychology each from Victoria University, University of Melbourne, University of Sydney and Murdoch University will be interviewed to get their perspective about the topic. Justification for this is that psychology deals with mind and behavior of human beings in the society (Fernald 2008, p.13). In their line of work psychologists always analyze personality, motivation, social and interpersonal relations, correlation and causal relations between social variables (Fernald 2008, p.13). As such, they have the upper hand on knowing the prevalence, factors influencing alcohol consumption among the youth and potential intervention for this challenge in Australia. Methodology The researcher intends to use questionnaires and qualitative interviews (particularly focus group) due to their suitability in social research. Domm (2008, p.61) argued that the methods are relevant to these research methods since they focus on the same target and to make generalization concerning the large population. The research will start by seeking permission from the University to allow their students and professors to participate in the study. Already designed will then be emailed to the 10 to the selected students from each of the four Universities. The questionnaire has 10 questions and the participants will be encouraged to answer the questions in the order of how they are arranged and ensure that questions are answered truthfully and according to the participant’s best knowledge. The participants will be given 3 weeks to fill the questionnaire and email it back to the researcher. The benefit of using a survey method instead of other research methods is that it enables the researcher to gather a lot of information concerning the subject in large sample population within a short time (Gomm 2008, p.17). On the other hand, data from the professor will be collected through focus group interview. The participants (professors) will be informed about the research and asked for informed consent. Participants will be engaged in a focus group at a place convenient for them and to the researchers. The interview will take approximately 90 minutes and will be conducted in English. The qualitative focus groups will be audio-taped and field notes be written for effective data analysis. The focus group is highly required in social research because it gives the researcher a chance to seek opinion from different people at a shorter time (Creswell, 2007, p.56). Data Analysis Data from the questionnaires and focus group will be analyzed by the use of statistical and thematic analysis. While statistical analysis enables the researcher to draw conclusion beyond the available data, thematic analysis involve analysis of words, non-verbal cues and discourse. Qualitative data especially those provided by the focus group respondents will be analyzed thematically. In particular, NVivo 10 will be used to generate codes which correspond with the research questions or themes. The themes will then be reviewed and final report made. On the other hand, quantitative data from questionnaires will be fed into the SPSS software and analyzed using inferential and descriptive statistics (t-tests and Cramer’sVstatistic). The analyzed data will be presented in charts and graphs to make it easy for interpretation of the relationships causal and alcohol consumption among the youth. Participants: Recruitment and Sampling Recruitment and Sampling Before proceeding with data collection, the researcher will ensure that permission will have been given by management of all the respective universities to conduct data collection. The process was followed by recruitment of participants for the research. The target population of this study will include their year students at the age of between 21 and 25 years of age. The age is considered in the recruitment to be in line with the topic of the study (youth). Getting the opinion of the youth provides credibility to the research. In order to make this study manageable, the researcher will use convenience sampling to recruit participants until the required number is reached. This sampling design will allow the researcher to identify the probability of 10 students each from the four universities. However, to recruit the participants in focus group non-probability sampling technique will be used. Nevertheless, the probability will be used just after obtaining list of professors from the department of psychology from these universities. The views of the professors matter because their day-to-day research deal with matters such as behavior and mind, and personality compliment this research. Similarly, they interact with the youth who are also the subject of the research. Ethical Considerations Researches always face challenges entailing ethical issues which demands to be confronted. Though, this moment is always challenging, Professional researchers need to exhibit highest level of ethics. Since this part of the study, particularly the literature review is drawn from secondary sources, the professionalism ethics dictate that the researcher does everything to avoid plagiarizing (Gomm 2008, p.112). Many types of plagiarism have been studied and avoided in this research project. The study will adhere to the mandatory ethical guidelines concerning the application of social human subjects or fields, and will seek approval of the Ethical Review Committee of Australian Research and Development. The proposed study will ensure the quality and integrity of the research. To begin this process, informed consent will be sought by the researcher to ensure participants give information willingly. The researcher will make sure that the participation of the respondents is voluntary. Ethical standards of research require that respondents need to know more details about the research before they consent to take part (Gomm 2008, p.73). As such, the researcher will explain the purpose of the study, the benefits of the study and risk associated with it. This makes the respondents to make an informed decision to take part in the study. Consensus will be used to find a convenient location for the professors in which the focus group will be hosted (Creswell 2007, p.77). The respondents will be allowed to withdraw from the research due unavoidable circumstance or for personal reasons. The respondent will be asked for consent for the focus group to be audio-taped and convince them that the data will not used to compromise their confidentiality. Finally, the researcher will guarantee the respondents that the outcome of the research will not be exposed in any a manner which may cause harm to their reputation. Reference List Creswell, J 2007, Qualitative inquiry and research design: Choosing among the five traditions (2nd ed.), Sage, Thousand Oaks. Gomm, R 2008, Social research methodology: A critical introduction, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. Granville-Garcia, A.F, Clementino, M.A, Gomes, M.N.C, Firmino, R.T, Ribeiro, G.L.A, Siqueira, D.L.B. M 2014, Alcohol consumption among adolescents: attitudes, behaviors and associated factors, Ciênc. saúde coletiva, vol.19 no.1,pp. 8-16. Fergusson, D & Boden, J 2015, Alcohol use in adolescence, University of Otago. Fernald LD 2008, Psychology: Six perspectives, Sage Publications. Hallgren, M, Leifman, H & Andreasson, S 2012, ‘Drinking less but greater harms: Could polarized drinking habits explain the divergence between alcohol consumption and harms among youth?’. Alcohol and Alcoholism, vol. 47, pp. 581-590. Huckle, T, Pledger &M, Casswell S. 2006, ‘Trends in alcohol-related harms and offences in a liberalized alcohol environment’. Addiction, vol.101, pp. 232-40. Jones, S.C. & Magee, C.A 2011, ‘Exposure to alcohol advertising and alcohol consumption among Australian adolescents’. Alcohol and Alcoholism, vol.46, vol.5, pp.630-637. Wolitzky-Taylor, KB, Ruggiero, KJ, Danielson, CK, Resnick HS, Hanson, RF & Smith, DW 2008, ‘Prevalence and correlates of dating violence in a national sample of adolescents’. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, vol. 47, pp.755-62. Zhao, J, Stockwell, T. I.M. & Macdonald, S 2009, ‘Non–response bias in alcohol and drug population surveys’. Drug and Alcohol Review, vol. 28, pp. 648-657. Appendix: Interview questions for the professors Kindly respond to the following questions by answering appropriately. 1. What are the current researches about psychology and alcohol consumption among the youth? 2. What factors do you think influences the youth in Australia to consume alcohol? 3. Between girls and boys who are more likely to consume alcohol, and why? 4. Does your University play part in reducing prevalence or alcohol consumption among the youth in the University? 5. What are some of the programs or interventions methods that government can use to reduce this challenge? 6. Which other professionals bodies or agencies are involved in tackling alcohol consumption among the youth in Australia? 7. What environmental and individual changes required for helping the youth in tackling alcohol consumption problem? 8. Does reduction of alcohol consumption among the youth face foreseeable difficulties? Read More
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