Factors of Divorce Example | Topics and Free Essays - 1. https://studentshare.org/sociology/1894750-summary
Factors of Divorce Example | Topics and Free Essays - 1. https://studentshare.org/sociology/1894750-summary.
Divorce has socio-economic dilemmas. Child support is the main issue. Since both parents are responsible, both men and women are now accountable for child support. This makes parents fight for child custody more often in order not to pay. Another economic issue is for homemakers and their children. Homemakers after a divorce must find a job. Economic issues are just as important as child custody, infidelity, or other causes of derision between couples. Cohabitation among heterosexual partners ends in marriage or breaks up 50% of the time.
The economic reasons are the lack of benefits and rights that married couples have. Some of those rights include inheritance, death benefits, and health insurance. The cheaper cost of supporting more people in one household per person also applies. Cohabitation between homosexual partners has the same disadvantages and advantages as heterosexual partners, but generally, has two career-minded people than a domestic one. This creates a better income for homosexuals cohabitating. Homosexual men have children only 5% and lesbian couples 22% of the time.
Thus, the family is more diverse for these children. Hopefully, the tolerance and acceptance of this group will provide more reliable information in the future.
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