American Society in Edge City Irvine by Joel Garreau Article.
American Society in Edge City Irvine by Joel Garreau Article.
To justify the point, Garreau describes points of conflict in regard to human identity and way of life. Hence, ideas are necessary for comprehending the contemporary American way of life. Through the essay, Garreau analyzes edge city in comparison to major concerns in American society. This entails social class, politics, transportation, and institutions. In addition, he examines the conflicting people’s thoughts and fears on compatibility with the common community concepts, personal space, and development.
Up to this, Garreau points out that edge cities promote the logic of a well-planned community, nonetheless, there is a cost. In addition, the cities provide a sense of individualism and personal freedom which are important for fostering a human perspective. Moreover, edge cities are criticized as unhealthy and undesirable. This is because it is based on a market capitalist approach and failure to consider the various social classes and income disparities of the Americans. Therefore, it locks out the low-income earners.
In conclusion, Joel Garreau asserts that it is imperative to take note of the needs of both the present and future generations in pursuit of sustainable development.
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