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Helix Practice Meeting Group Assignments - Essay Example

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The main focus of the paper "Helix Practice Meeting Group Assignments" is on examining such aspects as a reflection, adjourning / mourning, forming, performing, storming, Tuckmann’s group stages, evaluation of others, detailed version of the evaluation, primary tensions, forming…
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Helix Practice Meeting Group Assignments
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Helix Practice Meeting Group Assignments Primary tensions During the meetings that we had, we had few problems at first because of the normal challenges exhibited by groups at the formation stage. Most of us did not have proper familiarity with each of the members, which made opening up for discussion a major problem. Since the practice meetings in week five were very important, we had to find a way in which we could solve the challenges and proceed with the group assignment. All the members had to agree to ways in which we could share our ideas without any fear of contradiction. One of the primary tensions we had included unfamiliarity with each other, something that became a major problem in sharing. Since we were meeting for the first time, people were finding it had to communicate freely for fear of contradiction. Although this is common in many situations involving new groups, it takes courage and a great sense of self-esteem among the group members to confront this challenge. One may have a good idea that can help solve a problem, but may hold back because of fear of what others may think. This was the exact situation we had at the beginning. Secondly, unfamiliarity with the group task also became a key challenge towards our achievement of group goals. In solving these challenges, we had to engage in brainstorming and team building challenges and games. As the games became more interesting, the members started opening up and participating actively. Additionally everybody became more familiar of each other. This was not just for names, but also other important factors were known, which included temperaments for each other, likes and dislikes among others. In the end, it was much easier doing the meetings as everybody was active and enthusiastic. Evaluation of others As the meetings proceeded, it was important that we understood what our friends were doing also. In this regard, we had to make an evaluation of other people and groups. This evaluation was very important since it gave us a good idea of how we were performing in comparison to them. Generally, the comparison aspect for all the groups that were doing this assignment helped us correct and learn from each other. While other groups were doing extremely well, others were still having challenges and this comparison was important in helping them correct their mistakes and carry on with their meetings and discussion effectively. For these meetings, we understood that without collectively sharing our experiences, it would be hard to achieve the goals of not only individual members, but also of the entire course unit. Those groups that were struggling with their primary tensions, these comparisons and evaluations became important points by which they were strengthened. A detailed version of the evaluation is presented in the appendix tables. Tuckmann’s group stages Forming According to Wheelan (2013), forming is the initial stage of the development and success of any group and team. Here, the group is expected to meet and learn more about challenges and opportunities that it faces and they agree on what will be its goals and objectives. At this stage, the team members tend to behave very different; while they may seem to be motivated, they often are relatively uninformed about the objectives and issues, leading to primary tensions. Wheelan (2013) explains that the formation stage is very important because it gives the team members a chance to know and interact with each other. This is important because it gives the members a chance to make new friends by sharing personal information. For our case, the forming case was very exciting, since we had all been attending lessons and learning together, this stage provided an opportunity through which we could know each other on individual basis. At first, everyone was very much excited with the idea of meeting of holding discussions together since it was breaking classroom monotony. When we identified our groups, people seemed confident but there were instances of tensions among the members, which pointed to the need for “ice-breaking” games to create a team atmosphere. This exercise was instrumental in solving many of the primary tensions for the group. Storming As groups continue in their meetings, they often tend to break the primary tensions and become confident with one another. Members tend to realize that some members are different in their thinking and perception. Therefore, at this stage, it is important that these differences be tolerated so that group cohesion can be established, members are expected to respect each others’ opinions and ideas, then help them in having a proper understanding of issues in case they seem not to understand the concepts clearly (Thomson, Eileen & Andrew 2015). When not managed effectively, this stage can be very upsetting. In our case, a perfect understanding of the needs at this stage was important in helping us stay together. First, it was important to appreciate that people understand things differently; we discouraged any form of condemnation for other people’s views, something that worked well for the group. This was achieved during the “ice-breaker” games that we had while starting our meetings. As the members became more familiar, it even became fun sharing deeply about concepts and issues being discussed. Sticking to the course was important; it was always emphasized that members should not deviate from the main agenda since at one point it could happen in the midst of discussion. Norming The Norming stage of any group, according to Thomson, Eileen & Andrew (2015) represents a group that is firmly maturing. The members tend to take full responsibility for the success of their set goals. This is exhibited in their great ambition to put the best in ensuring that the group achieves its main objective. However, Thomson, Eileen & Andrew (2015) explains that members can sometimes become too much focused on avoiding conflict at the expense of sharing some of the issues that can be controversial. While we appreciate that by now, our group had managed the teething problems that were experienced at the starting, the challenge of trying to keep away from issues that would disintegrate the group were common. However, realizing this, as the group leader, I introduced a way of communicating and dealing with these issues. The members would write the group’s evaluation and progress report, without indicating their names. These issues would be examined after being retrieved from the site that they were being posted. In this regard, all the group members became satisfied with the group and participated effectively. Performing Kremer (2004) explains that at the performing stage, the groups are often knowledgeable and motivated. Additionally, the performing stage presents groups that are very competent in discussing different issues. They don’t struggle with keeping punctuality among the members since everybody understands the importance of their roles in ensuring not only the cohesion of the group, but also the success of achieving its goals and objectives. Dissent in views is part of an important process in the group; at this stage (Kremer (2004), it is often channeled through proper means that have already been established by the group. In our case, this groups presented an important part of the groups since the as the supervisor, I was spending less time reminding the members about their responsibilities. In fact, there was no need of reminding others of their duties because they got accustomed to delivering the best for the group. One of reasons why our group was successful is the manner in which its members conducted themselves all through the different stages of its development. Many of the members have become close friends, discussing different personal issues beyond group assignments, something that illustrates the nature of proper leadership and team management. Adjourning / mourning This was the final stage of our group, coming after we had finished all the groups’ assignments that had been scheduled. The adjournment stage for groups often comes after the final goal has been achieved (Egolf & Chester 2013). However, because of the maturity of the group, the members can sometimes decide to meet on different grounds because of the friendship that has been developed. This was the exact case that happened, as we submitted our group’s work, everybody applauded each other’s efforts for the good work done. Reflection Secondary tensions The success of our group does not indicate one that was perfect in its undertakings; there were some obstacles and challenges that had to be worked out. As part of our secondary tensions, disagreements often arose on different perspectives. While working on a case study, people often had different perspectives that were not always homogeneous. At some point, these disagreements would have caused a break-up of the group; however, as the supervisor, my intervention was always the best. Whenever these disagreements would arise, I would put it up as a group’s responsibility to go research further and bring their findings to the next discussion. In this regard, members would come up with more objective findings that helped in furthering the discussion, thus getting non opinionated discussions and meetings. As an effective intervention mechanism of solving the disagreements, I would ensure that every group member had a chance to air their opinions and that they were respected. In the end, everyone was happy with the group and the progress became awesome. Teambuilding and lessons I learnt One of the most important tool that I used in ensuring that the group achieved its goals was the use of team building activities. Many times, I would organize for informal meetings through which we could meet and share our experiences in school and future aspirations. This strategy was important because it helped the group in handling many of its primary tensions and increasing the chances for success during formal meetings where we discussed more about our assignment and ways of achieving our objectives. The idea of people writing and posting the evaluation reports on the assigned social site was important in knowing and dealing with people’s issues towards the group. I realized that this became an important way of knowing some of the crucial views that when expressed would have jeopardized the group’s cohesion (Demange & Myrna 2005). Outside class, I plan to use some of these techniques in leadership and management positions that I will have in my career. I have a realization that the work place is sometimes a cross-cultural environment, which often calls for effective and efficient people skills in human resource management. In the entire process, I can confess that what I got after the exercise was not what I expected. I expected a very challenging task, being the head of the group; however, the application of the people skills that I had learnt before because highly essential for the success of the group and achievement of the set goals and objectives. One of the lessons that i learnt was that people will always have different opinions and perspectives, which have to be respected at all times. Secondly, I also learnt that as a good leader, one is supposed to ensure that he is as objective as possible and not side with anyone but give everybody a chance to share their sentiments. Finally, I learnt that leadership is a skill that is perfected with time, one needs to have the right attitude always and the rest can be achieved perfectly. Conclusion In conclusion, group dynamics are important process that should be well understood by people undertaking group and team related activities. For supervisors and other people in leadership positions, leading people is an important practice that needs knowledge and skills for achievement of set goals and objectives. The group assignment gave me an important opportunity in which I learnt how coordinate and manage human resource, a skill that I hope to build on in my future endeavors. References Demange, G. & Myrna H. W (2005). Group formation in economics networks, clubs and coalitions. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Egolf, D. & Chester S (2013). Forming Storming Norming Performing Successful Communication in Groups and Teams (Third Edition). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. Kremer, D. (2004). "Rules for Improved Meetings. (Viewpoint)" Fairfield County Business Journal, 12(2): 32-9. Thomson, R, Eileen A & Andrew T (2015). Managing People a Practical Guide for Front-line Managers. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis Wheelan, S. A (2013). Creating effective teams: a guide for members and leaders. Thousand Oaks: SAGE. Appendix Table: 2015Helix Practice Meeting Evaluation Form Meeting Date: 10/06 2015 Meeting Scenario #: __1___ Facilitator Name: __________________xx__________________ Form completed by: __________________xx________________ Getting Started Clear purpose, outcomes, agenda High energy level This meeting centered on setting the rules of the meetings and discussions. All the members were asked to share their views ad sentiments about the group. First, there was introduction of each of the members including their areas of comfort as far as handling the group roles were concerned. Every member was encouraged to be active in writing evaluation reports for the group as well as communicating their views and perspective on the progress of the group, which would help in learning areas that were not being addressed and correcting some challenges and mistakes. Focusing the Group Checkpoints Clear process instructions Type B questions 1. There was more emphasis on feedback reports from members, which was effective in knowing the group’s progress as far as achievement of goals and objectives was concerned. 2. There was often re-emphasis of instructions for all the members to follow thorough. 3. Any disagreements were to be channeled to the online discussion board without members indicating their names on issues that were deemed thorny to avoid compromise Power of the Pen Writing what is said Chart labeling and legibility 1. Emphasis was made to the members to always have a pen and notebook to write important elements being discussed in every meeting. 2. Writing was to be done legible writings that would easily be read by all during brainstorming exercises Group Management Keeping the group moving and focused Keeping the energy high Praise and empathy 1. Teamwork was encouraged with a lot of “ice-breaker” games to break tensions between the members and encourage sharing and participation. 2. All the members were encouraged to be innovative in group activities because it was the only way to keep the energy and spirit of teamwork high. Other Comments? All the members were happy with their roles as indicated in the way they participated in the few activities that were done on the first day. It was an indication that going into the future, all was going to be well. 2015Helix Practice Meeting Evaluation Form Meeting Date: 15/06/2015 Meeting Scenario #: __4___ Facilitator Name: _______________xx_____________________ Form completed by: _______________xx___________________ Getting Started Clear purpose, outcomes, agenda High energy level 1. Barnstorming of the assignment and roles that each one had been assigned to play. 2. Participation in “ice-breaker” activity to break tension and encourage participation into the group activity Focusing the Group Checkpoints Clear process instructions Type B questions 1. There was more emphasis on feedback reports from members, which was effective in knowing the group’s progress as far as achievement of goals and objectives was concerned. 2. There was often re-emphasis of instructions for all the members to follow thorough. 3. Examination of feedback reports that had been posted on the groups discussion board. Power of the Pen Writing what is said Chart labeling and legibility 1. Emphasis was made to the members to always have a pen and notebook to write important elements being discussed in every meeting. 2. Writing was to be done legible writings that would easily be read by all during brainstorming exercises 3. All other discussions that had not been captured were to be posted on the group’s discussion board. Group Management Keeping the group moving and focused Keeping the energy high Praise and empathy 1. Teamwork was encouraged with a lot of “ice-breaker” games to break tensions between the members and encourage sharing and participation. 3. All the members were encouraged to be innovative in group activities because it was the only way to keep the energy and spirit of teamwork high. Other Comments? All the members were happy with their roles as indicated in the way they participated in the few activities that were done on the first day. It was an indication that going into the future, all was going to be well. 2015Helix Practice Meeting Evaluation Form Meeting Date: 17/06/2015 Meeting Scenario #: ___3__ Facilitator Name: __________________xx__________________ Form completed by: __________________xx________________ Getting Started Clear purpose, outcomes, agenda High energy level 1. Feedback reports from members, which was effective in knowing the group’s progress as far as achievement of goals and objectives was concerned. 2. Any emerging issues were discussed from those brought out in the meeting as well as those from the group’s discussion board. Focusing the Group Checkpoints Clear process instructions Type B questions 1. Teamwork was encouraged with a lot of “ice-breaker” games to break tensions between the members and encourage sharing and participation. 2. All the members were encouraged to be innovative in group activities because it was the only way to keep the energy and spirit of teamwork high. Power of the Pen Writing what is said Chart labeling and legibility 1. More emphasis was done on the need for witting and keeping in practice all that was learnt for the success of the group’s set goals and objectives Group Management Keeping the group moving and focused Keeping the energy high Praise and empathy 1. All that was to be tackled was tabled for all the people to share their views and perspectives on the groups’ progress as far as achieving the assignment goals and objectives is concerned. Other Comments? All the members acknowledged the efforts played by each of the members in their activities. Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Bottom of Form Read More
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