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Interpersonal Relationship - Essay Example

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The writer of the following essay "Interpersonal Relationship" firstly seeks to introduce the concept of communication and interpersonal relationship. The writer further shares a personal story that is based on the interpersonal relationship, particularly friendship…
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Interpersonal Relationship
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All participants involved in an interpersonal relationship should maintain communication across all elements of their relationship (Dwyer 89). Interpersonal relationships are social connections experienced by families, friends, and people in intimate relationships. My choice of the topic is based on a personal story that involved interpersonal relationship based on friendship. During my period in college, I happened to meet a female classmate. It was difficult to create friendship at first because we did not know much about each other.

However, after reducing the uncertainty between us through social connections we became good friends. Our friendship continued to grow strong, especially through the social exchange where we could share personal information (Dwyer 26). Eventually, the relationship did not last long because we had contradictory goals and differences which we never handled through communication. Every relationship has never been stable, but can be strengthened if the participant communicates. If we maintained our communication with my classmate, we could have solved the differences and keep our friendship.

There are advantages that come with maintaining communication in a close relationship. The first one is that communication is used to reduce uncertainty between two strangers before entering into interpersonal relationships. It is, therefore, a foundation for every interpersonal relationship and should be maintained to strengthen the relationship. The second one is that since most interpersonal relationships are broken by relational dialectics, maintaining communication is the best way to solve the issue.

This is because the participants in the relationship are able to share their feelings with one another and solve their contradictions.

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