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Globalisation, Flexibility and New Work Management Practices - Essay Example

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The "Globalisation, Flexibility and New Work Management Practices" paper examines the flexibility in the workplace which is very important to growing business opportunities. It is a fact that strategies and changes are required according to the current situation. …
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Globalisation, Flexibility and New Work Management Practices
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Globalisation, Flexibility and New Work Management Practices Flexibility is a critical concern to organisational managers, policy makers, production evolution, and designing of technologies within the industries. The informational economy development represents a radical break in the past and it continues to be today as well. This economic information is used to fit particular social structures to organise firm’s production system (Younger, 2013). The productivity of the firm and its compatibility are associated with the economic source of the country. In a firm, it is required to gain information, and processing of technology. In order to improve the firm’s productivity, it is required to produce cumulative feedback and increase transmission. Therefore, to grow business and activities, managers are required to restructure or remain flexible in integrating economic landscape by making changes in different sections of the production process. Yet it is required to make little arrangements to define flexibility and businesses need to be flexible in terms of economy, how to achieve flexibility and at what instance flexibility affect consequences of workers. The image of the organisation and management is a big challenge in reshaping or to make organisation flexible. It is the comprehensive resource used to explore the complexity of modern organisations internationally (Gareth, 1997). In order to understand kinds of practices that need flexibility in the organisation, it is better to get awareness. The flexibility in the context of the organisation could be defined in the sense of managing organisational adaptation of different sizes, responsiveness; compositions and other such factors. Flexibility is the form of organisational understanding that when, where and how the organisational work gets down, in such situations. In the past centuries, the social and economic changes have been done, and it has enhanced the need of flexibility in employment within the organisation. It has been observed in the industrial sector that the organisations want rapid development and diversity in the labour practices. In order to establish new informational economy, organizations are required to develop a new kind of firm bases on the network enterprises. This network firm has to develop the system in order to control global market uncertainty and volatility. The major key of these network firms is flexibility and adaptability that helps the firms to make changes in demands faster than before with mass production, or bureaucratic organisation. In an industry, flexibility or change in work affects the labour and their productivity and output (Feldman, & Pentland, 2003). The flexible learning changes the conditions of social and economic labour divisions within the organisation and manages production as well as workplace culture. Through technological changes, significant cultural climate was important to understand. The electronic networks are able to carry information around the globe and manage the complex supply chain management process centrally and in an easier manner. These networks provide firms’ the ability to switch among suppliers and change the production processes quickly (Garrick & Usher, 2000). Flexibility has become key potential for the firm as the globalised capital and national economies global integrations. Through flexibility, organizations maintain and increase their economic competitiveness. The organisation has rapidly changed the market in response of flexibility, and this concept is preferred over the previously used concepts at the workplace. The organisations, workers, structure, must be interlinked flexibly in order to learn to do services. There are many reasons to make changes in the work place that could easily be understand through need of introduction of Fordism and post Fordism. The Fordism is referred to the mass production system and this concept shows its consumption in economic development between 1940s and 1960s. While, during the period of 1970 to 1990, mass production showed slow growth and increased the inequalities of income. In this period, the flexibility transformation to post Fordism helped to increase profits. This transformation of mass production to small batch production helped the manufacturing industry to overcome income crisis (Harvey, 1989).The time and space concept are the distinctive features that observed most problematic in terms of globalisation and post Fordism. In the year 1970, the post-Fordism changes the place in economic capitalist. This is the age when the standardised goods mass production faced crisis and the effective organisation differentiated goods in small batches (Kumar, 2009). These changes in the industrial work are required to lead business towards globalisation. However, many issues could be raised through making changes in manufacturing processes. All industries are changing the nature of work through shifting the demographic patterns, using technologies and shifting towards the knowledge based economies. The industries are increasing pressure to make innovation in productivity to enhance the manufacturing process in the context of reducing time and cost. The nature of the world is evolved from the industries or the services done by the people in the workplace. The work practices, and process of production in constantly changing the characters or personalities. These working situations and changing work practices are developing new risks and challenges for employees or workers in the industry. In the workplace the self-employment, subcontracting, temporary employment and the others factors have evolved that have helped in increase the productivity in the workforce. The new form or work in the industries could result in the new risks for the workers. The effective protection policies need to introduce sensitively in order to give protection to the workers to improve the business competitiveness. It is very important to keep focusing on industrial communication in the changing pattern of work (Castells, 2000). The understanding is very important in business operations as knowledge sharing is the essential part that enhances the industrial quality and practices. In the year 1998, the exchange of information in the cooperation was considered as essential at all levels of work and open communication among all employees or workers. The changing work patterns, crystallising is very essential and needs balanced contributions. The changing work is shaped in the globalization of economies by focusing on levels of mobility of capital. These social and economic changes in work practices become a new challenge for workers hired on a part time basis. Most of the people are increasingly fluctuating between the employed statuses to self-employed. The contracted staff and fixed term contracts in the workplace have increased. Moreover, the work or services in the new form is increasingly given on the contract or temporary basis. Whereas, new kind of employments are introduced like requirements of employees for communication, or information sector has raised its demand (Brown, 1997). The global division of labour had always been in the development strategies of the industries. In the long recorded history, the raw materials or the labour in the 19th century was traded over global trade network. In the 20th century, the multinational corporations independently increased operations. In 1970, the new global labour division is formed in the manufacturing industry through which the companies broke down production processes. These industries continue to grow the development in the economy through providing high labour cost and controlling pleasant environment in the country. In the year 2000, the international division of labour is done in order to enhance the information work process (Wood, 1989). The contemporary trend in the sociology of work is labelled to the end of work. These trends explore the existing similarities of work flexibilities with previous practices. The older work declined and employment emerged over the last decade. These complex situations generally faced the end of work. It is required to incorporate sociological needs to macro theorisation that properly changes in the contemporary world of work (Strangleman, 2007). The corrosion of character was not posing the ambition of the early work. However, through flexibility in the organisational structure and work profoundly affect the arguments just because of reshaping work and stress (Smith, 1998). The decentralising structure, teamwork affects the character loyalty and manual commitments. This results in society being impatient and keeps them focused on the immediate moments. The cultural conservatism usually grows towards resentment directions and idealised communities vain in the reaction of working conditions and precise the reactions to flexible or efficient work. The Corrosion of Character intellectual pays off the rigor, and it is closely argued. It is required to intellectually emphasise individual standards and acknowledge the difference between the privileges or power to weak the community form (Sennett, 2011). It has been found that the flexible or non-standard forms are significantly growing employment. The nature of employment is associated with relationships in the conceptual framework and focused on developing the connections between work and non-work either through spatial and temporal concepts. Today, development of flexible labour globally has increased. This has increased the variety of forms including non-standard de-regularisation, developing flexible governmental policies, globalisation, unemployment, trade union responses and employer strategies. These practices have helped the organisations to increase common form of work internationally (Felstead, & Jewson, 1999). Consumer society is the most important factor for the society. It usually disappears in the economic downturns or political crisis and visibly appears in the rapid transformation of the secure cultural but in both conditions the environmental disasters occur. In developing flexibilities for work, majority of the people feels that the country is getting too materialistic and focused on spending and rapidly removing long-term non-materialist values from old practices (Lee, 2000). In the post-industrial society, it has been found that the industries are growing their businesses and moving towards the next step for making involvement in non-profit areas outside the business or government. For example, businesses are taking interest in providing facilities to hospitals, educational institutions, civic associations etc. The business sectors are originating domestic investments in the firm for the establishment of new plants or equipment. In the manufacturing sector, it has been found that there are around 195,000 corporations, which have around $500 billion assets. More than 500 firms in the manufacturing industry employed around 14,600,000 workers and dependent of the worker’s manufacturing capabilities or power. The degree of power was the main source that need to recurrent with establishing public policies. This public policy reformation is required as the violence of labour in the organisation has been found in the organisational practices. It has been realised that the social responsibilities need to drive in the communal society and make some limitation in the company as policy could impose the ventures of economy. It is the power to control the unforeseen consequence in the initiating parties. In the current development of the corporation, the reformation needs to establish atmosphere to have relative peace (Bell, 1976). The social theories offer change in social activities and new technologies. The information society existence seems to have the marks of revolution break. The society results in evolution processes that first rejects the technology determination and then create neutral social vacuum. It is very important to take correct decisions by keeping work up-to-date through both new theoretical work based on social and technological changes (Webster, 2007). The economic and political threats are the major hurdles in the industrial democracy. The market power to economic size has established to control the product pricing scales. The large scale assets influence the local community or nation to have equal rights. However, after half century the new economies were developed and distinction in the market and size control have been realised. For example, the biggest manufacturing companies like General Motors have increased their assets to $19.2 billion from $14.1 billion. This company does around 55 percent of the automotive production in United States. The company is focused in controlling market standard sizes. In the year 1940, the liberal economist embraced the idea of such innovations and willing to expand the capacities to generate increased productivity. This concept is effective in increasing the productivity as well as in delivering better quality. Thus, it results in steadily reducing the product prices. Today the legitimacy is a challenge and the corporate attitude and tolerance are considered as new criticism (Bell, 1976). The complex theories that imply in order to run the organisation help to understand previously occurs inevitability. It is better to follow the political approach and deny the plan and predetermine the direction that would be essential. This approach provides the organisation strategic choices which would help in managing the dominance with positive actions. The political nature of organisation determines the relationship between human actors, technology and materials. In the labour process, sociology over several years have been found distorted. It is better to structure power relations and manage ethnic significance (Bauman, 2004). On the other hand, in social network approach the material and technology show disturbance in characters. The development of technologies in the organisational context is dependent of maintenance of actor network that is the stabilised form of technology. According to the Foucault’s approach, the rest of modernist traditions show defensive reaction to inherently destabilise the forces. This approach gradually promoted to keep leading towards real progress (Grint, 2005). The sociological knowledge and problem solving practices in large organisations bound the situation and the development of the industrial sociology manipulates the resources. These resources help industrial capitalism and provide better opportunities to work in the societies. The role of sociology is essential to disseminate formal and informal communication. In the society, many individuals have subsequently engaged in the making career. It is associated with the employment, citizenship voting, and trade or self-employment activities are the vital resources for the democratic societies. The industrial sociology has economic and social issues, and these issues show possibilities for political choices. In the modern age, the increase in literacy and communication media is preferred rather than accessing the slightly large minority of the population. The societies today do not need to preserve social privilege or intellectual leisure classes (Watson, 2008). However, issues related to the economic, social or political condenses could be faced by every citizen. The modern societies in broader terms reflect work aspects. Through many techniques, sociology has been examined. The manipulation exists in everyone and design with multiple techniques influence that the theoretical understanding and policy making are important to make contemporary employment. Sociology simply helps to make relations at work place, industry, organisation, employment as well as in occupation (Edgell, 2012). In the end of the century, many changes are made in the workplace. Most of the changes are associated with the economic knowledge that works in support with the technologies. It is the fact that the knowledge workers show a high level of interest in their work. In the employment sector, it has been investigated that the flexibility in beneficial as it is helpful in increasing information intensively in development of software. In comparison of previous practices in the workplace, it has been observed that the changes not only made to the contemporary workplace, but these changes are in continuity with the past. Today the work that is performed in the industry is the same, but there is a mixture of satisfaction and dissatisfaction in the work environment. This is the reason the contemporary workplace always remains in the unstable environment (Bain et al., 2007). Informational economy is historically a distinctive form of production. This kind of economy is characterised in the national specific culture. The new industrial development process needs flexibility in terms of cultural economics associated with mentalities and philosophies. The cultural diversity and informational economy emerge the organisational forms. In 1980s, the economic restructuring has been reorganised the business strategies and the economic crisis in 1970 resulted in mass production system through capitalism. This diffusion of the new organisation is practiced in firms, and the profitability crisis process grows capital (Doogan, 2013). The first transformation was done from the craft production to mass production, and the economy raised the scale and scope to build specialised functions through division of labour. The fixed expenses spreading in the plant or equipment investment have been considered. According to the observation, the organisation production and over generating larger volumes output beneficially reduces the per product costs (Morgan, 1997). This productivity under the scale of the economy has mechanised the production to for standardised product in order to control large market. Through the principles of vertical integration, the organisational social and technical division of labour has been done. In order to maintain the stable relationship between firms, the supplier network is required for model implementation. Most of the suppliers are controlled through the commercial, financial or technological undertaking. This firm’s network allows raise the differentiation in labour and capital production unit components. The changing patterns could build incentives to step up the responsibilities that required concentration to implement industrial power and innovative technologies. Recently, the organisational pattern emerged in the large organisations are the strategic alliance, inter-firm networking etc. The technological changes constantly are changing the operational environment (Thompson and Warhurst, 1998). The telework is the term used in the context of using the information and communication technology at the distance working. It is the process of industry through which process of data and bank transfers could be done over large distances. With the help of teleworking the labour cost and industrial property through centralising telecommunication activities. The telework business entered its roots in experiencing the teleworkers at home (Felstead & Jewson, 2002). The telecom has many advantages like it reduces cost, helps to manage redundancy, recruits skilled staff, improves productivity, extends labour market, provides flexibility in fluctuating conditions and many others. On the other end, the employers face difficulties in communication, controlling management issues, organising discipline and motivation and social isolation in terms of affecting performance (Baruch, 2000; Bibby, 1995). The traditional work society gives the world less stable social structure of multiple activities and the active citizen democratically organises local and regional transnational network. The modernisation seems risky and reflexive but in order to link business with globalisation it is required to take bold and brave step (Beck, 2000). It is concluded that the flexibility at the workplace is very important to grow business opportunities. It is the fact that strategies and changes are required according to the current situations. However, these changes could raise many issues in the industry affect the employees character, work quality and work production. In the modern practices, technology has overcome many issues, but there are still many drawbacks in teleworking that need to be overcome. List of References Bain, P. M., Baldry, C. J., Bunzel, D., Gall, G., Gilbert, K., Hyman, J. D., et al. (2007). The meaning of work in the new economy. United Kingdom: Basingstoke. Baruch, Y. (2000). Teleworking: benefits and pitfalls as perceived by professionals and managers. New Technology, Work and Employment, vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 34-49. Bauman, Z. (2004). Work, consumerism and the new poor. McGraw-Hill International. Beck, U. (2000). The brave new world of work (p. 1). Cambridge: Polity Press. Bell, D. (1976). The coming of the post-industrial society. In The Educational Forum (Vol. 40, No. 4, pp. 574-579). Taylor & Francis Group. Bibby, A (1995). Teleworking, 13 journeys to the future of work, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Brown, R. (1997). The Changing Shape Of Work. Basingstoke: Macmillan Castells, M. (2000). 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FLEXIBILITY IN ORGANIZATION. Training, pp. 02-20. Read More
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