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Populated Borough Barnet - Essay Example

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"Community Profile: Barnet" paper argues that because of the green belt, Colindale and Barnet can expand their precinct to accommodate this inflow. Colindale, and Barnet, in particular, are becoming a sought-after destination by people from other parts of the country. …
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Populated Borough Barnet
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Community Profile- Barnet Table of Content Introduction 02 Housing 02 Greater London ity, DMAG, 2001 Mid-Year Estimate03 Demographic Profile 05 Socio-economic Conditions 16 Conclusion 21 Appendix 22 1.0 Introduction Barnet is the second largest populated borough in London and is a mixture of many ethnic groups. As a result of their diversity, the residents of this borough believe that their case is strengthened and it has increased the want for more people to come live in the area. Housing has become an issue that needs to be addressed immediately. The growth of the middle-income households and the arrival of new families have created a need for more housing here. Almost 26% of the population is from black and other minority ethnic communities, namely Chinese and Jews. Just over a quarter of The London Borough of Barnet residents belong to ethnic groupings other than white. This is an increase from the 18% witnessed ten years ago. The London Borough of Barnet has the largest number of Chinese residents of any London borough and the highest proportion of Jewish residents of any local authority in England and Wales. The London Borough of Barnet has the twelfth largest number of residents belonging to ethnic minority groups in London. Not surprisingly, Barnet has eight different links with other towns around the world in France, Uganda, Germany, Cyprus, USA and Israel. The links have been established to promote cultural, social and educational links between areas, and also to encourage trade links leading to economic benefits where appropriate. ( 2.0 Housing Housing is a strategic topic for town planning and can be a determining factor in people's quality of life. With the increase in population in Barnet, there is increasing pressure to provide new housing within the borough. Barnet's high quality environment is attracting people who seek to live here creating a demand for new dwellings. Barnet is also home to a lot of low-income, homeless, and gypsies. This calls for development of houses to suit the need of the people in this borough. To enable people to continue living in attractive surroundings and enjoy a satisfactory quality of life the provision of new housing needs to be balanced against maintaining and improving environmental quality. As part of assessing the capacity of boroughs in London to accommodate the growth in households, GLA undertook a Housing Capacity Study that shows that provision will meet the demand from 1997 to 2016 (GLA, 2000). According to the study 17,780 dwellings is required to help meet the demand. The conventional provision of new housing will provide 14,780 dwellings in Barnet, of which 37% should be from large windfall sites, 23% from large sites, 20% from smaller sites, 15% from small conversions and 4% from office conversions. In addition 3,000 homes could be provided that are non-self contained, like HMOs, hostels, sheltered accommodation and student's halls of residence. 3.0 Greater London Authority, DMAG, 2001 Mid-Year Estimates London Borough Populations: 1991-2001 (in thousands) (Inner London) A comparison of 4 inner London boroughs shows that between 1991 to mid-2001 there is a great influx in the population of Barnet. While Barnet had a population of 299.9, in 1991, it shot to 315.3 in 2001, an increase of 154,000. Corydon, which had 319.2 in 1991 showed 331.5 in 2001, an increase of 123,000. This shows that there was a greater influx of people into Barnet than Corydon. Table No.1 Comparison of population in 4 inner London Boroughs, including Barnet. The figures are in Thousands. Borough ONS Mid-year Estimates London Plan ONS MYE 1991 1996 2000 2001 2001 Barnet 299.9 319.4 345.5 335.7 315.3 Bromley 294.7 295.6 302.4 306.6 296.2 Corydon 319.2 333.8 339.9 342.9 331.5 Sutton 171.4 175.5 178.7 182.6 180.2 The above table reflects the trend of movement of people in 4 boroughs of inner London 1991 to 2001. The figures are courtesy: GLA, Data Management and Analysis Group, by John Hollis & Baljit Bains. The resident population of London in mid-2001 was 7.188 million. This compares to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) mid-2000 estimate of 7.375 million and a population at mid-2001 of 7.411 million as used in the Draft London Plan. The mid-2001 population of England & Wales was 52.084 million. This compares to the ONS mid-2000 estimate of 52.943 million. ONS has issued a provisional revised estimate for England & Wales for mid-1991. This is 50.758 million and is 342 thousand below the original estimates prepared after the results of the 1991 Census were available. London's population grew between 1991 and 2001 by 362 thousand persons and accounted for about 27% of the growth experienced by England & Wales (Hollis & Bains, Greater London Authority, Data Management and Analysis Group, 2001 Mid-Year Estimates, referred on 04.30.2006) How does the population size connect with tenure, household size, and household type The tables below reflects the household size for Colindale, Barnet, London, and England & Wales for the year 1991 and 2001 4.0 Demographic Profile 1.1 Table No. 1.1 Population Size Place Colindale Ward Barnet Council London England & Wales Population in 1991 15314 293,564 6,679,699 49,890,000 Population in 2001 13,860 314,561 7,172,091 52,041,916 Table figure inputs courtesy: Census 1991 and 2001, LB Barnet 1.2 Table No.1.2 Household Colindale Barnet Council Household Size 1991 5657 128,000 Household Size 2001 5.711 130,000 Table 1.2 reflects household size of Colindale and Barnet. Referenced from: Census 2001, in LB Barnet, 2005 Ratio - Number of households/population size 1991 Colindale 5657/15314 = 1: 0.36 1991 Barnet 128.000/293,564 = 1: 0.43 2001 Colindale 5711/13860 = 1: 0.40 2001 Barnet 130,000/314,561 = 1: 0.40 Overview: Census data for Barnet in 1991 and 2001 shows a population increase of 7%. Subsequent adjustments by the Office for National Statistics to the 1991 population estimates that are derived from the census, suggest that the actual change was slightly lower: 5.4%. This reflects on the population growth in Barnet, including Colindale, as the growth recrded at the national level in England & Wales is 4.31% This trend suggests that the population growth in Barnet has been growing quite steadily over the years, clearly indicating the need for more housing units there. 1.3 Table No.1.3 Age Structure for 2001 Colindale Barnet London Eng & Wales Total Population 13860 314564 7172091 52041916 Males E 149781 3468793 25325926 Females E 164783 3703298 26715990 Table 1.3 records the approximate structure of the age of the inhabitants of Colindale, Barnet, London, and England & Wales. Overview: The table shows that whether it is in Barnet, London or England and Wales, females have outnumbered males. Comparison: The growth pattern for males in Barnet, London and England & Wales are quite similar, at 47.61, 48.36 and 48.66 for England & Wales. With women finding it more attractive to work and live in Barnet, there will be a need more housing. In contrast, Barnet at 52.39 has shown that females are finding Barnet more popular in terms of residence and employment, compared to London at 51.64, and England & Wales 51.34. Table No.1.4 Household Size and Composition 2001-London Population: 7172091 Figures courtesy: Housing in Barnet, Overview: "21% of households in Barnet are couples with dependent children, as a proportion of the total population this has reduced by 5% since 1991, or by 2869 households. The number of single adults (non-pensioners) increased significantly from 1991 to 2001 by 6783 households. Single pensioners fell slightly (by 1%) to 14% of total households in 2001. Single parent families increased by an additional 3567 households, during the 1990s and accounted for 6% of the population by 2001". (Housing in Barnet, The proportion of one-person households more than trebled for working-age people over the last four decades, while people of pension age were twice as likely to be living on their own. The rise in the proportion of one-person households has leveled since 1991. In 1991, one-person households were close to 6 million, and 7.5 million in 2001. Families constituted nearly 16 million in 1991, while it rose to 18 million in 2001. Household shot up to 25 million in 1991, while the corresponding period in 2001 witnessed a surge near 28 million. ( 1.5 Table No.1.5.1 Social Compositions 2001 Ethnicity-Colindale Ethnic Groups Residents Percentage% Ward Percentage% Barnet Average White British 5452 39.3% 21 59.9% White Irish 588 4.2% 4 3.4% White Others 1,116 8.1% 16 10.8% Mixed: White and Black Caribbean 137 1% 1 0.5% Mixed: White and Black Africans 169 1.2% 1 0.5% Mixed: White and Asian 116 0.8% 17 1.0% Mixed: White and Other 175 1.3% 3 1.0% Indian 1619 11.7%. 5 8.6% Pakistani 442 3.2% 1 1.3% Bangladeshi 48 0.3% 14 0.5% Other Asian 521 3.8% 1 2.0% Black Caribbean 487 3.5% 1 1.3% Black African 1780 12.8% 1 4.3% Black Other 190 1.4% 1 0.3% Chinese 602 4.3% 1 2.0% Other Ethnic Groups 418 3% 8 2.6% Information courtesy: Barnet Census 2001 Results; Table T13 Theme Table on Ethnicity-Barnet. Information courtesy: National Statistics, Overview: The minority ethnic populations were concentrated in the large urban centres. Nearly half (45 per cent) of the total minority ethnic population lived in the London region, where they comprised 29 per cent of all residents. Seventy eight per cent of Black Africans and 61 percent of Black Caribbean lived in London. More than half of the Bangladeshi group (54 per cent) also lived in London. Other ethnic minority groups were more dispersed. Only 19 per cent of Pakistanis resided in London, 21 per cent lived in the West Midlands, 20 per cent in Yorkshire and the Humber, and 16 per cent in the North West (National Statistics, Regional Distribution, 45% of minority ethnic people live in London, According to the 2001 census the borough has a population of 314,564. 67% of householders are owner-occupiers. The borough has the highest percentage (14.8%) of Jewish residents of any local government area in the United Kingdom 1.5 Table No.1.5.2 Social Compositions 2001 Sex Colindale/Barnet/London Colindale Barnet London Total Population 13820 314564 7172091 Males E 149781 3468793 Females E 164783 3703298 Figures courtesy: National Statistics, Overview: There has been a steady growth in the influx of people to Barnet, reflected by the 0.02% growth in the last ten years. The figure of 0.02% indicates a growth of 20,997 in the ten years ending mid-2001. London in the corresponding period recorded a growth of 0.39% at 492,392. There has been a move to the boroughs as developments continue. The most striking feature of this analysis is that Barnet has shown a steady rise in popularity and developmental spheres, a reason for the civic administers to forge more housing schemes to support demand. ONS estimates for 2000 show that Barnet is the largest of the London boroughs in terms of population. In addition, it has the fourth largest number of residents in London belonging to minority ethnic groups. This projected population growth is highest in Colindale, Mill Hill, Underhill, and West Hendon wards. The borough's population has been increasing steadily over the past decade. During the period 1991 to 2001 Census (crown copyright) data shows Barnet was the fastest growing Outer London Borough. There are over 130,000 households in Barnet. Barnet has 133,000 dwellings (Housing Strategy Statistical Appendix: 2004-05). In the 1991 Census, enumerators were instructed to deliver a census form to each individual household being defined as: either one person living alone or a group of people (not necessarily related) living at the same address with common housekeeping. For this purpose 'common housekeeping' was defined as: sharing at least one meal a day or sharing a living room or sitting room. The identification of some households proved difficult in the 1991 Census, particularly those living in multi-occupied dwellings (The 2001 Census of Population, Page 27, Point 114, Figures are based on comparisons drawn from the Valuation Office Agency of the Inland Revenue of 1991-2002 on Page 3 of "Housing in Barnet 2003" for Barnet. Colindale 2001 figure courtesy: Colindale Ward Profile 2001; (This ward profile has been produced by Barnet Council's Corporate, Performance Office: peter keeble, 1.5 Table 1.5.3 Social Composition Class. This is calculated by connecting employment and (E) deprivation in the Colindale ward Industry Employed Residents 16 to 74 % Ward % rank Barnet average Agriculture, fishing, mining 20 0.3% 18 0.5% Manufacturing 354 6.2% 17 6.8% Electricity, gas & water supply 15 0.3% 9 0.3% Construction 297 5.2% 6 4.4% Wholesale & retail trade, car repair 1,150 20.1% 4 16.6% Hotels & catering 356 6.2% 1 4.2% Transport, storage & communication 537 9.4% 1 7.0% Financial intermediation 287 5.0% 20 6.9% Real estate, renting & business activities 871 15.2% 20 21.5% Public administration & defence 327 5.7% 2 4.6% Education 394 6.9% 19 8.7% Health & social work 740 12.9% 3 11.0% Other 378 6.6% 4 7.6% Source Courtesy: Overview: The Borough's average and median income-levels are higher than in Greater London and Great Britain. The average gross household income in Barnet is 39,000. The Borough's median household income is 33,000. 35% of households have an income of between 15,000 and 35,000. There are two wards with average household incomes of less than 30,000 per annum - Colindale and Burnt Oak, which also have highest indices of deprivation in the borough. Almost 70% of households in Barnet own their own home. Housing stock in Barnet's social rented sector has temporarily reduced due to large regeneration projects that are currently being undertaken on our four largest council estates. Major investment is also being made to bring all social rented homes in Barnet up to Decent Homes Standards. Statistics from the Annual Employment Survey, there were 13,613 people working in Barnet in 2000. Employment in Barnet has increased dramatically recently. Barnet's economy is dominated by three key industrial groupings: Distribution, Hotels and Catering; Banking, Finance and Insurance; and Public administration, Education and Health. These sectors account for 79% of Barnet's employment. In contrast, only 5.2% of jobs are in manufacturing. The turnover in VAT registered businesses was also significant. During 2000 the number of newly registered businesses in Barnet represented 17.7% of businesses present at the start of the year. On a yet more positive note improvements in productivity were also more evident in Barnet. 16.5% of Barnet companies said that productivity had risen significantly compared with a North London average of 13.7%. Due to the fact that almost 70% of the households in Colindale and Barnet own their own houses, it becomes imperative that to accommodate the influx of more people to the boroughs, Colindale and, Barnet in particular, needs more housing. The table below shows an overall figure for Barnet borough index of deprivation 2004. It is built up from the seven domains; together with the proportion of the overall index, that each contributes in percentage: As well as being concentrated in areas of overall deprivation, there are significant areas of Barriers to Housing and Services in otherwise apparently affluent areas of the borough. This is likely to be related to high accommodation costs in these areas, together with lower densities and therefore greater distances to services. Table 1.5.3A Income 22.5 Employment 22.5 Health Deprivation & Disability 13.5 Education, Skills, and Training 13.5 Barriers to Housing & Services 9.3 Crime 9.3 Living Environment 9.3 In the indices of Deprivation 2004, Barnet was ranked at 193 out of 354 local authorities in England where 1 was the most deprived area and 354 the least deprived. This rank The above diagram shows the Indices of deprivation, 2004 for Barnet, which is ranked 193 out of a total of 354local authorities in England. Table 1.5.4 Disability Residents % Ward % rank Barnet average With a disability 2,170 15.7% 4 14.6% Not in good health 1,169 8.4% 2 7.3% Providing unpaid care 1.117 8.1% 19 9.0% Source Courtesy:, Health and Careus-profile-colindale-yk.pdf Overview Colindale Population 13820 The census in 2001 showed that there were 2170 people with disability, which is 15.7% of the total population of Colindale. Those in not good health made up for 8.4% and those provided with unpaid care made up 8.1%. In contrast 14.6% of entire Barnet had disability. This compares with a rate of 18.2% for England & Wales. In this context, people with disability, bad health and unpaid care were not able to undertake daily activities and this limited their movement. 5.0 Socio Economic Conditions Table 2.1.1 Average households income, 2005 Mean income % of households with income below % of households with incomes above 10k 20k 30k 50k 100k Greater London 37,073 9.6 27.8 47.7 23.8 3.0 Barnet 39,552 8.2 24.5 43.5 27.1 3.6 Colindale 29,824 13.9 37.0 59.3 14.4 1.0 (GLA website, 2005) Overview Colindale has the second highest proportion of residents in households without access to a car (37.3%) and, at 84 per 100 household, the lowest rate of car ownership. This along with the fact that 13.9% of Colindale's population earn less than 10k, 37% below 20k, and 59.3% earn below 30k reflects how difficult is for most people living in Colindale to own a house of their own. Colindale and Barnet's need for more housing is conspicuous of the fact that there is a definite shortage, culminating in high housing cost. The demand for more dwelling has increased the cost of housing in the boroughs. Another point to note is that of all Barnet's wards, Colindale has the greatest proportion of its population aged under 5 (8%) and the smallest proportions over 64. This reflects the families' size. The table 2.1.1A below is reflective of the style of housing available in Colindale and Barnet. Semi-detached and Flat or apartments are more popular. Table 2.1.1A .Dwelling in Colindale Dwellings % Ward % rank Barnet average Detached 278 4.7% 16 11.4% Semi-detached 1,383 23.8% 17 31.2% Terraced 1,263 21.7% 8 18.1% Flat, or apartment 2,876 49.5% 7 39.2% Source Courtesy Colindale 2001 Census,, Health and Careus-profile-colindale-yk.pdf Table 2.1.2 levels of employment Colindale Barnet London E & W employed 52.8 61.6 60.2 60.6 unemployed 4.2 3.4 4.4 3.4 Long term unemployed 1.0 1.0 1.4 1.0 Economically active (students) 4.6 2.8 3.0 2.6 retired 8.6 10.1 9.8 3.6 Economically inactive (students) 10.1 7.4 6.6 4.7 Looking after home/family 8.2 7.5 7.2 6.5 Permanently sick/disabled 5.2 3.4 4.6 5.5 Other inactive 5.3 3.7 4.3 3.1 Source Courtesy Overview Colindale with 52.8% and Barnet with 61.6% compares with London at 60.2% and England & Wales at 60.6%. Students of Colindale lead the way with 4.6% followed by London at 3.0%. Barnet with 2.8 % economically active students display high income growth areas. There is tremendous growth economically in Colindale and Barnet, leading to demand for more housing there. Table 2.1.3 employment opportunities and industries in Colindale and Barnet Social economic classification 16 - 74 Colindale Barnet Industry employed residents 16-74 Colindale Barnet Large employer, higher managerial/ Higher professional 791 31956 Agriculture, fishing, mining 20 738 Lower managerial & professional/ intermediate 2808 76567 Manufacturing 354 9874 Small employer & own account worker / Lower supervisory & technical 1130 27237 Electricity, gas & water supply 15 375 Semi-routine/ Routine 1795 27003 Construction 279 6413 Never worked/ Long-term unemployed 803 10867 Wholesale & retail trade, car repair 1150 24204 Full-time student/ Unclassified 2821 99410 Hotels & catering 356 6150 Transport, storage & communication 537 10264 Financial intermediation 287 9998 Real estate, renting & business activities 871 31344 Public administration & defence 327 6659 Education 394 12767 Health & social work 740 16025 Other 387 11108 (Barnet census, 2001, Annual Employment Surveys, 2000 Annual Business Inquiry, Department of Employment) Overview: The 2001 Census provides a snapshot of how many of Barnet's working age population are in employment, what industries they work in and in what capacities. Manufacturing, Hotel, Health care, and construction dominate. This goes to show that there is scope for expansion of infrastructure, resulting in more employment opportunities. Students also dominated the socio-economic classifications. The trend indicates the need for more housing in Colindale and Barnet shortly. Barnet has a higher than usual proportions of its workforce in: - Self-employment - Real estate, renting and business activities - In professions and as managers and senior officials With such developments taking place in Colindale and Barnet, and with limited resource in housing available at the moment, the fast expansion of the boroughs looks imminent. Unless something is done fast, people will be forced to travel long distances to work, negating further developments in the borough. With its expanse of green belt land availability, expansion should not be a problem. The time has come for the local council to gear up for expansion that is reflected in the growth of industries. Lack of living facilities have led to high costs and this must be overcome by developing more housing for people who travel far to reach their workplace, and for those who find it difficult to manage to live on their salaries. "According to green belt and Local planning authority, Barnet area has been designated 2,380 hectares of land. Barnet contains a large tract of Green Belt, which comprises predominantly open land, including woodland.Barnet Council has consistently safeguarded the green belt by resisting inappropriate development. This has been a cause for concern, as limited space has driven the cost of housing through the window. The London Borough of Barnet, located on the northern periphery of London and having much of the area within its boundaries in the Green Belt, has a large number of parks and open spaces. The Borough also has controls five Local Nature Reserves (LNR), and is jointly responsible with the London Borough of Brent for the Welsh Harp reservoir. In addition there are large areas taken over by cemeteries and golf courses; part of Hampstead Heath; as well as smaller recreation grounds". (Barnet parks and open spaces, Table 2.1.4 Housing and households Colindale Barnet Owner occupied 2,734 97,794 Private rented or live rent free 699 19,453 Source Courtesy The above table shows the nature of housing available in Colindale and Barnet. Industry employed residents in Colindale is 5682, while in Barnet the figure is 145,919. This shows the need for more housing in both Colindale and Barnet. With higher level of owner occupation, and limited private rentals, there is a need for immediate action to relieve the pressure of housing scarcity. This is a major concern for the local council. The demand for housing has increased the cost of space. The shortage of housing in Colindale and Barnet must be addressed immediately to allow for more housing. 6.0 Conclusion Colindale houses many of North London's largest institutions. They are the British Library newspaper depository, the Royal Air Force Museum, Barnet College, and the Peel Centre (better known as Hendon Police College). A small brook, a tributary of the River Brent called the Silk Stream, runs north to south. Here is also the Grahame Park Estate, built on the former Hendon Aerodrome. Most of the natives work in the middle-Managerial and self-employed category of employment. With more and more industries coming up in Colindale and Barnet, the borough is witnessing an influx of personnel never seen before. With its limited housing, there is pressure for more housing. However, because of the green belt, Colindale and Barnet can expand their precinct to accommodate this inflow. Colindale, and Barnet in particular, is becoming a sought after destination by people from other parts of the country. 7.0 Appendix Barnet Corporate Plan John Hollis & Baljit Bains, GreaterLondon Authority, Data Management and Analysis Group, 2001 Mid-Year Estimates The 2001 Census of Population, Page 27, Point No.114, Population Size, Population in England & Wales 1881-1991, Colindale 2001 figure courtesy: Colindale Ward Profile 2001 This ward profile has been produced by Barnet Council's Corporate Performance Office: National Statistics, Barnet parks and open spaces, Read More
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