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The Stress Level of Tyrolean Students - Term Paper Example

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Since the beginning of educational reforms, a lot of researches have been carried out throughout the world on the subject of stresses students carry at the time of education. Different countries of the world hold different education systems. Each system is unique…
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The Stress Level of Tyrolean Students
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? Stress Level in Tyrolean Introduction Since the beginning of educational reforms, alot of researches have been carried out throughout the world on the subject of stresses students carry at the time of education. Different countries of the world hold different education systems. Each system is unique and holds separate influential factors for students in the system. On a general context, there are several factors that affect a student’s life and the way he or she attempts to receive knowledge. In the world’s most developed countries where education is on the highest rate, the chances of raising stress level are less as compare to the countries found with lower literacy rate. Countries like United States, Germany, France, Italy, or England the basic education system is with a tremendous setup to facilitate students. The economic, political and sociological conditions are at the best presence, which to every aspect give a positive impact on the psychological behavior of the students (Humphrey, 2003). In the American education system, perceived to be the most effective education system, care is given on the socio-psychological factors of the students. Much importance is given to the self esteem and personal value. With promising facilitation and with convincing education environment, the students come with a high esteem of getting knowledge. The scenario in under developing countries likewise India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Srilanka is totally different. Due to intense rates of poverty and with poor economic situation, the education system is with bad presence (Landow, 2006). The psychology of students revolves around many factors. The economic condition, the political situation, family background and social status are few factors of influence (Landow, 2006). Environment is something which directly relates to the psychology of a student. There have been cases recorded in which students obtain depression, psychological disorders and attempt suicide at the time of getting education. This is all due to pressure they have to intake at the time of their education. The cases are quite prominent in high school, college and University level students, where the students try to focus on their professional education but due partial influence of the environment they go into deep stress situation (Perna & DuBois, 2010). A study in the Annals of Internal Medicine (Sept. 2) elaborated that thousands of medical students are found with mental burnouts at the time of their professional education. 2,200 students were accessed from seven different schools. All of them were found with perpetual exhaustions and burnouts. 11% of the students tried to attempt suicide in the final year of college, while the rest were found with deep internal depression. Confusion and distress are found to be the causes of the stresses in the students of high school and college (Tomaselli, 2008). In one study carried out in the medical physicians section recorded 400 suicide cases per year. Schernhammer (Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School) studied several physician suicide cases in the region. Eva indicated that the concept of suicide begins from early medical school period, when the student is surrounded with initial inevitable stresses. She also revealed four cases in which doctors attempted suicide at the time of her year in Oncology Vienna, Austria (Tomaselli, 2008). Purpose of the Study The purpose of the study is to analyze and compare the causes and effects of stress found in Tyrolean students. The impact of different factors including general and those related to studies is investigated on the stress condition that students currently consider themselves to be experiencing. Moreover, the perceptions, views and opinions related to causes of stress, stress management, personal assessment related to stress, and impact of stress on health are explored and compared on the basis of a grouping related to gender using statistical modeling. Research Objectives The aim of the study is to analyze the causes (academic and general) and their effects on the stress condition experienced by the Tyrolean students. To analyze the overall stress situation within male and female students and to evaluate how each gender perceives and views issues related to stress. Literature Review Definition of Stress Hans Selye, a Hungarian endocrinologist and a pioneer in the subject of “stress organisms” defined stress to be any non specific demand projected on a particular organism. Selye defined stress to be an element which signifies both physiological and psychological processes. The psychological concepts of the stress theory became known in the year 1960, and later on came up as a subject of study for the psychological experts. With the increasing height of education, stress got associated with the lifestyles of students. It was the era of 1980s, which brought modern educational reforms throughout the world (Landow, 2006). Theory of Richard Lazarus One of the pioneers in psychology, R. Lazarus gave a relational concept of stress. According to his definition stress is a relation between individuals and the environment. Lazarus contradicted with the concept in which stress is supposed to be an external stimulation or a pattern of behavioral reactions (Lazarus, 2006). Stress is a central element that connects the individuals with their environments. It refers to a relationship which a person builds with his or her environment. This is what Lazarus thought to be psychological stress, in which a person has to coupe up with his or her surroundings (Lazarus, 2006). Theory of Appraisal According to Roseman (2001) appraisals are from the environment which initiates the emotional state of a mind. Such emotions bring changes in the behavior, psychology and mental state, which due time establishes a collective emotional state “stress” (Frijda, 2006). The actual theory of appraisal came from Lazarus 1982. According to the theory a person give appraisals to the environment, which are accepted by the cognitive part of a brain. For this reason it is called as a cognitive appraisal which appears to be a reason of environmental association (Lazarus, 2006). Causes of Stress in Students In several experiences students are found with sufferings of stress the experiences they share with teachers, parents and elders. There are several causes that add stress to the psychological behaviors of students. Academic problems, financial problems, problems of peer group and time constraints are found to be the major influential factors (Humphrey, 2003). Academic Problems Almost 80 percent of the students are found with academic problems during their education period. It includes demand pressure, pressure of exams, and strictness of teachers at the time of tests and periodicals (Humphrey, 2003). In under developing countries almost 90 percent of the school systems share problems on academics. In countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, students are tested with annual examinations that are based on huge syllabuses, burdening books and course outlines. The burden settles deep stresses for students who are unable to control it on a continuous basis. This phenomenon is common in school going children, who have less resistance to bear perpetual stress (Humphrey, 2003). Financial Problems At the time of high school or professional education, majority of the students are found stressed due to financial problems. High loans and fee payments make the students lose the concentration towards their studies. The trend in western countries is more prominent, where students are under the pressures of work and studies. There are students which do not have much support from guardians and parents, and they have to manage both the fee payments and studies altogether. This is one major influence that comes out as a cause of major stresses (Humphrey, 2003). Majority of undergraduate students are found with part time work load. In morning they receive college, while in the evening they have to go for long work hours' job. In a study by Kulm and Cramer (2006), work hours have adverse affects on the health of students and is said to be the major cause of stress found in professional grade students (Perna & DuBois, 2010). Problems of Time Constraints According to (Humphrey, 2003) majority of influence is from the time constraints. Students often complain about the insufficiency of time they have for planning in their studies. In less time heavy work load is to be managed, which becomes too difficult for students to carry out. The time constraints last to stresses, and finally a student lose the hope and try to escape from studentship circle (Humphrey, 2003). Social Problems Being a student means one is holding a big responsibility. For a student, it is necessary that he or she fits in all the roles expected from the society. A student project many roles, role of a friend, an employee and a good student, all come at one plain which ultimately comes out as collective stress for the student (Smilo, 2008). Consequences of Stress on Students Changes in Mental and Physical Health The earliest studies in medicine showed students from different educational backgrounds suffer moderate to chronic personality disorders. In start the disorders are of minute nature but with time they become critical. A collective opinion has been set by stress analyzers and psychotherapists that a sufficient amount of students face maladjustment problems at the time of their professional education (Smilo, 2008). The years of schooling and high school are said to be the starting educational years of a student. With growth and aging, partial changes are there in the personality and mental behavior, which could include personal response and mental state ability. The behaviors are changed with the aspect of time. It is a common phenomenon which students indicate at several times of their studies (Smilo, 2008). According to Humphrey (2003), stress is a central factor of influence. It directly affects the mental and physical health of a student. Stressors appear as factors of influence, which change the mental and physical state of a student with the aspect of time (Humphrey, 2003). The impact on mental health is common in the college students. Due to deep pressure and stress, students are found with changes in emotional state. Anger, aggression, frustration, exhaustion, and fear are symptoms of mental instability. With certain emotional changes, students are found with major changes in the behavior. Side effects on physical remain side by side (Humphrey, 2003). Affect of General Adaptation Syndrome Selye (1950, 1956), elaborated the three distinct stages of stresses and their three separate affects on the mental state. The stages are thought to be versions of general adaptation syndrome, found common in college students (Humphrey, 2003). The stages include the alarm reaction stage, resistance stage and the stage of exhaustion (Landow, 2006). In several studies, majority of the students are found with the general adaptation syndrome condition. It is one mental state which described the mental ability of a person to respond to stresses. Students with deep stresses are found with such syndrome in which they are unable to respond quickly to the stressors. With theorists elaboration general adaptation syndrome falls in three different stages, the alarm reaction stage, reaction stage and exhaustion stage (Landow, 2006). (GAS) The Alarm Reaction Stage In this stage the person is with a “fight or flight” response. The response enables the body to react actively for overcoming the stress. This stage is found in several instances in which students react quickly to dissolve the affect of stressors. It is a shock condition and if the shocks get continuous, several mental and physical disorders start to develop. Increase in respiration, blood pressure or heart pulse rate are few affects of alarm reaction stage. Students are often found with alarm reactions, mostly the students of 11th or 12th grade which have direct pressures from teachers and parents (Hales, 2010). (GAS) Resistance Stage Reaction stage is one condition of general adaptation syndrome. In this stage the person unwillingly resist to stresses. Students having financial problems face such disorder, in which they lose control in their resistance level. They keep on resisting and a time comes when they are out of their normal mental and physical state. Students having such syndrome can go to deep depression, anti social disorder, heart attaches and probably suicides in critical situation (Hales, 2010). (GAS) The Exhaustion Stage In general adaptation syndrome, exhaustion stage is the last and the most critical stage. Students on continuous stress reach such stage of obsession. This is complete obsession in which students lose hope and try to escape their circle of studentship. Students in hard educational levels suffer with such disorder. Difficulties in sleep and concentration are parallel affects of GAS exhaustion syndrome, which is often found in the high school and college students (Hales, 2010). Affects on Migration Students Students carry stress at different levels of situations they need to face at the time of their education. Many studies have been carried out on migration students, and their situational stresses. In migration students, mostly migrated from Asian countries to the European sector, stresses are found common due to their count as an immigrant minority in the new place. Difficulty in social adjustment due to cross cultural system, they go with deep stresses facing problems in academics, language, culture and work environment etc. Students allocated from India, Pakistan, Srilanka, Bangladesh to Austria, Australia, England, United States face the similar problems. 80 percent of the migration students face the same problems, due which they are found with depression, anti-social disorders, anxiety or bipolar etc (Shenoy, 2000). According to a past study Shenoy (2000), majority of migration students are found with Conduct Disorder, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, cultural and social adjustment problem. Such problems are found precisely in undergraduate and postgraduate migration students. The study conducted the analysis based on Asian students (Chinese and Indian) and American students respectively. In analysis, 70 Asian students were cross questioned, while 45 American students were brought to interview for comparing the results. The method was to compare the factors of Native Americans with factors associated to migration students. The migration students were found with somatic diseases, anxiety and depression comparatively more than the Native students. The reason was found precise to be constant stress which the students face at the time of migration and education (Shenoy, 2000). Conceptual Framework As discussed above the major causes of stresses include the financial problems, social problems, academic problems and problems related to time constraints. All such causes can be divided in two major categories, one general causes of stress and second educational causes. Both general and educational causes can further be divided in causes with respect to gender. Male will have different influential factors as compare to the female gender; this would be covered in the later findings of the study. With respect to gender, there is much chance of difference to prevail in the causes but not necessarily to a great extent. This would be found out in the later analysis of the study to check that how difference can exist in general. Hypothesis H1: General causes of stress have greater impact on the stress condition of students as compared to the factors related to studies. H2: There is a significant difference between views, perceptions and opinion of the male and female students regarding causes of stress, stress management, personal assessment and effects of stress on health. Research Methodology In order to achieve the objectives set out for the current study of stress levels experienced by Tyrolean students it is imperative to devise a methodology which best suits the requirements of the analysis. It is clearly understood that the adoption of the most appropriate methodology and basis for analysis determines the expected outcomes from a particular study and therefore, for the researcher it has been a process of going through different literature covering academic research methods and considering the approach used by each method for devising the methodology of the current study. On the basis of the research onion proposed by Saunders, M, Lewis, & Thornhill (2007), this section of the report sets out the research approach for the study and justifies the use of a particular approach to the study. Methodology Implemented The purpose of the study is to evaluate how different factors contribute to the level of stress experienced by students studying at different educational institutions and also how different groups identified on the basis of their demographic characteristics perceive causes and effects of different factors leading to stress. Keeping this in mind, it appears appropriate a quantitative research approach is implemented. This type of methodology is based on positivism paradigm which allows research to focus on observation, recording, and analysis of a natural phenomenon, habit or action (Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, 2007). The quantitative method is justified in a way that this allows to achieve the aim of the current study in an objective manner through implementation of statistical models as also performed by various previous studies including, Thawabieh & Qaisy (2012), Agolla & Ongori (2009), Kranz (2008) and Mosley, Perrin, Neral, Dubbert, Grothues, & Pinto (1994), etc. The present study uses primary research in the form of a survey questionnaire for collecting data. The use of the survey questionnaire is justified on the basis of its use by previous studies mentioned the ability to include higher number of questions, short duration required for completion, and better understandability by respondents. The questionnaire is prepared in a way that it has different sections which contain various statements dealing with the area of investigation in detail. These statements are based on Likert Scale Model which allow respondents to select from provided ranking 1 (Strongly Agree) to 6 (Strongly Disagree). Different sections of the questionnaire include introductory question, causes of stress, causes of stress related to the studies, management of study routines, stress management, personal assessment of the stress level, consequences of stress on health, and demographics. The statistical methods used for analyzing the data collected from the survey are Cronbach’s Alpha, multiple regression, and Compare Means using Gender Factor. Cronbach’s Alpha is used to determine the consistency of the responses collected. This is essential for ascertaining the reliability of the results presented in the report. The obtained value of Cronbach’s Alpha is compared with a value of 0.7 which implies higher value of consistency in responses to be collected from the survey (Tavakol & Dennick, 2011). The multiple regression tool is used for predicting the relationship between the stress condition of students currently experiencing and different factors which contribute to their stress (Montgomery, Peck, & Vining, 2012). For this purpose three variables are identified including (1) Dependent Variable: Stress Condition which is based on the responses collected from statement A0 in the questionnaire and (2) Independent Variables: (a) Cause of Stress which is based on the mean value obtained for responses pertaining to statements from A1 to A13 (b) Cause of Stress related to the studies which is based on the mean value obtained for responses pertaining to statements from B1 to B15. The regression equation is given as: Y = ? + ? (X) In the above equation Y represents dependent variables (Stress) and X represents independent variables (general and educational causes). Alpha ? is a constant while ? is the coefficient of independent variable. The third element of investigation is based on grouping of data from the survey questionnaire on the basis of gender of students. This is performed by making use of compare means test which allows the determination of significance of the difference between mean values of responses obtained by the researcher in relation to causes of stress. This analysis helps in understanding differences in the perceptions, views, and opinions of female and male students. In addition, the report also makes extensive use of secondary sources which are accessible to the researcher in the form of books, journal articles, periodicals, and websites etc. for providing a comprehensive background, literature review, and deciding upon a suitable research methodology for the current study. Sampling For sampling of students population studying at different educational institutions in Tyrol, Austria random sampling method has been used which allows respondents to be collected without any criteria or basis for selection. The questionnaire was sent to a total of 400 students studying at different institutions which were selected from an email list obtained by the researcher. Statistical Tool The statistical tool that has been used for calculating variables and performing statistical methods as identified is SPSS. Limitations 1. The understanding of the results derived from the quantitative study requires knowhow of the statistical methods adopted and such studies often lack the descriptive element of reporting. However, the current study has provided detailed description and discussion of the results from the statistical testing of data collected. 2. Random sampling can create biasness and tendency towards a particular type of responses, moods, and views of respondents shared amongst students at a particular institution. 3. There could be other basis for analysis than just gender differentiation of results. Considering the limited scope of the study, results from another regression which includes additional independent variables are attached to the report as Appendix Analysis of Stress Level in Tyrolean Students Response Rate As mentioned earlier in the methodology section, the researcher sent the survey questionnaire to 400 students. The responses obtained in this regard totaled to 303 correctly and completely filled out questionnaires and therefore it can be implied that the response rate was 75%. Reliability Test From the statistical test it can be observed that the value of Cronbach’s Alpha came out to be 0.822 that is greater than 0.7 (standard for higher reliability). The value statistically proved that overall responses showed consistency, which means that there is effective reliability in the model to get to findings. With few variations, the more chance is that the results will bring better conclusions. Reliability Statistics Cronbach's Alpha N of Items .822 70 Regression Analysis Regression analysis included three variables as indicated in the methodology section of this report (1) Dependent: Stress Condition (A0) and (2) Independent variable General Causes (A1-A3) and (3) Independent variable Cause related to the Studies (B1-B15). The results from the regression analysis indicate that the value of R square came out to be 0.064 which means that 6.4% of variations are brought to the expression. From the table provided below the regression equation as follows is obtained: Stress Condition (A0) = 0.873 + 0.283 * General Causes (A1-A13) + 0.488 * Causes Related to Studies (B1-B15) The equation shows that the relationship between dependent and independent variables is positive, where educational causes have more significant relationship than general causes respectively as shown by the higher coefficient value. The analysis also indicates that the significance p of general causes came out as 0.087 that is greater than standard significance value 0.05 while for academic causes the value came out as 0.002, precisely less than the standard significance value. This showed that educational factors (independent variable) had significant positive impact on the dependent variable (stress) as compared to general causes (independent variable) which also has a positive impact on the stress condition of students. By positive impact it implies that students who consider themselves to be under stress conditions at present are likely to have a positive view on that both general and study related factors contribute to their stress conditions. Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate 1 .253a .064 .058 1.637 a. Predictors: (Constant), Studies, General ANOVAb Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 54.827 2 27.413 10.229 .000a Residual 804.025 300 2.680     Total 858.851 302       a. Predictors: (Constant), Studies, General b. Dependent Variable: I consider myself stressed at this moment. Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) .873 .619   1.410 .159 General .283 .165 .105 1.716 .087 Studies .488 .157 .191 3.109 .002 a. Dependent Variable: I consider myself stressed at this moment. Although, not the objective of this study but an interesting area of investigation presented here is to evaluate whether additional variables added to the above regression model can improve its ability to predict. To increase the effectiveness of the analysis more independent variables are added and checked for association with stress levels of Tyrolean students. The added variables touched the context of demographics in order to get a precise and deliberate end result. This is the secondary part of analysis which included additional independent variables like age, gender, children, living situation, distance between apartment and university, have you moved from your hometown to study, main field of study, pursued degree, average time expenditure related to studies, are you going to achieve your pursued degree within the minimum required duration of studies, if you are a full time student: do you work and monthly personal disposable income. Out of all additional variables four variables (pursued degree, average time expenditure related to studies, main field of study and distance between apartment and university) showed the negative relationship with dependent variables (stress) while the rest stayed on the positive with influence on dependent variables. The main reason of adding more variables is to increase the value of R square, in order to increase the proportion of variations to get predicted. By adding independent variables the value of R square gets increased to 0.145, which means that the model became more effective in terms of variable expression as compared to the previous model. Model Summary     Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate   1 .380a .145 .102 1.603   a. Predictors: (Constant), Monthly disposable personal income, Are you going to achieve your pursued degree within the minimum required duration of studies?, Pursued degree , Living situation, If you are a full time student: Do you work?, Children, General, Main field of study , Gender, Average time expenditure related to studies, Distance between apartment and university , Age, Studies, Have you moved from your home town to study?       ANOVAb Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 122.670 14 8.762 3.408 .000a Residual 724.966 282 2.571     Total 847.636 296       Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) -.558 2.107   -.265 .791 General .215 .167 .080 1.287 .199 Studies .250 .168 .098 1.493 .137 Gender .406 .206 .120 1.970 .050 Age .061 .041 .096 1.492 .137 Children .724 .769 .055 .941 .348 Living situation .076 .091 .057 .835 .404 Distance between apartment and university -.223 .116 -.122 -1.930 .055 Have you moved from your home town to study? .116 .276 .028 .419 .675 Main field of study -.018 .041 -.025 -.432 .666 Pursued degree -.052 .085 -.036 -.613 .540 Average time expenditure related to studies -.436 .127 -.206 -3.433 .001 Are you going to achieve your pursued degree within the minimum required duration of studies? .031 .198 .009 .159 .874 If you are a full time student: Do you work? .096 .070 .078 1.381 .168 Monthly disposable personal income .008 .108 .005 .077 .939 Findings with respect to Gender In the analysis independent variables are categorized in two genders (Male and Female). This is to check the difference in point of opinions between both genders and their influence on the end results. The T-Test brought precise outcomes by providing the significance value of the difference. All the general causes got included into the test to compare and evaluate a significance value relative to a preset standard significance value (0.05). Out of 303 Tyrolean students, 141 female and 162 male students were included in the test. Out of 13 tested independent variables, only two were found with high significance value which means that only two variables showed disagreement between the genders while the rest remained uneffected. This showed that by considering gender factor, there wasn’t much difference found which was expected. So it is hard to conclude that gender has much influence on point of opinions of Tyrolean students. Here is the table below showing the T-Test results: T-Test for General Causes Considering Genders Keeping in view the t test presented in the table above, it can be observed that the difference between the mean values of the responses obtained against general causes of stress, there is no significant difference between the mean values of the responses for both genders apart from the responses obtained against the statements, “I have conflicts within my social environment” and “Thinking about my future makes me feel stressed”. See Appendix – 2 for the findings. T-Test for Causes related to Studies Considering Genders The comparison of mean test conducted for the causes of stress related to studies reveals that there is no significant difference in the perceptions and opinions of male and female students except for few statements which include, “I attend the majority of my classes”, “I put a lot of pressure on myself in order to achieve my study goals”, “I am afraid of failing to fulfill the expectations set on me”, “I am afraid of examination situations” and “I fear that I will not find a job after my graduation. See Appendix – 2 for the findings. T-Test for Management of Study Routines Considering Genders With regard to the management of study routine as causes of stress, the difference between the mean values of the responses obtained for male and female students is significant for all of the statements presented in the questionnaire in this respect. See Appendix – 2 for the findings. T-Test for Stress Management Considering Genders In relation to the responses obtained for stress management, the difference between the responses of male and female students is not significant except for the statements, “I do sports to cope with stress”, “I practice relaxing exercises like yoga”, “I have personalized my work space to feel relaxed” and “Music helps me to calm down”. See Appendix – 2 for the findings. T-Test for Personal Assessment of Stress Considering Genders For personal assessment of stress levels, the perceptions of male and female students are significantly different from each other with respect to the statements, such as, “I expect my stress level to further increase until graduation”, “I have experienced health problems due to stress” and “New challenges make me feel uncomfortable”. See Appendix – 2 for the findings. T-Test for Consequences of Stress on Health Considering Genders Apart from the statements, which include “Because of stress I isolate myself”, “Because of stress I have a headache”, “Because of stress I suffer from high blood pressure”, “Because of stress my muscles get tense”, “Because of stress I suffer from constant ear noise” and “Because of stress I suffer from circulation problems”, the responses obtained by the researcher for consequences of stress on health for male and female students are significantly different from each other. See Appendix – 2 for the findings. Discussion The study brought an analysis of stress associated with Tyrolean students. The cause and consequences were part of the analysis in order to check, compare and differentiate the stress levels of students found in Tyrolean region. In statistical analysis multiple tests were conducted to compare the results with preset hypothesis. The hypothesis emphasized on two major aspects, one was the major cause of stress found in Tyrolean students and second was related to views on different aspects related to stress with respect to respect to genders. The results clearly the stress condition of students is directly related to different factors including general and studies. Both types of factors are found to have positive relationship with the stress conditions of students that implies that if students are experiencing difficulties related to their studies and other aspect of daily lives then they are more likely to have stress. This is consistent with the information provided in the literature review part of this report. Previous studies including those by Humphrey (2003), Thawabieh & Qaisy (2012), Agolla & Ongori (2009), Kranz (2008) and Mosley, Perrin, Neral, Dubbert, Grothues, & Pinto (1994) all suggest that students during their academic lives experience high level of stress which is the outcome of pressures from the study requirements and also due to differences in their demographic backgrounds. In the same way the present study has found that perceptions and views of students are similar regarding factors affecting the stress conditions irrespective of the gender differences except few exceptions. Moreover, both male and female students have similar views regarding the impact of stress on health. On the basis of the findings from the study it could be concluded regarding two research hypotheses as follows: H1: General causes of stress have greater impact on the stress condition of students as compared to the factors related to studies. This hypothesis is rejected as academic factors are found to have significant positive impact on the stress condition of students. H2: There is a significant difference between views, perceptions and opinion of the male and female students regarding causes of stress, stress management, personal assessment and effects of stress on health. This hypothesis is rejected as both female and male students perceive in somewhat similar way regarding cause of stress, management of stress, personal assessment of stress, and impact of stress on health. However, there are certain exceptions found in the study. Conclusion In general context and with a reflection of past studies, there are several causes and effects that can relate to stresses found in students at time of their education. The purpose of this study was to concentrate on major causes and affects which were divided in two major sections (academic and general). The next purpose was to compare the point of opinions of both genders and see if there is any variation in results. The data following a questionnaire and a sample set of 302 Tyrolean students brought purposive conclusion. The sample of students was divided in two groups, male and female in order to compare the point of opinions. In an overall context, the results did not show much variation which means that both male and female groups had similar perception. This concludes that the second hypothesis is correct which was that both genders will have an analogous association in their point of opinions. Almost the same causes raise stress levels and respectively the same effects in both genders. From regression analysis of the study, it can be concluded that academic causes are more influential than general causes of stress, which shows that every student has to face academic problems, which is considerably a genuine factor and which becomes a major influential factor with the aspect of time. The same can be stated for the situation of Tyrolean students, where they have the similar nature of problem. Apart from other problems (financial, social or time constraint), it can be concluded from the study that academic problems are major cause of stress, no matter a student is in a high school level or a professional grade student, all face academic problems which is considerably a genuine stress factor. In the consequences, the study concludes that there is a variation in the perception of both genders. According to 302 respondents, half of the statements of the questionnaire showed difference of opinion, which means that affects with respect to mental or physical health can change in both genders. It could be because of association of students with other influential factors like social, economic, time constraint or peer group. Age and marital status can also be added in the influential factors list. Reference List Agolla, J. E., & Ongori, H. (2009). An assessment of academic stress among. Educational Research and Review , 4 (2), 63-70. Cohen, L., Manion, L., & Morrison, K. (2007). Research Methods in Education. Routledge: New York. Fink, G. (2000). Encyclopedia of Stress: A-D. California: Academic Press. Frijda, N. (2006). The Laws of Emotion. New Jersey: Routledge. Hales, D. (2010). An Invitation to Health: Choosing to Change. Belmont: Cengage Learning. Humphrey, J. (2003). Stress Education For College Students. New York: Nova Publishers. Kranz, P. (2008). 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All data will remain strictly confidential. Thank you very much for your support. Number of the Questionnaire:___________ INTRODUCTORY QUESTION Strongly agree Strongly disagree A0 I consider myself stressed at this moment. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 CAUSES OF STRESS Strongly agree Strongly disagree A1 My financial situation puts pressure on me. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 A2 The job, in which I work besides my studies, is very time consuming. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 A3 I have conflicts within my social environment. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 A4 Conflicts with my peer group influence my mood. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 A5 I constantly have to prove myself to my peer group. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 A6 I easily adapt to new situations (e.g. friends, places etc.). ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 A7 I feel safe in the environment I am living in. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 A8 I am satisfied with my current housing situation. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 A9 My every-day life is influenced by a chronic disease. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 A10 I find it difficult to refuse a favor. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 A11 I do sports which expose me to danger. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 A12 The way to my university is exhausting. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 A13 Thinking about my future makes me feel stressed. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 CAUSES OF STRESS RELATED TO THE STUDIES Strongly agree Strongly disagree B1 I know how to achieve my academic goals. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 B2 I attend the majority of my classes. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 B3 The amount of mandatory classes is a stress factor for me. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 B4 I put a lot of pressure on myself in order to achieve my study goals. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 B5 I have a helpful atmosphere in my courses. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 Strongly agree Strongly disagree B6 I can contact my lecturers for any question related to class. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 B7 I feel pushed into my studies by my social environment. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 B8 I am happy with the choice of my studies. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 B9 I think the study program I have chosen fits my strengths. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 B10 Balancing studies and personal life puts me under pressure. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 B11 I think my professors expect too much of me. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 B12 I need time pressure to start studying. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 B13 I am afraid of failing to fulfill the expectations set on me. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 B14 I am afraid of examination situations. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 B15 I fear that I will not find a job after my graduation. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 Management of STudy routines Strongly agree Strongly disagree C1 I successfully make use of time management for my studies. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 C2 I start preparing myself for exams in time. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 C3 I prioritize important exams over leisure time. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 C4 I do not postpone exam dates. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 Stress Management Strongly agree Strongly disagree D1 I have enough time for my hobbies. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 D2 My social environment helps me to reduce my level of stress. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 D3 I do sports to cope with stress. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 D4 I do cultural activities (e.g. going to the cinema, theatre, or museums) to deal with stress. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 D5 Travelling helps me to recover from stress. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 D6 I make use of professional help to cope with stress. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 D7 I visit spas to get massages and wellness therapies. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 D8 I practice relaxing exercises like yoga. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 D9 I use revitalizing activities as an effective tool against stress. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 D10 I have painted my walls in relaxing colors like green or blue. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 D11 I have personalized my work space to feel relaxed. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 D12 Music helps me to calm down. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 D13 I drink alcohol to escape stress. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 Strongly agree Strongly disagree D14 I use medication to manage my stress level. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 D15 I smoke cigarettes when I am stressed. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 Personal Assessment of the Stress level Strongly agree Strongly disagree E1 I have experienced stress since the beginning of my studies. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 E2 I expect my stress level to further increase until graduation. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 E3 I feel overwhelmed with my overall situation. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 E4 I have experienced health problems due to stress. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 E5 To reach a goal I accept stress for a foreseeable period of time. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 E6 New challenges make me feel uncomfortable. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 Consequences of stress on Health Because of stress… Strongly agree Strongly disagree F1 … my weight changes. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 F2 … I have night mares. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 F3 … I have concentration problems. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 F4 … I isolate myself. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 F5 … I have a headache. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 F6 … I suffer from allergy attacks. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 F7 … I suffer from digestion problems. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 F8 … I suffer from insomnia, i.e. I have a hard time falling asleep. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 F9 … I suffer from high blood pressure. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 F10 … my muscles get tense. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 F11 … I suffer from constant ear noise. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 F12 … I suffer from mood swings. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 F13 … I suffer from circulation problems. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 F14 … I have sudden panic attacks. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 F15 … I suffer from tremor. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 F16 … I get ill more easily. ?1 ?2 ?3 ?4 ?5 ?6 SoCIODEMOGRAPHIC DATA G1 Gender ?1 female ?2 male G2 Age ......................... years G3 Marital status ?1 single ?2 in a relationship ?3 married ?4 divorced ?5 widowed G4 Children ?1 yes ?2 no G5 Nationality ?1 Austria ?2 Italy ?3 Germany ?4 other EU country ?5 non-EU country G6 Living situation ?1 alone in an apartment ?2 shared apartment ?3 dormitory ?4 with the partner ?5 with the parents G7 Distance between apartment and university ?1 up to 5 km ?2 6 to 10 km ?3 11 to 20 km ?4 21 to 50 km ?5 more than 50 km G8 Have you moved from your home town to study? ?1 yes ?2 no G9 University ?1 Management Center Innsbruck ?2 University of Innsbruck ?3 Innsbruck Medical University ?4 UMIT ?5 College of Education ?6 University of Applied Sciences Kufstein ?7 University of Applied Sciences Tyrol ?8 Tyrolean State Conservatory ?9 Others G10 Main field of study (one answer only) ?1 Sciences ?2 Medicine & Health Sciences ?3 Engineering ?4 Agricultural sciences ?5 Social Sciences ?6 Economic Sciences ?7 Law ?8 Humanities/theological studies ?9 Others G11 Pursued degree ?1 Bachelor ?2 Master / MBA ?3 Diploma ?4 PhD ?5 Others G12 In which semester are you at the moment? ......................... semester G13 Average time expenditure related to studies (incl. courses at university) ?1 up to 10 hours a week ?2 11 to 25 hours a week ?3 26 to 50 hours a week ?4 more than 50 hours a week G14 Expected year of graduation ?1 2012 ?2 2013 ?3 2014 ?4 2015 ?5 later ?6 not able to specify G15 Are you going to achieve your pursued degree within the minimum required duration of studies? ?1 yes ?2 no G16 What type of study group do you belong to? ?1 full time student ?2 part time student ?3 international student (incoming) G17 If you are a full time student: Do you work? ?1 yes, minor employment ?2 yes, freelancer ?3 yes, full-time ?4 no G18 Financing of the studies (more than one answer is possible) ?1 own income ?2 grant/pension ?3 scholarship ?4 parents/relatives G19 Monthly disposable personal income ?1 less than 400€ ?2 401€ – 800€ ?3 801€ – 1200€ ?4 1201€ – 1600€ ?5 more than 1600€ Appendix II: Results from Compare Means Appendix – 1: Compare Means Test General Group Statistics   Gender N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean My financial situation puts pressure on me. Female 141 3.43 1.631 .137 Male 162 3.91 1.605 .126 The job, in which I work besides my studies, is very time consuming. Female 141 4.42 1.635 .138 Male 161 4.63 2.870 .226 I have conflicts within my social environment. Female 141 4.48 1.500 .126 Male 162 4.77 1.298 .102 Conflicts with my peer group influence my mood. Female 141 3.04 1.542 .130 Male 162 4.20 4.309 .339 I constantly have to prove myself to my peer group. Female 141 4.35 1.450 .122 Male 162 4.96 4.218 .331 I easily adapt to new situations (e.g. friends, places etc.). Female 141 2.75 1.410 .119 Male 162 2.45 1.256 .099 I feel safe in the environment I am living in. Female 141 2.04 1.230 .104 Male 162 1.88 1.157 .091 I am satisfied with my current housing situation. Female 141 2.41 1.464 .123 Male 162 2.35 1.546 .121 My every-day life is influenced by a chronic disease. Female 141 5.28 1.455 .122 Male 162 5.38 1.206 .095 I find it difficult to refuse a favor. Female 141 2.99 1.561 .131 Male 162 3.41 1.582 .124 I do sports which expose me to danger. Female 141 4.73 1.603 .135 Male 162 4.01 1.688 .133 The way to my university is exhausting. Female 141 4.67 1.510 .127 Male 162 4.70 1.431 .112 Thinking about my future makes me feel stressed. Female 141 2.97 1.563 .132 Male 162 3.77 1.735 .136     F Sig. t df My financial situation puts pressure on me. Equal variances assumed .192 .661 -2.620 301 Equal variances not assumed     -2.617 293.900 The job, in which I work besides my studies, is very time consuming. Equal variances assumed 2.970 .086 -.763 300 Equal variances not assumed     -.789 259.810 I have conflicts within my social environment. Equal variances assumed 7.887 .005 -1.762 301 Equal variances not assumed     -1.744 278.840 Conflicts with my peer group influence my mood. Equal variances assumed 1.375 .242 -3.037 301 Equal variances not assumed     -3.205 206.703 I constantly have to prove myself to my peer group. Equal variances assumed .292 .589 -1.614 301 Equal variances not assumed     -1.705 203.361 I easily adapt to new situations (e.g. friends, places etc.). Equal variances assumed 1.542 .215 1.966 301 Equal variances not assumed     1.950 282.878 I feel safe in the environment I am living in. Equal variances assumed .914 .340 1.210 301 Equal variances not assumed     1.205 289.428 I am satisfied with my current housing situation. Equal variances assumed .985 .322 .342 301 Equal variances not assumed     .344 298.848 My every-day life is influenced by a chronic disease. Equal variances assumed 2.752 .098 -.694 301 Equal variances not assumed     -.685 272.777 I find it difficult to refuse a favor. Equal variances assumed .269 .605 -2.289 301 Equal variances not assumed     -2.291 296.322 I do sports which expose me to danger. Equal variances assumed 1.756 .186 3.813 301 Equal variances not assumed     3.827 298.714 The way to my university is exhausting. Equal variances assumed 1.438 .231 -.219 301 Equal variances not assumed     -.218 290.210 Thinking about my future makes me feel stressed. Equal variances assumed 8.533 .004 -4.192 301 Equal variances not assumed     -4.222 300.636 Academic Group Statistics   Gender N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean I know how to achieve my academic goals. Female 141 2.43 1.166 .098 Male 162 2.33 1.063 .084 I attend the majority of my classes. Female 141 2.13 1.194 .101 Male 162 3.28 3.264 .256 The amount of mandatory classes is a stress factor for me. Female 140 3.31 1.513 .128 Male 161 3.57 1.572 .124 I put a lot of pressure on myself in order to achieve my study goals. Female 141 2.50 1.291 .109 Male 162 3.07 1.485 .117 I have a helpful atmosphere in my courses. Female 141 2.77 1.457 .123 Male 162 2.90 1.386 .109 I can contact my lecturers for any question related to class. Female 141 2.94 2.785 .235 Male 162 2.88 1.490 .117 I feel pushed into my studies by my social environment. Female 141 4.18 1.573 .133 Male 162 4.02 1.489 .117 I am happy with the choice of my studies. Female 141 2.04 1.052 .089 Male 162 2.25 1.221 .096 I think the study program I have chosen fits my strengths. Female 141 2.17 1.177 .099 Male 162 2.30 1.251 .098 Balancing studies and personal life puts me under pressure. Female 141 3.20 1.475 .124 Male 162 3.44 1.552 .122 I think my professors expect too much of me. Female 141 3.80 1.348 .114 Male 162 3.69 1.509 .119 I need time pressure to start studying. Female 141 2.96 1.614 .136 Male 162 2.85 3.622 .285 I am afraid of failing to fulfill the expectations set on me. Female 141 2.87 1.511 .127 Male 162 3.41 1.535 .121 I am afraid of examination situations. Female 141 3.16 1.455 .123 Male 162 3.88 1.499 .118 I fear that I will not find a job after my graduation. Female 141 3.59 1.716 .144 Male 162 4.24 1.697 .133 Independent Samples Test     Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means     95% Confidence Interval of the Difference     F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference Lower Upper I know how to achieve my academic goals. Equal variances assumed 1.860 .174 .720 301 .472 .092 .128 -.160 .344 Equal variances not assumed     .715 285.756 .475 .092 .129 -.162 .346 I attend the majority of my classes. Equal variances assumed 11.556 .001 -3.981 301 .000 -1.156 .290 -1.728 -.585 Equal variances not assumed     -4.198 208.674 .000 -1.156 .275 -1.699 -.613 The amount of mandatory classes is a stress factor for me. Equal variances assumed .109 .741 -1.405 299 .161 -.251 .179 -.602 .100 Equal variances not assumed     -1.409 295.931 .160 -.251 .178 -.601 .099 I put a lot of pressure on myself in order to achieve my study goals. Equal variances assumed 2.961 .086 -3.543 301 .000 -.571 .161 -.887 -.254 Equal variances not assumed     -3.578 301.000 .000 -.571 .159 -.884 -.257 I have a helpful atmosphere in my courses. Equal variances assumed 1.288 .257 -.790 301 .430 -.129 .163 -.451 .193 Equal variances not assumed     -.787 290.590 .432 -.129 .164 -.452 .194 I can contact my lecturers for any question related to class. Equal variances assumed .689 .407 .265 301 .792 .067 .252 -.430 .563 Equal variances not assumed     .255 207.294 .799 .067 .262 -.450 .583 I feel pushed into my studies by my social environment. Equal variances assumed .675 .412 .902 301 .368 .159 .176 -.188 .505 Equal variances not assumed     .898 290.066 .370 .159 .177 -.189 .507 I am happy with the choice of my studies. Equal variances assumed 3.681 .056 -1.603 301 .110 -.211 .132 -.471 .048 Equal variances not assumed     -1.619 300.969 .106 -.211 .131 -.468 .046 I think the study program I have chosen fits my strengths. Equal variances assumed .563 .454 -.900 301 .369 -.126 .140 -.402 .150 Equal variances not assumed     -.903 299.147 .367 -.126 .140 -.401 .149 Balancing studies and personal life puts me under pressure. Equal variances assumed 1.773 .184 -1.372 301 .171 -.240 .175 -.583 .104 Equal variances not assumed     -1.377 298.678 .170 -.240 .174 -.582 .103 I think my professors expect too much of me. Equal variances assumed 3.277 .071 .665 301 .506 .110 .165 -.215 .436 Equal variances not assumed     .671 300.787 .503 .110 .164 -.213 .433 I need time pressure to start studying. Equal variances assumed 1.096 .296 .341 301 .733 .113 .330 -.538 .763 Equal variances not assumed     .357 229.139 .721 .113 .315 -.509 .734 I am afraid of failing to fulfill the expectations set on me. Equal variances assumed .353 .553 -3.084 301 .002 -.541 .176 -.887 -.196 Equal variances not assumed     -3.087 296.452 .002 -.541 .175 -.886 -.196 I am afraid of examination situations. Equal variances assumed .022 .881 -4.231 301 .000 -.721 .170 -1.056 -.385 Equal variances not assumed     -4.239 297.384 .000 -.721 .170 -1.055 -.386 I fear that I will not find a job after my graduation. Equal variances assumed .004 .950 -3.319 301 .001 -.652 .196 -1.039 -.265 Equal variances not assumed     -3.317 294.340 .001 -.652 .197 -1.039 -.265 Management of Study Routines Group Statistics   Gender N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean I successfully make use of time management for my studies. Female 141 2.99 1.290 .109 Male 162 3.52 1.504 .118 I start preparing myself for exams in time. Female 141 3.13 1.357 .114 Male 162 3.68 1.502 .118 I prioritize important exams over leisure time. Female 141 2.61 1.340 .113 Male 162 2.97 1.442 .113 I do not postpone exam dates. Female 141 2.46 1.461 .123 Male 162 3.20 1.726 .136 Independent Samples Test     Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means     95% Confidence Interval of the Difference     F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference Lower Upper I successfully make use of time management for my studies. Equal variances assumed 11.022 .001 -3.277 301 .001 -.532 .162 -.851 -.212 Equal variances not assumed     -3.312 300.938 .001 -.532 .161 -.848 -.216 I start preparing myself for exams in time. Equal variances assumed 3.051 .082 -3.333 301 .001 -.551 .165 -.877 -.226 Equal variances not assumed     -3.356 300.579 .001 -.551 .164 -.875 -.228 I prioritize important exams over leisure time. Equal variances assumed .314 .576 -2.234 301 .026 -.359 .161 -.676 -.043 Equal variances not assumed     -2.246 299.686 .025 -.359 .160 -.674 -.044 I do not postpone exam dates. Equal variances assumed 5.095 .025 -3.976 301 .000 -.737 .185 -1.101 -.372 Equal variances not assumed     -4.022 300.781 .000 -.737 .183 -1.097 -.376 Stress Management Group Statistics   Gender N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean I have enough time for my hobbies. Female 141 3.01 1.304 .110 Male 162 2.83 1.459 .115 My social environment helps me to reduce my level of stress. Female 141 2.38 1.228 .103 Male 162 2.51 1.424 .112 I do sports to cope with stress. Female 141 3.00 1.682 .142 Male 162 2.56 1.552 .122 I do cultural activities (e.g. going to the cinema, theatre, or museums) to deal with stress. Female 141 2.91 1.606 .135 Male 162 3.57 4.393 .345 Travelling helps me to recover from stress. Female 141 2.35 1.582 .133 Male 162 2.49 1.612 .127 I make use of professional help to cope with stress. Female 141 5.30 1.286 .108 Male 162 5.43 1.215 .095 I visit spas to get massages and wellness therapies. Female 141 4.88 1.500 .126 Male 162 5.13 1.537 .121 I practice relaxing exercises like yoga. Female 141 4.69 1.708 .144 Male 162 5.49 1.272 .100 I use revitalizing activities as an effective tool against stress. Female 141 4.56 1.632 .137 Male 162 4.89 1.592 .125 I have painted my walls in relaxing colors like green or blue. Female 141 5.03 1.599 .135 Male 162 5.33 1.365 .107 I have personalized my work space to feel relaxed. Female 141 3.61 1.788 .151 Male 162 4.14 1.741 .137 Music helps me to calm down. Female 141 2.02 1.481 .125 Male 162 2.39 1.654 .130 I drink alcohol to escape stress. Female 141 4.33 1.629 .137 Male 162 4.05 1.894 .149 I use medication to manage my stress level. Female 141 5.34 1.330 .112 Male 162 5.28 1.455 .114 I smoke cigarettes when I am stressed. Female 141 4.28 2.043 .172 Male 162 4.03 2.131 .167 Independent Samples Test     Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means     95% Confidence Interval of the Difference     F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference Lower Upper I have enough time for my hobbies. Equal variances assumed 2.535 .112 1.131 301 .259 .181 .160 -.134 .496 Equal variances not assumed     1.140 300.779 .255 .181 .159 -.131 .493 My social environment helps me to reduce my level of stress. Equal variances assumed 2.742 .099 -.846 301 .398 -.130 .154 -.433 .173 Equal variances not assumed     -.855 300.976 .393 -.130 .152 -.430 .170 I do sports to cope with stress. Equal variances assumed 1.208 .273 2.358 301 .019 .438 .186 .073 .804 Equal variances not assumed     2.345 287.243 .020 .438 .187 .070 .806 I do cultural activities (e.g. going to the cinema, theatre, or museums) to deal with stress. Equal variances assumed 1.783 .183 -1.686 301 .093 -.659 .391 -1.429 .110 Equal variances not assumed     -1.778 208.563 .077 -.659 .371 -1.390 .072 Travelling helps me to recover from stress. Equal variances assumed .393 .531 -.756 301 .450 -.139 .184 -.501 .223 Equal variances not assumed     -.757 296.703 .449 -.139 .184 -.501 .223 I make use of professional help to cope with stress. Equal variances assumed .985 .322 -.933 301 .351 -.134 .144 -.417 .149 Equal variances not assumed     -.930 289.916 .353 -.134 .144 -.418 .150 I visit spas to get massages and wellness therapies. Equal variances assumed .258 .612 -1.429 301 .154 -.250 .175 -.595 .094 Equal variances not assumed     -1.432 297.066 .153 -.250 .175 -.594 .094 I practice relaxing exercises like yoga. Equal variances assumed 32.309 .000 -4.694 301 .000 -.806 .172 -1.144 -.468 Equal variances not assumed     -4.602 255.957 .000 -.806 .175 -1.151 -.461 I use revitalizing activities as an effective tool against stress. Equal variances assumed 1.739 .188 -1.772 301 .077 -.329 .185 -.694 .036 Equal variances not assumed     -1.769 293.117 .078 -.329 .186 -.694 .037 I have painted my walls in relaxing colors like green or blue. Equal variances assumed 6.328 .012 -1.791 301 .074 -.305 .170 -.640 .030 Equal variances not assumed     -1.772 277.030 .078 -.305 .172 -.644 .034 I have personalized my work space to feel relaxed. Equal variances assumed .903 .343 -2.621 301 .009 -.532 .203 -.932 -.133 Equal variances not assumed     -2.616 292.911 .009 -.532 .203 -.932 -.132 Music helps me to calm down. Equal variances assumed 7.585 .006 -2.025 301 .044 -.368 .181 -.725 -.010 Equal variances not assumed     -2.041 300.755 .042 -.368 .180 -.722 -.013 I drink alcohol to escape stress. Equal variances assumed 5.931 .015 1.389 301 .166 .284 .204 -.118 .686 Equal variances not assumed     1.403 300.959 .162 .284 .202 -.114 .682 I use medication to manage my stress level. Equal variances assumed 1.322 .251 .351 301 .726 .056 .161 -.260 .373 Equal variances not assumed     .353 300.268 .724 .056 .160 -.258 .371 I smoke cigarettes when I am stressed. Equal variances assumed 1.822 .178 1.021 301 .308 .246 .241 -.228 .719 Equal variances not assumed     1.024 298.175 .307 .246 .240 -.227 .718 Personal Assessment of Stress Group Statistics   Gender N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean I have experienced stress since the beginning of my studies. Female 141 2.45 1.376 .116 Male 162 2.70 1.487 .117 I expect my stress level to further increase until graduation. Female 141 2.26 1.269 .107 Male 162 2.72 1.376 .108 I feel overwhelmed with my overall situation. Female 141 3.82 1.371 .115 Male 162 4.04 1.365 .107 I have experienced health problems due to stress. Female 141 3.84 1.790 .151 Male 162 4.63 2.135 .168 To reach a goal I accept stress for a foreseeable period of time. Female 141 2.38 1.263 .106 Male 162 2.61 1.384 .109 New challenges make me feel uncomfortable. Female 141 3.84 1.527 .129 Male 162 4.69 4.229 .332 Independent Samples Test     Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means     95% Confidence Interval of the Difference     F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Std. Error Difference Lower Upper I have experienced stress since the beginning of my studies. Equal variances assumed 1.213 .272 -1.473 301 .142 -.244 .165 -.569 .082 Equal variances not assumed     -1.481 299.874 .140 -.244 .165 -.567 .080 I expect my stress level to further increase until graduation. Equal variances assumed 1.087 .298 -2.968 301 .003 -.454 .153 -.754 -.153 Equal variances not assumed     -2.984 299.996 .003 -.454 .152 -.753 -.155 I feel overwhelmed with my overall situation. Equal variances assumed .232 .630 -1.406 301 .161 -.221 .158 -.531 .089 Equal variances not assumed     -1.405 294.866 .161 -.221 .158 -.532 .089 I have experienced health problems due to stress. Equal variances assumed .391 .532 -3.442 301 .001 -.786 .228 -1.235 -.336 Equal variances not assumed     -3.484 300.595 .001 -.786 .226 -1.229 -.342 To reach a goal I accept stress for a foreseeable period of time. Equal variances assumed 2.236 .136 -1.490 301 .137 -.228 .153 -.529 .073 Equal variances not assumed     -1.500 300.319 .135 -.228 .152 -.527 .071 New challenges make me feel uncomfortable. Equal variances assumed .224 .636 -2.238 301 .026 -.841 .376 -1.581 -.102 Equal variances not assumed     -2.361 207.516 .019 -.841 .356 -1.544 -.139 Consequences of Stress on Health Group Statistics   Gender N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean Because of stress my weight changes. Female 141 3.45 1.791 .151 Male 162 5.02 1.522 .120 Because of stress I have night mares. Femal Read More
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2 Pages (500 words) Assignment

Personal Stress Students Go Through

hellip; the stress can affect the student in other negative ways, such as low sleep, health issues, anxiety, depression, anti-socialism and giving up recreation.... Not only the external factors are the cause for the stress, but it also involves their personal, family, works lives and relationships.... The paper "Personal Stress students Go Through" describes that school counseling for the students should be effective....
9 Pages (2250 words) Research Paper

Stress/Anxiety Levels of Night And Day Time College Students

The research proposal "Stress/Anxiety Levels of Night And Day Time College Students" describes differences in the level of stress between day time students and night time students with the aim of identifying possible strategies for stress management for the target population.... This study seeks to investigate differences in the level of stress between day time students and night time students with the aim of identifying possible strategies for stress management for the target population....
9 Pages (2250 words) Research Proposal

Assessing Stress among Health Science University Students and Professionals

The main aim of this report is to establish a stress level among university students.... Literature Review There are several types of research that have been done on the stress that is being experienced by students, causes of stress among students and how these stress are being controlled.... … The paper “Assessing Stress among Health Science University students and Professionals”  is a fascinating variant of a research paper on psychology....
7 Pages (1750 words) Research Paper
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