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The Source of the United States Governments Authority Social science Admission/Application Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Admission/Application Essay
The author states that Congress passes laws that deal with contracts, with the appropriate budget or funds. The Executive Branch actually makes the contracts and decides how to spend the funds allotted by Congress. If either the Government or contractor has a disagreement, then the court system decides the legality of the contract.
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Changing Demographic Trends, Patterns and Projections Social science Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
This process results in changing trends in population patterns. A demographic transition is very much observable in this data. Moreover, these statistics clearly suggest the way in which population patterns are changing across the world.
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United Arab Emirates Society Social Network Social science Assignment
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As the paper outlines, the importance of Social network cannot be ignored in the present world. People remain in close interaction with each other and deliver the best for the overall development of the society. The social network groups are a great help to the society as they promote the interest of the society and focuses on the need of the common people.
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Is Globalization a Threat to Economic Sovereignty Social science Assignment
7 pages (1905 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Globalization explains the spread of resources, economic advancement, and sweeping technological entities across the globe to be identified as the standardized measure. Global groups and the current transport networks that encourage ease in communication have boosted the spread of this global entity (Worthington).
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Alcohol and Crime in the US Social science Annotated Bibliography
6 pages (1749 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
With the limitation, though on the emphasis on the affected party rather than the offender, the article and the above-stated theory give substantial information to link alcohol and crime. The authors of the article are Birkbeck and LaFree of the department of sociology, University of Mexico. It is published by an annual Review of sociology and it can be found in jstor.
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Views on the International System and International Conflict Social science Assignment
4 pages (1287 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Failure by different international relations to agree about explanations for, and possible solutions to, critical external problems call for a more intense study of international relations. This paper is going to critically evaluate the arguments of Realism, Liberalism, Constructivism, and Marxism and their views on the International System.
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History of Urban Form - Process of Creating a Project Plan Social science Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
As the paper, History of Urban Form - Process of Creating a Project Plan, outlines, the project plan is a set of live documents that are anticipated to change in the course of project development. A project plan offers a direction for the project just like a roadmap. Thus, the project manager is supposed to set the course for the project. 
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The Church, Lay Devotion and Veneration in the Apocalypse Social science Article
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Article
According to the paper, the author’s approach is very intelligent in the sense that different point of view is taken into account, thus creating a single theme that justifies his thesis statement. His methodology underlines accuracy for it directly examines the artwork, while espousing critical analysis provided by his research on varying critiques.
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Marijuana Abuse by University Students Social science Annotated Bibliography
5 pages (1456 words) , Download 1 , Annotated Bibliography
They also surveyed adults and made a separate analysis of the surveyed traditional and nontraditional students. They stressed that the study focused on methylphenidate as their study was the first one about that kind of substance abuse. Their survey was then strictly confidential to ensure the safety of the respondents.
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Country Comparisons - US and Japan, China and India, Saudi Arabia and Mexico Social science Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
As the study outlines, Japan’s population on the other hand according to the recently conducted census in 2010 is 128,057,352 and was approximated to be 127, 650,000 by March this Year. This makes it be the world’s tenth most populated country. The population growth rates of Japan have been declining from the 19th century to the 20th century.
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The Right to Occupy: Interview of ONeil Social science Assignment
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Now she systematically works with the protest groups, trying to pinpoint the lapses in the system, planning out the strategy to go about bringing forth the implementation, improve and reform, and be a worthy adversary to something that should have been protested against before matters snowballed out of proportion. 
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Mentoring Programs and Youth Development Social science Annotated Bibliography
5 pages (1387 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
Although these are the well-known attributes that are affected by adult mentoring, the study further postulates that a fourth – self-sufficiency – is just as integral to development.  Lastly, the study attempts to focus on how mentoring programs can be honed to best administer the types of knowledge and skillsets which most adequately speak to these specific needs mentioned.
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Teenage Pregnancy in America Social science Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that teenage pregnancy also has the capability to steal the future from the young girls. It is mostly the teenage girls who are school going, indulge in early sex and become pregnant at a young age. It is the lack of education and less control from parents mostly lead to teenage pregnancy among young girls.
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Violence and Aggression in the Modern Society Social science Annotated Bibliography
5 pages (1565 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
In modern society, there are a couple of factors that can be seen as the cause of increased violence and aggression in the world. Such include the access to information through the media and the internet, the accessibility to weaponry which is responsible for the increased cases of violence others includes frustration at work.
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How Social Networks has Affected the Way We Communicate Social science Annotated Bibliography
7 pages (2168 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
Communication that defines the subjects and foundation of almost every activity carried in our societies has greatly experienced similar changes. Communication techniques have shifted from the manual form that entailed telephone lines connected to immobile communication devices, to digital mode characterized by computers and Smartphones connected to high-tech wireless networks and the internet.
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Drugs and Health in Society Social science Article
5 pages (1589 words) , Download 0 , Article
To a certain extent, the sensation of withdrawal and craving from an object, a drug, or behavior involves a person’s values, expectations, and self-image for satisfaction. The notion of addiction gives a powerful portrayal of human behavior that includes self-destruction and compulsion (Davis, 1997).
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Local and Federal Disaster Resources Social science Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The Other resource provided by FEMA is Disaster Emergency Communications. This is a dedicated field within the extensive field of emergency communications. Emergency communications cover all mechanical means and approaches for public safety interventions at all levels of government to execute their repetitive, day-to-day communications
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The Dependent, Independent and Significant Intervening Variables Social science Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
This study is very important to nursing practice, health educators, and professionals that work with adolescents and young adults with asthma. The practitioners can be advised to assess the type and level of participation of adolescents or young adults with asthma in health-risk behaviors at each health-care visit.
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Openly Gay Employment Discrimination Social science Article
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Article
Discrimination is a social aspect rampant in the United States of America for quite a long time. It varies mostly according to gender, class, and race. Many types of research exist on the study of the prevalence of various types of discrimination in the states, most of which provide useful information as others lack enough of it.
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A Government Awareness Program of Wage Disparity and Its Impacts Social science Assignment
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The last few decades have noted a rapid change in the overall number of women in the workforce. The paper tells that the prior level of industrialization and the demands that the World Wars had placed upon society created a situation in which women were not only encouraged but required to integrate with the workforce.
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Why Is the Suicide Rate So High for Teenagers Social science Assignment
5 pages (1521 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Parents play a major role in the lives of teenagers. Young people require guidance and encouragement all through their early years. This means that their parents and guardians should always be there to show direction at all times. Lack of this important factor may trigger problems for teens in dealing with various issues that affect them as a youth.
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Main Aspects of Annotated Bibliography Social science Annotated Bibliography
5 pages (1395 words) , Download 2 , Annotated Bibliography
In the story Little Things, Carver argues that the disparity existing within the society is based on the development of opinion and the social segregation in the whole process. Likewise, racism has been passed over from slavery to the end incorporation of the current corporate racism as revealed in society. 
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Physical Activity and Health Risks Social science Assignment
5 pages (1344 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
A critical examination of the study, based on the selection of the design that that researcher has used indicates clearly that the researcher hypothesized further that there would be differences that would be experienced by individuals in terms of their genders, ethnicity, and ages, in reaction to the role of physical activities in promotion of good health. 
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Does Using Cell Phones Make People More or Less Connected Social science Assignment
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Society has relied on interpersonal interaction from time immemorial. This has been reliant on communication among individuals, communities, and even across the world. When we talk about connectivity, it should be noted that knowing another person for various reasons and circumstances is the focus.
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The Ties between Humans and Animals and Moral Implications of Darwinism Social science Assignment
5 pages (1425 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Animals and humans share a relationship that is not only unique but also powerful that has existed before even domestication took place. This relationship has not only had a profound influence on human culture but has also affected the human physiology and emotion. It has also affected the behaviors of animals as well as their biology.
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Racial Stereotypes as a Social Construction Social science Assignment
5 pages (1467 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
The author states that whiteness is unquestioned and reinforced and is associated with privileges such as authority, education, power, and richness. In this case, the mainstream culture advocates for melting down and assimilation of the minority identities into the White culture in order to form the misunderstanding. 
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What are the Implications of Leadership in Police and Criminal Communities Social science Assignment
18 pages (4856 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The leadership in the police department requires effective and efficient communication skills that are well organized to enable the leaders to give suggestions, orders, and instructions in a clear and coherent way to their staff (Baker, 2010). In the same criminals, leadership has effective ad efficient communication skills that help them to issue orders and instructions on the operations of the gang.
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Ethical Reasoning Midterm Social science Assignment
5 pages (1369 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The government is allowed to use force, only as a means of retaliation against those people whose intention is to breach the rights of their fellow citizens. Through this methodology, Rand believes that the state will be able to maintain a social system, which will give mankind the freedom to keep, gain, as well as achieve their values.
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Orientation to Social Work & Social Welfare Social science Admission/Application Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Admission/Application Essay
As the paper highlights, as documented by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, BLS, this occupation would call for me to work with people having mental disorders so as to resolve their psychosocial problems and challenges which social problems, including poverty, trauma, unemployment, distress, and disability, impact on people’s mental health.
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Conflict Style and Analysis Social science Admission/Application Essay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Admission/Application Essay
According to the paper, analysis of one’s conflict management style is vital in understanding an individual’s behavior in various circumstances, particularly those involving clashes of interests. Conflicts can be resolved in different ways and conflict management style analysis allows an individual to examine their department as they endeavor to settle disputes. 
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Impacts of Social Identity on Individual Identity Social science Article
5 pages (1461 words) , Download 0 , Article
Human beings may share various similarities such as age, language or skin colour but in reality, each person is a unique being. The uniqueness that defines each person or what one think of himself is referred to as individual identity. People are social being and in most cases categorize themselves in social groups, hence Social identity.
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Tyco International Social science Assignment
5 pages (1524 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Recently investors around the country came across the shock of Enron and WorldCom. Naturally, investors were skeptical about their investments. It was quite evident from the shareholders to play safe. They had bitter experiences with Enron and did not want to repeat the same thing in Tyco.
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The Interdependence of Government and Society Social science Assignment
6 pages (1692 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The corporate headquarter is situated at 270 Park Avenue, Manhattan, New York City, U.S. The current structure of JPMorgan Chase is a combination of Washington Mutual, Bear Stearns, JPMorgan & Co, Chase Manhattan Bank, and Bank One. The JPMorgan & Co was founded out of the partnership of Morgan & Co and Drexel and was later renamed JPMorgan & Co in 1895.
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Analysis of How Criminology Can Engage in the Theorizing on Genocide Article by William R. Pruitt Social science Assignment
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
William sums up his article by noting that there is a catalyst in all genocide activities. However, ignorance criminology has failed to give the catalysts a particular label. Internal wars or regime collapse contributed to genocide wars after the Second World War; hence, it is imperative to conclude that crisis leads to genocide.
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How Technology has Changed Our Lives Social science Assignment
5 pages (1509 words) , Download 2 , Assignment
Technology has changed traveling. Whenever people travel, they need connections with family members and friends. The use of mobile phones makes such connections possible. However, before the invention of mobile phones, people relied on traditional landline phones. Although they could connect people, the landline phones lacked the conveniences of mobile phones.   
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Ethics and Criminal Justice Social science Assignment
8 pages (2107 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The founding fathers demonstrated a good understanding of natural law in writing a declaration of independence. Natural law refers to a universal law. Consequently, the law should be applied everywhere. For instance, the assertion that all men are created equal is a widely accepted belief.
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Analysis of Handbook of Practical Program Evaluation by Wholey, Hatry and Newcomer Social science Assignment
5 pages (1499 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Program managers in public and private sectors are being asked to evaluate and describe their programs in better ways. People also want the managers to address a rational argument for why and how the program handles a particular customer’s requirements and how evaluation and measurement will improve the effectiveness of the program.
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Effects of Social Media on Youth Social science Assignment
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Social media has been used by the youth to convey and send important messages to establishments and to other young people. With their growing numbers, governments, politicians, and corporations have learned to tap into the youth market on social media by creating accounts to engage them directly and understand their habits about products 
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American Sign Language, Deaf Education Social science Assignment
5 pages (1311 words) , Download 1 , Assignment
“Chiefly that sign language could be picked up easily, therefore it was, therefore, a simplistic, primitive language and that Deaf people who signed were limited in their ability to comprehend and express abstract thoughts”. In other word, interpreters’ play a remarkable part in how hearing people think or feel about the deaf world.
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Assisted Suicide Should Not Be Legal Social science Assignment
5 pages (1477 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Philip Nitschke had his medical license terminated by the Medical Board of Australia over the same. It is risky for doctors to get involved in such incidences. In his case, an email correspondence showed that he had the intention of assisting a suicide case while chatting with Nigel Brayley. This led to his suspension and cancellation of his medical license.
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Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics Social science Assignment
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Ethics are a crucial part of Catholic healthcare and professionals must follow the guidance offered through bioethics to physicians, researchers, and nurses. For the Catholic health professionals, their call follows deontological ethics such that one’s actions are a duty that could be compatible with natural law.
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Do you Believe Terrorism Was a Real Threat in the Early 1920s Social science Assignment
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In the 1920s, terrorism was not a real threat to the country and the world at large. During those days, countries were trying to liberate themselves from oppressive leadership. The leaders who were in power did not have the limits. The structures of governance were open to misuse, an aspect that exposed the minority groups in society.
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The Idea of a University by Roger Scruton Social science Article
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Article
The cornerstone of Roger Scruton's belief is not based on technological and conceptual achievements of the digital infrastructure of the 21st century but on the ideas expressed in the mid 19th century by John Henry Newman, the then Catholic intellectual and rector of the Catholic University of Ireland.
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The Vaticans Position of Pope Francis I Social science Assignment
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It has an image of a man in a length which is a full photo negative image on both sides and also that image contains some signs of wounds that clearly correspond to the Biblical point of view of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. The skeptic's point of view concerning how the image was created is not well known.
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Corrections and Victims Rights Social science Assignment
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The author of the paper explains that the Crime Victims’ Rights Act provides that court proceedings involving the offenses against crime victims, the courts should ensure the crime victims are first accorded the rights of part (a) that protects crime victims before making any determination.
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The Poaching Menace in Kenya Social science Article
5 pages (1765 words) , Download 2 , Article
The contrast between Ahmed and Satao’s deaths inspired Heminway’s publication on National Geographic. He felt that the elephants have been left on their own for too long, and that contributed to Satao’s death after his survival skills were outwitted by poachers. In the article, Heminway blames the Kenyan people and authorities for being ignorant, thus letting poachers roam free.
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The Fracking Issue Social science Article
5 pages (1443 words) , Download 0 , Article
However, some people argue that the central government is better situated to rein in potential hazards. Other countries are eyeing fracking as a means of accessing shale hydrocarbons. However, the countries face opposition from the public, mainly in areas that expect to bear the fracking effect.
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Police Brutality Social science Annotated Bibliography
5 pages (1347 words) , Download 0 , Annotated Bibliography
The Russian government has devised strategies that are applied to indict and charge opposition leaders of different offenses, which are tactically orchestrated to have them either jailed or placed under house arrest.  There is no doubt that these strategies have largely succeeded in the past, but they currently seem to be something that has gone wrong with Putin’s administration.
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Riverbend Baghdad Burning: Women in Iraq Social science Article
5 pages (1450 words) , Download 0 , Article
The author states that Riverbend recounts stories of life in an occupied city and neighboring homes being raided by US troops. Riverbend narrates experiencing her relatives escaping from prison and the kidnapping of children by soldiers. She refers to the soldiers as money-hungry militias. As she tells, at times, the tragic merge into bizarre.
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Some Issues in Political Science Social science Assignment
7 pages (1743 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Every community is fuelled by some common view of good whatever it may be but in many instances one may find that for every constituent of a given community there is often the constituent intentions. When these constituent intents are overwhelmingly good that is through its political class then it is in this, that the highest level of good is achieved.
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