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The Global Occupy Movement - Coursework Example

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The paper "The Global Occupy Movement" focuses on the critical analysis of the phenomenon of the global Occupy Movement. Occupy Movement protests against any economic and social inequality with its key objective being to change the power relations and economic structures in society…
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Global Occupy Movement Name: Course: Institution affiliation: Global Occupy Movement Occupy Movement protests against any economic and social inequality with its key objective being to change the power relations and economic structures in the society. This helps the organizers because the movement changes everything to what they consider as fair to humanity. Various local organizations or groups have diverse focus strategies. However, one of their key concerns is the claim that the global financial system and other large corporations have a control of the universe in such a way that does not benefit the minority and the week. Additionally, it also unstable and it undermines global democracy (Byrne, 2012). One of the key agendas of this movement is to protest against any corporate greed in whichever part of the world, together with wealth disparity. Instead of the movement setting its scope on one issue, it has had set to call for attention in order to minimize any social ills around the globe. This ranges from hunger, wealth distribution, poverty, and political instability, especially in the third world nations (Cochrane, 2003). However, over the years, Occupy Movement has lost relevance due to its poor leadership styles. Therefore, it is crucial for the movement to adopt outstanding leadership in order for it to remain relevant. This would happen by providing unity, willingness, and the correct ability that will assist them defines or identifies them. Failure of this, occupiers will go on backsliding into oblivion (Disney, 2008). Inequality is a dreadful thing since it makes some people overstep others. It can be looked at in terms of wealth where there is poor distribution of economic assets like wealth and income between individuals or populations. Conversely, it can be considered in terms of inequality of individuals or groups within a society or among countries. This issue is closely related to equality of outcome, opportunities, or equity (Guilhot, 2005). Occupy Movement led to the growth of an organization referred to as occupy Wall Street. This name was given to a movement that was protesting against inequalities. The movement and the protests began in a small street, in New York City wall. Later, these protests and movements spread to different parts of the world with the same information of minimizing social, economic, and political inequalities. The other aim was to minimize greed, undue corporations on government influence, and corruption (Editors of Time Magazine, 2011). Occupy Movement has raised many crucial political issues. The movement’s international scope, its denunciation of financial, capital operations and the emphasis on the need for authentic social equality have made a reason for most people working, in every country to embrace equality. Most of its protests are due to the anticipation of various political movements for the working class persons. Consequently, the movement has not so much been on the demands for the trade union, but on the political sector that has questions, which require a fundamental reorganization of the society and the economy in broad-spectrum (Hudson, 2012). There is a fundamentally anti-capitalist drive to the movement’s protests. They highly reflect on the upcoming recognition that reflects various issues that confront large number of persons. A few numbers of patchwork reforms will not solve most of these problems. Another crucial political feature that the movement raises in Australia is that, it has largely developed control over various forms and identities of politics as they did away with the various roles played by the working class. Fearful of what other emergencies this movement might create, with deep emphasis of the class problem of social parity and its anti industrialist bloom, the forces are now striving to bring it back under control. There is an article by Doug Singes posted on October 11 on socialist worker referred to as, “Autonomous Zone on Wall Street.” This article seeks to ensure that everything is brought back on the control. For a long time, although the movement had discarded the radical role of the fight to develop political independence and that of the working class, it also plays a significant role in the prop for the Democratic Party. Occupy Movement moves ahead only if it adapts a series of reforms, which occupy the immediate concerns for a large number of persons, and later draw then near a revolutionary struggle. A revolutionary social movement has always advocated for the reform demands, and; therefore, fights for the rights of those demands from the time the struggles began, to the time political powers were in connection with other socialist’s demands (Mason, 2012). For example, the demands for a minimum living wage are by no means a socialist’s revolutionary demand. In order to implement such necessary measures, it would be crucial to have a head on conflict with the whole of the trade union. This would assist in enforcing a regime of low wages through which a nation’s administration would seek to do so through capitalism (Editors of Time Magazine, 2011). Occupy Movement’s main agenda for the reforms are to raise its participants’ conscious by placing in front of them the necessity of a turn to all the working class individuals, and to the struggling economic power. It would also assist in reinforcing the illusions that the protest movement has strengths. The pressure would force governments to rein in some of the detrimental issues like the finance capital and the excesses of the banks. The aim of the movement is to ensure that it destroys all types of social gains in each country throughout the world. Most of these social gains are those that are brought about by working class persons for them to satisfy the requirements that the banks have created over the years. The ever-increasing financial capitals do not produce adequate resources that would help in the payment of these people’s parasitic, quasi-criminal, and speculative activities in any financial markets. Finally, in the sociological perspective, social theory of Occupy Movement addresses the social issues that the movement raises. On the other hand, Occupy Movement has raised a number of social issues. According to the social theory, Occupy Movement social issues have enormous impacts on the lives of individuals and that of the nations. These issues have negatively altered the mainstay of many people for a long time. For this reason, the movement has tried to address the issues in order to minimize them. For instance, there is an issue on the student’s debt, which has been addressed by the movement. Many financial speculators have wasted the job economies, thereby leaving many university graduates without employment and in severe hocks for more decades to come. This movement is, therefore, trying to educate the world that education is knowledge and a right; therefore, it should not be a foundation of yields for the Wall Street (Hudson, 2012). There is also the issue of wrongful foreclosures whereby many speculators have been gambling with extremely valuable assets like other people’s homes. This has made many people desperate after losing their homes. The movement is addressing this issue in order to ensure that people are not left desperate and without a roof over their heads. This is in order to minimize social inequality. Health care is another issue addressed by occupies movement. The profiteering of insurances, pharmaceuticals, and private hospitals is a serious threat to people’s human rights and their economic stability both as individual persons and a nation. The movement tries to foresee that all persons receive equal health care in order to minimize desperation, which comes because of lack of proper healthcare (Shosky, 2012). The economic theory, on the other hand, clearly explains different economic inequalities, and that the movement seeks to address. Economic inequality affects the life of individuals, which then spread throughout a nation. As a result, of economic inequality, the life of people and the nation in general is left unstable. Because of this problem, Occupy Movement has gone ahead and selected anew issues that would help them address this issue of economic instability. First, issues of individual’s living wage have been a serious problem. This is because many people have unusually low wages, which consequently leads, them to have unusually low economic life because they can barely afford their basic requirements. Therefore, the movement is addressing the issue by ensuring that any worker who brings at least one percent of their wealth, should be able to earn that would enable them afford their basic facilities such as food, transport, housing, healthcare, and utilities (Editors of Time Magazine, 2011). There is also the issue of forming credit unions, which everyone can fit in, instead of always having large banks. Big banks are disadvantageous because a common person cannot be able to borrow a loan from them. Their loans have substantial interest rates making it extraordinarily expensive for a common person to repay it. Therefore, the movement tries to educate the populace on the necessity to have credit unions that would help them grow economically (Morgan, & Turner, 2009). Finally, the movement tries to cut a budget by at least ninety nine percent. It shows people that there is no need to have their public facilities such as schools and other public services shut down. On the other hand, people cannot just sit down and wait for the elected officials to work for them. There is a need to join forces, work together, and offer each other mutual assistance in order to succeed economically. This can be done by building free markets, community centers, alternative structures, and workshops (Schiffrin, 2012). The social, political, and economic challenges that have been brought out by Occupy Movement have been of considerable relevance to the Australian community. This is because, for a long time, Australia has faced a serious challenge of inequality both in the social, economic, and political aspect. Occupy Movement has helped Australia ensure there is equity in the distribution of its wealth, social and political stability. Australia has done this by changing disclosure whereby the social and political disclosure in Australia has been thoroughly amended (Mason, 2012). On the other hand, illegal foreclosures have been ended. In this case, the two organizations that were overseeing the end of the foreclosures were able to prevent the banks from foreclosing on owners of homes that had been affected by lending predators and those of the corporate wrongdoing. They were able to incorporate many tactics that included camping out on their properties in order to prevent evictions. Today, people are not being chased out of their places of residence due to massive back loans (Tarrow, 2012). Finally, Australia has benefited from this movement in terms of corporate personhood. This is where Australian citizens started declaring money as a speech while people were referred to as the corporations. This allowed for unlimited corporate influence through various monetary contributions. Occupy Movement has enabled people living in Australia improve their standard of living. Job opportunities have been created, and rates of crimes have been minimized while corruption amongst politicians and other people have minimized, and more infrastructures have been set up throughout the country (Morgan, & Turner, 2009) Conclusion It is relevant to put into perception the competencies expected for a successful, professional practice in psychology, to understand the influence of the Occupy Movement elements. The protests against social injustices, as well as inequitable distribution of resources, indicate a state of dissatisfaction in the society regarding power structures. The commitment of the Occupy Movement to engage in nonviolent protest is one of the aspects that have built synergy within the movement. In the psychology professional practice, a wide knowledge in theories as well as the concepts relating to cognition, emotive and reactive behavior in the society is necessary. The Occupy Movement has adopted emotive strategies in mobilizing the public to engage in demonstrations. The changes in the application of psychological theories are based on the area of submission. Consequently, the practice of psychology should adopt scientific evidence for effective implementation. The adoption of a strictly non-violent approach to protest could keep the media uninterested (Schiffrin, 2012). However, violence in the protest where the protestor play the victim of arrestment by the authorities would be useful in drawing attention the world to some of the movements demands. Aggression in some instances is a double, edged sword which helps raise awareness on one side and may lead the assault on the other side. In psychology, a practitioner is expected to explain, investigate, predict, as well as modify human behavior through effective communication an understanding of the underlying consequences is necessary (Tarrow, 2012). The leaders of the Occupy Movement inherently understand the concept of human behavior and should be open to innovative techniques to help relay their messages to the right people. The application of evidence-based process of reaching decision is another key lesson learnt from the Occupy Movement. In psychology, the application of evidence in guiding decision making is pertinent. All the arguments have been clearly stated by the sociological theories of the Occupy Movement. This means that most people across the globe and different nations have been able to come to terms with the movement. Consequently, this had led to a mutual understanding between people and nations. It is exceptionally clear on the need to end social, political, and economic inequality since this leads to the materialization of other nefarious things throughout the world. References Byrne, J. (2012). The Occupy Handbook. New York: Back Bay Books Cochrane, F., Duffy, R. & Selby, J. (2003). Global Governance, conflict, and Resistance. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Disney, J. L. (2008). Women's Activism and Feminist Agency in Mozambique and Nicaragua. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Guilhot, N. (2005). The Democracy Makers: Human Rights & International Order. New York: Columbia University Press. Hudson, K. (2012). The New European Left A Socialism For The Twenty-First Century? Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Lang, A. S., & Lang, A. S. (2012). Dreaming In Public: The Building Of The Occupy Movement. Oxford, UK: New Internationalist. Mason, P. (2012). Why It's Kicking Off Everywhere: The New Global Revolutions. London: Verso. Morgan, R., & Turner, B. S. (2009). Interpreting Human Rights Social Science Perspectives. Routledge Advances in Sociology. New York, N.Y.: Taylor & Francis. Phillips, P., & Soeiro, K. (2012). The Global 1% Exposing The Transnational Ruling Class. Rohnert Park, Calif.?: Sonoma State University, Project Censored. Schiffrin, A. (2012). From Cairo to Wall Street: Voices from the Global Spring. New York: New Press :. Shosky, J. (2012). The Words of Our Time Speeches That Made a Difference 2001-2011. London: Biteback. Tarrow, S. G. (2012). Strangers at the Gates: Movements and States in Contentious Politics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Editors of Time Magazine, (2011). TIME What is Occupy?: Inside the Global Movement. New York, NY: Time Home Entertainment, Incorporated Read More

Consequently, the movement has not so much been on the demands for the trade union, but on the political sector that has questions, which require a fundamental reorganization of the society and the economy in broad-spectrum (Hudson, 2012). There is a fundamentally anti-capitalist drive to the movement’s protests. They highly reflect on the upcoming recognition that reflects various issues that confront large number of persons. A few numbers of patchwork reforms will not solve most of these problems.

Another crucial political feature that the movement raises in Australia is that, it has largely developed control over various forms and identities of politics as they did away with the various roles played by the working class. Fearful of what other emergencies this movement might create, with deep emphasis of the class problem of social parity and its anti industrialist bloom, the forces are now striving to bring it back under control. There is an article by Doug Singes posted on October 11 on socialist worker referred to as, “Autonomous Zone on Wall Street.

” This article seeks to ensure that everything is brought back on the control. For a long time, although the movement had discarded the radical role of the fight to develop political independence and that of the working class, it also plays a significant role in the prop for the Democratic Party. Occupy Movement moves ahead only if it adapts a series of reforms, which occupy the immediate concerns for a large number of persons, and later draw then near a revolutionary struggle. A revolutionary social movement has always advocated for the reform demands, and; therefore, fights for the rights of those demands from the time the struggles began, to the time political powers were in connection with other socialist’s demands (Mason, 2012).

For example, the demands for a minimum living wage are by no means a socialist’s revolutionary demand. In order to implement such necessary measures, it would be crucial to have a head on conflict with the whole of the trade union. This would assist in enforcing a regime of low wages through which a nation’s administration would seek to do so through capitalism (Editors of Time Magazine, 2011). Occupy Movement’s main agenda for the reforms are to raise its participants’ conscious by placing in front of them the necessity of a turn to all the working class individuals, and to the struggling economic power.

It would also assist in reinforcing the illusions that the protest movement has strengths. The pressure would force governments to rein in some of the detrimental issues like the finance capital and the excesses of the banks. The aim of the movement is to ensure that it destroys all types of social gains in each country throughout the world. Most of these social gains are those that are brought about by working class persons for them to satisfy the requirements that the banks have created over the years.

The ever-increasing financial capitals do not produce adequate resources that would help in the payment of these people’s parasitic, quasi-criminal, and speculative activities in any financial markets. Finally, in the sociological perspective, social theory of Occupy Movement addresses the social issues that the movement raises. On the other hand, Occupy Movement has raised a number of social issues. According to the social theory, Occupy Movement social issues have enormous impacts on the lives of individuals and that of the nations.

These issues have negatively altered the mainstay of many people for a long time. For this reason, the movement has tried to address the issues in order to minimize them. For instance, there is an issue on the student’s debt, which has been addressed by the movement. Many financial speculators have wasted the job economies, thereby leaving many university graduates without employment and in severe hocks for more decades to come. This movement is, therefore, trying to educate the world that education is knowledge and a right; therefore, it should not be a foundation of yields for the Wall Street (Hudson, 2012).

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