These approaches encompass taking into account; document language and form, intertextuality and the authorship and readership. This section specifically focuses on critically examining the intertexual approach of document analysis. In this regard, Atkinson and Coffey (2004) argue that documents do not stand-alone. They do not construct reality as individual or separate entities. Instead, they have a referential value that is embedded in other texts. They further argue that like any system of message and signs, meaning can only be generated from documents because they have relationships with other documents.
Based on this premise, Atkinson and Coffey (2004) postulate that the analysis of documents must extend beyond separate texts and explore how different documents relate with others. For instance, in a marketing firm when auditors want to scrutinise the performance of employees and the firm overall, they will not just rely on one document. Instead, they are likely to carryout an audit trail that may involve scrutiny of a wide range of documents. They may review the balance sheets, minutes of departmental meetings, progress reports and budgets among many other organisational records.
Each of these organisational records has its distinctive characteristics in terms of content, function, style or formats. Furthermore, such documents are written in reference to other equivalent or interlinked documents. It is in this case that the element of intertextuality comes into play. Thus the analysis of documents is carried out in terms of intertextual relationships exploring dimensions of similarity and differences. The analysis may involve exploring how conventional formats are similar or different between texts (Atkinson & Coffey 2004).
Similarly, Fairclough (1992) argues that document analysis based on intertextuality accentuates on the heterogeniality of texts. As a method of analysis, it sheds light on the similar, distinct and conflicting elements that constitute of text. According to Agger (1999), intertextual analysis is both beneficial and problematic. This approach to document analysis is beneficial because it highlights the much-needed research on the nature of relations among texts. Moreover, this approach can be applied in the analysis of a broad range of documents of distinctive characteristics in terms of content, function, style or formats.
In the process, it provides a broad coverage of issues and elements that may not have surfaced thus enabling the construction of rational patterns and decisions (Atkinson & Coffey 2004; Agger 1999). In support of these sentiments, Atkinson and Coffey (2004) argue that, the referential element embedded in this approach generates a dense network of shared textual formats and cross-referencing thus creating a powerful version of social reality. Conversely, Agger (1999) argues that intertextual analysis is problematic since its application imposes the need to develop subdivisions and typologies.
Each time intertextuality is employed, a dilemma emerges that leads to a loss of perspective to the extent where context, purpose and origin fade thus leading to uncertainty. Consequently, a number of subdivisions and typologies have to be developed so as to ensure a methodical application of the concept in practice. In line with the sentiments of Agger (1999), Fairclough (1992) suggests that one of the weaknesses of intertexuality is that it is a major source of text ambivalence. Given the fact that, texts are analysed based on other texts with different compositions, there is likelihood that textual surfaces may not be clearly or appropriately placed in relations to the intertextual network of the text.
Moreover, their connotations may be ambivalent and may not be possible to determine the meaning (Fairclough 1992). Visual Analysis The social world is filled with visual images from nature, television, paintings, photo albums, publications movies and the World Wide Web that researchers in the social sciences can analyse in order to create meaning or learn about the social world.
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