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Meanings of Addiction and Internet Dependence - Literature review Example

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This report reviews the general meanings of addiction and internet dependence and examines pervasiveness and use rates. Furthermore, it talks about stimulating factors, the reason for internet addiction, and the negative effects of web addiction, and available treatment and aversion alternatives…
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Meanings of Addiction and Internet Dependence
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Digital Economy Introduction To The Review The term internet addiction can be defined as the abnormal or excessive use of the internet on adaily and weekly basis in which people spend hours in different activities on the internet. Internet Addiction has turned into a global social issue with the advent and advancement of the technology that is now accessible to people worldwide. In literature, internet addiction has been characterized as "a mental reliance on the web, paying little importance to the kind of movement once logged on" (Lubbe, p. 219). Internet addicts are genuinely influenced by their enslavement from numerous points of view. Studies have shown that 34% of web addicts use 21 to 40 hours per week on the web, while 11% of web addicts use more than 40 hours per week on the internet. The measure of time that is used on the internet by addicts has negative impacts on their overall prosperity (Widyanto and Griffiths, p. 36). Among the internet addicts, the highest number is comprised upon the game addicts (McQuade et al, p. 27), however, sub addiction categories are also growing rapidly. The sub addiction categories include online gambling, sexual addicts, online auction, stock trading, and relationship addiction (social networks) (Widyanto and Griffiths, p. 42). This report will first review the general meanings of addiction and internet dependence and examine pervasiveness and use rates. Furthermore, it will talk about stimulating factors, reason for the internet addiction, and negative effects of the web addiction, prevention, assessment tools, and the available treatment and aversion alternatives. Introduction To The Internet Addiction It has been argued that the most critical innovation of the twentieth century is the Internet. The Internet has altered the data and correspondence stream of individuals, changing the way we communicate with others, accumulate and spread data, work together, entertain and express ourselves. Although, it has numerous benefits, but the Internet has additionally been distinguished as an accomplice to issues including pornography, gambling, and extra-marital affairs. Internet addiction has been termed as a disorder by many well reputed and experienced authors. For example, Young (2001) defined Internet addiction as a behavioral addiction that serves as an adaptive instrument and obtains from substance reliance criteria for the DSM-IV (Young, p. 97). The Internet addiction needs to be addressed because internet has become a key learning source for students, therefore; it is also available in almost all institutes across the globe. Although, the academic utilization of the Internet is fundamentally expected for learning and examination, the Internet has likewise gotten to be an imperative piece of student life. However, instances of over-association with the Internet have been seen in different campuses from time to time. The excessive use of the internet posed several serious issues to the behavior of people in terms of their social, academic and work life. It ought to be noted that there are numerous terms used to depict excessive Internet use: problematic Internet use, pathological Internet use, excessive Internet use, compulsive Internet, computer addiction, Internet mania (Shapira et al., p. 64; Widyanto and Griffiths, p. 82). The mixture in the names and definitions for excessive Internet use, introduce in the writing reflect the continuous debate, that whether the term internet addiction can be called as a pathological. It is consequently vital to view Internet addiction versus other perceived addictions. Fators That Are Making Internet Addictive There are many arguments about the factors that makes internet addictive. However, it is still not identified that what actually make people addicted to the internet. According to some analysts, Internet is just a medium therefore, people are addicted to the content not to the medium. Griffiths (2000) stated that many of the internet addicts are not actually addicted to the internet, but they are actually using it excessively as a medium to fuel their actual addictions. Though, this is a sensible argument, but it leads to a question that why people excessively use the medium of internet to fuel their addiction while they have many other optional mediums available to satisfy their needs? For example, an addict of online gambling under this statement is using the internet excessively to fuel his/her addiction of gambling. The question here is why he/she is not opting for casinos to satisfy his /her gambling needs? According many internet addicts, the reason for excessive use of the internet is its quick response, ease of use and accessibility. To understand the factors that make the internet addictive, it is important to find answers to different questions. Are the internet addicts actually addicts of technology? Are they only addicted to specific applications? Are they addicted to the degree of control those internet posses or to the diversity offered by this medium? The Nature Of The Internet Is The Major Cause Internet has some qualities that are unique to this medium only and this is the only reason for which the internet is contributing potentially towards the complexities of internet addiction (Greenfield, p. 153). The key factors that can be the potential reasons for addiction include high internet speed, diversity of available online information, stimulation of its contents and accessibility. According to Chen and Chou (pp. 646) a co-relation was found between the weekly internet usages among youngsters especially among students. A sample of 80 heavy Internet users were observed and interviewed regarding the features and characteristics they most acknowledged included interactivity, convenience, accessibility, and width of the data got to on the internet. Chou in 2001 identified that as a medium, the Internet is rapidly replacing the traditional mediums of entertainment and information such as TV, newspapers, television, books, magazines, radio and play stations, etc. The reason for such a rapid replacement is the unique nature of the internet. Most Internet applications, for example, the WWW is easy to utilize, and hence upgrade the interaction between human and computer; besides, a few applications, for example, chat rooms and email, are particularly great at encouraging communication and interactions. Accessibility implies simple, cost friendly and minimal effort access for clients. Copious and quickly updating data is an alternate real gimmick that pulls in clients to take part in online activities. The diversity of ideas, attitudes, subjects, and sentiments introduced on the Internet is persistently changing user’s stance. Indeed, the game on the Internet is expanding rapidly due to its unique nature. In addition, to accessibility and low cost, the Internet’s persistently growing bandwidth keeps on delivering mixed media assets in more noteworthy sums and higher quality (Lai et al., 782). Young (pp. 87) infers that the Internet itself is not addictive, yet specific applications installed inside intuitive peculiarities play a significant role in the improvement of obsessive Internet utilization. Griffiths (pp. 236-252) contends that the structural qualities of specific exercises are responsible for fortification, may fulfill client’s requirements, and may really encourage unnecessary or obsessive utilization. Structural aspects, in his words, allude to the peculiarities that producers outline into their items. For example, the high level of "intelligence" inserted into chat rooms and games may make elective substances for their users. Understanding To The Needs Of Internet Addicts In addition to understanding the nature of the internet, it is also important to understand the nature of the needs of the users particularly the needs of the internet addicts. It is important to understand the needs of the internet addicts because in today’s technologically advanced era everyone is using the internet for different purposes but not all the users are getting addicted to it. The understanding of such needs can lighten up how and why some individuals get to be pathologically addicted to the Internet. The six needs that incorporate the requirement for the excessive internet use are (1) sex, (2) an altered state of awareness, (3) accomplishment and dominance, (4) belongingness, (5) relationships, and (6) self transcendence and self acknowledgement (Suler, p. 384). Sex is dependably a mainstream theme in mass media; sex on the Internet, also known as "cybersex" or net sex"—is no exemption. Suler (p. 393) claims that individuals get to be engrossed with online sexual activities for the same two fundamental reasons individuals display over the top conduct in regards to sex in any setting: fulfillment of biological needs, and fulfillment of a mixed bag of simply mental and social needs. Sexual interests on the Internet could be both social and non-social. Social cybersex can get to be addictive in light of the fact that it is an effectively got to, unacknowledged and medically protected approach to fulfill ones biological drive and mental needs. In a non-social sexual circumstance, internet users, can undoubtedly and secretly get obscene pictures, video clips, and animation; the Internet offers a practically continuous supply of such materials. According to Morahan-Martin and Schumacker (p.434) the pathological users are more probable than others to utilize the adult only content on the internet. Young (p.15) likewise recommends that sexual satisfaction is one of the potential clarifications for pathological Internet utilization. The Internet additionally appears to satisfy user’s needs for accomplishment and dominance. According to Suler (p. 372), who claims that for some users who delight in mastering the different specialized gimmicks of programming applications, computers and systems offer a spurring and compensating cycle of test, experimentation, dominance, and achievement. For users who are less inspired by innovative dominance, the difficulties of finding and getting to be acquainted with the different societies and individuals spoke to on the Internet might be an endless source of satisfaction of interest and respect toward oneself. However, Suler noted that issues happen, when obsession on Internet accomplishment and authority turn into a ceaseless interest, yet underlying needs are not completely met by Internet utilization. Morahan-Martin and Schumacker (p. 438) findings about the excessive use of the internet are: the Internet gives a spot to relax, seek entertainment and excitement, and avoid pressure. In their study, those with Internet-related issues were more probable than others to utilize the Internet for relaxation and recreational activities, squandering time, and gambling. Before the Internets existing popularity (when workstations were generally remain solitary), Widyanto and Griffiths (p.43) had effectively watched that some individuals utilized online/computer games for arousal or excitement, while others utilized them as a way to escape real world pressure. Problems emerged when individuals surrendered practically all other relaxation activities to seek online joys, displaying a serious distraction with the Internet. Nagative Effects Of The Internet Addiction Internet addiction exposes human being to several physical and emotional issues which turned the highly effective technology into a green eyed monster. Negativities have been noted in a wide mixture of zones, going from interruptions in menial everyday undertakings to issues in occupational working and interpersonal connections (Young, p. 407). Firstly, Internet addiction has delivered such a variety of truant users in the world, particularly among youth. Most youth now stays long hours on the internet on social media sites chatting with friends across the world. This had reduced the sleeping and resting time among the youth because they prefer to spend most of their time using the internet (Young, p.115). Internet addiction has caused a serious harm to the workers by focusing more on their cell phones "facebooking, tweeting, watsapping", and exchanging messages with their buddies instead of performing the important parts at their work places. As a result many organizations are nonperforming and are not achieving their goals (Greenfield, p.198). Too much stay in online activities even has impact on the body. Accordingly, position of the body might be influenced when the body remains in a single position for hours. Positioning disorders include; the spinal cord might be influenced when you dont sit straight but instead curve. Whats more this can lead into spinal pain. Sitting near the computer can lead into feeling of eyes aches; consequently the radiation from the computer screen enters directly into the eyes that can result in blindness if not treated instantly. Writing for hours can prompt the inclination of torments in the fingertips that if not treated can cause serious damage to muscles and delicate tendons (Morahan-Martin and Schumacker, p. 432). One of the most well-known issues connected with internet addiction is the issue of online infidelity. As a result of such issue many long term and stable marriages are constantly harmed or wrecked by an online relation. An online relationship is a sentimental or sexual relationship launched through online contact and kept up overwhelmingly through electronic discussions that happens through email, chat rooms, social media sites, or online groups (Atwood and Schwartz, p. 56). Internet dependence has additionally diminished the rate at which most individuals socialize with their friends and family members. This is on account that the majority of them stays long skimming and subsequently dont even have sufficient energy to socialize with companions. Therefore, when somebody discovers him or herself in a bad position or in emergency he/she would not know whom to contact and this can result in depression which can lead into such a variety of issues like madness and even death (Fu et al., p.488). Internet addiction can impact children into drilling wickedness activities like the watching of obscene materials that can result in kids to rest with one another or covertly watch the adult content secretly (Young, p.119). Asseement Tools Internet Addiction should also be treated as some other types of addiction, therefore; one must have some assessment tools and procedures to control this rapidly expanding issue. As exploration into Internet addiction proceeded with, new checklists were produced whereby information could be gathered from willing and self-reporting respondents about their routine of Internet utilization. The work to create instruments with which computer users could be studied for data about their patterns of Internet use proceeded with and got to be more complex. The amount of inquiries on the study expanded and factual breaks down were connected to recognize Internet dependence. For Instance, in Morahan-Martin and Schumackers studies (1997-2000), a 13-inquiry "Pathological use scale" was created to assess whether substantial Internet use adversely influences academic and other activities, interpersonal relations, individual anxiety levels, social withdrawal, and a change in the mind-set. Apart from clinical observation, people can easily detect internet addicts in their surroundings by simply considering a few things. Internet addicts suffer from sleep deprivation, and general physical dissensions considered as concerned features of Internet addiction. Changes in typical sleeping routines result from late night logins as addicts have a tendency to go to bed at later hours usually three, four, or five hours after their ordinary bedtimes (Young, p.127). Lack of sleep, anxiety and fatigue are the common symptoms of internet addicts. To stay for longer time on the internet many users take caffeine containing pills and juices. Such a behavior leads to several health issues including eyestrain, repetitive strain injury, back pain, and carpel tunnel syndrome (Greenfield, p.117). Treatment For The Internet Addiction Before recovery is conceivable, customers must be spurred to enter treatment. It has been observed that usually loved ones such as a companion/friend, a spouse, or parents have pushed the addict into looking for help. The individual may feel angry and deny the degree that utilization of the Internet is an issue. Young (p.137) claims that numerous individuals suggest that the best way to cure Internet addiction is to quit utilizing the Internet, to unplug or to toss out the computer. On the other hand, not all researchers concur with this "all or nothing" treatment plan. Orzack and Orzack (p.469), for instance, contended that the treatment of Internet addiction cannot be complete abstinence: it ought to be dealt with like an eating habit where the objective is to reduce the eating tendency to a normal level to ensure survival. The following seven possible treatment techniques can help a person to get rid of the internet addiction. The best focus of the treatment should be moderation rather than total abstinence (Young, p. 140). 1. Practice the Opposite: Use a well planned schedule to use the internet however, the schedule must be the opposite of the current use of the internet. 2. External Stoppers: After the identification of the excessive use of the internet, the individual must use real world activities to replace internet activities. For example, invest time in work, meeting with boss or friends, or should choose different places to visit at a time when he/she feel need to go online. 3. Setting Goals: The internet addict should clearly set an achievable goal to get rid of the excessive use of the internet. For this, one must cut off one or two hours in the beginning of the treatment and should gradually increase the time to control his/her habit. 4. Reminder Cards: Such cards are the best tangible options that are also portable. Such cards will help a person to keep in mind what he/she wants to do while controlling addiction to the internet. For example, these cards must have notes like spend time with family and real world friends, increase productivity, participate in social gatherings etc. 5. Personal Inventory: Internet addiction stops a person from participating in many activities therefore, after planning to get rid of this habit one needs to enlist all the activities that have been neglected by that person with the emergence of internet habit. 6. Social Support: There are a number of support groups that are tailored to help internet addicts to control their habit. The individual must gather information about such groups to reduce dependence on online activities/groups. 7. Family Therapy: Family therapies are organized for those people whose personal/marriage life and relationships are negatively affected by the internet addiction. Two treatment strategies are offered by Orzack and Orzack (p.473). The first therapy is named as Cognitive Behavior Therapy, which is focused around the reason that thoughts determine emotions. On the off chance that addicts could be taught to perceive their contemplation, then they can recognize the stimulating points for their Internet misuse. The second one is Motivational Enhancement Therapy, which permits addicts and their therapists to team up on treatment plans and set feasible objectives. This methodology is less threatening and more creative than the former one. Conclusion A lot of effective and real world research work has been done by many well reputed authors on the topic of Internet addiction. Internet is no doubt a key medium in our day to day life and is a diverse source of information and knowledge. We cannot quit using the internet and cannot eliminate this useful medium from our lives, however, for a normal and healthy life style it is important to use this medium moderately. To improve the use of the internet and to avoid internet addiction we still require more research to see how social contrasts affect unique characteristics of the Internet addiction and what applications appear to be the most risky with what nations. We additionally still need to explore more about the effect of race, gender and age addictive utilization of the Internet among users. There is still the need of more research work to be done in the field of internet addiction to find effective assessment and treatment techniques because the internet technology is growing rapidly and it is expected that the dependence of the coming generation would be a bit higher than us. References Atwood, J. and Schwartz, L. (2002). Cyber-sex: The new affair treatment considerations. Journal of Couple \& Relationship Therapy, 1(3), pp.37--56. Fu, K., Chan, W., Wong, P. and Yip, P. (2010). Internet addiction: prevalence, discriminant validity and correlates among adolescents in Hong Kong. The British Journal of Psychiatry, 196(6), pp.486--492. Greenfield, D. (1999). Virtual addiction. 1st ed. Oakland, Calif.: New Harbinger. Griffiths, M. D. (1997). Psychology of computer use: XLIII. Some comments on ‘addictive use of the Internet’ by Young. Psychol. Rep. 80: 80–82. Griffiths, M. D. (1998). Internet addiction: Does it really exist? In Gackenbach, J. 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