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Attitude Of Young People On Dieting And Weight - Research Proposal Example

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This paper "Attitude Of Young People On Dieting And Weight" discusses the study that shows that youths understand the importance of avoiding fast food. Moreover, it would seem that a good majority of young men and women understand the value of exercise…
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Attitude Of Young People On Dieting And Weight
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RESEARCH ON ATTITUDE OF YOUNG PEOPLE ON DIETING AND WEIGHT OUTLINE CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background…………………………………………………………………………………....4 1.2 Problem Statement………………………………………………………………………….....5 1.3 Research Question…………………………………………………………………………….5 1.4 Study Hypothesis………………………………………………………………...……………5 1.5 Objectives……………………………………………………………………………………..6 CHAPTER TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.0 Overview……………………………………………………………………………………....6 2.1 Role of food………………………………………………………………………………...…6 2.2 Role of exercise………………………………………………………………………………..6 2.3 People’s Attitudes……………………………………………………………………………..8 CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY 3.1 Study Design…………………………………………………………………………………..9 3.2 Variables…………………………………………………………………………………........9 3.3 Target Population……………………………………………………………………………..9 3.4 Sampling Technique…………………………………………………………………………..9 3.5 Research Instruments………………………………………………………………………….9 3.6 Problems Encountered and Limitations..............................................................................…...9 3.7 Ethical considerations…………………………………………………………………………9 CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS AND CONCLUSION 4.0 Results and Discussion……………………………………………………………………....11 4.1 Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………...…17 4.2 Biography…………………………………………………………………………………....18 4.3 Appendix…………………………………………………………………………………….20 CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1.1 Background to the Study Weight is one of the most important indices in health; hence, it is important for health care providers to be concerned about the weight of individuals. One’s weight determines very many factors in that from one’s weight, it is possible to determine the prevalence of some diseases or conditions (Miller, 2008). Since people of different ages have different weights, the best way to assay for weight is through the use of a measurement called the Body Mass Index (BMI) which is a ratio of a person’s weight in kilograms and the height in square meters (kg/m2). The BMI classifies individuals into underweight, normal weight, overweight and obese. A person who has a BMI of below 18.5 is considered underweight; between 18.5 and 24.5 is considered of normal/health weight; between25.0 and 29.9 is considered overweight and above 30.0 is considered obese. Therefore, overweight and obese individuals have weight that is considered unhealthy since it predisposes them to conditions like diabetes, ischaemic strokes, hypertension and many conditions of the cardiovascular system (Andersen, 2008). The prevalence of obesity is on the rise especially in industrialized nations of the world, and this trends are alarming because even children are being diagnoses with “lifestyle conditions’’ that are pathologically known to attack adults. According to figures released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), obesity cases in the US have been rising from the past, and currently, the prevalence of obesity among adults in the US is 35.7%, almost a quarter of the population. In 2008 alone, in the US, medical costs towards obesity amounted to $147 Billion. In 2011, the CDC reported that the prevalence of children obesity in industrialized nations like UK and the US was not less than 15%. The children reported are between 2 years and 19 years. The CDC has also indicated that obesity cases have been on the rise since 1985, and judging from the present traits, the future does not look well. Recent statistics by Nationmaster.Com have identified the US, exico and the UK as the top three countries in terms of obesity prevalence. The US is first with 30.6%, Mexico is second with 24.2% and The UK is third with 23%. Obesity and overweight cases are on the rise in many nations in the world, the UK included. It is necessary to study this trend from a low level by analyzing the different attitudes that men and women have towards weight issues. Failure to check one’s eating habits and having a don’t care attitude is a likely cause of the high rates of obesity in the nation; hence, it is important to research on people’s attitudes. 1.2 Problem statement and justification According to recent statistics, the UK rates third in terms of obesity prevalence, behind Mexico and the US. The obesity prevalence in the UK among school children and adolescents is particularly worrying at 16%. It is important to study the causes that are causing an increase in obesity cases among the young people. Researching about people’s attitudes towards wait and diet will unravel a lot, and the findings would assist communities or individuals that are willing to control the condition. 1.3 Research Question Are there different attitudes from men and women to diet and weight? 1.4 Study Hypothesis There are different attitudes by men and women concerning weight and dietary intake 1.5 Objectives 1.5.1 Broad objective To identify the different attitudes by young men and women concerning weight and diet 1.5.2 Specific objectives 1. To identify the attitudes by young women on weight and diet, and how these attitudes affect the development of obesity 2. To identify the attitude of young men on weight and height, and how these attitudes affect the development of obesity. CHAPTER 2 Literature Review 2.1 Overview This section discusses three main components which are; the role of food in obesity; the role of exercise in the body and people’s attitudes 2.2 The role of food Food has a very important role to play in the development of obesity. It is important to balance diet i.e. proteins, carbohydrates and vitamins in the ratio of 1:3:1, every meal. Cereals also need to be encouraged in diet. Fatty foods and foods with cholesterol encourage the development of fat reserves in the body which predisposes to obesity and overweight conditions (Clabaugh, 2009). Of great importance are the fast foods, which contain a lot of fat since they are normally deep-fried. Fast foods are becoming more and more popular especially in town settings and educational institutions since they are easily packaged, hence, preferred by young people over “real food’. Having less of this food in diet is beneficial as it reduces incidences of obesity and overweight conditions. 2.3 The role of exercise Exercise is a very important activity in people of all ages as it utilizes fat deposits in the body converting them into other forms. Young people, especially those who take part in unhealthy eating habits are encouraged to exercise routinely so that their fat deposits are depleted (Johnson, 2008). This prevents conditions like obesity and overweight cases. 2.4 People’s attitudes Attitude plays an important role in determining how a person looks. There are young people who have a negative attitude towards fast food, while some do not. Some young people like themselves slim while others like themselves big enough. A person’s sttitude is, therefore, going to determine the dietary choices they make in life. Choice of diet is one’s taste and preference, hence, it will determine whether one is obese, slim or of normal weight. CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY 3.1 study design A cross-sectional study was used to test the strength of association between the variables. It was the study design of choice because it is inexpensive, takes a short time, and offers more feasibility. 3.2 Variables The dependent variable was the attitude of young men and women. The independent variables were; diet taken and frequency of exercises 3.3 Target population The target population comprised all young men and women aged between 12 and 20 years in the area of study 3.4 Sampling technique and sample size All the young people meeting the inclusion criteria were selected using systematic random sampling method until the required sample size is obtained. The sample size used was 32 respondents. 3.5 Research instrument and Data collection techniques Data for the quantitative part of the study was collected using structured questionnaire with both open and closed questions. The information to be collected includes respondents’ demographic data and questions aiming to assess their various attitudes on diet and weight. The assessment was conducted by use of two scales; YES and NO. In order to minimize bias in the information and variables the questionnaire prepared in English language but was translated to different languages by the interviewer to make it easy to understand interviewee depending on the language they understood. The qualitative part of the study was collected using focus group discussion. The focus group discussion was able to get more information on unclear responses. 3.6 Problems encountered and study limitations The uncooperative nature of some respondents led to collecting incomplete data about the topic of study. This was a major limitation in the fieldwork exercise. 3.7 Ethical consideration To cater for ethical issues relating to the study; Permission to carry out the research study was sought from Hallam University and concerned authorities at the study area. Informed consent was also sought from all the study participants. Confidentiality, anonymity and privacy were fully guaranteed. CHAPTER 4 4.0 Results and Discussion In finding out about the attitudes of young men and women to dietary concerns and weight issues, the following findings were recorded. a) Level of Diet regularity Of the 16 men who responded, 10 agreed to diet regularly while 6 did not. There was an equal proportion of women who diet regularly; of the 16 female respondents, 8 were found to diet regularly while 8 did not. b) The attitude to choose take away food Of all the respondents 56% had positive attitudes for taking fast food while 44% had a negative attitude and were not for the idea. c) Satisfaction of self weight 19 male respondents were satisfied with their weight as compared with 13 female respondents; hence, all the respondents were satisfied with their weight. d) Exercise in young people Of the male respondents, 13 asserted that they exercise while 3 did not. Among the female respondents 8 asserted that they exercise while 8 do not. e) Frequency of exercise f) The reasons why young people do not exercise On the reasons why young people never like to exercise, two choices were given; not being used to it or not wanting to exercise. In the former, there were 3 females and 1 male and in the latter there were 3 females and 2 males. 2 female respondents had vague reasons for not wanting to exercise. g) First impression We also wanted to determine whether can be important in creating first impression. 3 males agreed to this proposition while 6 of them disagreed. 3 females also agreed but 2 disagreed. h) Slimming per sex The study was also seeking to establish whether it is men or women who valued being slim. The findings indicate that women value this more than men. i) General attitude to dieting j) General Attitude to food 4.2 Conclusions From the responses given, it is clear that most of the youths understand the importance of avoiding fast food. Moreover, it would seem that a good majority of young men and women understand the value of exercise. However, the irony is that they do not practice these values to a high degree. Most young people value their weight, and most are even ready to undergo procedures that would make them slim, but they do not avoid what gives them undesirable weight and body size. A good number of youths also have a positive attitude towards food and dieting, but the irony still remains that these attitude does not go in tandem with the situation on the ground. The culture inculcated into youths in the name of “modernity’’ continues to predispose these youth to lifestyle diseases like obesity and diabetes. All we can hope that the attitude that young people have towards dieting and weight can be transformed into their lifestyles so that incidences of young overweight and obese individuals is reduced. Bibliography Andersen, R. (2008). Obesity: Etiology, Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention. London: Taylor and Francis. Clabaugh, A. A. (2009). The Body Weight Contingency of Self-worth: Additional Investigations of Validity. Michigan: ProQuest. Frederic P. Miller, A. F. (2008). Body Weight. Saarbrücken: VDM Verlag. George L. Blackburn, B. S. (2009). Obesity: Pathophysiology, Psychology, and Treatment. London: Jones & Bartlett Learning. Gumbiner, B. (2008). Obesity. New York: ACP Press. Johnson, B. (2008). Bodyweight Exercises for Extraordinary Strength. 2010: Taylor and Francis. Judith S. Stern, A. K. (2008). Obesity: A Reference Handbook. New York: ABC-CLIO. Tim C. Kirkham, S. J. (2008). Appetite and Body Weight: Integrative Systems and the Development. London: Academic Press. Appendix 1) Consent Form Good morning/good afternoon. My name is ________. I am from Haram University. I am conducting research on the attitude of young people towards dieting and weight. The study findings are important as they will address the growing problem of obesity and being overweight in young people. You have full right to refuse, withdraw or completely reject part or all of your participation in the study. But we encourage your full participation as the answers you give on this form are very important to this study . We would like to assure you that all of your responses to our questions will be kept confidential. Any of your information you provide will not be revealed to a third party. We will ask you questions in a place where other people or conditions couldn’t interfere. We would like to assure you that your participation on this research will not affect any of your treatment and other benefit that you get from any organization. We would be thankful if you spend some time with us answering questions related to the issues described above. The interview will take 10-15 minutes. (i) May I get your permission to continue my interview? Yes 1 Consent No 2 (ii) What’s your reason for declining to participate? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. Consent I have clearly understood the purpose and anticipated benefit of this research. I hereby need to assure with my signature below that I, without any coercion or undue pressure, have decided to voluntarily participate in the study to contribute my part in the effort being made for the betterment of ART service Signature ___________ Date___________ Starting time: 2) Questionnaires 1. Male____ female _____ 2. Age ______ 3. Do you diet regularly? YES________ NO________ reason___________ 4. Do you eat fast-food? I think you mean takeaway food’, meaning only food from takeaways? If so, use that, not fast food, because it will be clearer YES_____ NO_______ If YES, how often? Once Twice a week 3-5 times a week Daily More 5. Are you satisfied with your weight right now? YES_______ NO______ why? 6. Do you take any exercise in your daily life? YES­­­­______ NO_____ why? ___________________ go to Q8 If YES, why? ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ If YES, what type of exercise?____________________________________ ____________________________________________________________go to Q7 7. How often do you exercise? Once a month Once a fortnight Once or twice a week 3-6 times a week Every day 8. If you dont take any exercise, why dont you? too much studying to do a heavy workload Im not used to do it I dont want to other __________________________________________________________ 9. Do you want to lose weight? YES______ Why? __________________________________________________ On a scale of 1 to 10 please choose a number to show how much you want to lose weight 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 now go to Q 10 NO ________ go to Q11 10. If you want to lose weight, what do you think is the most effective way? - exercise - controlling your diet - liposuction - weight loss products ( eg medicine, tea, weight reducing apparatus) - others ____________________________________________________________ 11. Can body weight be an important factor in your first impression of a person? YES_____ why? _________________________________________________ NO_______ 12. Is it more important for men or for women to be slim? _______________________ If you chose men or women, please explain why ______________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 13. What is your attitude to dieting? -I dont care about it -its good for your health -its good for your body shape -its a waste of time -it doesnt work -other______________ 14. What is your attitude to food? Tick as many as you wish: - its lovely to share a meal with others -we should enjoy it - a lot of people eat food that isnt good for them (eg too much fat, salt, sugar) -I have to be careful with how much I eat -its just a way of getting energy -food is my enemy! -other ___________________________________________________________ Thank you for your time. Read More
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