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How Does the Iranian Nuclear Program Affect the GCC Countries National Security - Research Paper Example

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The work "How Does the Iranian Nuclear Program Affect the GCC Countries National Security" describes the concert of national security. The author takes into account that a nation requires fiscal, energy, and environmental security, etc. The Security threats are not confined to arch-rivals only, but to other states and non-state elements as well.   …
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How Does the Iranian Nuclear Program Affect the GCC Countries National Security
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How Does the Iranian Nuclear Program Affect the GCC Countries National Security No] Table of Contents Abstract 2 Introduction 3 National Security 3 The Iranian Nuclear History 3 Why Iran have Nuclear Program? 7 Literature Review 10 Research Methodology 11 Literature Review as a Research Tool 11 Research Question 12 Limitation to the Study 13 Findings and Discussion 14 Economic Sanctions and Iran’s enrichment of its Uranium 14  The Environmental Effects of Iranian Nuclear Program on the GCC Countries 15 Geneva Convention between Iran and 5+1 in 2013 17 The 6 Months 17 Religious Sects and those Sects in the GCC Countries 17 Affect of Nuclear Iran on the GCC Countries 17 Conclusion 17 Abstract How Does the Iranian Nuclear Program Affect the GCC Countries National Security Introduction National Security National security is utmost important for the survival of a state. There are three ways to acquire it a) fiscal control b) international relations c) control protrusion d) and diplomatic authority. The cited concept was come in the United States of America after the World War II. In order to have power over national security, a nation requires fiscal, energy and environmental security, etc. The Security threats are not confined to arch rivals only, but to other states and non-state elements as well. The non-state actors comprised of narcotic cartels, MNCs and NGOs. The national security also supports inclusion of any environmental threats such as natural disasters and occurrences resulting in damaging the environment of a state. The Iranian Nuclear History If we go down to the memory lane of the Iranian history that is linked with nuclear arsenal, it is indicative that their nuclear program was initiated in the year 1957, when a proposed agreement for cooperation in research for the peaceful use of atomic energy came into being under the guise of Eisenhowers Atoms for Peace program. Later in the year 1967, an institution known as Tehran Nuclear Research Center (TNRC) was established, run by the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI). TNRC was comprised of U.S supplied 5 megawatt nuclear research reactor, fueled by highly enriched uranium. In 1968 Iran had signed the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty (NPT) ratified in the year 1970 that makes Irans nuclear program subject to verification of IAEA. During the era of Shah, plan was approved to construct 23 nuclear power stations with the assistance of USA to be completed by the end of 2000. In March 1974, Shah categorically announced that Petroleum is a precious material to burn. In future, we will be producing, 23,000 megawatts of electricity through utilization of nuclear plants as soon as we can just to save the expensive material. U.S. and European companies are beating about the bush, to get the job done in Iran. The first plant at Bushehr, was established to provide energy to the city of Shiraz. For this purpose, in the year 1975, a contract worth $4 to $6 billion was signed executed by Siemens AG and AEG respectively to build pressurized water reactor nuclear power plant in 1981. Further development that took place at a later stage is that Sweden’s 10% share in Eurodif gone to Iran. Cogéma the subsidiary of French government and the Iranian Government had established the Sofidif Company with 60% and 40% shares. In return, the Sofidif acquired a 25% shares in Eurodif, out of which, Iran got 10% share of Eurodif. Mohammed Reza Shah Pahlavi invested 1 billion US dollars and subsequently180 million dollars for the construction of the Eurodif factory, to get 10% of the production. The former President of USA Gerald Ford signed an agreement in the year 1976 according to which Iran had to buy and operate a U.S built reprocessing gadgets to extract plutonium from nuclear reactor fuel. It was a complete package offered by the US to Iran to keep continues nuclear fuel cycle. The strategy of former President was two pronged with regard to introduction of nuclear power to Iran’s economy to grow and the remaining oil reserves to be exported for conversion to petrochemicals. The American CIA in its report pointed out that if India proceeded to develop nuclear weapons, no doubt Iran will follow the footsteps of India. The year 1979 saw the Iranian Revolution. In the subsequent years, we have witnessed the hostile attitude of the rival countries and the European Union against the new clear program. Cited attitude of hostile countries, compelled Iran to give up new clear program meant for peaceful purpose. When Iran was given up its nuclear program, she was the signatory of French Eurodif international enrichment facility. After mounting pressure from the hostile countries, the facility, the mentioned institution stop supplying enriched uranium to Iran. . The working on the nuclear project at the Bushehr in January 1979 whose one reactor that completes 50% and the remaining one reactor that completes 85% withdrew from the project. The company took the plea that since Iran was defaulter, hence mentioned action taken. The truth is that it was suspended due unbearable pressure that had put by the United States of America. Despite all odds, the Iranian government in the year 1981 decided to continue its nuclear program. In 1983, IAEA officials intend to assist Iran with regard to chemical segment of reactor. The act of IAEA annoyed the U.S. government. The USA directly intervened to discourage IAEA assistance for the production of UO2 and UF6.  Iranian government finding no other option but to seek mutual co-operation that relates to fuel cycle related issues with China. The China due to compelling reasons bowed down to drop nuclear commerce with Iran. In the month of April 1984, the intelligence of West German calculated that Iran could acquire the capability of nuclear weapons within two years provided uranium received from Pakistan. However, the Senator of USA Mr. Alan opined that the Islamic Republic of Iran would be able to build its nuclear weapon within a span of seven years. Let us take the period of 1990s, when Russia constituted a joint research organization with Iran known as called Persepolis, which provided Iran, Russian nuclear experts, and the relevant technical know how. Approximately five Russian institutions helped Iran to improve its missiles program. President Boris Yeltsin had adopted a two way strategy, a) offering commercial nuclear technology on one hand to Iran and b) dialogue with Washington on the other hand. To get the incomplete task of Bushehr plant completed, in 1995, Iran signed a contract with Russias Ministry of Atomic Energy. The project was expected to complete by 2009. After hectic efforts the US Government convinced the China to call back contract with regard to construct a uranium conversion plant. China pulled out of the contract. However, provided blueprints for the facility to the Iran, who advised informed IAEA about continuation of program. IAEA Director of IAEA, Mohamed ElBaradei visited the construction site. The pursuance of US not ended here. The US government pressurized Argentina to terminate its nuclear cooperation with Iran. How can we neglect the year 2002 when Iran strongly protested intelligence agencies that despite knowing the facts of her nuclear capacities the reports had been classified. Take the period of May 2003 when the US invaded Iraq, some highly officials of Iran mad a discreet deal with US through back door Swiss diplomacy channels. The chief organizer of Iran’s nuclear program during the year 2004 unilaterally announced temporary suspension of uranium enrichment program on the pressure of European Union. Later on, in the year 2006, Board of Governors of IAEA voted 27 to 3. The mentioned move was sponsored by the European countries. This had endorsed by the USA. Two permanent members of Russia and China were not in favor action against Iran before March. The remaining members voted against this favor. The Board of Governors in question deferred compliance report from Iran to be sent to Security Council till 27 February 2006.  The Board of Governors usually makes decisions with mutual consensus. However, in rare cases, it adopted resolution through vote. The then Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the year 2006 announced that Iran had successfully enriched uranium beyond the expectation of European Union Countries. The said announcement was made in a hurriedly call press conference where representatives of electron and print media of the world’s esteemed newspapers and channels were present. Subsequently he addressed the nation on television from Mashhad said that I delighted to inform you that Iran has joined the club of nuclear countries. The uranium that has enriched can be used for more than hundred centrifuges. It is pertinent to note that the Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) in the year 2006 printed a series of analyzed satellite images of Irans nuclear facilities located in the city of Esfahan.  In the image it was reflected that entrance in new tunnel which is very near to the Uranium Conversion Facility (UCF) at Esfahan where construction was going on at uranium enrichment site at Natanz. Besides the above, a string of images also printed way back to 2002. It clearly shows the underground enrichment activities, camouflaging by soil and concrete, materials. The available facilities were already in place and subject to IAEA inspections and safeguards. According to UN Security Council Resolution 1737 of 26 December 2006, the Council imposed a number of bans on Iran due to its non-co-operative attitude in accordance with former Security Council resolution which decided that Iran should immediately suspend / disassociate its activities with regard to enrichment of uranium without further loss of time.  The sanctions imposed by the western countries on Iran aims at to focus on transferring of nuclear and ballistic missile technologies to Iran in order to mitigate the concerns of China and Russia lighter than the United States.  The aforesaid resolution which was followed a report of IAEA indicating Iran’s approval for Inspection to its nuclear arsenal under the security agreement. However, Iran did not suspend its enrichment activities. Why Iran have Nuclear Program? After experiencing number hurdles in nuclear program from the mighty forces of the World, Iran decided to adopt shuttle diplomacy during Iran Iraq War while trying to remain within the ambit of nuclear treaty. Secrecy of the nuclear program of Iran leaked between 2002 and 2009. Subsequently international pressure turned the under going program into a major political issue locally and internationally. After Presidential election the political environment was quite tense. This has provided a pitch for the conservatives and the Green Movement about the nuclear program of Iran (Chubin, 2013). The nuclear weapons have become part and parcel of self reliant in arms and technology during the year1980s. This was the time when Iran trying hard to get arm to fight against Iraq since there are rumors that Iraq was used chemical weapons. By all means the war between the Iraq and the Iran was lasted near about eight years which was perhaps the longest and bloodiest modern conflict ever seen by the world (Chubin, 2013). Another objective of nuclear program aims at to have a niche in mighty world with regard to her quest for respect and international status. The theocracy added fuel to the fire, hence the outside world attempted to deprive Iran from acquiring technology although Iran has singed non-proliferation treaty whereas Israel, India and Pakistan did not do that. The indifferent attitude of other countries towards nuclear program of Iran in fact was the attack on the very foundation of the Principle of Iran (Chubin, 2013). It is not necessary that what I believes right today may not be right in the days to come. There we being the top notch of the Iranian government should admit our short sightedness with regard to our earlier political stance. The reason of being written this article is to provide the readers other perspective that compels Iran to continue its nuclear program published in the esteemed news papers titled "The Time for Diplomatic Action in Iran." In addition to that one can refer the interview of the author televised US Today TV Channel (Rose, 2013). The most successful way to shake hand with Iran to listen her grievance patiently and to offer prospective deal in terms of incentives to refrain her from following his nuclear program with tooth and nail or confine her to limit its nuclear program for the peaceful purpose. The alternate solution is that those atomic powers of the world should offer Iran atomic reactors meant for to use it in the power production process. This would of course do not negates the very essence of Treaty. By this neighboring countries in particular and the world in general would live happily and peacefully. It is need of the hour that the regulator of nuclear program should closely monitor the Iran’s nuclear program to reduce their apprehension (Rose, 2013). It is the responsibility of the super powers to defuse the fear of Iran from being attacked by the Israel in order to achieve her nefarious designs. Until and unless this apprehension is removed, no one can stop Iran to pursue her nuclear program. The usurpers are ready to have more power, more land and more oil wells to satisfy their lust for power and nothing but power (Rose, 2013). The lone super power of the world should recognize the capability of Israel relating to her nuclear program. The mighty power should vigorously pursue the Israel to reduce its nuclear gadgets, which is the essential requirement of the Atomic Club of the World. This surely would address the concern of Iran (Rose, 2013). Literature Review Research Methodology The methodology that is adopted for researching the topic of affect of Iranian nuclear program on GCC countries’ National security is qualitative literature review. A detailed literature is analyzed in order to come to any conclusion about the effects of Iranian nuclear program on the national security of GCC countries. Some of the literature is given in literature review; however, other part of literature is incorporated in Findings and Evaluation section of the research paper to find the impact in detail. Literature Review as a Research Tool Boote and Beile (2005) inform that for a good substantial research, the research direly requires a sophisticated literature review. A research is understood as good or advantageous based on the collective comprehension of researchers regarding issues. A literature review is not informative for the researcher, but also accommodates the researcher to look for weakness and strengths of the reviewed work. If the researcher includes prior studies in his research without comprehending them in detail, his research is just a random collection of facts and figures with nothing to follow for the future researchers. The prior works give an idea to the researcher about his route of conducting a whole research (Boote & Beile, 2005). Jesson (2011) describes a literature review as initially a research method that is in the form of a written product that can appear in diverse formats depending on the requirements of the research done. Literature review is a systematic review that is evidence based (Jesson, 2011). Literature review is defined as a ‘systematic examination of knowledge available on a topic’ (Dawidowicz, 2010, p. 2). The knowledge or information that is examined is usually research based and scholarly. The literature review that is scholarly and a good systematic examination of researches is usually performed with the support of peer reviewed literature. The peer reviewed literature is categorized as unbiased and objective and the researcher should make sure that he uses content that it itself unbiased and objective. The attained information should be free from someone’s perceived views, personal liking or ambitions. However, the researcher should evaluate the unbiased nature of a work that he is interested to include in the research. This neutrality of the included works makes the researcher to form an opinion based on reality and accuracy in place of speculation (Dawidowicz, 2010). The researcher is unable to find any kind of personal opinions or perceived ambitions of the literary work if he is unable to comprehend the work in its true sense. Therefore, the literature review that is done by using unbiased literary works is well-built and much more knowledgeable (Dawidowicz, 2010). The abstracts or outlines of literary works can be accessed as the first resort in order to have some knowledge of the literary work as a whole. These abstracts or outlines enable the researcher to find the most relevant material required for the research that he is interested to conduct. Before starting to look for relevant material, the researcher has to know his interested topic in detail with full comprehensibility. Initially, the research appears as somewhat generalized, but later on, it becomes specific and much more concerned towards the topic of the research (Dawidowicz, 2010). In totality, a literature review is conducted for ‘re-viewing’ the literature (Jesson, 2011). Research Question The research question on which, this study is based is: How Does the Iranian Nuclear Program Affect the GCC Countries’ National Security economically and environmentally? Limitation to the Study I was looking for economic and environmental issues, most of the literature that I found focused on what will happen to security. Also, how the beliefs or the religion of Iran make them trying to impose their power by using the nuclear weapon. However, I tried hard to look for environmental threats to security of GCC states along with economic threats to the states. The time constraint was also a limitation to the study as I was supposed to evaluate literature in a restricted time limit. Along with time limitation, I was also supposed to include a restricted literature accessible to me as a student. The number of pages on which, the research was supposed to be submitted was also a limitation. I had a question after reading the literature, is it fine that the Western states own nuclear weapons, but not a ‘Muslim’ state? Findings and Discussion Economic Sanctions and Iran’s enrichment of its Uranium Since 1979, Iran is facing several economic sanctions based on its nuclear interests and other violations such as human rights violations and intrusion in regional matters. The passing years have seen augmented sanctions designed by various actors with diverse goals. The first sanctions that were enforced on Iran appeared in the 1980 and were completely US unilateral sanctions. These unilateral sanctions have now become an international regime. The first set of sanctions was imposed because of ‘embassy hostage crisis’, Iranian anti-US policies and its assistance to terrorist groups (Vaez, 2013). The time period of these sanctions ranged from 1979 to 1995. Second set of sanctions was imposed on Iran to fail the Iranian government and the time period ranged from 1995 to 2006. US was again responsible for imposing sanctions on Iran and it was also a unilateral step. US targeted Iranian oil and gas industry and disagreed about provisions of any devastating nuclear and missile expertise to Iran. US also pressurized its allies to unite with it in imposing the sanctions with a threat to face the sanctions themselves. The third set of sanctions ranging from 2006 to 2010 came to the forefront as multilateral economic sanctions, which were imposed on Iran because of its nuclear ambitions. All the unilateral and multilateral economic sanctions fail to obstruct the Iranian nuclear program due to which, after 2010, harsher economic sanctions were imposed that are still imposed (Vaez, 2013). Iran is continuously busy in developing its homegrown nuclear arsenal, but for the procurement of crucial material and important parts, Iran depends on external suppliers. Iranian nuclear program is almost indigenous along with its components used in gas centrifuges, even then, the economic sanctions are successful in making production sluggish. The main uranium facility in Natanz is affected mostly. Iran has been obstructed to acquire materials and components required for nuclear investigation and development such as ‘maraging steel, carbon fiber, vacuum pumps, and measuring equipment’. Overall, the economic sanctions on Iran have retarded struggles to develop centrifuges extensively that are better forms as compared to their previous versions. In addition, the heavy water reactor in Arak is now postponed in terms of further construction (Vaez, 2013). Gladstone (2011) informs that the sanctions imposed unilaterally as well as multilaterally has affected Iranian economy to a great extent. As far as Iranian nuclear program is concerned, the Iranian administration is unable to get the required equipment and components that are essential for the progress of the program. The rate of sanctions is quite prolonged and Iranian economy as well as society are influenced badly. The sanctions are regarded as ‘brutal and tough’ and Iranian foreign minister Ali Akhbar Salehi also admitted straightforwardly that the economic sanctions have a damaging effect (Gladstone, 2011).  The Environmental Effects of Iranian Nuclear Program on the GCC Countries The government of Kuwait shows its concern regarding Iranian nuclear program in case of “the best worst-case scenario”. In case of an accidental happening at Iranian nuclear sites especially that of Bushehr, the whole region of Gulf will be affected to a dangerous extent. There is a clear environmental threat related to nuclear accident at Bushehr nuclear site. Kuwait regards itself ineligible to evaluate the extent of loss, but regarding a risky situation, many scholars and researchers have conducted research studies related to nuclear accidental threat to environment. A nuclear accident at Bushehr site would bring the contaminations to Kuwait through “currents in the Gulf flow” before reaching the Bushehr city indicating that Kuwait is present at a more risky place and is prone to a nuclear accident threat than any other state (, 2006). GCC Countries Reaction towards Iranian Nuclear Program Iran appears as a threat to the GCC countries in terms of their regional sovereignty, diplomatic strength and supervision of the resistance between Israel and Palestine. The GCC countries are concerned in the empowerment of Iran as a nuclear nation because of historical problems regarding sects of ‘Shiites and Sunnis’, ‘Persian and Arabs’ and the radical Iranian regime and Gulf dominions (Perkovich, Radzinsky & Tandler, 2012). Saudi Arabia is immensely concerned about Iranian nuclear program and is not ready to ‘sit idly by’ in case of Iran’s acquisition of nuclear armaments. Saudi Arabia and other neighboring countries are interested to acquire safety guarantees from US when Iranian administration would be brought into an agreement regarding its nuclear development program (Black, 2013). Saudi Arabia recognizes the need of a political solution to the issue of Iranian nuclear program. According to Saudi administration, the Geneva agreement between Iran and the EU/E3+3 is somewhat a start of a solution to prevent Iran from developing a nuclear weapon. The US administration has forbidden Iran to enrich uranium above the level of five percent and from continuity of work at Arak heavy water reactor. Saudi administration requires implementation of two measures that are fixed and influential interrogation of Iranian nuclear power stations about their not exceeding the level of five percent for uranium enrichment and bestowing Saudi Arabia with the right of developing its own nuclear program (Mousaed Al Tamamy, 2014). Bahrain has not shown no concern to go against the Iranian nuclear program, but the administration is alarmed about the production of nuclear weapon. Sheikh Salman bin Hamad al Khalifa, the prince of Bahrain has announced openly about his surety in the creation of a nuclear weapon by Iranian government although he is not against the peaceful nuclear program. He further said that Iranians have the expertise to develop a nuclear weapon and are busy in doing so. He pressurized that this issue needs a diplomatic solution so that a regional war or destabilization of the region as a whole can be sorted out. Highlighting the remedial measures, the prince offered “the creation of an international civilian nuclear-fuel bank as a possible remedy” (Fulton & Farrar-Wellman, 2011). Geneva Convention between Iran and 5+1 in 2013 The 6 Months Religious Sects and those Sects in the GCC Countries Affect of Nuclear Iran on the GCC Countries Conclusion References Scherer, Lauri S. National Security. 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