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The over dependence on computers and the internet - Essay Example

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In the paper “The over dependence on computers and the internet” the author believes that we have become too dependent on modern conveniences, both in our businesses and for our personal lives. Many people never go anywhere these days without their cellular phones. …
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The over dependence on computers and the internet
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The over dependence on computers and the internet In the current electronic and industrial age, many of us have grown increasingly dependent on technology and modern conveniences. Although some people argue that these modern conveniences can actually be discarded and are not necessary tools for their personal and professional lives, many people still have come to rely on these modern conveniences for most of their needs. Cellular phones, computers, and the internet are just some of these modern conveniences which have garnered much media and customer attention. When cellular phones were first introduced into the market, they were too bulky and too expensive for mass consumerism. However, in the past decade, they have undergone convenient transformations. They have now become handier and cheaper (Ray, “Article”). Rates offered by telecommunications companies have also been lowered and have become affordable to the middle and lower income groups in society. Its added features in text messaging, as a calculator, a camera, videophone, planner, radio, music storage, and other similar usages have added to its attraction and its popularity. Many developing nations have even embraced the technology for their businesses – to check market prices for their goods in market placed which may be two or three mountains away (Butler, “News”). Cell phones have become a convenient way for family members and friends to keep track and to contact each other, wherever they may be and whatever they might be doing. In this regard, it is also important for us to consider how computers and the internet have become one of the most modern conveniences available to many people around the world. Computers have become a learning tool for many people, especially when they are used to access the internet in this currently globalized world. Countries and people which used to be an ocean away are now closer with the internet and all its features like social networking sites, search engines, and knowledge sharing. I believe that we have become too dependent on modern conveniences, both in our businesses and for our personal lives. Many people, from professionals to students, never go anywhere these days without their cellular phones. And in instances when these phones are lost or are left somewhere, most people are seemingly unable to function well. Many people go to bed with a cell phone within reach (Park “Features”). Everywhere, we see people text messaging while driving, while walking, or while standing at a curbside. Although unprofessional at times, many people break away from their business meetings just to answer calls or text messages (Park “Features”). For many developing nations, this convenience has brought about many advantages which may serve a more useful purpose for them as compared to their counterparts in developed countries. Undeniably, when business transactions are negotiated via great distances, the cost of a call or a text message is cheaper than the cost of transportation. The dependence, in this instance, is a good thing because it is less costly for the people. The over dependence on computers and the internet is also observed through the wired and electronic networks often established in businesses and corporations (Computer News “Technology”). Filing systems are all computerized these days. And businesses often cannot operate well when computers and the internet are shut down. In keeping abreast with the global economy, we have again become dependent on the computers and the internet (Computer News “Technology”). What used to be a plane ride away through many oceans can now easily be done by just a simple click of the mouse. Crippling computers and the internet would cripple many businesses and corporations. We see proof of this when we consider how viruses and spywares often cost businesses millions of dollars in damages and how internet connections also cause delays and loss of revenue for these businesses (Computer News “Technology”). All these signs indicate an over-dependence on our modern conveniences, an inability to function without them. The reading of books is one of the most direct and powerful pathways to knowledge. Some people claim that societies and cultures are built and destroyed by reading. Others negate this theory. They point out that when people read fewer books, this does not mean the end of or the deterioration of culture and society. This argument digs deep into the values and the trends of the current learning process and it indeed asks why people may be reading fewer books. One of the reasons being set forth for people reading fewer books are the pervasion of the Internet, television, movies and other media (Fram “Nation”). A generally decreased interest in reading is also another reason for fewer people reading and when they can be entertained through other means or medium. They often end up opting for such other methods instead of reading (Fram “Nation”). Some authors also point out that more women are reading books as compared to men and this may be due to the fact that reading requires more patience. And this patience is not a trait which can generally be attributed to men (Weiner “Story”). In general, people’s busier lives may also attribute to fewer people reading books for pleasure. With the hectic pace of people’s professional and even personal lives, they may simply not have the time to read. Their interest in reading is not long enough to be sustained for another page. And so, while people may indeed start reading a book, its reading may often never get finished. The life of a culture or society is threatened when fewer people are reading books. In today’s society where children seem to be reading less for pleasure or leisure, cultures and societies are in danger of stagnating and failing to grow. Many experts point out that reading for pleasure and for any other reason helps to improve a person’s intelligence quotient, knowledge, and writing skills. Data gathered “makes a striking connection between readers of literature and those who are socially engaged, noting that readers are far more likely than nonreaders to do volunteer and charity work and go to art museums, performing arts events and ballgames (Weber “Arts”). Consequently, without reading, the culture of society is driven more by consumerism and by novelties. There is a shallower understanding of the world. Other people are seen and judged for how they look. The culture behind a person’s look and his traditions are not deeply understood by other people because they do not bother to read beyond all the physical and superficial layers. Culture and society is also based on economic sustenance. Studies reveal that about 38% of employers rate high school graduates as being deficient in reading comprehension, and 78% are deficient in writing (Thompson, p. 2). It is important to note that “good reading skills correlate strongly with higher earnings and more job opportunities. Reading skills also correlate with increased voting, volunteerism, charity work, attendance at cultural events and even exercising and playing sports” (Thompson, p. 2). And by having competitive and competent employees, it is possible for corporations to be globally and economically competitive. Economic competence can bring about greater profit which will help raise more income to sustain cultures and societies. Many cultures believe that those who have higher reading and writing abilities are more likely to attain and maintain jobs and get higher incomes (Mehegan “News”). The more people are engaged into reading, the more they understand culture – both their own and that of others. Consequently, the more they support the maintenance, protection, and even respect for their culture and that of others. Limited reading also tends to push a person away from the rest of society because when one reads less, he also participates in society less. As a result, he reads and listens to news programs less. Whereas, regular reading “awakens something inside a person that makes him or her take their own life seriously and at the same time develop the sense that people’s lives are real” (Mehegan “News”). Reading is a key which opens up people to each other and to the blatant realities of diversity and culture. The trend being followed in many parts of the world seem to be the imposition of smoking bans in public areas. And this imposition has been supported by other anti-smoking advocates. However, others, especially the smokers, have protested its imposition because it is tantamount to the government dictating what people can and cannot do. In assessing the veracity of this statement, we consider whether or not the smoking ban goes too far by infringing upon matters of personal choice and the right to privacy. In my opinion, the smoking ban does not go too far by infringing upon matters of personal choice and the right to privacy. I believe that when one’s personal rights potentially harms others, then such personal rights have to be regulated in favor of the greater good and the public welfare. First and foremost, smoking does not only bring health risks to the smoker, but also to the non-smoker. Some studies have even revealed that “constant exposure to second-hand smoke – in the workplace or at home – nearly doubles the risk of having a heart attack” (Doctor’s Guide “News”). These studies have emphasized that about 10 to 20% of patients who die or who have heart attacks have a history of exposure to second-hand smoking. This health risk is an important justification to the smoking ban in public places and even in one’s private home. In a study of 494 children exposed to secondhand smoke from ages 8 to 13, it has been established that by the time these children are 13 years old they have “significantly increased blood vessel wall thickness and functioning problems, both of which are precursors to arterial structural changes and hardening” (Jokinen,, “News”). There is therefore a need to protect the welfare of children and adolescents from the dangers of smoking -- smoking which is not even their personal habit. It is important to note that the ban for smoking is not exactly about smoking at all or of depriving people of their rights. It is about protecting people’s health (Miller “Opinion”). Some people are also keen in pointing out that the ban does not go too far in covering small businesses, including bars and restaurants because the lives of service workers are not any less than the lives of those in the offices and other corporate business establishments (Miller “Opinion”). Although small business owners and bars claim that smoking bans would hurt their business, a University of Wisconsin study was able to reveal that with the smoking ban, restaurant sales increased by 24% in Madison, bar closings also decreased in Madison and Appleton by 5%, and liquor license applications have even increased (Miller “Opinion”). The ban does not go too far in infringing upon personal and private rights because smoking brings about safety issues in private homes. Cases of small fires in flowerpots at housing complexes have been reported all over the United States (Williams “Stories”). These small fires have reportedly set-off blazes which have destroyed numerous apartments in some parts of the US. Public smoking has now become more than an annoyance and inconvenience for government authorities and property owners who have to deal with fires in apartment complexes. Instead, smoking has now become a public safety hazard (Williams “Stories”). In Maryland, a decision by their courts set forth important considerations which support the argument that smoking bans do not violate a person’s rights to property. The courts were able to point out that smoking bans do not violate “substantive due process because courts have repeatedly held that the use of tobacco products is not protected by the Constitution” (as cited by Banzhaff, “”). The laws often routinely prohibit similar activities in public places, even if they do not harm others. These activities include drinking alcoholic beverages, gambling, playing loud music, spitting, and lewd conduct (Banzhaff, “”). It is therefore not such a far-reaching concept for smoking bans to be implemented both in public and in private places because of the dangers and their risks they bring to the general public. Works Cited Banzhaff, J. “It's the Law: There's NO RIGHT TO SMOKE”. 5 March 2002. Action on Smoking and Health. 01 April 2010 from Butler, R. “Cell phones may help "save" Africa”. News. 11 July 2005. 01 April 2010 from Fram, A. “One in Four Read No Books Last Year”. Nation. 21 August 2007. The Associated Press. 01 April 2010 from Mehegan, D. “Young people reading a lot less”. News. 19 November 2007. Boston Globe. 01 April 2010 from Miller, A. “Smoking ban is about protecting health, not limiting rights”. Opinion. 2007. USA Today. 01 April 2010 from Park, M. “Cell Phones Are the Latest 'Addiction'”. Features. 18 July 2006. FoxNews. 01 April 2010 from,2933,204046,00.html Ray, C. “Modern Conveniences We Can't Live Without”. Article. 01 July 2007. Associated Content. 01 April 2010 from “Second-Hand Smoke Nearly Doubles Risk Of Heart Attack, Death For Women”. News. 21 May 1997. Doctor’s Guide. 01 April 2010 from Jokinen, E., Saarinen, M., Hamalainen, M., Volanen, I., Kaitosaari, T., Ronnemaa, T., Viikari, J., Simell, O. “Secondhand Smoke Raises Risk of Hardened Arteries Among 13-Year- Olds”. News. 3 March 2010. Science Daily. 01 April 2010 from “The Internet is down -- now what?”. Technology. (n.d). Computer News. 01 April 2010 from Thompson, B. “A Troubling Case of Readers' Block Citing Decline Among Older Kids, NEA Report Warns of Dire Effects”. pp. 1-2. 19 November 2007. Washington Post. 01 April 2010 from Weber, B. “Fewer Noses Stuck in Books In America, Survey Finds”. Arts. New York Times. 01 April 2010 from Weiner, E. “Why Women Read More Than Men”. Story. 5 September 2007. National Public Radio. 01 April 2010 from Williams, D. “Aspen smoking ban plan stirs debate over private property rights”. Stories. 14 July 2008. Colorado Independent. 01 April 2010 from Read More
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