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Mercy Health Systems
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Mercy Health System (MHS) is a not-for-profit organization which integrated healthcare system to provide comprehensive services to residents in southern Wisconsin and northeastern Illinois.... It is the child company of While Mercy Alliance, Inc.... (MAI).... MHS was established in 1895 by Dr.... ...
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Business and Information System in Creative Recreation
6 pages (1613 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
One of the Information systems Available in the Company: Online Ordering System-Shopping Cart ... ntrusion and extrusion detection systems- These are security tools that add a [Eff08]security layer to provide ultimate protection to the system [Had12].... A network sniffer is a good example of broad systems that this security control tool can detect and block. ... E-transactions should be secured by combining encryption techniques with good authentication systems [Syn11]....
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Human Rights: Oban Case
12 pages (2843 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
A Europe of Rights: The Impact of the ECHR on National Legal systems.... The author of the "Human Rights: Oban Case" paper argues that Oban has a child in the United Kingdom, and deporting him would be a significant violation of human rights under the provision of the United Kingdom Laws....
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Contemporary Software Systems
10 pages (2709 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper 'Contemporary Software systems' presents problems that create challenges and opportunities for broad new OS research.... Singularity is a Microsoft Research project to develop techniques and tools for building dependable systems that address the challenges faced by contemporary software systems.... Singularity is approaching these challenges by simultaneously pushing the state of the art in operating systems, run-time systems, programming languages....
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Changing Your Learning Management System: from hype to happiness
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Changing Your Learning Management System: From Hype to Happiness Insert name (s) Course Executive Summary Changing of the learning management system (LMS) is currently presenting a serious challenge not only to the students but also to the instructional staff members who often depend on these systems to support or deliver their courses.... Changing Your Learning Management System: From Hype to Happiness Introduction Learning management systems entered the educational scene during the late 1990s and has since then increasingly become a popular hub of learning and instructional technology for a number of learning institutions....
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Case Study 2: Project Leadership Roles at TriHealth
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The administration of any organization is tasked with the responsibility of managing all the resources at their disposal with the aim of ensuring that they accomplish the objectives set by the establishment.... Human resource departments are notably of great significance within any.... ... ... Establishments routinely develop project teams when situations call for, particularly with the purpose of aligning their resources to their core intentions....
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Big Chocolate Case Analysis
7 pages (2118 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
ountry has increased investment in science and technology and R&D ... ountry has increased investment on science and technology ... ncreased investment in science and technology ... igh investment in science and technology ... ountry has increased investment in science and technology.... ncreased investment on science and technology, which remains low ...
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Legal Case Analysis
7 pages (2024 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Journal of Healthcare, science and the Humanities, 1(1), 55-69. ... The study "Legal Case Analysis" critically analyzes the legal case, where Alistair acts as a Chief Legal Officer (CLO) in an international pharmaceutical organization.... He has the obligation to monitor the members and fulfill the demands of the board of directors concerning ethical policies....
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Performance-Pay Related System
6 pages (1652 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Strategic choice theory, on the other hand, identifies the reduction of unionised workers, new collective bargaining structures and the improvement in the relationship between employees and their employers through communication as the contributors to more complex industrial relations systems....
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The United Cinemas - Systems Analysis
8 pages (2141 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'The United Cinemas - systems Analysis" is a good example of an information technology case study.... The paper 'The United Cinemas - systems Analysis" is a good example of an information technology case study.... listing of the information systems ... The business organization has the following information systems in place. ... The inclusion of this coming soon information systems automates the provision of information to customers about movies waiting release. ...
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Accounting Information System in Top Burger
6 pages (1738 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
ob is worried on whether the increasing number of orders could be sustained by the company current systems.... After analyzing the current system, the next stage will be the designing of the changes in the current systems.... omney, MB & Steinbart, PJ 2006, Accounting information systems (10th ed....
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1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORSHIP: I certify that I am the author of this paper and that any assistance I received in its preparation is fully acknowledge and disclosed in the paper.... I have also cited any sources from which I used data, ideas of words, whether quoted directly or.... ... ... I also certify that this paper was prepared by me specifically for this course. ...
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Oman Healthcare System
19 pages (5542 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Over the time, the ministry has adopted a decentralization policy that aims at integration of health care systems to regional levels and through this program as low as at community level; the citizens will be able to access better health care services (Al-Adawi, 2014, 83).... o achieve equal distribution of health services within Oman, the MOH steered the governoratealization of health services and decentralizing of the decision-making systems.... In addition, the MOH emphasizes on the need of health systems research at all levels of medical operations to ensure continuous innovation and development of new methods of medication within and without Oman (Heizer and Render, 2014, 45; Khan, 2015, 393)....
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A Historical Perspective - MAI Systems Corporation dba Hotel Information Systems
7 pages (1895 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This study "A Historical Perspective - MAI systems Corporation dba Hotel Information systems" discusses the property management software and services hospitality industry.... MAI systems Corporation dba Hotel Information systems is a provider of enterprise-wide solutions including software solutions, mid-range, multi-user computer systems, and system software, other network products, and application software designed for several specific industries....
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Management study: Outsourcing
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Outsourcing is a way to manage business processes more efficiently.... The success of a company depends upon its ability to respond promptly to changing market conditions (Potk'ny, 2008).... Outsourcing can be either onshoring or offshoring where 'offshoring' refers to relocation of jobs and production to a foreign country (Garner, 2004)....
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Information Management Systems - Google Plus
9 pages (2598 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Information Management systems - Google Plus" is an outstanding example of an information technology case study.... Information Management systems – Google Plus TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary……………………………………………………………3 Introduction……………………………………………………………….... Among the various advancements that have been made in this era is the creation of Information Management systems....
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Safery Case Development and Management
9 pages (2685 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
ven (2006), “Reliability and Risk Analysis”, Elsevier Applied science, London. ... ight Vision Imaging systems approval ... CGH will only be operated at night with the aid of Night Vision Imaging systems if operators has been authorised by the CAA.... Although the procedures and systems may vary by the operator and need to be in tandem with other elements of the SMS, the risk or hazard management process should contain the elements and links that are shown below (HSE, 2009b)....
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Strategic Analysis of Scandinavian Airline System
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
However, both the airline and reservation systems were to run parallel to each other.... National Innovation systems: A Comparative Analysis 1st ed.... This study presents a strategic analysis of the Scandinavian Airline System.... Scandinavian Airline System has been using different strategies in order to achieve its targets and overcome a myriad of challenges....
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Brand Management - Reebok Case
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 6 , Case Study
Marketing science Institute.... This paper under the title "Brand Management - Reebok" focuses on the fact that Reebok is an American-inspired, international brand that produces and markets sports and lifestyle products based on a strong legacy and legitimacy in fitness, sports, and women's groupings....
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Convenience Cookware case
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In order to avoid the same kinds of problems from recurring, it is imperative for Convenience Cookware to pay particular attention to issues related to quality control.... In manufacturing business, there is no substitute for quality hence the company should invest in carrying out.... ... ... This will help to improve the competencies of the company if it offers quality products that have been tested and certified....
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Case Studies Assignment
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Business case Studies Topic 1: Case study for Managing costs and revenues Nazareth hospital and Clinix are both medical clinics that have been operational for the last ten years with each attracting a fair share of revenue.... ... ... ... However, these two clinics differ in terms of health care provision and the costs of delivering services to the patients that frequent these establishments....
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Case Study 4-2: Iberia Airlines Builds a BATNA
2 pages (500 words) , Download 32 , Case Study
Dupuy wanted two purchase airplanes for Iberai, but wanted to be fair on the two major airplane makers, Boeing and Airbus.... In as much as since 1997, Iberai had only bought airbus planes.... Dupuy decided on bringing the two salesmen of the two.... ... ... Dupuy wanted to be convinced of the two new models, which would be best for Iberai in all ways....
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Pastoral Care and Support
14 pages (3971 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper 'Pastoral Care and Support' focuses on one aspect of care that will be critically evaluated in an educational context.... Different aspects of pastoral care impact learning each in its own ways but the emotional aspect impacts most compared to the rest.... ... ... ... The other needs will also be considered though in brief....
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Malaysian Airlines Systems
11 pages (3553 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Current Directions In Psychological science, 15(5), pp.... The paper "Malaysian Airlines systems" is a great example of a case study on management.... Malaysian Airlines systems, based in Kuala Lumpur is the national airline of Malaysia.... alaysian Airlines systems, based in Kuala Lumpur is the national airlines of Malaysia.... The company has promised its customers, that it has started to take drastic measure to improve their flights' systems by investing more in research and development. ...
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The Volkswagen Group AG - Information Systems Auditing
7 pages (2061 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
"The Volkswagen Group AG - Information systems Auditing" paper argues that the IS risk management profile summarises the control recommendations that the organization can use to shield itself from the adverse effects of the IS risks.... The categorization of the information systems is the first stage.... Following strict adherence to the recommendations, the company will benefit from the seamless flow of information and the protection of all its information systems against all forms of cyber insecurity....
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Solaricot and System Reliability
8 pages (2277 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper explores the value of ERP to a business; it further critically evaluates and reports the reason behind the failure of SiME, a type of ERP, at Soloricot based on the traditional systems development life cycle methodology.... This can possibly explain the failure of the ERP system called systems in Manufacturing Enterprises (SiME) that Solaricot had adopted.... Critically, employees often view the implementation of systems as a potential threat to their work....
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Developing Business Information System Solutions - Contract Landscapes and Tinas Garden Care
8 pages (2301 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
- Decision Support and Management Information systems 8 ... - Types of Business Information systems 9 ... - Recommend Core Information systems 11 ... The existing technology based arrangement and information technology systems neither of these systems are adequate to support the new merged business.... his section will outline some of the important requirements for information system transaction processing system, sale and customer relationship management (CRM), inventory, production, planning and scheduling, accounts management and decision support and management information systems....
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Lean Production System Peculiarities
6 pages (1614 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Lean production systems employed by various firms have shown dominance in the production stage of most organizations.... Lean production systems employed by various firms have shown dominance in the production stage of most organizations.... A satellite ID systems identifies the boxes and determines the routing of the AGVs. ... djustable systems to accommodate demand changes ... roduction systems supporting job rotation and enlargement ...
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Applying Information Technology Systems in Manging a Sports Club
14 pages (3899 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In this paper "Applying Information Technology systems in Manging a Sports Club", an understanding of the utilization of IT for the improvement of a business system towards the advancement that they would likely want to garner from the market that they are trying to serve shall be discussed.... The development of different operating systems that actually perform the tasks needed in business, from the most basic calculating procedures toward the complicated procedures of accounting and systematic planning of business transactions, the computer technology or Information technology have actually been the main source of successful trade and exchange transactions in the business industry....
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Strategies that Support Learning in Science for Children
13 pages (3709 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper 'Strategies that Support Learning in science for Children' presents teachers who hold special beliefs and dispositions concerning ways of supporting learning for children teaching.... Regarding science, a number of them believe that their duty is to teach the material.... Effective ways of supporting learning in science for children are a decisive means to an important end, which is children learning science.... The following are the principles that aid strategies that support learning in science for children....
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Management Information System: Wal-Mart
5 pages (1429 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
"Management Information System: Wal-Mart" paper analyzes a case study regarding the ethical dilemmas facing the company and its employees as well as the consequences of implementing this system.... The company is Wal-Mart which implemented a flexible scheduling information system developed by Kronos....
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Child Support System
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Child Support System" is purposed to give an information about The Child Support Agency that was created to assist children who are not receiving voluntary support and maintenance from one or both biological parents.... It was created with very positive and extremely necessary intentions....
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Analysis of the Mrs. Fields Case
5 pages (1342 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The information systems at each store were designed to take decisions not only about the daily operations of the store but also about the recruitment and personnel management.... Fields' Cookies was its exceptional management philosophy and management information systems (Richman(a)).... Information systems at each store helped the managers in the process of taking important daily operational decisions (Richman, 6).... IMPLEMENTATION AND INTEGRATION OF FIELDS INFORMATION SYSTEM AT LPB: One of the biggest challenge in the acquisition of La Pettie Boulangerie (LPB) by the Fields, was to implement and integrate the information systems of Fields with the new business....
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Care of Patient Undergoing General Anesthesia
8 pages (2462 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
The role of the assistant is to check medical gas systems thoroughly so medical gas depletion or supply line misconnection is detected or prevented.... These are systems based on connections, and the assistant must check whether all the connections are leak proof or not.... There should be a generic checkout procedure for anesthesia gas machines and breathing systems (Dorsh and Dorsh 1999). ...
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Systems and Operations Management - Southwest Airlines
17 pages (4749 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'systems and Operations Management - Southwest Airlines" is a great example of a management case study.... systems and Operations Management – Critical Evaluation of Competitive Factors: Case Study on Southwest Airlines Table of Contents 2.... Vitality on systems and Operations Management ... itality on systems and Operations Management ... ffective systems and operations management is viewed as an in-built process capable of managing firm's daily operations in a structured format (Letza, 1996)....
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Case Analysis Based on the Principles and Processes of Ethical Practice in Care Provision
10 pages (2719 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Case Analysis Based on the Principles and Processes of Ethical Practice in Care Provision" paper analyzes the hypothetical case of Mrs.... S based on the principles of ethical practice.... She lives alone as all her three children are abroad, although they take turns visiting her once every six weeks....
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Patagonia Case Analysis
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
YOUR NAME HERE YOUR COURSE HERE DATE HERE Patagonia Case Analysis SITUATION ANALYSIS Casey Sheahan's Patagonia excels in its commitment to corporate social responsibility, supported by its charitable donations and grant awards.... The business has identified its appropriate target market consisting of those who live the “dirtbag” lifestyle which is a phrase developed by the business leadership to describe a more active, rugged and outdoor-minded lifestyle....
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Database Management System
5 pages (1430 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Database Database Management System (DBMS) Definition: Database administration systems (DBMS) are exceptionally composed software applications that connect with the user, different applications, and the database itself to catch and dissect data.... The term used to a stand out from the tape-based systems of the past, permitting imparted intelligent utilize instead of every day cluster transforming.... n the 1970s and 1980s endeavors were made to assemble database systems with incorporated fittings and software....
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Operating Systems - Hardening and Security
8 pages (2172 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "Operating systems - Hardening and Security" presents NextGard technologies that specialize in network consulting services and face a number of network security vulnerabilities and risks.... Operating systems: Hardening and Security Operating systems: Hardening and Security ...
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Computer Systems Maintenance Strategy: Brisbane City University
20 pages (5207 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Computer systems Maintenance Strategy: Brisbane City University" is a great example of a case study on information technology.... The paper "Computer systems Maintenance Strategy: Brisbane City University" is a great example of a case study on information technology.... Computer systems Maintenance strategy. ... The staff network consists of approximately 300 personal computers and their specifications are 300Mhz clock speed, 128 Mb of RAM, 10 GB Hard disk and they are all bundled with windows 98 series operating systems and office productivity suites....
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The Context in Which Health and Social Care Managers Operate
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The organization development assists the organization to accomplish these ends by levelling the social science practices to improve the quality of the services and increase productivity (Cummings and Worley 2008, p3).... hange of the organization systems and structures (changing the organization design, introducing reward schemes, staffing development and appraisal) – this will ensure more change within the organizations infrastructures....
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Management Control Systems - Lululemon Ltd
8 pages (2243 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Management Control systems - Lululemon Ltd" is a good example of a management case study.... Management control systems can simply be referred to as the systems which gather and use information in a bid to evaluate how different organizational resources such as financial, human and physical resources as well as the organization as a whole perform in achieving organizational goals and strategies.... The paper 'Management Control systems - Lululemon Ltd" is a good example of a management case study....
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Business Information System - EquipHire
8 pages (2080 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Business information systems by definition are systems that integrate information technology, business and people (Bajgoric 632).... Business information systems by definition are systems that integrate information technology, business and people (Bajgoric 632).... Business information systems by definition are systems that integrate information technology, business and people (Bajgoric 632)....
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Database System Specifications in Mayo Clinic Medical Center
8 pages (2259 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
These paradigms will be used to manage huge business data of Mayo Clinic Medical Center that can be used for a lot of other business tasks which are almost impossible to handle with simple database systems (Turban, Leidner, McLean, & Wetherbe, 2005; Inmon, 2002; Laudon & Laudon, 1999).... awson, Vimercati, Lincoln, & Samarati (2001) stated that despite advances in the area of legal access control in database systems, currently information repositories are becoming vulnerable to data association attacks and interference that results in severe information leakage....
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London Stock Exchange: BAE Systems
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper "London Stock Exchange: BAE systems" presents BAE systems, with 106,400 employees worldwide, that delivers a full range of systems and services for air, land and naval forces, as well as advanced electronics, information technology solutions and customer support services.... London Stock Exchange: BAE systems Looking at the accounts of the company (BAE systems) and supported by any analysis you may have undertaken, describe the progress of the company over the two years to the balance sheet date of the accounts you have....
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The English Legal System
8 pages (2229 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In conclusion, it has been seen via this essay that the law of precedent does have both its advantages and disadvantages that you will probably find with most laws or statutes within all different law systems throughout the world.... The study "The English Legal System" focuses on the critical, thorough, and multifaceted analysis of the major issues in the English legal system....
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Consumer Decision Support System
2 pages (561 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The author of the paper "Consumer Decision Support System" argues in a well-organized manner that the myriad mobile devices like laptops, sophisticated mobiles, iPad, tablets have simplified information gathering and made communication much faster and efficient.... ... ... ... The speed, reliability, and security issues from telecom services have become major priority areas for customers....
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The Strengthening of the Health Information System
6 pages (1590 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Without the completion of chart accessibility, in clinical decisions, health systems have to face many delays and billing.... Existing openings systems. ... Main concern-determining and planning - using the consequences of the assessment to concentrate on the attention of the working group on the performance breaks and troubles that seem to deserve primary attention and then to produce the strategic ideas required to strengthen the priority of the HIMs sub-systems. ...
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Analysis of Chronic Kidney Disease Case
11 pages (3451 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Burlington: Elsevier science.... The "Analysis of Chronic Kidney Disease Case" paper focuses on chronic kidney disease, one of the chronic diseases that affect not only patients but also family and clinical staff have felt.... The burden of management is overwhelming to all stakeholders....
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System Analysis at Work
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The recommendations to the company are to attain computer systems and to install software in order to facilitate their future procedures.... Because of their current proceedings, they are unable to compete in the business of carpentry designs because of lack of full-fledged automated systems.... The users of the current networked computer systems and those involved in printing are ten people but after expansion of the website, the number of users will change from ten to thirty-five, which is a large number as compared to previous number....
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