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Ebola: Emerging or Re-Emerging Communicable Disease
12 pages (3385 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
(2014) reviews filovirus ecology to determine the virus' infectivity.... In his synthesis of current and past literature on the virus' epidemiology and pathogenesis, Michalek et al.... In their review of literature, Hatfill et al.... In a related study, Burd (2015) mentioned in his review of literature that theoretically, the half-life for Ebolavirus is nearly 15 minutes, while the time for nearly 99 percent of the initial ebolavirus concentration is approximately 104 minutes....
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Germany's Economy for the Past Years
8 pages (2164 words) , Download 0 , Statistics Project
The paper 'Germany's Economy for the Past Years' is an informative variant of a statistics project on macro & microeconomics.... The paper 'Germany's Economy for the Past Years' is an informative variant of a statistics project on macro & microeconomics.... In a recent statistics of Germany GDP in reference to the country's expenditure reveals that the country's household consumption is 55 %, gross capital 20 %; where 10 % is catered for by the construction industry,4 % on other products and 6 % in machinery production....
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Electronic Medical Records and Public Perceptions
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The literature review was not extensive but was relatively fair to provide an overview of the study.... The literature review is very much in-depth and offered a good understanding of the study for the reader.... The literature review is extensive and offers a wider dimension of analysis making the readers to integrate easily the issue....
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Importance of Knowledge Management to Strategy and Value Creation
8 pages (2594 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Importance of Knowledge Management to Strategy and Value Creation" is a good example of a literature review on management.... With the growth of information technology and the new economy, concepts like organizational learning, and knowledge management are increasingly becoming commonplace in management literature.... The paper "Importance of Knowledge Management to Strategy and Value Creation" is a good example of a literature review on management....
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A Fraternity of Arms - American and France in the Great War
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
H-Diplo, H-Net reviews.... rg/reviews/showrev.... And “not for another half century would scholars be able to construct the ingenious approaches that characterize todays literature on the wars origins.... The reporter underlines that the First World War, also called the Great War would shake-up then existing power equations within Europe and prime the region for the Second World War two decades later....
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Chrysler and Fiat: the Past, the Present and the Future
12 pages (4023 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
literature Review 4 3.... First, a brief review of the literature related to the theory of alliance and mergers is provided.... literature Review This chapter provides the literature review on Chrysler and Fiat mergers.... Chrysler and Fiat Alliance This section provides a literature review of the alliance between Chrysler and Fiat.... Product development decisions: A review of the literature....
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Reducing the Risk of Reoffending in Young Offenders
8 pages (2453 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The author of the paper "Reducing the Risk of Reoffending in Young Offenders" states that the breakdown of marriage and the consequent divorce is not a matter of misunderstanding between the wife and the husband; it occurs due to social, economic, and cultural factors ie society.... ... ... ... From the functional perspective, divorce, as a behavior, is highly responsive to shared values and norms....
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Love in Fallen City by Eileen Chang
13 pages (3393 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
"These extraordinary stories combine an unsettled, probing, utterly contemporary sensibility, keenly alert to sexual politics and psychological ambiguity, with an intense lyricism that echoes the classics of Chinese literature.... Hussain (2008) is of the view that "Chang owes her original style to the classical vernacular fiction of the dynasties of Ming and Qing and to the European literature of 19th century and of early 20th century "that nurtured her precocious literary imagination....
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The Strategies for Improving the Image and Perception of the Construction Industry
13 pages (3540 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This report reviews the literature on the strategies for improving the image and perception of the construction industry in Australia.... his report reviews the literature on the strategies for improving the image and perception of the construction industry in Australia.... The paper "The Strategies for Improving the Image and Perception of the Construction Industry" is a perfect example of a literature review on engineering and construction....
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Problems That Libyan Students Face in Spoken English
8 pages (2229 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
literature review ... This report is a literature review on the problems that Libyan students face in spoken English by assessing the sources of the problems and how they can be alleviated.... The article is although limited as it does not highlight empirical evidence used to validate the data collected and instead, it heavily relies on varied academic surveys and literature.... From the literature review, among such problems include pronunciation of sounds and words while using the target language, lexical approximation errors, syntactic inaccuracies, phonological errors, influence of mother tongue, phonetic obstacles, consonantal obstacles, vocalic obstacles and the inability to articulate and distinguish vowel qualities....
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The Relevance of Business Research
8 pages (2117 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
However, while scientific research may require significant skills in statistics and experimental design, they do not allow students to exercise insight into social and human factors which may comprise the actual problems that managers in the workplace have to deal with.... The paper "The Relevance of Business Research" raises the issue of lack of relevance of management research, which is becoming increasingly oriented toward rigor in research design and subjects, thereby producing knowledge that is not relevant to management practitioners....
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Velveteen Rabbit, Goodnight Mr Tom and Last Bus - Ideal Books for Class Readership
10 pages (2593 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Children's literature is particularly targeted to a children's audience.... However, this has not always been the case because such literature appeals to an adult audience as well.... Furthermore, before approval for class readership, children's literature goes through a review by adults before their full recommendation.... A Report on Children's literature: a Study of ‘The Velveteen Rabbit', ‘Goodnight Mr.... hildren's literature is particularly targeted to a children audience....
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Drivers and Enablers of Global Logistics
5 pages (1692 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The paper "Drivers and Enablers of Global Logistics" is an outstanding example of a business literature review.... The paper "Drivers and Enablers of Global Logistics" is an outstanding example of a business literature review.... In this case, this literature review report analyses the drivers and enablers of global logistics. ... n conclusion, the literature review report has analysed the drivers and enablers of global logistics....
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Strategic Knowledge Management
13 pages (3777 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Strategic Knowledge Management" is a wonderful example of a literature review on management.... The paper "Strategic Knowledge Management" is a wonderful example of a literature review on management.... Few of the intellectual capital models that have been discussed in literature are Skandia Navigator (Edvinsson, 1997), balance scorecard (Kaplan and Norton, 1992), intangible monitoring of assets (Sveiby, 1997) and value platform (Brennan and Connell, 2000)....
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Unemployed Challenging Gender Roles
9 pages (2372 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Gender and Sexual Studies Article reviews Trading Places: Unemployed challenging gender roles.... The findings by Mark Bolino, assistant professor of management at the University of Notre Dame and William Turney, associate professor at Kansas University, show that intimidation by men and women at the work place works for men but negatively affect women in terms of performance reviews and likability by the supervisors.... This shows that despite the belief of acting like men for women leads to career success and progression there is a danger of low performance reviews and likeability....
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Investigation of Aggression and Bullying
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The "Investigation of Aggression and Bullying" paper reviews of literature which encompasses major areas (a) definitions and theories of workplace bullying; (b) the relationship between personality and bullying behavior and personality and victimology; (c) characteristics of workplace bullying.... This literature review examined the prevalence of bullying in workplaces from a number of perspectives.... Investigation of Aggression and Bullying The review of literature on this encompasses four major areas that are of interest to this research (a) definitions and theories of workplace bullying; (b) the relationship between personality and bulling behavior and personality and victimology; (c) characteristics of workplace bullying; and, (d) assessment and amelioration of workplace bullying. ...
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Independent Evaluation of Agile Methods
5 pages (1671 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Additionally, the fact that Agile addresses complexity in a manageable fashion and attuned to the needs of the human psyche is a reason enough for us to conduct this literature review.... Our final categorization of the literature is as outlines below; ... n-depth review of literature ...
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Critically Evaluating of Aged Care Services by the Australian Government
8 pages (2300 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Critically Evaluating of Aged Care Services by the Australian Government " is a remarkable example of a literature review on nursing.... The paper "Critically Evaluating of Aged Care Services by the Australian Government " is a remarkable example of a literature review on nursing.... CRITICAL literature REVIEW ... ritical literature Review ... In this section of my research, I will critically evaluate different kinds of literature which includes journals, reach papers, reports and other books. ...
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Rules of Engagement in Terrorism Threats
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The reviews would be considered for analysing the meaning and features that are related with the rules of engagement, policy-framing structure by the specific government of a country to safeguard the civilians against terrorist attacks along with liberties provided to the civilians2.... ‘Book reviews'.... The review of literature will be used as a major source of data collection to support the requisite of a study and ensure reliability of the findings....
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The Viability of a Startup Company Specialized in Manufacturing and/or Distributing Travel Goods
14 pages (3500 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
This paper, The Viability of a Startup Company Specialized in Manufacturing, is the literature reviewed companies a variety of sources like journals, textbooks, magazines, thesis, and the internet.... As such, this chapter will review the literature related to the significance of business plan in an organization, with a primary focus on the Belgium Company.... The literature reviewed companies a variety of sources like journals, textbooks, magazines, thesis and the internet. ...
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Analysis of Ovids Metamorphoses
6 pages (1569 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
s one of the most tragic poems 'Metamorphoses' has raked in a lot of mixed reviews from both its readers as well as other poets and critics.... ELIT2055-A1 World literature Paper Pyramus and Thisbe Whom death has joined, lying at last together (Ovid's 'Metamorphoses Ovid's 'Metamorphoses', a Greek and Roman masterpiece, woven together with the threads of love and tragedy, was written by one of the greatest poets of his time and helped to established him firmly on the map of Western literature. ...
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Still Alice by Lisa Geneva
8 pages (2230 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Some of the important psycho-behavioral concepts hat the writer emphasizes on are issues of agitation, apathy and aggression, which are not just reflected in the contents of the books but also in a number of literature about Alzheimer's disease (Polakow 43).... For example, it is explained in literature that even though causes of cognitive symptoms of Alzheimer's is well understood, behavioral and psychological symptoms, otherwise known as BPSD are not well established in terms of causes, even though acts such as agitation and aggression can be associated with BPSD (Colman 223)....
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Behavioral Finance in Books' Benoit Mandelbrot and Edgar Peters
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
ractal statistics ... This report discusses the subject of behavioral finance, which has an effect on markets operation in books Chaos and Order in the Capital Market by Edgar Peters and Fractals and scaling in finance by Benoit Mandelbrot.... The discussion is based on fundamental economic models....
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Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site by Sherri Dusky Rinker and Tom Lichnheld
12 pages (3191 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
??Discussing events and characters a bracket of the literary script and share individual reviews to these scripts, making links with students' encounter (ACELT1582)” (ACARA, 2014). ... ??Draw link between individual encounter and the worlds of the script, and share reviews with others (ACELT1596)” (ACARA, 2014). ... The paper "literature Books Analysis" analizes such books as 'Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site' by Sherri Dusky Rinker and Tom Lichnheld, "At the Drop of A Veil" by Marianne Alireza, and "Second Language Acquisition" by Kees Bot and Wander Lowie....
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The Analyze of The Humanitarian Revolution of Pinker's The Better Angels of Our Nature
5 pages (1523 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
The author uses statistics figures to back up his contentions.... The book report 'The Analyze of "The Humanitarian Revolution" of Pinker's The Better Angels of Our Nature' is devoted to Steven Pinker's humanitarian revolution principles focus the nature of our current societal status....
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Pros and Cons of Directory-Based and Snoopy Protocols
10 pages (3062 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
This article reviews literature on cache coherence with particular attention to cache coherence problem, and the protocols-both hardware and software that have been proposed to solve it.... This paper reviews literature on cache coherence with particular attention to cache coherence problem, and the protocols, both hardware and software that have been proposed to solve it.... Part two reviews literature on cache coherence protocol and describes various protocols....
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Failure Factors in Business Organizations
10 pages (2964 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Failure Factors in Business Organizations" is a wonderful example of a literature review on finance and accounting.... Table of Contents literature Review 2 Introduction 2 Evaluation Methods to Assess the Project Success or Failure 3 Selected Models Used for Evaluation 7 ... he literature much debated over the project management issues, and among these the most important issue is the project success or failure.... The literature has provided a number of critical factors impacting the project success or failure, but all of their studies were different in terms of their objectives and scale....
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The Effects of Direct Instruction and Self-Directed Learning on Bilingual Students
9 pages (2813 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
August (2003) reviews several studies that discuss the importance of vocabulary in second language learning.... This literature review "The Effects of Direct Instruction and Self-Directed Learning on Bilingual Students" presents the effects of direct instruction and self-directed learning on bilingual students.... he literature review is from different parts of the world.... These practices include actively valuing the students' home language and culture, providing multicultural and multilingual literature, and being aware of ELLs' different meanings and uses of literacy....
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The Role, Merits and Demerits of Bariatric Surgery
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
This literature review "The Role, Merits and Demerits of Bariatric Surgery " presents recommendations for the treatment of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) in overweight and obese adults keeps surfacing now and then given the increasing incidence of this particular disease over the past few years.... It suggests that in contrast to other treatment modalities which have failed repeatedly, a systematic review of the English literature based on more than 22000 patients revealed that bariatric surgery resulted in complete regression of type 2 diabetes in 77% patients in terms of normal blood glucose levels and discontinuation of diabetic medications (Ferrannini and Mingrone, 2009, p....
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Book Review - Sisterhood, Interupted - From Radical Women to Girls Gone Wild
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Book Review: Sisterhood, Interrupted.... The book Sisterhood, Interrupted: From Radical Women to Grrls Gone Wild1 is a history of the women's movement updated to include the twenty first century.... As the title suggests, the book covers the emergence of feminist consciousness, as denoted by the concept of sisterhood, and then also a period of some significant backlash in the 1980s and 1990s, as indicated by the word “interrupted”, and finally the contemporary state of feminism which includes the even more radical “Grrls” who embrace a much wider range of straight, lesbian and bisexual identities....
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Readings - the Beautiful Ones Are Not Yet Born, Things Fall Apart, Ulysses, Power Plays
7 pages (1907 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper 'Readings - the Beautiful Ones Are Not Yet Born, Things Fall Apart, Ulysses, Power Plays' is a sage example of a literature review.... The book is a masterpiece in using literature to enhance business management. ... Law and literature: The Honourable Richard A.... By writing this book, Posner uses literature to bring forth better lawyers by emphasizing the differences between law and literature.... Posner brings out law and literature facets in the range of popular culture to copyright to help students understand the benefits of reading literature books to one's moral growth. ...
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Trust in Online Retail Relationships in Fashion
23 pages (7208 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The review "Trust in Online Retail Relationships in Fashion" focuses on the critical analysis of the role of trust in establishing online retail relationships in the fashion industry.... Trust is the single aspect facilitating the achievement of interpersonal relationships between different settings....
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Journal of Ch 9 and 10 in Book, and review 5 court cases
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Cases Name: Institution: Chapter 9 and 10 of the book criminal procedures and practice appreciates the many tasks that are legally professional and initiate the ideas of processing all cases in the criminal justice systems.... In learning these procedures, it is possible to understand and identify diverse ways in which laws about criminal cases are enforced in relation to the officials of the specific cases....
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Book Review Wherever I Wind Up by R. A. Dickey For Criminal Justice Class
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
In this book, he entails of how his birth brought about the hasty marriage of his parents doomed to failure.... His mother became an alcoholic and his father emotionally unavailable.... This.... ... ... Even normally visible tings would go easily unnoticed in his life by his patents.... To this regard, he got molested on several occasions by his babysitter at the age of 8 and then by a teenage boy at Book Review "Wherever I Wind Up by R....
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Book review of revolution until victory the politics and history of the PLO by Barry Rubin
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Within this scenario, Barry Rubin's works primarily deals with the grass-root level reason behind the influence of religious fundamentalism.... ... ... As the author's primary aim is to unearth the violent aspect of internal politics, less importance is given to the reason behind the same.... In the work named as Revolution until victory?...
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The Classroom Environment and Childrens Choices
21 pages (5328 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "The Classroom Environment and Children's Choices" discusses teacher-based factor that has been noted to have a possible influence on book choices for children is the classroom environment created by the teacher (Chall, Jacobs & Baldwin, 2009).... he purpose of this chapter is to critically review the works of literature that are related and relevant to the research problem.... here are four major themes in this review of relevant literature....
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Flood Mathematical Models That Are Used In Flood Modelling
16 pages (3949 words) , Download 1 , Statistics Project
egression statistics ... egression statistics ... ??Estimation of common long memory components in co-integrated systems', Journal of Business and Economics statistics, vol.... "Flood Mathematical Models That Are Used In Flood Modelling" paper argues that the use of hydrographs and the data provided on the Nash model provided information that is easy to extrapolated flood plain on base flow....
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Customer Satisfaction in China
12 pages (3374 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
It will examine the meaning of customer relationship, the role it plays in the Chinese market, customer views, and expert reviews regarding the use of CRM in China. ... The paper "Customer Satisfaction in China" is an outstanding example of a marketing literature review.... The review will examine the genesis of literature in the customer satisfaction field as different authors try to decipher the meaning of the customer relationship methods in place today....
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Organisation Change and Performance of an Organization
20 pages (4 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Organisation Change and Performance of an Organization" is a good example of a literature review on management.... The paper "Organisation Change and Performance of an Organization" is a good example of a literature review on management.... Organizational change refers to the change in the structure of an organization to cope up with the needs of the situation....
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Mechanical vs Manual Cardiac Compressions
12 pages (6499 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The publications reviewed were in English and the choice of the literature was based on the evidence that included meta-analysis, randomized control trials, case reports and systematic reviews.... ystematic reviews 2014, Issue 2.... The relevance of the literature to current cardiac care practices was ensured through the use of peer reviewed journal articles and subsequent sources which were published after January 2012.... From the literature reviewed, both types of compressions still remain imperative and are equally needed in the delivery of emergency cardiac care....
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Community Crime Prevention
7 pages (2136 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
According to the literature review, the measures are aimed at addressing the root cause of crime as well as putting in place preventive measures.... he research relied immensely in literature works.... Different sources of literature were used to obtain materials.... he literature review from different materials answers the questions of strategies and their effectiveness in community crime prevention.... Most of the literature has also identified lack of cooperation by some community members as a factor promoting violent crimes like the domestic violence....
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Workforce Diversity as an Ethical Responsibility
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
% of the current labour force is foreign, with EU and former Commonwealth migration statistics, among other non-British sources of labour inflow, indicating a continual increase.... In addition to that, diversity statistics indicate that ethnic minority groups comprise approximately 8% of the current workforce; 25% are non-Christian; and around 12% are disabled.... statistics pertaining to gays and lesbians are indeterminate, largely because of a lack of national surveys but, are estimated to stand between 5-7% (Salt and Miller, 2006)....
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Design Innovation in Pakistan Textile
15 pages (4302 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
Due to the limited role of the cultural and creative education in the Pakistan textile industry, the government is currently promoting higher education in art, craft, creative and artistic disciplines. ... ... espite the manufacturing sector playing an important role in the Pakistan.... ... ... Learning of art and crafts is not compulsory in the schemes of teaching, the incorporation of formal schemes teaching of the art and craft lessons in Art and craft is not schemed by the Ministry of Education, but teachers are availing lessons nowadays, with increased integration of the art and craft lessons in all levels of education curriculums in Pakistan would lead to innovations in terms of design....
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Globalisation Conceptions, Variants, and Different Perspectives
31 pages (9164 words) , Download 5 , Literature review
Regarding the emergence of the globalisation phenomenon, the literature suggested three predominant perspectives, as have provided these points of view on globalisation for its historical emergence.... The paper "Globalisation Conceptions, Variants, and Different Perspectives" discusses that the concept of Globalisation has many notions and variants that are significant to study....
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Murder City: Ciudad Juarez and the Global Economys New Killing Fields
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
he media and government reporting have simply been giving statistics of murders in the city of Juarez and attributing the same to drug wars.... However, the book has been able to fully make sense of the statistics, not only by collecting the truthful data, but by also explaining a totally different root cause of the murders than the media and the government has been reporting....
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HRM Practices, Employee Involvement and Engagement - Wal-Mart
11 pages (3604 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
A central human resource department creates and reviews the company's annual human resource plans (Sabath, et al.... The paper 'HRM Practices, Employee Involvement and Engagement - Wal-Mart " is a great example of a human resources literature review.... his area of study has attracted many researchers who have contributed significant literature on employee involvement and engagement.... From the review of the literature, it is evident that human resource practices often lead to better employee involvement and good performance....
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Ethical Human Resource Management
14 pages (4046 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The paper "Ethical Human Resource Management" is a good example of a literature review on human resources.... ollowing a review of the available literature on the advantages and disadvantages of using social media in making hiring decisions, a conclusion was drawn and recommendations made to organizations concerning if and to what extent social networking sites should be used in the recruitment and selection process.... literature Review ... Therefore, SNSs provide an opportunity for the employer to assess potential candidates' interests and backgrounds which can always be manifested in their pastimes, travel and cultural interests including music, literature and art....
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Chinese Customers Perceptions of Retail Space
33 pages (9873 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This study conducts a review of the literature intending to identify Chinese consumers' perceptions of retail space, with an emphasis on pop-up stores in creating the retail experience.... Therefore, this literature review covers studies on pop-up stores, shopping experience specifically, the hedonic and utilitarian shopping values, the pop-up shopping experience, store design, retail branding, and characteristics of pop-up store consumers....
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Critical Success Factors Approaches
8 pages (2340 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "Critical Success Factors Approaches" briefly reviews some referred journal articles which deal with the identifying of variables influencing the success of project implementation according to various Critical Success Factors approaches.... .... ... ... The critical success factors (CSF) approach in the context of the project management has been first established by Rockart, which defined CSF as 'the limited number of areas in which results will ensure successful competitive performance for the organization"....
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The Use of Low Glycaemic Index Diets in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus
7 pages (2313 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Cochrane Database of Systematic reviews. ... Nutrition reviews, 67, pp.... The literature review focuses on the use of low glycemic index diets in diabetes mellitus treatment. ... The paper "The Use of Low Glycaemic Index Diets in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus" will begin with the statement that diabetes mellitus is a metabolic condition that results due from an insulin secretion defect, insulin action, or both actions (American Diabetes Association 2012, 65)....
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