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Operations and Service Management
5 pages (1912 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This case study "Operations and Service Management" seeks to address the issues and problems of Wheatley Park Hotel and improve its performance in the hotel industry.... ... ... ... In order to improve the performance of Wheatley Park Hotel, several recommendations are given in the paper.... The recommendations are structured in a business strategy approach with an emphasis on the service operations side, especially on total quality management....
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Sustainable Tourism Strategy for Romania National Park
14 pages (4100 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This case study "Sustainable Tourism Strategy for Romania National Park" focuses on strategies proposed by the Tourism Board of Romania for the Retezat National Park has been taken into consideration for the enhancement of the overall functioning of the park.... .... ... ... The strategies proposed by the authority of Romania Tourism can be observed to represent a multidimensional approach in benefitting the overall performance of the Retezat National Park....
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LighterLife Workshop
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Lighterlife is a UK based company offering weight loss and weight management through Very Low Calorie Diet (VLCD) products.... In June 2006, experts from various departments of LighterLife came together to offer an interesting and valuable experience to its 250 counsellors.... ... ... ... In addition to the detailed presentations given by the experts, this workshop offered the participants a platform to exchange their views and experiences....
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Company Innovation Process
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Due to the swift evolution in the technology, the expectations of a client on any manufacturer or on any of their products have increased significantly.... Coming out victorious through the challenges posted by the compotators are not any more a strategic approach for the manufacturers but the very need of their survival....
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BMW and UN Global Compact Principles
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper "BMW and UN Global Compact Principles" explores the BMW as one of the most superior luxury automobile corporations of the world.... They vehemently suggest adopting environment-friendly principles for the best interest of the entire corporate industry.... .... ... ... BMW serves as a market leader of the automobile industry, which is a trend-setter in respect of introducing new models and styles of cars and motorbikes every year....
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Family Formation
5 pages (1122 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Family Formation" tells that a family comprises related people who provide nurturing and economic support.... Family formation is important for the development of every individual.... A successful marriage requires a sustaining relationship with the will to overcome all hardships.... ... ...
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Job Analysis and Pay Model Structure
5 pages (1300 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper "Job Analysis and Pay Model Structure" discusses how Mary Curie, a doctor would establish a strong human resource that will make her organization successful.... To maintain the productivity of the employees, employers should provide adequate compensation, incentives, and benefits.... ... ...
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Symptoms of Supply Chain Problems
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The author investigates the case 'Symptoms of Supply Chain Problems' on the example of two brothers Phillips who had started a Stone Horse Supply Company and comes to that conclusion that a company needs to undergo big changes in its forecasting techniques, recording, and transportation methods.... ...
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Developing Successful Business Idea - Learner Logo Book in Business
4 pages (1105 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Developing Successful Business Idea - Learner Logo Book in Business' is a fitting example of a business case study.... Of the six reasons listed, the sixth reason is the most compelling.... The founders of the organization had a very strong vision for the success of their enterprise.... It is this strong vision that drove them to have a strong passion for establishing their venture....
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National Transportation Safety Board
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "National Transportation Safety Board" focuses on the fact that American Airlines Flight 191 was a passenger flight that was regularly scheduled from O'Hare International Airport in Chicago to Los Angeles International Airport (Kilroy, 2012).... .... ... ... It was involved in an accident on May 25, 1979, and killed all the 258 passengers on board and 13 crew, as well as two people on the ground....
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Corporate Governance at Wal-Mart
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Wal-Mart is one of the most successful chains of super stores, operating thousands of its outlets in several countries of the world.... Founded by Sam Watson in 1962, it has now become the world's fourth largest utility employer and the largest toy-seller and grocery retailer in the U.... .... ... ...
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Qantas Financial Analysis
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Qantas is one of the largest airlines companies in Australia and has been involved in providing national and international transportation and freight services.... The company has three major business operations viz.... flying businesses, flying services, and associated businesses.... ... ... ... The company's wide range of services extends to catering, engineering and maintenance etc (Reuters)....
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The Role of the Data Protection Act 1998
4 pages (1155 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This work "The Role of the Data Protection Act 1998" gives a closer look at the data protection act 1998, its key aspects.... The author outlines its main elements, positions, a simplified version of all the provisions in the Act with regards to the acquisition, management, and propagation of information....
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Compare and Contrast the 1991 and 2003 Iraq War
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Iraq War (Add (Add (Add Date) Iraq War The role of America in the 1991 Iraq war has been a matter of discussion even now.... One factor that becomes evident from the discussion is that the wellbeing and sovereignty of Kuwait people was never the concern of US while initiating the war.... ... ... ...
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California-Illini Manufacturing
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
California-Illini Manufacturing (Add (Add (Add Date) California-Illini Manufacturing Executive Summary The California-Illini Manufacturing Company (Cl) operates its plant in the rural central valley of California.... The Company produces plain and hard-faced replacement tillage tools in the United States....
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The State of Israel and Future Threats
4 pages (1283 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author of the paper "The State of Israel and Future Threats" will begin with the statement that considerable interest in the issue of Israel's security has always been based on external threats due to the surrounding groups and states that have a territorial and religious claim in parts of Israel....
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Monsanto Agricultural Corporation and Genetically Modified Food Mandatory Labeling
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case study "Monsanto Agricultural Corporation and Genetically Modified Food Mandatory Labeling" presents Monsanto that is categorized among the largest corporations behind genetic manufacturing because it considers itself as an agricultural organization.... ... ... ... The company feels they have the ability to assist farmers to grow sustainable yields....
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Accounting Principles: The Hair Emporium
3 pages (1041 words) , Download 14 , Case Study
The author will begin with the statement that, as franchisors, Rolando and Rosa are obliged to provide their franchisees with certain services in order to assist the party that is going to manage the franchised business in the commencement of organizational operations in an effective manner.... ... ...
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Apple iPad in 2010
4 pages (1048 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper "Apple iPad in 2010" answers such questions as are the dynamics in the personal computer industry favourable or problematic for Apple?... How sustainable is Apple's competitive position in PCs?... ow sustainable is Apple's competitive position in MP3 players?... ... .... ... ... Another prominent advantage was Apple's attention to design elements....
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Implementation of the New Brand of Management GM and the Project Saturn
4 pages (1310 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case study "Implementation of the New Brand of Management GM and the Project Saturn" is about a series of events culminating in the present financial crisis.... Saturn was conceived during the 1980s by GM's frontman, Roger Smith.... The title itself conceives of many meanings – 'supposed to save GM'....
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Native Americans
4 pages (1025 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Native Americans" tells that Native American culture before and after the arrival of Europeans.... While pre-European society was far from ideal, with inter-wars occurring between opposing tribes, there was a general air of prosperity and shared kinship among great amounts of the Indian nation....
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Marketing Plan of the Levis Company
4 pages (1315 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Marketing Plan of the Levi Company" discusses that the marketing mix should also be considered.... Price, distribution, advertising and promotion are all very necessary.... The marketing communication promotional plan identifies the target audience i.... .... the people that buy Levi's....
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Fashion Retail Research Levis
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper is Fashion Retail Research of Levi.... Levi is world famous denim jeans brand, owned by Levi Strauss & Co.... (LS&CO) founded in 1853.... It is a privately held company formed by Levi Strauss and now by his family.... Levi's jeans was started to produce in 1873.... ... ... ... The paper analyzes Levi's brand....
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Stereotypes: Danish Cartoons
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper 'Stereotypes: Danish Cartoons' seeks to evaluate stereotypes, which are considered to be a group concept, held by one social group about another.... Some Muslim communities view the incident with the so-called 'Danish cartoons' as a plain kind of negative stereotype towards them.... ... ...
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Zynga Wins with Business Intelligence
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 36 , Case Study
An author of this report "Zynga Wins with Business Intelligence" would like to examine the business desition choice and strategy in the analytics company.... Moreover, the paper covers several particular topics, each discusses a certain aspect of the company business activity.... ... ... ... It is quite true that Zynga is an analytics company masquerading as a games company....
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Climate Change and The Global Warming Debate
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Something is off with the weather.... Too cold has just become too cold while hot just became too hot.... For most people, the recognition that there is an on-going and rapid shift that indicates climate change is easy to see.... Typhoons are just not how they used to be and the same goes for hurricanes, tsunamis and all other natural occurrences that are part of living in this planet....
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Nokia Company from 2003-2008
4 pages (1216 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The case study "Nokia Company from 2003-2008" states that The company's aim is to provide high-quality and innovative products and services that help the people to connect.... A majority of its products are sold through network operators, distributors, and its branded stores.... .... ... ... The paper shows that These stores are owned and managed by the retail partners of the company....
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Comparing and Contrast the Influence on Employment Policy of the European Union and Nafta
4 pages (1134 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper examines, discusses and analyses the influence on employment policy of the European Union (EU) and North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) on their respective member states and also the subsequent and likely impact on the practice of international HRM.... ... ... ... Although in spite of several commonalities between the two associations which facilitate such comparison such as organizational design, and being two of the world's largest economies, for instance, there are widespread differences in terms of complexity in decision-making process and distinctiveness in terms of policies and organizational framework....
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Strategic Management: Toyota
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Toyota recently called millions of cars due to brake problems.... This has turned into a major crisis and people are losing confidence in the brand.... This problem will be explored keeping in mind strategic management and suggestion will be made to Toyota.... ... ... ... Toyota is the world's leading automobile company....
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American International Group
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
American international group is a leasing insurance organization that offers traditional insurance services and products in order to help people and businesses in more than 130 countries.... Their assets are protected; risk is managed, and jurisdiction provides security retirement.... ... ... ... Different range of life insurance, property casualty insurance, mortgage insurance and other related financial services are provided to the customers....
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Strategies Followed by McCain Foods
7 pages (1079 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Strategies Followed by McCain Foods" is a great example of a management case study.... The current global environment presents several opportunities for organizations operating in multiple industries.... The food production industry is among the industries that have experienced massive product and service diversification to cope with the current trends of globalization....
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International Business by Delta Airline
5 pages (1284 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This case study " International Business by Delta Airline" discusses the same phenomenon wherein the overall passenger traffic has increased in the African region.... Further, it discusses the attempt made by Delta Airline to enter the market.... This study provides a strategic analysis of the same....
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Community Charity Events in Australia
4 pages (1212 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
"Community Charity Events in Australia" paper examines APEC summits which usually draw their share of protesters to each meeting, and the businesses of the CBD in Sydney are being asked to beef up security in anticipation of untoward events or damages to property by protesters.... ... ... ... The reinforced security measures could include simple things like locking doors, limiting access to vital areas, and increasing the amount of security at the shop fronts....
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ELISA Approach Analysis
4 pages (1234 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "ELISA Approach Analysis" focuses on the critical, and thorough analysis of the peculiarities of the ELISA approach.... The ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) is a biochemical method of determining antibodies and antigens present in a specimen.... ... ... ... A specific antibody is introduced over a sample of an antigen so that binding may occur....
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Mysterious Empire Japan
4 pages (1153 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Mysterious Empire Japan" suggests that even though Japan had not remained strictly closed to outsiders, the 19th-century expeditions from the West, such as the U.... .... and Russia.... Through extensive research locally, the West was convinced that trade with Japan would economically benefit them....
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Civil Wars and the Lack of Authority in Rome
4 pages (1252 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Civil Wars and the Lack of Authority in Rome" analyzes that the period between 27 B.... .... and 180 A.... .... proved to be a disaster for Rome: strong and powerful in its fight against foreign enemies, Rome was incapable of preserving inner political and social stability.... ... ... ...
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Patterns in Youth Vote
4 pages (1103 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The case study "Patterns in Youth Vote" states that Voting is a huge responsibility – a conscious decision that the general public takes to choose the government of their choice.... It is a source of interaction between the voters and the state or local governments and holds immense significance....
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Professional Development Program
4 pages (1102 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Professional Development Program" discusses that Accenture consulting has initiated employ development programs to lead to employee retention.... The employees' developmental growth within the organization itself means stability and growth of the organization.... ... ... ... Army recruiting is one of the toughest and most stressful jobs these days because the US is fighting two wars....
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HR Competitive Strategies
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
Competitiveness is the ability to provide better products and services at almost the same prices.... We make some assumptions when we talk about competitiveness, these are: Many aspects of public policy affect the growth of the enterprise sector; the growth of the enterprise sector affects overall prosperity; competitiveness is increased by measures that intensify linkages if they are positive ones and reduce them if they are negative ones; competitiveness is measured by overall prosperity and steps towards this prosperity also indicate progress in competitiveness....
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Advantages of a Starbucks Location in College
6 pages (1036 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Advantages of a Starbucks Location in College" describes that on college campuses throughout the nation Starbucks pays to have its stores located in prime locations.... On the University of Miami (UM)campus, students head off to class, Starbucks cups in hand.... ... ... ... Starbucks has been constantly growing over the past few years....
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Inventory management at WAL-MART
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Sam Walton opened the first Wal-Mart discount store in the year 1962.... The first Wal-Mart Discount store that he opened was in a City in Rogers, Arkansas.... Currently, there are 941 stores all across the United States (Frat Files).... One advantage of Wal-Mart and probably its reason for success was that it started making its discount stores a little outside the city so that it is more convenient for customers to come and shop there, with its spacious aisles and enough space for everyone to park and large displays....
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Hudson River Accident
5 pages (1294 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
As the paper outlines, on 15th January, US Airways flight 1549 that was traveling from LaGuardia to Charlotte lost its thrust midair and fell into the Hudson River.... Despite this incident occurring midair and the plane coming down, all the 155 passengers survived this accident.... ... ... ... In the Hudson River Accident, it was established that the engine failure was caused due to the plane encountering some birds as it climbed higher after its take-off....
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Power Tactics and Sources of Power
4 pages (1159 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author of the paper "Power Tactics and Sources of Power" will begin with the statement that power is the authority one has over others.... According to Suja Nair in 'Power, Realpolitik, and Ethics', there is a slight difference between power and authority (Nair, 2010).... ... ... ... Authority brings power to an individual in an organization....
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The role of the IMF in helping poor and debt-troubled countries
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Generally, the organization lives by three key objective, first, “keeping track of the global economy and the economies of member countries,” second, “lending to countries with.... ... ... The different opinions toward the IMF indicate that there are problems and issues that must be addressed considering the major role it has in the global economy. ...
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The Findings of Total Quality Management at the Dubai Garden Center
5 pages (1299 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'The Findings of Total Quality Management at the Dubai Garden Center' is a perfect example of a business case study.... Total quality management can be described as an integrated process that involves improving the quality of products, processes, systems, people, and services at every organizational level....
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Following the Conservative Pro-Business Policies by Calvin Coolidge: National Leadership
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper describes Calvin Coolidge, a Republican, that entered politics as a city councilman from Northampton, Massachusetts.... In 1909 he was elected mayor of Northampton and later served as a senator in the Massachusetts state government from 1911–15 and as a lieutenant governor from1915–18....
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Urban Planning in China
4 pages (1183 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Urban Planning in China" highlights that urban planning issues are very important in the development of good urban centers as seen in the Chinatown movie.... A bad political structure will not encourage any economic development within a region thus urbanization will not be promoted.... ...
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The Tacoma Narrows Suspension Bridge
4 pages (1205 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
From the paper "The Tacoma Narrows Suspension Bridge" it is clear that since the TNB collapse, engineers have adopted mitigation measures suggested above, which have proven helpful in the construction of contemporary suspension bridges, by helping prevent damaging bridge vibrations.... .... ... ... The Washington State Toll Bridge Authority following its establishment decided to act upon a request placed, for a bridge providing a connection between Kitsap and Tacoma....
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Adult Learning: Linking Theory and Practice
4 pages (1155 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Adult Learning: Linking Theory and Practice" highlights that like other adult learners, Aleide has more responsibilities than the average student has, as a wife, employee, and mother.... In addition to this, she participates in activities that enrich her learning experience.... ... ... ...
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Clean Area Award System
4 pages (1262 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Clean Area Award System" discusses that the Marina Hostess will be responsible for hoisting a Clean Marina Flag, each day.... A Clean Marina Flag was awarded by South Carolina government officials in recognition of Southport Marina's extreme makeover.... ... ... ... In promoting environmental-friendly practices, appropriate procedures for minimizing negative environmental impact must be articulated and implemented....
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