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Personal Success Development Plan - Case Study Example

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In this study authors describes the strategic policy in multiple disciplines,  the personal success development plan This plan includes a thorough and realistic review and analysis of professional and personal qualifications…
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Personal Success Development Plan
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 Personal Success Development Plan Personal success in life is due to good planning and disciplined implementation of a personal success development plan, whether, it is for a business or just to prepare one for life’s occurrences and does not occur by coincidence. Personal planning and responsibility in implementing that plan is essential to reaching all targeted goals. These plans must address all relevant variables that are relevant to the eventual success of the personal success development plan. Continuity and short and long term goals are part and parcel of these relevant variables that have an effect on the feasibility and likelihood for success of that plan. Cost efficiency must also factor heavily into the planning stages of the plan that is to be implemented at strategic points of intervention concerning the time factors that dictate the continuation of one stage of the plan to another. Contingency planning is also essential to providing a lifeline for the company should any obstacles present themselves unexpectedly. A personal success development plan must entail provisions that utilize resources and institutions that can assist the company in achieving its goals. Strategic Analysis (Personal): I have already started a small business (Priority Solutions) that is being run as an intellectual catalog company in a addition to producing works and delivering services similar to those of your standard think tanks. This experience has given me confidence in the fact that I am already a successful entrepreneur in regards to professional capabilities as a CEO, strategist and policy writer. Now, I can focus on designing and developing a marketing infrastructure that will bring critically needed capital into the company. Although I am already a successful entrepreneur, I still feel that I must write a business plan for the short term goals of the company which will cover the next five years. I base this belief on the following: What is a strategic plan? Strategic planning is designing a blueprint of your future. A strategic plan has three main components: a crystal clear Vision of where you want the company to be in the future; Milestones, which are the major achievements that will lead directly to reaching your vision; and an Action Plan that guides daily activity toward the completion of each milestone. Your people will use the planning process to improve their day-to-day performance. Success Strategies, “Business Plan Writing” I believe that proper planning is tantamount to achieving success in any success personal development plan. This process sets clear goals that bring clarity to the strategic course of the plan. This type of planning initiative also provides an infrastructure that promotes and enhances discipline concerning the implementation of the personnel development plan. Discipline and continuity will be critical to the success of the company over the next five years. The personal success development plan would be nothing without these traits. Let’s go over the remaining areas that are necessary for the success of the personal development success plan: Milestones are set after careful consideration of those significant measures that when fulfilled will lead to the vision. Milestones, like vision, are rarely if ever changed. By identifying three milestones it keeps the thrust to the truly major completions leading to the vision. Mani Zahadat, a master mechanic, is the owner of Personal Mechanix, a full service for auto maintenance. Mani believes there is a market for a car service company that comes to your door and came to us to start his business. We established the milestones that would bring this vision to reality. As the business grows, He continues to focus on them and plan for the company’s expansions. Success Strategies, “Business Plan Writing” 4 Because I have been in business for several years, I will have to be careful in planning the milestone stages of my personal success development plan. The milestones I decide on may very well decide the success or failure of my ability to meet those objectives. This is why I have decided on the following milestones: Strategic Expansion (Multiple Disciplines): 1. Psychology based research and development 2. Land power based research and development 3. Casualty projections based research and development These milestones have been chosen due to the fact that they are easily attainable due to my algorithms expertise in addition to my experience with writing and researching those topics in support of some of my previous work. The fact that my college studies have put me in a position to obtain a separate degree in psychology with two more semesters of coursework only increases the likelihood of my success when reconciled with my academic and professional training in intelligence and engineering. The cumulative effects of this experience affords me the ability to cover all three of the targeted disciplines in a holistic manner that defrays any hint of monetary cost(aside from cost efficient coursework) involved with preparing myself for this expansion. My previous college and professional experiences will allow me to save hundreds of thousands in preparatory costs affiliated with ensuring my competency in the targeted expansion areas. These assertions and analysis are validated by the fact that only the following cost efficient variables concerning milestone attainment remain: 5 Concentrate on the outcome by designing a program that implements those daily actions that drive to each milestone. The program is constructed around goals that are the stepping stones toward completion. To concentrate on the outcome: Identify your goals and write them down with a start and finish date. Identify tasks for each goal. List the tools you will need and the support group that can help meet your goal. Create a daily action plan and write it down. Take action every day. Success Strategies, “Business Plan Writing” As you can see, these tasks can be accomplished with confidences and clarity due to the dramatically reduced stress factors of funding woes associated with training costs. It is essential that you remove all obstacles to success early in the planning and implementation stages when that is possible. Note the action plan parameters: The action plan may need adjustment as progress is made that creates new opportunities or pressure points. Our client, Tony’s Kitchen was on a steady growth path and had orchestrated additional manpower using part time help to mirror the peaks and valleys of the business. Tony’s reputation attracted more business than the current plan anticipated. We worked with Tony to update the plan based upon new data, made near-term resource adjustments, and outlined moves to accommodate continued growth. Tony’s is continuing to grow without the stress associated with the earlier plan. Success Strategies, “Business Plan Writing” Success 6 The possible problems that can arise due to the strategic course of the plan clearly augments what has been previously stated concerning the removal of obstacles early on when possible, as it makes implementing the action plan much easier. The cost efficient initiatives that have been articulated up to this point can easily facilitate an environment where your business realizes success such as the scenario that deals with Tony’s Kitchen. This scenario brings up valuable points as increased success brings up the question of human resource issues. The personal success development plan must have contingency addendums that anticipate the possibility of the need for additional personnel. The plan must have an outline of what type of person is capable of joining the company and in what areas concerning their daily tasks and responsibilities. The savings that have been accrued up to this point has empowered the company with a reserve of capital that can be used in a strategic manner in the best interests of the company. The hiring and training of additional personnel can be one such example of that strategic use. The hiring of personnel should be implemented in a manner where they are capable of being trained in cost efficient certificate programs that reduce training time, the practical implementation learning curve and the costs associated with them. Personal Competence and Characteristics Analysis My name is Terrance Jones and I am an author with two published books (American Warfare: Merging Dominant Stratagems and American Warfare 2: The Counter Terror Primer). I am also an expert in algorithms which has allowed me to write groundbreaking thesis papers in multiple disciplines. I have studied intelligence topics extensively which has qualified me to write policy papers on business, government and military topics. Here is a brief list of topics that I am considered an expert in as well: Terrorism/Counter Terrorism National Security 7 Psychology of Terrorism Homeland Security Threat Analysis China Analysis Middle East Analysis Classical Strategic Thought As I have previously mentioned, I have started a small company that I hope to develop into a competitive think tank. I already have considerable experience writing on topics that are comparable to some of the think tank analyst I would be competing with. I have also been taught by some of America’s brightest minds from military and intelligence institutions through my course work at American Military University. This experience has been invaluable to me and is a major reason for the success that I have experienced up to this point. I expect to publish 3 monographs in covering separate disciplines over the next 18 months. This will give me the ability to increase my chances of successfully bidding for contracts from the Department of Defense, as I will be able to give them 3 monographs to review that will clearly show my diversity and quality writing skills in addition to showing my expertise in multiple disciplines. The fact that my first two published books have successfully forecast over 10 theatre occurrences with in the past 3 years will be extremely helpful in my efforts to land contracts as well. This will give my company increased options that will only continue my strategy of maintaining, developing and expanding an intellectual catalog of diverse material that prevents me from relying strictly on book sales to gauge my influence and success in multiple industries. This allows me to display confidence and clarity concerning 8 my capabilities and targeted goals in addition to helping me clearly articulate to potential clients what I can do for their institutions should they decide to do business with me. In 18 months, I plan to utilize savings over that period to purchase a marketing package from a reputable marketing firm that will allow me to conduct radio interviews in lucrative and strategic markets around the country. I also plan on having the contact information for my business printed on my published monographs as well. I also plan to have a website established for company marketing purposes within 12 months from now. I plan to post innovative excerpts from essays that will be contained in future books that I plan to publish. Here is an example of one such excerpt: A gradual intensity elevation strategy was the perfect strategy for a nation with superpower status during the Vietnam War era. America was faced with countering the multi regional threats of a fragmented Communist doctrine that had two divergent, yet highly lethal and formidable nation state facilitators in the Soviet Union and China. Their strategic split had the potential to dramatically spread American resources across diverse regions across the globe by way of preparatory warfare, the limited nuclear option strategy and region specific proxy war aggression that was exemplified by the Vietnam War. A gradual elevation strategy allows an invading nation from preventing its forces from the extreme exertions caused by non compliance of one or more factions of the invaded nation’s society. That compliance should include military cooperation and unity in goal and purpose concerning a free and democratic society as the alternative to a repressive Communist regime. When considering the fact that a superpower nation is required to assume the daunting task of neutralizing the multi regional threat variances that I have mentioned, the gradual intensity elevation strategy will always be the most attractive and battle efficient option, as it offers the ground commanders the ability to facilitate military and political efficacy through precision based attacks. Jones, “Understanding the Vietnam Conflict” Page 4 9 Once again, I believe that the targeted goals that are mentioned in this section can be obtained due to a strategy that does not depend on market dictated cash infusion variables concerning the design and implementation of the marketing infrastructure nor the development, maintenance and expansion of the intellectual catalog as a whole. The savings from this type of strategy can easily be assessed in tens of thousands by minimal estimates. These savings can be used in research and development, hiring new personnel and in costs associated with publishing more monographs in addition to maintaining and or expanding the marketing of the business. The company website should be designed in a manner where it can possibly bring in income in addition to advertising the business. This increases the options for success concerning all the commercial opportunities that can possibly become lucrative entities without depending on them individually for the success of the company. This augments each department of the business concerning its ability to be operated cost efficiently for a significant amount of time without sacrificing the quality of its content. This section cannot be concluded without a SWOT analysis definition that clearly presents favorable arguments that support the analysis I have provided concerning my competency in setting the course for my company. Please note the following example of a brief but well developed SWOT analysis: Amazon SWOT Analysis: Strengths Amazon is a profitable organization. In 2005 profits for the three months to June dipped 32% to $52m (£29.9m) from $76m in the same period in 2004. Sales jumped 26% to $1.75bn. Until recent years Amazon was experiencing large losses, due to its 10 huge initial set up costs. The recent dip is due to promotions that have offered reduced delivery costs to consumers. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Information Technology (IT) support Amazon's business strategy. The company carefully records data on customer buyer behavior. This enables them to offer to an individual specific items, or bundles of items, based upon preferences demonstrated through purchases or items visited. Weaknesses As Amazon adds new categories to its business, it risks damaging its brand. Amazon is the number one retailer for books. Toy-R-Us is the number one retailers for toys and games. Imagine if Toys-R-Us began to sell books. This would confuse its consumers and endanger its brands. In the same way, many of the new categories, for example automotive, may prove to be too confusing for customers. The company may at some point need to reconsider its strategy of offering free shipping to customers. It is a fair strategy since one could visit a more local retailer, and pay no costs. However, it is rumored that shipping costs could be up to $500m, and such a high figure would undoubtedly erode profits. Threats All successful Internet businesses attract competition. Since Amazon sells the same or similar products as high street retailers and other online businesses, it may become more and more difficult to differentiate the brand from its competitors. Amazon does have it s brand. It also has a huge range of products. Otherwise, price competition could damage the business. 11 International competitors may also intrude upon Amazon as it expands. Those domestic (US-based) rivals unable to compete with Amazon in the US, may entrench overseas and compete with them on foreign fronts. Joint ventures, strategic alliances and mergers could see Amazon losing its top position in some markets. The products that Amazon sells tend to be bought as gifts, especially at Christmas. This means that there is an element of seasonality to the business. However, by trading in overseas markets in different cultures such seasonality may not be enduring. Marketing Teacher, “SWOT Analysis” Note: As you can see the trends that are articulated in the Amazon SWOT Analysis cover the areas that are properly planned for in the personal success development plan stages up to this point. This validates the strategic course and competency characteristics that are articulated throughout this section and the sections preceding it. Now we can move on. Entrepreneur Analysis: Comparing and Contrasting Becoming an entrepreneur depends heavily on your life and professional experiences and development. When I decided start my current business, I had to ask myself some difficult questions. Was I capable of running a business that was totally mine? Could I endure the pressure of taking on all the critical tasks that would decide whether or not the business succeeded? My answers to all of these questions were yes. My military training prepared me for leadership at the highest level. That level can be defined as a level that decides the life 12 and death of my fellow soldiers. Part and parcel of these highly exertive and stressful parameters was my training in engineering, logistics, intelligence and security in addition to my training as a nuclear and biological chemical specialist. I was rated as a 4.0 soldier in my duties and responsibilities in these areas for the majority of my military career. If you were to analyze the operations of any reputable think tank, you will find that they have these departments within their organizations and depend on them heavily for the success of their business. While the professional proficiency of an individual has a lot to do with their qualifications as an entrepreneur, their personal qualifications are just as important. Let’s go over the following traits and characteristics that define and qualify an individual as a competent candidate for entrepreneurship: Self-Control: Entrepreneurs do not function well in structured organizations and do not like someone having authority over them. Most believe they can do the job better than anyone else and will strive for maximum responsibility and accountability. They enjoy creating business strategies and thrive on the process of achieving their goals. Once they achieve a goal, they quickly replace it with a greater goal. They strive to exert whatever influence they can over future events. Entrepreneurial, “Profile of an Entrepreneur” Personally, I strive to attain the pinnacles of professional and personal development, as I believe that is tantamount to positively influencing whatever discipline one chooses to work in. As a strategist, I do like formulating strategies much like the analysis says about those who have the traits of an entrepreneur. However, in contrast with the analysis, as a veteran of two military branches of service (U.S. Navy and Army National Guard); I have the discipline to quickly step back when the situation calls for that type of discipline and humility. Entrepreneurial, “Profile of an Entrepreneur” 13 Comprehensive Awareness Successful entrepreneurs can comprehend complex situations that may include planning, making strategic decisions, and working on multiple business ideas simultaneously. They are farsighted and aware of important details, and they will continuously review all possibilities to achieve their business objectives. At the same time, they devote their energy to completing the tasks immediately before them. Entrepreneurial, “Profile of an Entrepreneur” I have extensive experience in comprehending complex situations as a submariner that has been cross-trained in every job that is relevant to a submarines safe operation in addition to my works as a strategy and policy/technical writer. My published books, deal with budgetary issues in addition to multiple strategies that are geared towards facilitating different theatre occurrences and strategic realities for American forces and institutions. I have also formulated short and long term strategic initiatives for top U.S. military officials and institutions. Realism Entrepreneurs accept things as they are and deal with them accordingly. They may or may not be idealistic, but they are seldom unrealistic. They will change their direction when they see that change will improve their prospects for achieving their goals. They want to know the status of a given situation at all times. News interests them if it is timely, and factual, and provides them 14 with information they need. They will verify any information they receive before they use it in making a decision. Entrepreneurs say what they mean and assume that everyone else does too. They tend to be too trusting and may not be sufficiently suspicious in their business dealings with other people. Entrepreneurial, “Profile of an Entrepreneur” In stark contrast to the stated analysis, as a CEO, I must sometimes change things in order to prevent them from negatively affecting the business. Also, I personally want to be a visionary type of entrepreneur. That is a primary reason that I have developed a cost cutting strategy in addition to choosing a discipline that required minimal start-up costs. This has reduced stress caused by financial obstacles at strategic points in the history of the business, as these types of obstacles can threaten the forward progress of the business if they are not promptly addressed. This type of strategy also prevents the strategic course of the business from being threatened by public assertions and analysis that may prove to be erroneous over time. Development and Action I plan to vigorously develop and implement a progressive business plan for the next five years. This plan will depend heavily on vision, hard work and innovation which will be successful in streamline the budgetary costs of implementing this plan. I have developed a plan that is geared towards expanding the influence and services provided by the company at a reduced operational budget. This plan has set the stage for increased growth over the next five years while also protecting the company’s interest through cost cutting initiatives and strategies that require minimal funding. 15 Expansion Variables Over the next five years, I plan to centralize all operations in close proximity to the northern Virginia area in order to benefit from being close to the institutions I want to do business with(DOD, Pentagon, Department of Homeland Security). Because the company is built off of intellectual property, I will be in a position to utilize contract funding to fund and implement temporary deployments to diverse regions of the country. This is also an initiative that can save tens of thousands of dollars in leasing fees across the country. Consulting The intellectual catalog of the company makes it an attractive company for larger corporations in need of consulting in matters of strategic concern to their company and their current and perspective clients. The fees that are collected from consulting contracts can then be used to fund plans of my choosing in order to keep the company on its strategic course in accordance with the personal success development plan. As with any business, regardless of how cost efficient you are, at some point, you have to deal with a bank. The personal success development plan I have devised will facilitate an environment where the bank will be a welcome ally instead of an enemy to be feared. This will be due to the cost efficient nature at which I have developed the personal success development plan in addition to how I have successfully provided services to valued clients in a cost effective manner. Banks often find it hard to resist doing business with company’s that operate in this manner. Note the following: “As bank president, I watched far too many companies walk through the door ill prepared to discuss their loan request with the bank. Time consuming, agony, not the best deal, and expensive are just some of the consequences you leave yourself open to by not having a strategy of dealing with your bank.” Success Strategies, “Bank Loan Consulting 16 The cost efficient strategy I have devised will allow the company to put up the full amount of any loan the company applies for as collateral, therefore, avoiding the risk of losing any percentage of the company in addition to protecting the banks interest. This shows the bank you have thought about and appreciate their assistance which will encourage professional reciprocity on their part. This reciprocity may lead to the bank’s willingness to help the company at a critical point in its development. This is more than reason enough to work hard towards maintaining a good working relationship with the bank. Here is another example of why banks find it hard to refuse professionalism and cost efficiency that suggests doing business with a particular company is good for their business interests: If you think about it, the bank wants to do business with you-why make it difficult? Having a banker on your team makes all the sense in the world. There is a systematic process that brings you and your banker to the same side of the table. We can help companies take advantage of proven methods of improving their bank relations and improving their ability to grow the business. Success Strategies, “Bank Loan Consulting” The following is a list of things that will promote a healthy relationship between the company and the bank over the next five years: Here are five tips that will help keep your bank on your side: 1. Don’t abdicate your personal responsibility. Stay close to your customers and markets. Find what’s on your customers’ minds by getting out and talking to them, assessing their needs, figuring out where they’re going. 17 2. Keep people in mind. Good people are a competitive advantage. It’s critical to hire and retain good people who are committed to your vision. Focus on new ways to attract and retain qualified employees. 3. Cash is king. Those who manage it carefully succeed in the long run. Constantly monitor your business plan to focus on sales and keep up the cash flow. 4. Be ProActive. (You knew that was coming.) Successful business owners meet more people and are ProActive in meeting and discussing their individual needs with their banker. Go to your banker and have a conversation. Also, reach out to your network of peers, industry specialists, or local chamber of commerce. Just get out there. It’s all about relationship-building. 5. It’s a marathon. Persistence is the key. It’s a very common notion among entrepreneurs, but it’s good to be reminded. We talk to a lot of small-business owners on a daily basis, and a common theme is that they persevere. They maintain financial flexibility and that entrepreneurial spirit no matter the conditions. They are agile and flexible, and they stay the course. Success Strategies, “Bank Loan Consulting” Once a solid professional relationship is established between the bank and the company, the day to day operations of the company can be focused on without nagging suspicions about the bank trying to weaken your position in the relationship. This relieves a majority of the stress of a company working towards achieving its goals as stated in the personal success development plan. This also gives the leaders of the company the time to focus on obstacles that could possibly prevent the company from realizing its predetermined milestone goals. These goals are essential to maintaining good morale throughout the company in addition to maintaining professional relationships that are critical to the company’s continued success. As you can see, even in a minimal role, there are huge advantages to having a good relationship with the bank. These factors prove that there is no counter strategy for relevant services in a market that is not prepared for a cost efficient company with strong leadership and a dominant marketing strategy that has the benefit of efficient day to day operations that can deliver all advertised services on demand. Companies that are run in this nature dominate their markets. 18 My personal success development plan intends to use the diversity model of larger think tanks to revolutionize how information and services are provided to clients in today’s rapidly changing environment. My target area is strategic policy in multiple disciplines, as strategy is the primary driver for success in any chose area of expertise. The rapidly expanding landscape I have mentioned includes America’s current war in Iraq, the war on terrorism, and the multi regional threat variables that can dramatically affect America’s strategic interest abroad. These threat variables have demanded a more mobile and rapid response to the needs of military, intelligence and civilian run institutions. The personal success development plan that I have laid out, has proven that I have the expertise, qualifications and the company to provide these needs quickly in a cost effective manner. The services I offer require no increased error parameters or compromises in quality or quantity to meet the needs of the perspective clients. In fact, my company represents the future alternative to high priced think tanks with limited theatre occurrence validation of their strategic projections. I personally have the qualifications to dwarf those of some of America’s top strategists and analysts who lack my youth, relevance to the future concerning strategic thought and once again, my unparalleled efficiency rating in strategic projections concerning theatre occurrences in multiple disciplines all over the world. A personal success development plan that is geared towards making someone an entrepreneur requires expertise and experience in addition to a well developed business plan. This plan includes a thorough and realistic review and analysis of your professional and personal qualifications. Contingency planning must be incorporated into your personal success development plan as a safeguard for the company. Diversity, cost efficiency, and a daily operation that is efficiently run are the building block for success that are a practical implementation and extension of a well thought out and developed personal success 19 development plan. The personal success development plan makes maximum use of my experience that was gained through my academic studies and my military experiences which spanned across two military branches of service. These experiences cover a broad spectrum of topics that ensure that the company will embody a look and reality of competency and diversity. These attractive assets will no doubt help the company achieve its strategic goals in the marketplace over the next five years. These assets also have the potential to dramatically increase the size of the company concerning its personnel and services available to potential clients. These factors suggest that the future hold unlimited possibilities in regards to the company’s influence, growth and commercial success. Reference Businesstown.Com, (2006), “Entrepreneurial: Profile of an Entrepreneur”, (Online), Comprehensive System of Professional Development., (2006), “Montana CSPD”(Online), Inside Triathlon.,(2005),”Goal Setting for 2005: Reflection, Analysis and Your Personal Road Map for Success” Jones, Terrance., (2006)“Understanding the Vietnam Conflict”, Priority Solutions, Maryland, Page 4 Minford, John., (2002), “The Art of War” Viking Penguin,New York Success Strategies., (2006), “Business Plan Writing”(Online), Read More
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