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The Potential of Dietary Risk Factors of Gastroesophageal Reflux
10 pages (2892 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The Potential of Dietary Risk Factors of Gastroesophageal Reflux" is a delightful example of a case study on medical science.... The research study by (Terry, Lagergren, Wolk, & Nyrén, 2000) investigates the influence of reflux inducing foods attributing to coffee, chocolate, dietary fat, mints, tomatoes, citrus fruits and onions on the predisposition....
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Role of Media in Challenging Images of Blackness or Asians in Britain
8 pages (2156 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The actual theme in all over the matter of exposition related to the follow up of Islam religion and the Qur'an.... racial discrimination" shall mean all those practised distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference that are based on race, colour, religion, descent, or national or ethnic origin....
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Breakaway Bicycle Company Analysis
4 pages (1177 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This case study "Breakaway Bicycle Company Analysis" presents Breakaway Bicycle Company (BBC) that is a professional design and customized bicycle frames company.... BCC enjoys a good reputation because its products help competitive cyclists to win the races.... ... ... ... Mountain bike racing became popular since its debut as an Olympic medal event in the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, and these competitive cycling activities increase the demand in this market....
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Social Challenges of the Onset of Old Age
10 pages (2894 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The author of the "Social Challenges of the Onset of Old Age" paper focuses on the case study given in the application of the social work process for the given client through the use of relevant major skills and techniques in the professional relationship.... .... ... ... It is evident that quite a role evolution and losses experienced by the elderly intensify their susceptibility....
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Business to Business Marketing: Case of Ingersoll Rand
2 pages (500 words) , Download 6 , Case Study
This study 'Business to Business Marketing: Case of Ingersoll Rand' will begin with the statement that the focus of an organization's marketing approaches must be centered on the customer and business marketing must be customer focused and targeted.... ... ... ... The conclusion from this paper states that through market segmentation, different branches of the sales outlets can target different groups of customers in order to more effectively satisfy customers and respond to their unique needs quickly and effectively....
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Selling a culture: Aboriginal Artwork
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Such artworks are just note mere paintings that come into distinctive styles but they represent the religion, tradition and ceremonies of Aboriginal people.... An author of the following study shall conduct a research regarding "selling" a culture.... More specifically, the paper will deal with the idea of selling the aboriginal artwork, discussing its market and aspects in various spheres....
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Discrimination of Female Nurses in High Positions by Males
8 pages (2374 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper ''Discrimination of Female Nurses in High Positions by Males'' tells that The study of man and how he interacts with those around him has long been a discourse that has captured scientists' attention for centuries.... Indeed, man, a social being, is a rich source of study in communication, language etc....
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HR Leadership in Difficult Times: A Story of Saving Mountain Deer of the Ranch
5 pages (1952 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
theology Today 49 (3), 291–95. ... "HR Leadership in Difficult Times: A Story of Saving Mountain Deer of the Ranch" paper examines the case of Parker and Clara Wilmington who were sitting in their home.... It was afternoon and they were expecting a few guests from Illinois.... These guests were not someone they knew....
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Nursing Assessment and Care Plan Using Orem's Theory
9 pages (2422 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This case study "Nursing Assessment and Care Plan Using Orem's Theory" holistic assessment of a patient with diabetes mellitus and ischemic heart disease, presenting with myocardial infarction will be elaborated and discussed with reference to Orem's nursing theory.... ... ... ... Nurses play an important role in the health promotion of an individual due to their direct contact and proximity with the patients....
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Global Supply Chain Management: Case of Wal-Dart
16 pages (4484 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper sets out to analyze the current supply chain problems facing Wal-Dart, to determine possible approaches and solutions.... It provides a brief overview of the organization and its operations together with an introduction to global supply chain management to set the context for the analysis that follows....
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Strategic Management of Vodafone
8 pages (2316 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The paper under the title 'Strategic Management of Vodafone ' presents a set of decisions and processes that lead to the development of a successful approach to achieve the organization's goals.... Once the fundamentals such as mission and vision statements are drawn.... ... ... ... The framework by which strategic management is known, and can be applied to business corporations, is based on processes....
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Gay Mans Health Crisis Centre Services
6 pages (2312 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The study "Gay Mans' Health Crisis Centre Services" focuses on the critical analysis of the author's reflections on his/her internship at Gay Mans' Health Crisis Centre and the services it provides.... Crisis Centre was initiated in January 1982 and it is located in New York City.... ... ... ... Its foundation was triggered after the emergence of reports in New York City and San Francisco declaring that an uncommon form of cancer labeled Kaposi Sarcoma was impacting the health of young gay men....
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Predicting Consumer Behavior for E-Bicycles
7 pages (2134 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Predicting Consumer Behavior for E-Bicycles" critically evaluates two main typologies (the Values, Attitudes and Lifestyle Systems (VALS) Typology, and the List of Values (LOV) Typology) in predicting consumer behavior for electric bicycles.... ... ... ... Electric bicycles or e-bikes are the rages today being the most promoted means of transportation, especially in urban cities....
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How Mr Johnson Has Sold the Roll Royce to Milfred
9 pages (2496 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "How Mr Johnson Has Sold the Roll Royce to Milfred" is a good example of a law case study.... In the article, 'Discharge of frustration' written in 2002 it is stated that a contract that is formed can be bought to end by Discharge of the Contract.... Discharge of contract by frustration can occur if the performance of the contract is made impossible and the parties are not faulted as per the article, 'Discharge of frustration' written in 2002....
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The Practice of Orthopedic Practitioners
7 pages (2631 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper 'The Practice of Orthopedic Practitioners' presents the need for ethics, values, and also the nature of knowledge that is required for the practice of orthopedic practitioners.... The author demonstrates many literature reviews so that the arguments can be substantiated.... ... ... ... The paper is about a student nurse who is talking to her patient about the issues faced by the patient at her home before she is discharged the next day....
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Ethical Principles in Law
10 pages (3162 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Ethical Principles in Law" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues on the ethical principles in law.... Each workplace has a culture that needs to be observed by the employees.... The culture defines the way things are carried out in the organization.... ... ... ... These practices include the written and unwritten rules that must be followed when working (Parrott, 2014)....
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Strategies of Banks and Other Financial Institutions Theories and Cases
7 pages (2225 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author of this case study "Critical Success Factors of Barclay Card" gives detail information about a variety of theoretical and international business frameworks appears to have facilitated the success of the Barclay card since its inception in 1965.... ... ... ... The contemporary society is characterized by business operations undertaken on a global perspective....
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Safety Practices in the Saudi Arabia Construction Industry
29 pages (8544 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper "Safety Practices in the Saudi Arabia Construction Industry" states that the relevant qualifications of the author include a degree in Mechanical Engineering.... In addition, the researcher has been working in the property and real estate industry in a managerial position for six years....
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Accessibility of Primary Health Care in Canada
7 pages (2108 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Accessibility of Primary Health Care in Canada" is a great example of a case study on nursing.... Primary Health Care (PHC) is the initial level of contact with the health structure whereby services are gathered to promote health, avert diseases, care for general diseases, and manage the current health problems....
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An Analysis of a Nonprofit in the Grater NYC Area: Doctors without Borders
7 pages (2019 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The founding principal of this organization is that; all people of whatever gender, race, religion or political inclination, have a right to medical care irrespective of their geographic location.... MSF helps all members of the population in distress regardless of race, religion or political affiliations....
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Strategy of the Electric and Musical Industries
8 pages (2324 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Music can often cause a furor in the society when the public relates it to the religion and culture.... Another possible threat for the company is that some music might lead to any controversy when it is related to any particular religion, race or culture.... Such controversy occurs when the lyrics or the video is related to the culture or religion....
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Information System Development Life Cycle: Case of Apple
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The paper "Information System Development Life Cycle: Case of Apple" tells that Apple was incorporated in April 1976 by three co-founders namely Steve Wozniak, Steve Jobs, and Ronald G Wayne.... The company was established in a competitive computer market previously dominated by Atari, Commodore, IBM, and HP....
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The UN Millennium Goals
8 pages (2293 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Though the religion of Islam promotes generally the same ideas as the Bible and the Torah, it also is deeply routed in the notion that women are to be not only submissive to men but to also be more like property than humans of equality.... The paper "The UN Millennium Goals" states that in general, Dubai is to be commended along with the other countries which are apart of the UAE, in being proactive towards universal humanitarian efforts which she has engaged in along with other countries....
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Cross Cultural Management in South Sudanese
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
After coming to Australia and finding a wide gap between the culture and religion, the Sudanese were undergoing cultural shock.... The paper "Cross-Cultural Management in South Sudanese" states that South Sudanese should go for promoting the culture of Sudan so that the Sudanese do not feel rejected and deprived....
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Amazon: Cash Flows
5 pages (1509 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Amazon: Cash Flows " is a great example of a case study on finance and accounting.... Amazon.... om Inc was incorporated in.... Amazon.... om deals with the sale of DVDs, drugs, cosmetics, books, households, music, electronics, apparel, clothes, and videos through the use of their World Wide Website....
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Financial Statement and Reporting
11 pages (3082 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Financial Statement and Reporting" is a perfect example of a finance and accounting case study.... A conceptual framework can make the standards be rooted in the common fundamental concept as opposed to much conventional.... The conceptual framework based accounting helps both FASB and IASB to achieve coherent accounting reporting hence required by principle-based accounting (Oulasvirta 2014)....
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Humanitarian intervention
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The modern global community presents the world with several dilemmas in regards to the ability to protect the human rights of all its citizens, preserving the traditions of sovereign borders, and maintaining a rule of law through international governing bodies.... ... ... ... Stakeholders will differ on the definition of what constitutes humanitarian intervention and what goes beyond the purpose and be more appropriately labelled as meddling in another country's internal affairs....
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Organization Behavior at Kaiser Permanente
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In other words, it can be claimed that the employees working in KP are satisfied with their respective job, as they are offered with high quality medical care irrespective of caste and religion.... Apart from initiating an effective community outreach based program, KP is also identified to introduce total healthcare facilities that are to be provided to every organizational member irrespective of religion, caste age and nationality.... t can be apparently observed that KP is doing quite well in developing the job attitudes and raising employees' satisfaction level engaged within the organization through valuing their ideas and treating them equally irrespective of caste, nationality and religion among others....
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Aristotle on Civic Relationship
8 pages (2335 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
“Believe it or Not: Spirituality is the New religion.... The case study "Aristotle on Civic Relationship" points out that An English poet named John Donne once said, 'no man is an island' (qt.... in Martin).... By saying this, he wanted to emphasize the fact that for humans to reach their highest potential, the company of others is necessary....
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Cross-Cultural Analysis for the Bran Company
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Some of these issues include differing social classes, religion, education background, social institutions etc.... According to Macfarlane (2004) religion also affects consumption behavior for instance where most Americans are Catholics thus their belief would make many want to purchase products with the sign of a cross....
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Organisational Learning: Otcion's Case Evaluation and Personal Mastery
8 pages (1185 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The "Organisational Learning: Otcion's Case Evaluation and Personal Mastery" paper evaluate the main concepts surrounding the PM have been.... Reflection on personal mastery has been presented with the already works.... Personal mastery has been narrated in the context of leadership development.... ...
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Analysis of United States v. James Herman OHagan Case
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author analyzes the case of United States v.... James Herman O'Hagan, 117 S.... t.... 2199, 138 L.... d.... d 724 (1997).... Respondent James Herman O'Hagan was a partner in the law firm but did not work on the Grand Met representation.... He began purchasing call options for Pillsbury stock....
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Ethnographic Analysis of a Mexican American Family
13 pages (3367 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Religious rituals are significant in the marriage ceremonies; hence, their plan had to be influenced with the religion (Williams, 27).... The study "Ethnographic Analysis of a Mexican American Family" focuses on the critical analysis of the ethnographic analysis of a Mexican American family staying in America....
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Expansion of XYZ Telecom into the Indian Market
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Another important factors are to be considered is dominant religion and the effectiveness of foreign products and services and mother tong (language) of that particular county is another factor which will have a great impacts for communicating of products in their markets.... Government view of point on cultural and religion environment to be analyzed....
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The Delivery of Customer Value: the Case of Maison Bouygues
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
The focus of this paper is on the case of Maison Bouygues that highlights each business organization's function of choosing the value which should be delivered to the customers.... It is irrefutable that amidst the effort of companies to deliver the value which they have chosen to impart.... ... ...
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Gender, Violence and Crime
6 pages (1729 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
"Gender, Violence and Crime" paper explores some of the criminology theories that are useful in explaining and analyzing criminal activities that individuals commit in society.... Some of these theories addressed in the essay include classical theory, rational choice theory, and strain theory.... ...
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Legal, Ethical and Clinical Issues of Healthcare Practitioners
8 pages (2260 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Legal, Ethical and Clinical Issues of Healthcare Practitioners' is a spectacular version of the case study on nursing.... Some experienced nurses are presently assuming comprehensive roles and a couple of them are completing medical responsibilities, conventionally assigned to doctors....
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Why Genocides Occur
9 pages (2574 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Why Genocides Occur" discusses the term 'genocide' that was popularized following the Holocaust which resulted in the deaths of six million Jews at the hands of the Nazis.... Much genocide has occurred since the Second WW.... Mankind can commit to greater atrocity than the act of genocide....
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Nursing Care and Prevention Plan for Patients with Pressure Injury
10 pages (2991 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Nursing Care and Prevention Plan for Patients with Pressure Injury' is an exciting variant of a case study on nursing.... This paper presents a discussion of the nursing care of a patient who was diagnosed with pressure injury after presenting to the ED in acritical health condition.... ...
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Marxs Concept Of Alienation And Its Impact On Hegel
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In other words, Marx sees religion and the concept of God as man's reaction to material life alienation.... The paper "Marx's Concept Of Alienation And Its Impact On Hegel" discusses how the young Marx found great influence from the work of Hegel, especially focusing on Hegel's theories of freedom and religion.... In particular interest to Marx was Hegel's theories of freedom and religion.... In (Wolff , 1984) he states that until the material life of man is set free, this alienation will remain; but when it is eventually set free, then religion will cease to be important in the life of man. ...
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Management Health Care in the United States
9 pages (2545 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper entails a debate commenced over the concerns of current health care situation in United States and future role of health services providers.... It comprises of a discussion on the four scenarios proposed by Shortell and Kaluzny for development of health care industry.... ... ... The paper 'Management Health Care in the United States " is a great example of a management case study....
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Market Strategy of Baiersdorf Skincare Company
17 pages (5438 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The study "Market Strategy of Baiersdorf Skincare Company" focuses on the critical analysis of the market strategy of Baiersdorf Skincare Company.... Beiersdorf is a German skincare company that has extended its operations in the global market, especially under the umbrella of the NIVEA brand.... ...
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Tourism in Asia
9 pages (2612 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper will evaluate how social movements and religion of these countries are reinvented and realigned to match the international taste; determine the purposes of these social reconstructions; and enumerate the implications of these reconstructions to the social identities of the people of these two countries.... As for Asian countries, their best features to Western tourism are their sense of mystery and exotic identities which are functions of their cultures and religion....
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The Revision of the Law of Obligations
15 pages (4210 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The author of the paper titled "The Revision of the Law of Obligations" gives advice on the following of their rights in the law of contract: David, who demands the necklace back from Brenda and refuses to pay the promised reward to D.... .... Clevercloggs.... .... ... ... The shaft was duly handed to the carrier along with the transport charges for repair and delivery the next day, but due to the late delivery at Greenwich by the carrier, the shaft repair and reinstallation was delayed, beyond several days, which resulted in heavy losses and expenses for the mill owner....
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Comparison of Cultural Factors at Outback Global in Both Australia and India
16 pages (4539 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Such diversity can be based on gender, religion, race or other cultural aspects.... The paper "Comparison of Cultural Factors at Outback Global in Both Australia and India" is a perfect example of a culture case study.... This report explores the national cultures of both Australia and India using Hofstede's cultural dimensions....
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Maggies American Dream
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
These fundamentals range from their names, blood groups, choices of religion, the language they speak, where they live, the groups or communities to which they belong, or some combination of these.... These fundamentals range from their names, blood groups, choices of religion, the language they speak, where they live, the groups or communities to which they belong, or some combination of these.... Also, regarding religion freedom, the citizens have the right to worship how they choose....
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Strategic Management in a Global Environment - Case of Whole Food
6 pages (1880 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Strategic Management in a Global Environment - Case of Whole Food" is a perfect example of a case study on management.... Many grocery stores or chains have different of carrying out their businesses.... Managing the various strategies is important since it determines how the company will perform in the future....
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Minnesota Multiphasic Character Record MMP
5 pages (1635 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Minnesota Multiphasic Character Record MMP" presents that among all psychological or assessment tests, The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) needs special attention as it is the most popular test to judge the personality of the person and improve its mental health.... ...
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Time for the Cancerous Tumours
9 pages (2548 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The following paper under the title 'Time for the Cancerous Tumours' presents cancer that is a debilitating disease in itself, but when it afflicts the elderly, it poses an even greater risk because of the difficulties arising out of coping with the pain.... ... ... ... The reason is first, there is more time for the cancerous tumors to develop and for mutations to occur and secondly, older tissues may be much more susceptible to carcinogens in the atmosphere....
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Strategic Recommendation - Grupo Bimbo
13 pages (3513 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Strategic Recommendation - Grupo Bimbo" is a great example of a management case study.... Grupo Bimbo, a Mexican brand name, is well known for selling bread and other bakery and confectionary items all over the world.... ... ... ... The paper 'Strategic Recommendation - Grupo Bimbo" is a great example of a management case study....
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