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Corporate Social Responsibility of Wal-Mart
6 pages (1774 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The objective of this study is to conduct an ethical analysis reflection of Wal-Mart.... Therefore, the study will examine the company's politics aimed towards maintaining ethics and integrity.... Lastly, the study will address several controversies surrounding the business operation of Wal-Mart....
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Wal-Mart Human Resource Practices - Performance Management and Career Development Analysis
8 pages (2207 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Wal-Mart Human Resource Practices - Performance Management and Career Development Analysis' is a fascinating variant of a case study on human resources.... Walmart is one of the largest companies across the globe in regards to its underlying organizational size; business operations as well as financial prowess....
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How to Improve Programme at Plan-Net Plc
15 pages (5010 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Employee training is a necessity in today's rapidly changing business environment.... In this paper "How to Improve Programme at Plan-Net Plc", the effectiveness of a self-study program for employee training that has recently been implemented at Plan-Net plc will be analyzed.... ... ... ... Plan-Net plc is one of the UK's leading providers of IT skills and services....
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Social Technology Strategy - Sacred Heart Mission
16 pages (4204 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Social Technology Strategy - Sacred Heart Mission " is an outstanding example of a marketing case study.... Sacred Heart Mission is an organization focusing on the improvement of health conditions of societal members.... The organization engages in diverse activities with the intention of creating quality health among the members of society....
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Compensation Practice at PepsiCo Incorporated
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 7 , Case Study
Choosing the right compensation strategy is crucial for a company that wishes to maintain a sustainable competitive advantage.... The aim of this study "Compensation Practice at PepsiCo Incorporated" is to evaluate the compensation practice of a publicly-traded company.... ... ... ... In today's competitive global environment it is very vital for contemporary organizations to manage their human capital effectively so as to leverage sustainable competitive advantage....
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Julian Assange Should Be Prosecuted to the Full Extent of the Law
4 pages (1129 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Julian Assange Should Be Prosecuted to the Full Extent of the Law" states that one cannot do two wrongs to make sure that they come up with a single right.... There has to be a basis for finding out where anomalies exist and how these will be addressed.... .... ... ... Julian Assange exclaimed that people ought to know more than they do on a regular basis because they have a right to be well informed at all times....
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Promissory Estoppel in the Contract of Law
9 pages (2384 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper 'Promissory Estoppel in the Contract of Law' presents part of the rules of evidence which is similar to a waiver.... Derived in the case of Central London Property Trust Ltd v High Trees House Ltd, the doctrine of promissory estoppel covers promises made between parties.... ... ... ... This doctrine is based on the grounds of estoppel and equity but it generally differs from common law rules on estoppel in the sense that this doctrine applies to promises made rather than the representation of facts....
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Legal Aspects of Safety and Health
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
An Unannounced Inspection It is common for OSHA inspectors to knock on companies' doors to conduct unannounced inspections.... It is therefore paramount for one to be prepared at all times.... Having knowledge of all regulations that the company should abide by and complying with them acts as the best approach....
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Ponzi Scheme of Bernard Madoff
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
In the paper 'Ponzi Scheme of Bernard Madoff,' the author analyzes the world's greatest scheme.... A Ponzi scheme's system makes sure that it disintegrates after the discovery of the fraud.... The fraudulent activities of Madoff fell down upon the constant streams of redemptions after the financial turmoil....
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Admissibility of Expert Opinion Evidence in the UK Common Law
7 pages (1824 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Admissibility of Expert Opinion Evidence in the UK Common Law" focuses on the applicability and reliability of the admissibility of the expert opinion in legal procedures, with insignificant emphasis on the reliability of the evidence reliability as presented before the jury.... ... ... ...
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Comparison of Nursing with Other Professions
6 pages (1887 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Comparison of Nursing with Other Professions" discusses a BSN degree program that is considered as the prerequisite requirement in nursing professionals compared to the associate prepared nursing because it prepares nursing students to practice in several ways of health care.... ... ... ...
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Airline Deregulation Act of 1978
9 pages (2391 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The case study "Airline Deregulation Act of 1978" points out that The Airline Deregulation Act is a federal law in the United States that was enacted on October 24, 1978.... The rationale behind the law was to get rid of the control of the government on fares, routes, and entry of new airlines.... ...
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The Difference between New Media Audiences and Mass Media Audience
12 pages (3481 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'The Difference between New Media Audiences and Mass Media Audience' presents the term 'audience' that has been synonymous with 'receivers' within the basic sequential model of the mass communication process, namely channel, source, message, receiver, effect.... ... ... ... Like many scholars of the last 4 decades, Ang perceives audiences as an outcome of a social context, as well as a response to certain media provision....
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China and Globalization through Cinema
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "China and Globalization through Cinema" focuses on the fact that China's filmmaking industry is an industry definition and even a study of globalization.... It involves the social aspect of bringing together diverse cultures and has become a conduit for a celebration of diversity.... ....
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The Court Decisions Over the Last 25 Years
11 pages (3103 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "The Court Decisions Over the Last 25 Years" discusses the court decisions over the last 25 years and examines the criminal evidence act 1898.... A look at court decisions over the last 25 years will bear out the truth behind the statement of the title of this paper.... ... ... ... Cross-examination is defined as 'the examination by the adverse party of a witness at the conclusion of the direct examination of such witness'....
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Homelessness in Canada
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper tells that homelessness is the inability of an individual to acquire a permanent housing due to several barriers like lack of funds, mental physical disability; discrimination, etc.... not having a permanent shelter to live under is entirely negative for societies and individuals.... ... ...
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The Transformation Change in British Airways
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7 , Case Study
In the paper 'The Transformation Change in British Airways' the author discusses the change, which was necessary for surviving the hypercompetitive airline industry and adapting to changing economic conditions or trends.... It entailed not only keen planning, but also severe sacrifices, and teamwork....
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Specialty Packaging Corporation
3 pages (750 words) , Download 119 , Case Study
Specialty Packaging Corporation is a company that processes polystyrene resin into disposable containers that can be used in the food industry to package different kinds of foods.... .... ... ... The management has been weighing on the options of storing their goods.... The options are private warehousing or public warehousing....
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Socially Responsible Investing
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The uncertain nature of the world has prompted investors to think beyond the statistics represented by the stock prices and the balance sheet.... An emerging criterion in evaluating a company fit for investing in is quickly gaining ground.... .... ... ... Case Study: Socially Responsible Investing Name Institution Professor Course Date of submission The uncertain nature of the world has prompted investors to think beyond the statistics represented by the stock prices and the balance sheet....
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Change at DuPont
3 pages (874 words) , Download 14 , Case Study
In the paper 'Change at DuPont' the author discusses to what extent the following approaches are to change embedded in the DuPont story.... OD- OD is embedded in the DuPont story, because the plant manager, Tom Harris, wanted to renew the organizational culture by applying new management concepts....
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Benefits of Improvement Using a Technology Solution: UMC Clinic
3 pages (871 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Technology in UMC clinic will ensure that all the records of patients who visit the clinic will be stored in the UMC central database, and this will.... ... ... Records will not also be easily lost.... The records that can be stored in the database include all drugs and medications available, patients, insurance policies, age, and gender....
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Business Management and Administration
3 pages (753 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Moreover, they considered certain management and operation techniques that they never wanted to depart from.... However, according the.... ... ... 2.... In what specific ways did Michael show that he was not 'open to influence?... How would Michael being open to influence have made him more The paper "Business Management and Administration" is a wonderful example of an assignment on business....
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Cognitive Behavioral & Reality Theory
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
In a similar way, reality therapy, introduced by William Glasser and derived from control theory, places emphasis on individual beliefs and the idea that individuals are in control of their lives (Weinstein, 2001, 75). ... ... i.... REBT adopts the idea that individuals have.... ... ... Even though individuals want to have happy and prosperous relationships and constructive self-image, there is a natural tendency toward self-destruction too. ...
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Differences in Accounting and Finance
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This essay discusses that accounting and finance always define somewhat different things in total because the applicability of the same could not be matched with any other thing.... Accounting is the name of recording and interpreting the data from different standpoints.... ... ... ... From this paper, it is clear that industrial analysis always looks forward to analyzing the things in a perfect and well-organized manner....
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Keystone Light/MillerCoors: Canhole
2 pages (500 words) , Download 10 , Case Study
This case study "Keystone Light/MillerCoors: Canhole" presents a Canhole promotion strategy that will enhance overall Keystone Light brand engagement by way of facilitating interaction, acceptance, and sharing by consumers in line with the company's second objective.... ... ... ... The company can encourage Cruisers to do so by availing precise data about the target audience in terms of needs, personality, as well as psychographic and behavioral variables....
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How to Make a Business Decision
2 pages (653 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author of the current paper under the title "How to Make a Business Decision" will begin with the statement that the leaders of the financial services team offered to act ethically to solve the crisis.... It would be very acceptable to society.... ... ... ... By opening the door to the bomb victims, it shows the company is observant of human rights....
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Capacity Building
2 pages (599 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case study "Capacity Building" presents capacity building that is important for a car manufacturer like General Motors India because: It helps in achieving a match between the long-term supply capabilities and the predicted level of long-term demand.... ... ... ... The designers should put into consideration sustainability issues such as the strength and robustness of the product so that they can withstand several years of use and lastly they should consider legal issues such as the power, versatility, and reliability of the product....
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Roles and Responsibilities of Human Resource Department
3 pages (803 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case study "Roles and Responsibilities of Human Resource Department" presents the Human Resource (HR) manager of a medium-sized company, who is expected to motivate as well as improve the performance of the employees for the attainment of the objectives pertaining to the company.... ... ... ...
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Lower Cost Strategy for Kmart
2 pages (715 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This case study "Lower Cost Strategy for Kmart" focuses on Wal-Mart which used the low-cost strategy of cost leadership strategy.... Cost leadership caters to the mass market.... A company can gain cost leadership in an industry when its cost of production is lower than that of its competitors.... ....
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Wal-Mart Success and Challenges
3 pages (824 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Generally speaking, the paper "Wal-Mart Success and Challenges" examines the success and failures of the company's business strategies, pertinent issues currently affecting the firm, and recommendations that would be necessary for a boardroom meeting.... ... ... ... Wal-Mart is an iconic American retail firm that has earned its reputation as the world's largest retail store....
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Environmental Management Project: SALAMA Offshore Oil Drilling Company
9 pages (2659 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Environmental Management Project: SALAMA Offshore Oil Drilling Company" paper examines how to reduce environmental impacts and achieve environmental compliance.... The company will have to address its environmental performance through the establishment of environmental management systems and policies....
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Coffee and Tea Company - E-working Style, Organizational Benefits, Cost, and Operational Benefits
12 pages (3524 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Coffee and Tea Company - E-working Style, Organizational Benefits, Cost, and Operational Benefits' is a meaningful example of a case study on management.... Organizations with the increasing competition are under tremendous pressure to provide quality services which will help to address the different needs and requirements of the customers....
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Visual Communication in Business - Privatization of Prisons
7 pages (2292 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Visual Communication in Business - Privatization of Prisons" highlights that there is no denying the fact that the privatization of the public services is a good step and has conclusively resulted in the improvement of standards in many spheres of public life.... ... ... ... Generally, the main reason for the enhanced interest of the state and the federal governments in the privatization of the prisons is an overcrowding of the government-run prisons....
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Afterschool Program: Facilities Of A Local Elementary School
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
A paper "Afterschool Program: Facilities Of A Local Elementary School" claims that considerable government funds are being invested in after-school programming in the U.... .... For example, Congress appropriated $993.... million to support 6,800 21st Century Community Learning Centers in 2003.... ...
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Forensic Evidence Admissibility
7 pages (1969 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This work called "Forensic Evidence Admissibility" describes the particular case with the aspect of admissibility of forensic evidence.... The author outlines the HGN test evidence, the standards for admissibility, the application of the laws formulated by the Oregon State in regards to the evidentiary use of HGN tests....
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Law and the Corporation, Advice Given to Lugi
9 pages (2412 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Law and the Corporation, Advice Given to Lugi " discusses that generally, a company is a separate legal entity governed by the Companies Act, which conducts activities on its own behalf and is distinct from the persons who own and control it.... .... ... ... Before giving any advice Lugi must first understand what a limited company is so that he can have a clear understanding of how to act on the given advice....
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English Property Law
7 pages (2066 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper "English Property Law" tells that English property law is wide and diverse.... 'English property law is distinctive primarily because of the intervention of equity, a discretionary system of jurisprudence which supplemented and corrected the common law.... .... ... ... One example is if A signed the contract thinking that B is buying his original copy of a Picasso painting....
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Mercedes Benz - the Use of Social and the Traditional Media
9 pages (2805 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Mercedes Benz - the Use of Social and the Traditional Media" argues companies such as Mercedes Benz should maximize the use of social media, as the benefits are many.... The company will benefit, as there are many viewers who can become potential customers for their products and services....
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Modern Business Concept of the Oxygen Bar
15 pages (4023 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Modern Business Concept of the Oxygen Bar " explores factors driving the successful implementation of a new oxygen bar on the campus of Andrews Adult School, criticizes the effectiveness of an oxygen bar, while the presence of bars is becoming increasingly favorable across the globe....
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Management Issues in Global Family Businesses: Samsung
11 pages (2993 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
In order to achieve this goal, Samsung focuses on the utilisation of innovative, reliable products and services.... It prides in having a talented workforce.... It adopts a.... ... ... The paper 'Management Issues in Global Family Businesses: Samsung" is a great example of a management case study....
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Googles Competitive Strategies
8 pages (2395 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper "Google's Competitive Strategies" highlights that in promotion strategies, Google has greatly benefited from its modernized auction-based text ads.... According to Ansoff (2005) in 2007, for example, the company had made more than 2.... billion dollars through the process of ad serving....
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Risk Management Decisions
8 pages (2180 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author highlights that risk management is fairly regarded as one of the fundamental elements of successful human performance.... In business or non-profit organizations, in emergency situations or critical procedures, risk management works to help individuals.... ... ... ... Even daily operations and household chores require having a clear sense of possible risks and ways of reducing them....
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Cross Culture Management
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
First the planners in the same culture focus on building relationships between individuals.... For this case, the managers do not give much concentration on the tasks themselves and the associated.... ... ... As such, the Indonesian culture does not place much pressure on the people towards meeting the schedules....
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Wal-Mart as a Monopsony
6 pages (1743 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Theories in economics suggest that there are four major types of market structures, namely pure monopoly, perfect competition, monopolistic competition and oligopoly.... Contemporary organizations operate in any of the above mentioned market structures.... The purpose of the current.... ... ... The paper "Wal-Mart as a Monopsony" is a perfect example of a macro & microeconomics case study....
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The Ultimate Scam: How Bernie Madoff Swindled Billions
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Prior to 2008, life seemed to be humming along for most Americans.... We were living in a rather robust economy where the majority of us were gainfully employed; our houses were worth more than we owed on them; .... ... ... Prior to 2008, life seemed to be humming along for most Americans.... We were living in a rather robust economy where the majority of us were gainfully employed; our houses were worth more than we owed on them; and our investment portfolios were spilling over dividends and other interest payments on our accumulated assets....
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Investigating Business of Starbucks Coffee Company and ALDI Company
6 pages (1692 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The case study "Investigating Business of Starbucks Coffee Company and ALDI Company" describes the business development of the organization.... This paper outlines the purpose of companies, forms of ownership, aims and objectives, organizational structure, differences, and similarities.... .... ... ...
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Situation in Footwear Industry - Nike vs Competition
6 pages (1709 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Situation in Footwear Industry - Nike vs Competition" asserts Nike managed to attract many consumers compared to its competitors due to its quality and effective commercials with celebrities.... But high tariffs, quotas, and nontariff barriers hinder the distribution of Nike's products....
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Doctrine of Binding Precedent in Australias Courts
6 pages (1693 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Doctrine of Binding Precedent in Australia's Courts" is an outstanding example of a law case study.... Donald James Gifford introduces the doctrine of binding precedent in the book chapter titled 'The Doctrine of Precedent.... The doctrine of precedent states that whatever has been decided by superior courts should be regarded as law and binding to all courts until or unless overruled or altered by a higher court in the same hierarchy, or an Act of Parliament....
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Research Findings for Asthma
10 pages (3017 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Research Findings for Asthma" highlights that asthma is a chronic condition that usually requires continuous medical care.... Medication therapies are designed to minimize the airway inflammation component of asthma as well as to treat airway narrowing.... ... ... ... Rates of asthma varied markedly with the child's sex; boys had twice the rate of asthma as girls....
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Ultimate Office Products
12 pages (3222 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
This paper ''Ultimate Office Products'' tells us that the reasons that necessitate change could be internal or external triggers, changes in technology, globalization, or consumer preferences.... While top management initiates major organizational changes, managers at other levels may at times be called upon to anchor changes....
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