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Turkish Lobby in the European Union
64 pages (17802 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case study "Turkish Lobby in the European Union" is an attempt at studying the lobbying process that exists in Turkey with regard to the European Union, because Turkey has been trying to get full membership in the Union for a long time.... ... ... ... At present, lobbying plays a powerful role in influencing the decisions of governments across the world....
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The Effective Use of Power
11 pages (3122 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Personnel Psychology, Vol 43 Issue 3, p579 - 597. ... This paper "The Effective Use of Power" discusses leaders who are able to influence organizational behavior, development, and good health by establishing direction, aligning people and motivating and inspiring whilst considering the needs of the followers....
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Enterprise Rent-a-Car
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
1.... The highly competitive nature of many markets and the likely future prospect of continued economic turbulence as national and global economic fortunes vary, requires that business managers continue to look for opportunities to improve performance.... For Enterprise Rent-a-Car, the key elements of successful strategy are customer orientation and growth, segmentation of the market and unique corporate philosophy....
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International Business Law: The Concept of a CIF Contract
11 pages (3366 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
"International Business Law: The Concept of a CIF Contract" paper discusses the concept of a cost insurance freight contract.... Under a CIF contract, the seller must supply the goods and arrange contracts for their carriage and insurance during transit to the named port.... .... ... ... The seller then sends the relevant contract, carriage, and insurance documents to the buyer, who pays on receipt of these documents and uses them to collect the goods when they arrive....
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The Follies of Feminist Art Historians
10 pages (2733 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Unlike North American strategies from the 1990s which evolved into ‘environmental Psychology,' the European school was instantiated through the lens of Lacanian discourse engagement, and in particular, Lyotard's well known adherence to democratic play.... Interpolations of Psychology based theoretical strategies, also reflective of the larger feminist art critique project, now stand as core ethical considerations within curatorial best practice, and post colonial recommendations toward sufficient rendering of cultural artefacts by official institutions. ...
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The United States in Radical Vietnamese Anti-Colonial Discourse
9 pages (2602 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This result is a direct result of the limited war approach and its daunting impact on cultivating a “war Psychology” in America.... This weak war Psychology would also impact the soldiers on the battlefield.... This paper "The United States in Radical Vietnamese Anti-Colonial Discourse" presents the background to the Vietnam war and explains what went wrong for America....
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Allen Park Power Supply Chain
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This study aims at assessing the supply chain of Allen Park Power Limited.... The study has found out that the company has few challenges in the supply chain.... The company has run out of transformers supply and the current supplier is not in a position to sustain the supply.... ... ... ... The conclusion from this study states that Allen Park Power Limited has found itself in a challenging situation due to the weakness of its supply chain....
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Comparing of the RIM Blackberry with Apple iPhone
13 pages (3459 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
This case study "Comparing the RIM Blackberry with Apple iPhone" is to evaluate the value proposition of the Apple iPhone, comparing and contrasting it with that of the RIM Blackberry smartphone and the suitability of the Apple iPhone's value proposition in expanding their business.... ... ... ... For this particular study marketing concept adopted is Nigel F....
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Innovation in the UK Fashion Retailing Firms - Class and Glaze
13 pages (3406 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Innovation in the UK Fashion Retailing Firms - Class and Glaze" is an outstanding example of a marketing case study.... C&G (Class and Glaze) is a fashion-retailing firm that was recently established and got a chance to take part in this year's British Fashion Week.... The firm received excellent reviews and it wants to build upon the reviews it received during the fashion week but it has limited resources for marketing....
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The Key Success Factors of Volcom Inc
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This paper "The Key Success Factors of Volcom Inc" focuses on a critical analysis of Volcom Inc which is a clothing manufacturing company in Los Angeles that produces fashionable clothes for the middle-class.... The Volcom brand has created a strong control of a considerable market share.... ... ...
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Human Dignity and Disability, Social Factors Influencing Social Construction of Disability Perspective and Impacts on Human Dignity
7 pages (2020 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper 'Human Dignity and Disability, Social Factors Influencing Social Construction of Disability Perspective and Impacts on Human Dignity' is a great variant of a case study on nursing.... The disabled in society face considerable social, economic, and political disadvantages.... ... ... ... The paper 'Human Dignity and Disability, Social Factors Influencing Social Construction of Disability Perspective and Impacts on Human Dignity' is a great variant of a case study on nursing....
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SE Machinery Pty Ltd
8 pages (2992 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
When the customer contributed $500,000 as capital contribution to SEM in May 2011, it appeared in the books as part of the Equity or Capital Account and reported as part of the gross profit by yearend which ended June 2012.... ... In such a transaction wherein actual cash was.... ... ... The paper "SE Machinery Pty Ltd " is a perfect example of a finance and accounting case study....
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Operations Functions in Sony Corporation
27 pages (7340 words) , Case Study
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Managing capacity within organizations proves to be one of the most challenging aspects of operations management since the process entails some level of uncertainty.... However, organizations can.... ... ... The paper 'Operations Functions in Sony Corporation" is a great example of a management case study....
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Electronic Medical Recordkeeping
6 pages (1651 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case study "Electronic Medical Recordkeeping" discusses individuals and organizations that should accept the costs and obligations for the decisions they make.... In this case, the company that provides the online recordkeeping service should accept responsibility for keeping the data secure....
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Telecollaborative Intercultural Communication
10 pages (3312 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper 'Telecollaborative Intercultural Communication' focuses on Communication that refers to the application of online communication instruments to bring together different classes of language learners.... In most cases, the learners are situated in geographically distant sites.... ... ... ... The phenomenon has lately featured as a critical pillar in the field of foreign language development....
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How the Supreme Courts Decision Continues to Affect the Rights of American Citizens Today
6 pages (1673 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'How the Supreme Court's Decision Continues to Affect the Rights of American Citizens Today" is a perfect example of a law case study.... This paper deals with cases that are related to three of the provisions of the first amendment.... It further evaluates the rights and the responsibilities that the constitution gives an American citizen....
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Services with Respect to Legislation, Ethics, and Globalization in England and Wales
10 pages (2634 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The author of the paper "Services with Respect to Legislation, Ethics, and Globalization in England and Wales" will begin with the statement that the UK has been trying to improve its fire and rescue authority service to work nationally and internationally over a period of time.... .... ... ... We, as a fire and rescue service agency, are considering putting in place our strategies and effort to deal with fire incidences and rescue operations both nationally and internationally....
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The Competitive Advantage of AirAsia Strategic Operations Management
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
AirAsia and her leadership have displayed a targeted and definitive strategy since their acquisition of the struggling AirAsia company in the early 2000s.... The paper "The Competitive Advantage of AirAsia Strategic Operations Management" discusses the corporate strategic development of AirAsia.... ...
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Early Warning Systems for Building Disaster Resilience: Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004
16 pages (5082 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Early Warning Systems for Building Disaster Resilience: Indian Ocean Tsunami 2004" paper focuses on the Indian Ocean tsunami which led to the loss of many lives and property.... People were not prepared and their resilience was not developed and as such the adverse hazard shock the fourteen countries....
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Cadbury Beverages, Inc.: Crush Brand
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Cadbury Beverages, Inc.... Crush® Brand Date Cadbury Beverages, Inc.... Crush® Brand Case Background and Problem Kim Fiel, the Senior Product Manager of Cadbury Beverages, Inc.... is faced with the task of relaunching the Crush soft drink brand with three specifically identified objectives, to wit: (1) to revitalize bottling network strategies for the brand; (2) to design an appropriate brand positioning; and (3) to develop an advertising and promotional program relative to the brand....
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Law of Business Associations: Company Directors
6 pages (1668 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Law of Business Associations: Company Directors" paper identifies whether Bryan has any remedy to his apparent sidelining from the company's decision-making at the board level and whether Don has breached his duty to disclose where his interest and those of the company conflict.... ... ... ... Don is liable for a civil offense as the move to award the contract to Myco where he is a shareholder contravenes section 182 (2)....
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Strategic Management of Boeing and Airbus
6 pages (1930 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The "Strategic Management of Boeing and Airbus" paper seeks to critically analyze the structure of the civil aircraft manufacturing industry which is mainly dominated by two players namely Boeing and Airbus with the aim of establishing if it is a lucrative sector to compete in.... ... ... ... It can be noted that the aircraft manufacturing industry is not that lucrative for new entrants to compete in as a result of many considerations outlined in detail above....
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The Implications of Individual Behavior and Actions during a Fire Emergency
8 pages (2241 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper will identify the various decision processes adopted by individuals that determine their actions and behaviors.... Towards achieving these objectives, past research studies will be used to elaborate on the role of human behavior in reducing or accelerating the impacts of fire disasters....
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Managing Analysis in Healthcare Facilities
14 pages (3747 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The study "Managing Analysis in Healthcare Facilities" focuses on the critical analysis of the fact that managing analysis in healthcare facilities is indispensable as it allows managers to make frequent decisions by use of collected data concerning the issues that are facing specific facilities....
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Business Report_ Informative report
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This report has tried to gather a broad sampling of shareholder views on the topic; I have set out to provide a survey to the company employees in an attempt to quantify the true level of dissatisfaction as what was evidenced within the complaints.... In this memo I have sought to.... ... ... include the key findings that the sampling denoted as well as some key suggestions for how the situation may seek to be rectified given the constraints of both money and time. ...
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Personality Tests For Suitability To Work In The Call Center
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Personality Tests For Suitability To Work In The Call Center" analyses the best methods of assessing a candidate's suitability to work in call centers by focusing on individual differences, character, abilities, and suitability of the candidates for the call center jobs.... ... ... ... The information-processing view likens the individual to an information-processing system, suggesting that the parameters governing the performance of an information processing system, such as speed and memory capacity, might be the abilities that govern human learning and performance (Individual Differences: Abilities and Aptitudes, 2009)....
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The Rome Convention and Contract
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "The Rome Convention and Contract" discusses the exercise of adjudication in cases of conflicts of laws that have been tilted towards favoring the common law approach of the English courts.... International law in this aspect is as yet indistinct and not well developed.... ... ... ... English laws of a contract have favored the enforcement of the consensual nature of contracts and the major focus has been upon determining the intentions of the parties concerned....
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Applications of Epidemiology
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper gives detailed information about all hospitals where patients are treated and they seek admission, Good Health Hospital would be hypothetically assumed to possess nosocomial infections.... As per the Department of Health and the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention.... ... ... ... This paper focuses on what without a doubt, healthcare facilities and providers possess several legal obligations and duties concerning care services provided to patients under their care....
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Strategic Management - Home Pharmaceuticals
14 pages (3933 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The research and development process of a pharmaceutical company helps in generating ideas for new product development and also informs the company.... ... ... The paper 'Strategic Management - Home Pharmaceuticals" is a great example of a management case study.... Research and Development: Research and development is the spearhead of the functional aspects of the pharmaceutical industry....
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Aviation Product Liability
6 pages (1644 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Aviation Product Liability" highlights that an air carrier could state a liability limit of 75, 000 per passenger.... If an incident occurs based on ordinary negligence, irrespective of the damages a passage might incur, the court would restrict any recovery to $75,000.... ... ... ... This case involved a product liability claim against a helicopter manufacturer....
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Ethical Decision-Making and Ethical Consideration of Avivas Operations
9 pages (2213 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Ethical Decision-Making and Ethical Consideration of Aviva's Operations" is a great example of a management case study.... There are numerous issues that surround the ethical considerations in financial and management practices, which require that fundamental principles be formulated to guide financial management (Schwartz, 2015)....
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Effectiveness in Team Performance in Nandos Restaurant
7 pages (2216 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Effectiveness in Team Performance in Nando's Restaurant" paper intends to provide a qualitative report on strategic recommendations to the organization in light with that company profile on how effectiveness in team performance as well as 'family culture' would be realized.... .... ... ... The theory 'Z' as an extension of human resources management theories that were developed and purported to have significance in understanding the interrelationship between the management and the employees revolve around explaining the effect of bureaucracy in the effectiveness of productivity of workers....
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Calculation Method for Quadratic Programming
9 pages (2267 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This paper "Calculation Method for Quadratic Programming" analyzes that a quadratic program is an independent discipline with many applications that have linearly constrained problems with a quadratic function.... Linear programming forms the basis of many non-linear programming algorithms.... ... ...
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Industrial Environment of a Pharmaceutical Company
11 pages (2753 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper "Industrial Environment of a Pharmaceutical Company " states that in the Company manufacturing process automation system applies on each production line.... These systems are designed such that software packages incorporate data related to the manufacturing process.... .... ... ... The pharmaceutical company ( the Company ) I work for, produces only drugs....
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Comparative Insolvency Law - the British System
20 pages (5117 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Comparative Insolvency Law - the British System" discusses that in the United Kingdom, an issue that has arisen over the last few years is the issue of whether security interests ought to take express predilection in the earnings of the sale above all supplementary parties.... ... ... ...
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Google Is One of the Best Companies Around the Globe
9 pages (2406 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper "Google Is One of the Best Companies Around the Globe" describes that Google is the leading global search engine.... The organization developed a potential user base across the globe through the implementation of several key innovative strategies in the business process.... ... ... ... Google is leading the industry due to effective organizational culture, business objectives, corporate values, organization structure and innovative product and service development....
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Environmental Management in SMEs through ISO 14000 of Statoil Petroleum Company
10 pages (2687 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Environmental Management in SMEs through ISO 14000 of Statoil Petroleum Company" paper reviews how an SME in the petroleum industry called Statoil Petroleum Company.... This SME is an international energy company.... This paper delves into how it operates so as to manage the environment.... .... ...
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Tata Motors and Fiat Auto: Joining Forces
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
o start the discussion, the study will try to shed light on strategic nature of partnership between Tata Motors and Fiat Auto.... ... ... ... Tata Motors and Fiat Auto: Joining Forces.... o start the discussion, the study will try to shed light on strategic nature of partnership between Tata Motors and Fiat Auto....
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Publicly Traded Corporation: Woolworths
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The purpose of the study is to provide a detailed analysis of the Woolworths company and investigate its strengths in comparison to competitors in the industry.... Therefore, the writer delves into the principles and aspects of the retail business industry.... ... ... ... Woolworth's mission is 'to deliver to customers the right shopping experience each and every time....
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Market Entry into the Chinese Market by Thorntons Chocolate
11 pages (3213 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
Chinese values and the search for culture-free dimensions of culture, Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 18(2), pp.... Psychological hedonism and the nature of motivation, Philosophical Psychology, 15(1), pp.... Through a series of business model evolutions, Thornton's now boasts annual revenues in the contemporary market of £218 million, supported by over 350 shops and cafes in the sales....
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The Contemporary Use of Museums: Alexander Fleming Laboratory
7 pages (2057 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The author of the paper "The Contemporary Use of Museums: Alexander Fleming Laboratory" will begin with the statement that a museum is a warehouse used for storing, securing, and exhibiting end products of human art and other historic works of science, art, and history.... ... ... ... Nowadays museums are used for educational purposes....
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Structuring, Resourcing and Financing Today's NGOs
10 pages (2755 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
CARE Australia is an Australian non-governmental organization which majorly assists for relief efforts in any disaster and even addresses possible cause for poverty across the globe.... This organization works in all developing countries and comes forward with humanitarian aid.... ... ... ... The paper 'Structuring, Resourcing and Financing Today's NGOs' is a forceful example of a finance & accounting case study....
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The Microsoft Corporations Department of Security Mission
7 pages (1771 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The Microsoft Corporation's Department of Security Mission" tells that the Microsoft Corporation's Department of Security mission is to become the primary provider of security solutions, making sure that it is the best in the corporation to which other security departments strive to emulate....
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Age Discrimination, Social Closure and Employment
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This paper "Age Discrimination, Social Closure and Employment" discusses age discrimination at the workplace that is organized and regular typecasting and favoritism against individuals or age groups because of their age, either too old or too young.... ... ... ... To help resolve the issues of age discrimination in employment, the government authorities should legislate laws and policies that promote the employment of aged workers by offering these workers more protection during hiring processes....
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The Analysis of the Business Strategies at Tesco Company
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper analyses the business strategies at the Tesco company.... Tesco is a UK based supermarket Store Company and is one of the largest food retailers in the world.... It is operating under the services sector of the industry and provides retail banking, financial, and insurance services.... ...
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Challenges to the Pharmaceutical Industrys Blockbuster-Driven Business Model at GlaxoSmithKline
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper presents the challenges to the pharmaceutical industry's blockbuster-driven business model.... After a successful analysis of the challenges that blockbuster-driven business model faces.... Assessment of how effective is GlaxoSmithKline's strategies for meeting these challenges.... ... ...
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The Adventure Tourism Attraction in the East Coast of Australia
7 pages (2194 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "The Adventure Tourism Attraction in the East Coast of Australia" highlights the adventure tourism attraction which provides a specific experience to a target section of the tourists.... Adventure tourism in question is skydiving and the naturally beautiful East Coast of Australia.... ....
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Financial Management in Google Inc
6 pages (1946 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
announced an agreement to acquire Motorola Mobility on August 15, 2011.... The deal was approved by the board of directors of both Google and Motorola.... The deal was an example of a vertical merger where the software client, Google acquired the hardware client, Motorola.... ... ... ... The paper 'Financial Management in Google Inc' is a meaningful example of a finance & accounting case study....
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The Five-Forces Framework Map
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper presents the extent to which the Five-Forces Framework map is relevant in identifying environmental forces affecting the global pharmaceutical industry.... Thus, in order to fully understand the above concept, it is imperative to begin by defining it.... ... ... ... The companies are regarded as a single entity, it is important for them to share the same goals and objectives which are often enshrined in the mission and vision of the company....
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Procurement and Purchasing Strategies in Refined Business Limited
12 pages (3253 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The subject of this paper "Procurement and Purchasing Strategies in Refined Business Limited" is a company that deals with supplying parts for a vehicle that has been manufactured for the past years.... It deals with the procurement and purchasing of supplies that are used in the manufacturing process....
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