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Health Inequalities in Britain
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 6 , Case Study
This paper "Health Inequalities in Britain" discusses health inequalities that can mean situations in which there is a poor distribution of finances and the limits that are imposed on the health benefits received depending on the person's financial and social status.... ... ... ... At first, the term health inequities is quite confusing, generally, it refers to the status of health amongst individuals....
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Strategy and Environment of Grand Mets
8 pages (2291 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Strategy and Environment of Grand Mets" focuses on the fact that Grand Mets was lead by Allan Sheppard and has witnessed significant grown since its inauguration in 1993.... According to balance sheet figures, net fixed assets of the company when it started were worth 22421 million pounds....
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Strategic HRM and Pixie Dust
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The development of effective human resource management strategies can help organizations to achieve a competitive advantage towards their rivals.... The purpose of this assignment is to examine the Disney Company in terms of HRM, discussing used practices.... ... ... ... The ability of businesses to establish a well-structured corporate strategy is critical to their success....
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Samsung Electronics: the Global Inc
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The main aim of this paper 'Samsung Electronics: the Global Inc.... is to provide an analysis of Samsung, both the internal and external environment that has propelled it to where it is currently.... Samsung Company is a South Korean company whose founder was Lee Byung-Chul.... ... ... ... The author states that Samsung Company follows Apple Company in design and manufacture of telecommunication devices, especially Chul....
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International business strategy
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
In that direction, organization's international strategies will be correlated to its existing as well as about-to be gained or.... ... ... Normally, resources are always bundled together to create organizational capabilities during foreign operations, and that is applicable to Vodafone as well.... Vodafone Group, a UK-based multinational telecommunications company with headquarters in London, is the world's second largest mobile telecommunication organization in terms of subscribers and recent revenues....
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Use of Animals in Entertainment
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This case study describes the use of animals in entertainment.... This paper outlines the industry of zoos and aquariums, the role of animals in movie and television sets, and right of freedom for animals.... .... ... ... The entertainment industry is viewed as an independent sector whose contribution to any economy cannot be overlooked....
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Distributive Justice in Physical Therapy
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Distributive justice demands equity and justice in the allocation or distribution of goods or services in the society; distributive justice demands that goods and services should be distributed in the society according to people's needs, i.... .... in proportion to the needs of the.... ... ... The principle of distributive justice is applicable in solving ethical dilemmas that involve allocating a meagre or insufficient resource or serve among many people with varying needs....
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How Maternal Depression Affects Children
6 pages (1704 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The case study "How Maternal Depression Affects Children" states that the purpose of this study is to prepare a proposal for Children's Advocacy Centre at Collin County.... As per the agency, there is a need for funds for the snacks, clothes and different electronics equipment.... .... ... ... The paper shows that while doing the fundraising process there will be some ethical considerations....
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Definition Manufacturing Technology
18 pages (4788 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
"Definition Manufacturing Technology" paper concerns the overall system efficiencies and associates with advanced cooling systems in the current market to provide a tool that can be used in selecting systems for a given installation.... The paper reviews the cooling technologies in the current market....
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Hurricanes and Flood Zones Crimes Related to South Hampton Roads
7 pages (2013 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This case study "Hurricanes and Flood Zones Crimes Related to South Hampton Roads" investigates the hurricanes and flood zones crimes in South Hampton Roads in Virginia.... It also gives measures that should be carried out to curb the crimes due to the flooding.... ... ... ... South Hampton region is near the coastal area and is prone to flooding due to the hurricanes experienced in the area....
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Delegation Survey Analysis
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Lesson 3.... Discussion Forum  Delegation Survey Analysis Abstract The inefficiency of nurse: patient ratio necessitates the help of nursing assistants.... However, their presence is not the only thing important.... The registered nurses should be able to effectively manage the assistants.... ... ...
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The Criminal Damage Act 1971
8 pages (2357 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This case study "The Criminal Damage Act 1971" examines the act that gives an exhaustive structure coating only preparatory acts to the most genuine offenses of illegal conflagration.... In English law, bringing on criminal harm as well as damage was initially a typical law offense.... ... ... ... The obligation was initially limited to the installment of harms by method for recompense....
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The Global Migration Process
12 pages (3545 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This case study "The Global Migration Process" discusses the Indian government that needs to assume the additional role of a promoter and facilitator of external labor flows from India, rather than being confined to the traditional role of a regulator.... ... ... ... The loopholes that prevail in the execution of the existing Act permit the entry of corrupt middlemen....
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Causes of Angry Behavior
6 pages (1769 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
sychotherapy”, Clinical Psychology, 55: 353-363 ... ggressive responding”, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 81: 17-32 ... reatment”, Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 8: 23-37 ... This research paper "Causes of Angry Behavior" delves deeper into the underlying causes of angry behavior to try and understand the reasons why it develops so easily....
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Coaching Portfolio: Philosophies, Communication and Motivation
8 pages (2283 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 14(3), 140-153. ... The paper addresses three segments which are coaching philosophies, styles, and objectives.... Then it is followed by a season plan of a soccer team and finally motivation and communication skills related to coaching.... And then the conclusion gives insight into the course and the portfolio in general....
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Acute vs Chronic Inflammatory Responses in Humans
6 pages (2055 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The study "Acute vs Chronic Inflammatory Responses in Humans" focuses on the critical analysis of the similarities and differences between acute and chronic inflammatory responses in humans.... Injuries on cells that are caused by pathogens or trauma trigger inflammatory responses.... ... ... ... Mediators of inflammation are released from the injured sites or inactive precursors are activated at the site of inflammation to initiate the inflammatory response....
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Bilingual: Life and Reality
7 pages (2192 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Bilingual: Life and Reality" is a case study of a nine-year-old Polish girl, Anna, born in Poland.... Her family moved to England in 2006 where she was admitted to a Catholic primary school.... This is an analysis of Anna's experiences as a second language learner within a new environment....
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Domestic Violence as the Execution of Physical and Emotional Threats
9 pages (2707 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Journal of Clinical Psychology, Vol.... The paper "Domestic Violence as the Execution of Physical and Emotional Threats" discusses that domestic violence workers or professionals should perform a risk assessment and management plan to identify risk factors as well as initiate appropriate measures for offering enhanced support....
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Occupational Therapy for Dementia
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Introduction: This is a case study of a patient, whose identity will remain undisclosed in this work for ethical and confidentiality reasons.... A nickname, Mrs.... Chang will be used throughout the work.... This writer had an opportunity to assist in her care while she was admitted to the hospital following a trip and fall in the shower few days back, and she was admitted to the hospital due to her age of 82, frailty, baseline neurological disorder of Alzheimer's disease with gradually declining cognition and deteriorating mobility, and lack of support at home and community, for further assessment and evaluation....
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Ethics and Theories for Social Work
6 pages (1705 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
"Ethics and Theories for Social Work" paper analyzes the case of Mr.... Giovanni Ramos, a seventy-five-year-old man, who recently had a severe stroke that led to his left side being weakened, and he also developed a slurred speech.... It led to him being hospitalized to seek health intervention.... ...
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The Condition of Facebook in 2011
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper 'The Condition of Facebook in 2011' focuses on the analysis of how 'Facebook' came into being leaves one amazed on how creativity would be merged with the opportunity to bring about totally new creations which would not only be fascinating but that would be great business innovations.... ...
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Business Management and Organizational Behaviour
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
This report gives an analysis of the current HR problems being faced at the Lucky Lion casino from the organisational behaviour perspective.... Having identified a key problem with one of the reward mechanisms, which appears to be causing conflict amongst staff and reduced profitability for the company....
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Acupuncture in Managing Chronic Low Back Pain
9 pages (3421 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
The study "Acupuncture in Managing Chronic Low Back Pain" focuses on the critical analysis of the use of acupuncture in the management, and subsequent treatment of chronic low back pain.... There is evidence that acupuncture is an appropriate technique to manage the condition.... ... ... ... Chronic low back pain is a global health challenge....
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Family Business Research
9 pages (2529 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The main idea of this study under the title "Family Business Research" touches upon the comparison of traditional Norwegian family businesses in the process of modernization with modern British business families who are reinventing traditional solutions.... ... ... ... These contrasting exemplars of modernization enable us to bring a number of novel perspectives to small-business research....
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Expected Utility Theory
9 pages (2669 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The theory has gained its fame in economics, sociology and Psychology.... In sociology and Psychology, the theory explains how social Psychology affects the judgement of individuals in the society.... This work called "Expected Utility Theory" describes this economic theory, its advantages....
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Audit Risk Analysis of Scapa Group PLC
6 pages (2229 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This work called "Audit Risk Analysis of Scapa Group PLC.... describes the financial system of this company.... The author outlines consolidation issues with respect to Webtec, possible risks, subjective nature of estimates, the role of cash and bank balances, detailed audit procedures.... ... ... ...
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Community Nurse - Clinical Reasoning Cycle
6 pages (1681 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Community Nurse - Clinical Reasoning Cycle" is a perfect example of a case study on nursing.... Ellie Jones is a 73 years old female.... The author of the paper states that she has been diagnosed with inoperative liver carcinoma and undergone one round of chemotherapy aimed at reducing the size of the tumor....
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The Three Travel Agency Setups
2 pages (612 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
This case study 'The Three Travel Agency Setups' focuses on the operations and size of the three travel agency setups operating in different locations.... They deal with different types of customers and in different ways.... The major focus is to explain and analyze the difference in their operations....
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Nursing Placement: Pediatric Client
7 pages (1968 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper " Nursing Placement: Pediatric Client" is a remarkable example of a case study on nursing.... Emergency nursing involves caring for patients in situations where every minute of the treatment counts, especially in the early stage of heightened illness and trauma.... ... ... ... The paper " Nursing Placement: Pediatric Client" is a remarkable example of a case study on nursing....
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Change in Planet Air Travel
8 pages (2351 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Journal of Business & Psychology, 29(3), p.... The paper "Change in Planet Air Travel" addresses the key change issues that can have a significant impact on the implementation of its new-developed business strategies.... The aim mainly focuses on Planet Air Travel's twofold strategy, discussed in this study....
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The Real Beauty of the Dove Campaign: A Critical Analysis
12 pages (3275 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
This case study "The Real Beauty of the Dove Campaign: A Critical Analysis" will discuss and analyze in detail an advertising and marketing campaign that dared to defy the picture of someone being beautiful only when she looks like a supermodel or a celebrity.... ... ... ... All in all, it can be said that these recommendations are redundant as this is what Dove has done throughout the campaign's run of almost three years....
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Guest Speakers and Investigation of Lifestyling
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Guest Speakers and Investigation of Lifestyling" casts light on this section which contains a succinct synopsis of lectures offered by guest speakers from Capital Insight, an HR Consultancy and the John Lewis Partnership.... Capital Insight offers services relative to HR consultancy in the public and private sectors on the United Kingdom....
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Nursing and Healthcare
6 pages (2424 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper "Nursing and Healthcare" presents that trends in UK general healthcare and nursing reveal a shift towards 'whole systems' thinking.... This development is driven by an explicit focus on improving both service efficiencies and how the needs of service users are met using effective nursing....
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Strategic Management Opportunities Which Should Be Used in Albatross Anchor
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
From the paper "Strategic Management Opportunities Which Should Be Used in Albatross Anchor" it is clear that updated technology will make the company more flexible and it will facilitate growth.... It is needless to say that this will also make the company flexible in more ways than one.... ... ...
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Business Culture of Thailand, Evaluation of Terry's Management
6 pages (1541 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
?European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 15(1), p.... The paper "Business Culture of Thailand, Evaluation of Terry's Management" states that for any manager or leader it is very important to understand the different types of organisational culture and also learn the ways the communication processes work in every business culture....
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Business Ethics - Johnson & Johnson's Troubled Times
4 pages (1232 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Business Ethics - Johnson & Johnson's Troubled Times' is an exciting example of a business case study.... The idea of business activities enabling a company to get hold on to in its daily dealings with humanity is well explained in Johnson and Johnson's troubled times, and this is a case where a Company can intentionally or not intentionally do things that are against the business ethics....
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Analysis of Immigration and Asylum Act 2004
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author examines the Immigration and Asylum (Treatment of Claimants) Act 2004.... The author analyzes the case of Frank who is now battling for asylum in the United Kingdom claiming as a victim of persecution as a result of fighting for the rights of a tribe belonging to northern Uganda.... .... ...
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Personality and Personal Growth
2 pages (754 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Conclusion:As it prevails the more humanistic Psychology has provided us, individuals, with a more fresh and innovative technique to a new way to look at human nature that is positive and holistic and has impacted on the fields Applying a more humanistic approach towards Andrea would definitely motivate her in the long run....
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Cloud-Based System for S-mart Retail Company
8 pages (2120 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author of the "Cloud-Based System for S-mart Retail Company" paper prepares a report for S-mark Retail Company that informs and advises the management regarding t6he issue of cloud computing, its benefits, risks, the system design, and the crucial components.... ... ... ... The diagram clearly shows all the components of the design required for the effective and reliable functionality of the cloud-based system for the company....
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International Marketing Mix Tutbury Crystal
28 pages (7000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Lifestyle products have seen many takers from a variety of income and social backgrounds in the recent past.... This has triggered various empirical studies into the nature of the market forces that determine the operational realities of these products in terms of brand identities and knowledge.... ...
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Tokyo Disneyland
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This study would be beneficial to the management of Tokyo Disneyland and other theme parks.... This may provide information on the best way of how to make their theme parks more marketable.... his research venue for this study will be in Japan only, specifically, in the vicinity of Tokyo Disneyland....
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Financial Decision Making and Risk Analysis
9 pages (3365 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper 'Financial Decision Making and Risk Analysis" focuses on the fact that the company is investigating the possibility of replacing its current sub-assembly line with an automated assembly cell.... The new assembly cell will consist of five new robots, each costing £32,000.... .... ...
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Health Wellbeing and Social Work
6 pages (2002 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Health Wellbeing and Social Work" focuses on the analysis of the client's situation with the view of proposing appropriate mental health literacy, using a rights-based approach to support the client's right to safety through the development of a safety planning and suicide risk assessment....
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Establishing and Maintaining a Payroll System
6 pages (1812 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
These opportunities are provided in a range of full time, part time, and school-based trainings.... The scope of the case covers a full-time permanent employment.... The elements.... ... ... The paper 'Establishing and Maintaining a Payroll System' is an outstanding example of a finance & accounting case study....
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Rapid Changes in the Educational Field
11 pages (3092 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The Psychology of Personality: Viewpoints, Research, and Applications.... The paper "Rapid Changes in the Educational Field" states that pedagogical knowledge on behavioral management is most important for an NQT to deal with SEN learners.... Effective planning and assessment are helpful to achieve learning objectives and to implement one's Professional knowledge....
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Manfold Toy Company: Corporate Governance and Ethics for Directors and Professionals
3 pages (750 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
Manfold Toy Company: Corporate Governance and Ethics for Directors and Professionals With the emergence of several high-profile cases revolving around organizations that collapsed due to the occurrence of ethical issues and problems, the key consideration with regards to the departure of these firms from the business arena is that of conflict of interest (Boatright 100)....
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Strengths and Weaknesses in the Organisations
19 pages (4750 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The aim of this Case Study is to evaluate the roles and responsibilities of retail managers in the Food and Beverages category at both ends of the cost scale and appraise a renowned restaurant in relation to its historical and current perspective in a retail environment, the public sector.... ... ...
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NUCOR Competitive Analysis
5 pages (1267 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'NUCOR Competitive Analysis' is a brief example of a marketing case study.... This study examines the competitive strategies used by Nucor Company a steel manufacturing organization to meet its objectives.... Competitive strategies: Nucor utilizes a variety of strategies to achieve its goals....
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Master Data Management
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
This paper "Master Data Management" focuses on the fact that management is very important in today's complex and competitive global context because increasingly, suppliers, trading partners as well as customers are all becoming more demanding in their requirements.... .... ... ... Master Data management is one of the most commonly discussed aspects of business intelligence and is actually one dimension of an enterprise management strategy (Politano, 2008)....
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Realism and the Preparation for War
6 pages (1840 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This paper ''Realism and the Preparation for War'' does reconstruct a fascinating dialogue between the Athenian leaders who wanted to conquer islanders and the response that was later provoked.... The Athenians talked in depth and focused on the logic of power politics.... ... ... ... The Athenians talked in depth and focused on the logic of power politics....
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