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Importance of Ethical Marketing while Designing Marketing Campaigns
15 pages (4377 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Importance of Ethical Marketing while Designing Marketing Campaigns" is an outstanding example of a marketing research proposal.... Understanding the ethics of businesses has been under constant debate.... Business ethics refers to the scanning of business practices with respect to the moral aspects of being right or wrong....
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East Asia Culture Analysis: Racial Profiling
6 pages (1208 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"East Asia Culture Analysis: Racial Profiling" paper conducts a comprehensive study of people who have undergone atrocities under racial profiling and those living under the constant fear of becoming its victim.... The study is an effort to bring out the broader repercussions of racial profiling....
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The Impacts of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on war veterans in the U.S
7 pages (1944 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "The Impacts of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder on war veterans in the U.... " discusses a wide range of issues including possible struggles with addiction, instances of suicidal thoughts, and issues related to the quality of life such as withdrawal from people.... ... ... ... There has been growing literature on PTSD which is a reflection of the importance attached to the issue from both a medical and psychological standpoint....
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Legislation of Different Countries as Reasons for Global Talent Mobility
8 pages (2424 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Legislation of Different Countries as Reasons for Global Talent Mobility" explores whether global talent mobility is relevant to the law of different countries.... Multinational companies face a growing demand for their resources as the pressure to manage a transient workforce intensifies....
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Effective Management to Standardize Quality Services in Pharmaceutical Industry, GlaxoSmithKline
8 pages (2233 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Effective Management to Standardize Quality Services in Pharmaceutical Industry, GlaxoSmithKline" states that being a leader in the pharmaceutical industry, GSK believes that it has social responsibility in leading the way in corporate responsibility and attempts this.... ... ... ... It is quite essential to state that GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is the leading pharmaceutical company headquartered in the United Kingdom....
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Ethics, Values, and Social Responsibility
5 pages (1460 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The author of the work under the title "Ethics, Values, and Social Responsibility" presents the five most common ethical issues faced by leaders, particularly in the corporate world.... Among the most common ethical issues facing the corporate world is fraud.... .... ... ... The corporate world faces varying ethical issues....
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How the Media Portrayal of Women in Advertising Affects Womens Dieting and Self-Image
9 pages (248 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "How the Media Portrayal of Women in Advertising Affects Women's Dieting and Self-Image" sheds some light on women that have been experiencing considerable social pressure to conform to the socio-cultural standards of beauty.... ... ... ... Consequentially, the present study provides evidence to support the well-researched impact of media images on body identity....
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High Investments in Technological Innovation
6 pages (1952 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This is why the primary economic problem for any nation is to determine an appropriate mode of resource allocation in its economic system.... National.... ... ... The paper 'High Investments in Technological Innovation' is a wonderful example of a macro and microeconomics research proposal.... Human wants in an economic system are always unlimited, but resources available to satisfy these wants are definitely limited....
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Motivation of Human Resources
10 pages (2806 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Motivation of Human Resources" is a good example of a human resources research proposal.... With increasing competition in the market, businesses are keen on ensuring the high productivity of the employees.... Most of the undertaken research reveals that human resources are important organizational assets; therefore, their attitude toward the business is likely to impact organizational performance....
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The Role of Online Marketing With Social Media in Tourism Destination Marketing
10 pages (3126 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "The Role of Online Marketing With Social Media in Tourism Destination Marketing" tends to conduct a research activity based on a case study and qualitative research to reflect on the efficacy of such online and social media marketing activities by DMOs.... .... ... ... The activities of the Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs) are observed to gain needed significance in the current period for the effective marketing and promotion of tourism destinations in different parts of the world....
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Storm Drainage Design
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Storm Drainage Design' seeks to evaluate hydrographs, which are graphs which represent the relation of the height and discharge of water in rivers over a certain period of time.... Measurements are done on certain points in the river to determine how a watershed reacts to rainfall.... ...
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Educational Specification
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
This essay, Educational Specification, declares that the planning aspect for the development of an educational facility involves the consideration of numerous aspects aimed at ensuring the project delivers the objectives identified at the beginning of the project.... .... ... ... As the report stresses process planning is a major component that is utilised in estimating the requirements of the project in terms of various resources associated within the implementation process....
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Buying Behavior
5 pages (1544 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
This research proposal "Buying Behavior" discusses 3 groups of working women and non-working women that selected to rate various need criteria in selecting brands such as the importance of time-saving, ease of preparation, good taste, and good for the family.... ... ... ... The 3 groups of working women identify their favorite brand in each category for two given products that needed preparation i....
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Access to Cataracts Treatment in Marine Park
7 pages (1448 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper "Access to Cataracts Treatment in Marine Park" accesses cataracts treatment, target population, Healthy People's partners and potential funding, future plans, leading health indicators to be addressed.... The author believes cases of cataracts will be reduced through prevention and treatment....
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A Need for Offender Programs and Treatments Before Release
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The study will assess the hypothesis that offender Programs and Treatments before Release can be effective in reducing the cases of recidivism.... The current study will be carried out using descriptive, cross-sectional survey design.... ... ... ... ... ... The issue of offender programs and their effectiveness has been contentious for a long time....
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Analysis of a Health Issue in Brazil
6 pages (1790 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper titled 'Analysis of a Health Issue in Brazil: Yellow Fever' examines the infection which is problematic to identify using symptom tests as its symptoms are commonly shared with other different infections, mostly in the early stages of infection.... .... ... ... There have been instances in which yellow fever has been reported in Brazil, raising concern for the need to address this health issue in the American continent to understand its epistemology before the infection spreads further....
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Marketing Plan of Nokia Lumia 2020 Tablet
7 pages (2088 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The proposal "Marketing Plan of Nokia Lumia 2020 Tablet" focuses on the critical analysis of the current situation, customers, and competitors that may affect the performance of the Nokia Lumia 2020 Tablet after launch.... It also analyses the strength, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.... ...
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Genetically Modified Fresh Food
9 pages (2732 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Genetically Modified Fresh Food" analyzes the perception and awareness of the consumers towards genetically modified food products.... This paper outlines the situation of the supermarkets and the influence of consumer perception towards these food products on their attitude.... ... ... ...
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Basket of currencies for the middle east region
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Currency on the other hand can be considered as a tool.... Currency is a tool that facilitate the purchase and selling of the various commodities and services.... A brief recap of the ancient old days.... The form.... ... ... Barter trading system was a system in the business fields that facilitated the exchange of goods for goods....
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Clonal integration in Panicum trugidum ecotype under various environmental condition
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Research Proposal: Clonal Integration in Panicum Turgidum Ecotype under Various Environmental Conditions Research Topic Summary: While wind erosion is a major ecological problem and certain plants have the potential to resist this phenomenon, evidence suggests a lack of tested knowledge about the “mechanism by which plants withstand wind erosion” (Yu et al, 2008, p....
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Impact of Domestic Violence on Children
9 pages (2621 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
From the paper "Impact of Domestic Violence on Children" it is clear that research about the effects of domestic violence is required so that the public can be sensitized to its effects.... Pre-birth effects of domestic violence have not been fully covered and require further research.... .... ... ...
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A Futuristic Commercial Advertisement Video
4 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper 'A Futuristic Commercial Advertisement Video' aims at emerging with a new media that would enable commercial advertisements to take place everywhere.... This means that videos of commercial advertisements will be aired the whole day through.... ... ... ... The finished project will be a new and unique media that delivers video commercial advertisements in real-time on virtually any media including such unnatural media as in dreams and in the sky....
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Australia as an Optimal Destination of Living for Graduated International Students
10 pages (2864 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Australia as an Optimal Destination of Living for Graduated International Students" is an outstanding example of an education research proposal.... Many international students choose Australia as their destination for pursuing higher education.... Australian towns and cities attract about 300,000 international students annually....
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The Success of an Organization: Master of Business Administration
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The focus of this paper is on the Master of Business Administration.... It is a degree that allows its graduates to take up leadership roles after the completion of their study.... The courses in MBA equip an individual with all the core functions of any business, whether automobile industry, healthcare....
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The Ways on Heart Transplants
11 pages (2818 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Ways on Heart Transplants " is a wonderful example of a research proposal on medical science.... The number of victims with heart problems in many societies has sharply been on the increase, and this has led to an increase in research on heart transplants as a lasting solution to the problem....
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How we Improve Public Transit Usage by Improved Information Interpretation
7 pages (2259 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This proposal aims at providing a detailed discussion on how to enhance public transit usage through enhanced information interpretation in the area of urban planning.... Proper information understanding in regard to transportation is very important as it eases the whole process of public transit....
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The Social Needs of Children in Foster Care
11 pages (3322 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The aims of the paper "The Social Needs of Children in Foster Care" is to find out the various social needs of children under foster care, to point out how these social needs can be addressed, and to investigate how foster homes and society, in general, contributes to meeting these social needs.... ...
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Personal Debt in the UK
14 pages (3892 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Personal Debt in the UK" states that no doubt the financial difficulties can be compounded by the terror of police and the courts, little or no consideration of the UK monetary system or debt revival mechanisms, as well as doubt concerning the nature of a contract and lawful rights.... ...
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The Death Penalty - Perspectives and Solutions
8 pages (2338 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Death Penalty - Perspectives and Solutions" states that generally speaking, the abolition of the death penalty is perhaps one of the most controversial and serious human rights problems being tackled on the international scene these days.... ... ... ... Generally speaking, improved understanding of human rights made many policymakers rethink and change their attitude toward the problem of capital punishment....
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Healthy Eating and Exercise in Reducing Obesity Risk
4 pages (1105 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The essay "Healthy Eating and Exercise in Reducing Obesity Risk" addresses the question that following a healthy nutrition regime coupled with an excellent exercise regimen can ensure that one lives a healthy lifestyle that is free of common illnesses.... ... ... ... Obesity is a serious health condition whereby a person accumulates too much fat to the extent that they may face health challenges (Heshmat, 2011)....
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Supermarket with Online Ordering Services
4 pages (1126 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Supermarket with Online Ordering Services" is an outstanding example of a business research proposal.... The introduction of multicultural marketplaces due to increased competition and globalization is a serious challenge to many business organizations, especially the newly developing organizations....
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Educational Intervention Used to Improve Health Professional Knowledge about Dementia in Primary Care
13 pages (3598 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Еduсаtiоnаl Intervention usеd tо Imрrоvе Hеаlth Рrоfеssiоnаl Knowledge abоut Dеmеntiа in Рrimаry Саre" is a wonderful example of a research proposal on nursing.... An intervention involves the combination of strategies and elements structured and intended to result in behavioral changes....
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Do Proton Pump Inhibitors Increase the Risk for Hip Fractures
7 pages (2003 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Do Proton Pump Inhibitors Increase the Risk for Hip Fractures" discusses that PPIs are the most commonly used anti-acid drugs.... These drugs cause osteoporosis due to decreased calcium absorption.... Osteoporosis increases the risk of hip fracture.... ... ... ... Hip fracture is a devastating complication of osteoporosis which can lead to significant morbidity, mortality and decreased quality of life....
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Analysis of Air Transport Industry
8 pages (2323 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Analysis of Air Transport Industry" is a perfect example of a research proposal on management.... The air transport industry has been crushed by climbing fuel expenses and the declining economy.... ... ... ... The paper "Analysis of Air Transport Industry" is a perfect example of a research proposal on management....
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Erica Homes ltd. Project
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Because Erica Homes ltd.... has to do a lot in such a short time in order to profit from the upcoming Olympics it has to have the right staff to do it and the staff needs to be very well managed.... The employees need to be motivated in such a way that the goals of the organization become their own personal goals....
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Using Multiple Interventions to Improve Mathematics Achievement with Grade 8 Students
118 pages (34567 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
The objective of this study is to implement and asses the effectiveness of the district approved mathematics program combine with multiple interventions that focus on the use of math manipulative tools among eighth-graders.... An urban middle school in the southeast section of Mid-Atlantic city.... ...
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Risk Factors for Vitamin D and Iron Deficiency among East African Immigrants in Temperate Climates
10 pages (2930 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
"Risk Factors for Vitamin D and Iron Deficiency among East African Immigrants in Temperate Climates" paper documents the effects of specific vitamin D and iron deficiency risk factors.... Sub-Saharan immigrants to temperate climate regions have a high prevalence of iron and Vitamin D deficiency.... ...
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Financial Planning and Analysis
12 pages (3270 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Financial Planning and Analysis' is an affecting example of finance & accounting research proposalю Financial planning and analysis is the determination of how a business firm will manage to achieve its strategic goals and objectives by scrutinizing its financial elements.... It provides a supportive decision to the management to visualize both short-term and long-term objectives....
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Growing Adoption of Green Accounting at Corporate and Macroeconomic Level
8 pages (2477 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Growing Adoption of Green Accounting at Corporate and Macroeconomic Level' is a persuasive example of a finance & accounting research proposal.... Climate change has become a world issue that has generated attention both in governments and private sectors globally.... ... ... ... The paper 'Growing Adoption of Green Accounting at Corporate and Macroeconomic Level' is a persuasive example of a finance & accounting research proposal....
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Motivation and Age in Second Language Acquisition
16 pages (5742 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper "Motivation and Age in Second Language Acquisition" highlights that being able to speak to someone outside one's cultural and linguistic group entails understanding which, when given, likewise rewards the speaker with friendship and possible opportunities for more growth and development....
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Fast Food, Gender, and Happiness
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Research Proposal
Fast food commodities are being sold out commercially by the profit making organizations.... These organizations may have on-site dining places.... The fast-food centers, which were found in.... ... ... Simultaneously, food stalls, delicatessens and street food carts have started emerging in the urban regions....
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Emotional Intelligence and School Performance
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The study intends to examine and evaluate the influence of emotional intelligence to school performance in different learning institutions.... The researcher plans to examine five hundred adolescent students from different learning institutions in the United States of America.... ... ... ... The study will rely on dependable and valid instruments in examining the impact of emotional intelligence on academic performance in different disciplines....
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Russian Revolution Civil War
8 pages (4053 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The paper "Russian Revolution Civil War" states that generally, several factors went in to make the success story that was the Bolsheviks.... Not only did they have a fine leader in Lenin, but the war was also managed perfectly on the battlefield by Trotsky.... ... ... ... The Reds never lost their grip on the core area of European Russia....
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Why Girls Are Not Choosing Technology Education Subjects at Secondary Schools in Queensland
11 pages (3236 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
This paper "Why Girls Are Not Choosing Technology Education Subjects at Secondary Schools in Queensland" centers on the concern of girls not pursuing technology education subjects at high school and the disparity that exists between boys and girls.... .... ... ... The paper has explored the various studies that have been done and their findings....
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Challenges of the Twenty-Year Veteran Seeking Federal Employment
16 pages (4000 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The purpose of this study will be to focus on the various challenges faced by the twenty-year veterans while seeking federal employment.... The study will also intent to identify the causes triggering the challenges along with suggesting suitable solutions.... ... ... ... The main problem of this research study will be ascertained considering the general and the specific issue being identified in the present research....
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Saudi Female Teachers Perceptions to Using E-learning for Enhancing Their Professional Development
9 pages (3964 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
This study "Saudi Female Teachers Perceptions to Using E-learning for Enhancing Their Professional Development" focuses on the English language teachers and identifies the attitudes teachers of ELT classes have towards the effectiveness of blended learning as a facilitator of their development.... ....
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Effect of Demographics and Personality on Investment Choice among the UK Investors
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
The paper 'Effect of Demographics and Personality on Investment Choice among the UK Investors" discusses that wealth management is the process of channelizing the funds of clients by professional wealth managers in conformity to the formers' financial requirements and choice.... ... ... ... The study relies solely on the primary....
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The Factors That Are Favorable for the Thriving of Intrapreneurial Spirit
6 pages (2053 words) , Download 4 , Research Proposal
The paper "The Factors That Are Favorable for the Thriving of Intrapreneurial Spirit" states that the factors such as the skills and internal management structure within the firm give relatively low influence to the overall productivity for the firm when compared individually.... ... ... ... The study intends to use raw facts and figures alongside processed data....
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Do Children Benefit When Their Teacher Speaks Their Second Language
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 5 , Research Proposal
hen children neither fear nor value the structural implication of school, they appear free to confront the premises and Politics of school openly and directly (D'Amato).... This study focuses on the impact on the minority children groups of the language used in classroom curriculum; more specifically on the impact when the teacher shares their language....
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Early Release as an Apparent Catalyst for Social Upheaval
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Early Release as an Apparent Catalyst for Social Upheaval Letter of Transmittal 2nd of December 2011 __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Dear __________, I submit herewith a research paper on the viability of advocating Early Release Programs of Prisoners entitled, “Early Release as an Apparent Catalyst for Social Upheaval....
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