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Impact of Domestic Violence on Children - Research Proposal Example

From the paper "Impact of Domestic Violence on Children" it is clear that research about the effects of domestic violence is required so that the public can be sensitized to its effects. Pre-birth effects of domestic violence have not been fully covered and require further research. …
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Impact of Domestic Violence on Children
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EFFECT OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ON CHILDREN Derek Ferreira Kaplan October 2, Project schedule The project timeline will be as follows: 4th to 7th of November: Problem identification 7th to 11th of November: Literature review 11th to 19th of November: Data collection 20th to 23rd of November: Data analysis 24th of November to 8th December: Summary of findings, project compilation and presentation. Aim of the Study The fundamental aim of the study is to determine the mental effects of domestic violence on individuals during the period of violence and in later life. Research Questions The following research question will be addressed in this research; How does the mental health of children in homes with violence compare to those in peaceful homes, and how does it affect their future relationship with their partners? Research Methods The research in this case will use descriptive research analysis. According to Rajasekar, Philominathan & Chinnathambi (2013), research methods comprise methods and procedures used in the study. Through the research design, the researcher knows the type of data required, the methods that will be used to collect the data, and how such answers from the respondents will answer your research questions (Wyk, 2012). This gives the researcher pathways through which he/she received answers to his problems, hence act as a guideline used in analyzing various stages of the project. It, therefore, acts as a program that helped the researcher to collect, analyze and interpret the collected data. Data collection will be through qualitative methods. That is because the research design under a cross-sectional study approach will require direct interview of the respondents. The design is useful not only for the purpose of description, but also to determine the existing relationship that exists between various variables of the study. This research will focus on variables such as social isolation, aggressive behavior, depression, fears, anxiety, and sleep disturbances, which are common signs of mental health disorders brought about by domestic violence. The nature of research necessitates the use of qualitative research techniques. This is because the study focuses on the effects of domestic violence on children. In this study, domestic violence will denote any aggressive behavior within the family addressed to any family member. A range of violent behaviors such as physical abuse and verbal abuse will be included. According to Denzin and Lincoln (1994), explanatory designs have been documented and advanced as the best method for social scientists who aim at collecting data used for descriptive purposes, which is too large to observe directly. This study is a qualitative study, hence the need for exploratory research design. Qualitative research allows the researcher to exercise judgment, appraise and interpret the interrelationships that reveal themselves as constitutive of various human activities (Denzin & Lincoln, 1994). Target Population The research will be carried out on the entire Rhode Island. The project targets families who have experienced domestic violence in the past. Random sampling will be used to select the families. The families will randomly be chosen from the list of names from the state department for children and their families. Notably, the Rhode Island established a coalition against domestic violence, which comprises of six programs. Each of these programs has critical data records of the domestic violence in the past 35 years. Therefore, the researchers will identify a specific year from the records, and choose families that will form the participants in this research. Notably, the identified year will have to be over ten years ago in an effort to ensure that many of the children who experienced domestic violence then are now adults. Therefore, the age of the children as indicated in the records will determine those who are adults currently. From the list of those qualifying to be adults currently, random sampling will help identify an appropriate sample for the study. Purposive sampling will be of critical importance in identifying the Rhode Island state for use in this study because it has registered a high prevalence of domestic violence in the recent past. For example, in 2013 alone, 9733 victims of domestic violence have been documented. Moreover, 3810 of these victims sought advocacy services, highlighting how serious the issue is in this state. Therefore, the state qualifies to present, the researchers with substantial data on the mental effects of domestic violence on children in their later stages of life. Sampling Data Stratified random sampling design will be used. This is because stratified random sampling has a higher potential of presenting the researcher with a representative sample, which can give findings that reflect trends in the entire population. According to Mugenda & Mugenda (2003), it is the process of selecting respondents who are identified as the representative of the target population. The sample size was therefore used to minimize workload involved in data analysis by narrowing down sample representatives. The sample should be representative and allowed the researcher to make accurate estimates of the thoughts or behavior of the population it represented. A sample of 30% is, therefore, normally taken from the stratum in the target population in order to give adequate information that can represent the entire contribution of all the respondents (Mugenda & Mugenda, 2003). In the specific case of Rhode Island, which has six programs under the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence, stratified random sampling will prove effective. The six centers will form the sub-population or the strata in the sampling process. The six sub-populations will be numbered 1 to 6. This means that, each of the centers will have a number of families identified from the selected year records. Each of the programs will have a different number of families depending on its records. From these families, potential participants will be identified, who suit the selection criteria of being adults who faced domestic violence in their childhood. These individuals will form the population in each stratum. Items selected from each of the sub-populations will form the sample. In order to select items from each of the stratum, the researcher will calculate 30% of its population in relation to the total population of all the strata. Data Collection Given the research methods chosen, online Skype interviews and face-to-face interviews will be the preferred research instruments to use. Face-to-face interviews will be the preferred data collection methods because they will present the researcher will an opportunity to obtain extensive data from the participants by probing more into issues. Moreover, this methodology will allow the use of open-ended questionnaires during the interview. The fact that the interviewee and the interviewer will interact directly can serve to create a favorable environment that will prompt the participants to share more of the experiences. The questions will either be close-ended or open-ended. The design of the questions is an important factor in ensuring the success of the instruments and the overall research. This is because the research aimed at understanding the effect of bringing up a child in a home setup full of frequent violence between the married couples. Some of the critical questions that participants will answer include: i) What form of violence did you experience and at what age? ii) How did you feel during the perpetuation of the violence? iii) What were your thoughts after the incident? iv) Did the experience alter your behavioral pattern? v) Did you seek medical attention? vi) After consulting with a medical practitioner, were you diagnosed with any mental disorder? vii) Did you get treatment for any mental disorder or any form of therapy? viii) Did the experience affect your attitudes when growing up? ix) Did it affect the choice of your partner if you are married? x) How do you feel about the experience right now? Interviews The researcher will carry out oral interviews through face-to-face conversation or Skype. The question should be pre-prepared and well-structured to allow the respondents understand the research question quickly and give the appropriate response. However, several experts like counselors will be interviewed to get an experienced response that is based on their experience during the period they have handled victims of domestic violence. The list of people to interview can be determined from the state records or names from counselors who had handled such victims’ record. One counselor will be selected from each of the six programs in Rhode Island that deal with domestic violence. In order to identify the potential counselors for this research, the researcher will consider data of the victims who sought advocacy services, and whose cases proceeded to the court. From these records, the researcher will identify counselors who handled the cases. Random sampling will be used to select a single counselor from each of the programs. The identified counselors will be conducted through phone, and requested for interviews. Prior to the interview, they will fill in consent forms as willing participants of the research. All the interviews will be tape recorded for future reference and for use during data analysis. The interview questions will be subdivided into two subdivisions. For example, Section A and Section B. Section A will contain general information from the respondents. The general section will consider demographic factors of the participants. Section B will contain the questions listed above for the victims of domestic violence. In the case of counselors, the following questions will be available in section B: i) What were the case details of a victim named X whom you represented in court? ii) Please relate the condition of the victim in accordance with the reports from the medical examination team. iii) Please describe the evidence presented during the case as well as the case proceedings. iv) What was the verdict of the case? v) Did the victims you represented receive therapy sessions or treatment procedures for mental disorders? During the interviews, the researcher will prepare meta-data that will be of critical use during the analysis. The meta-data will comprise of tape recorded interviews, brief notes, as well as the observations made during the interview. Data Analysis Methods The data collected will be analyzed at first according to categories to establish that all information given was accurate. Afterwards, the methods that will be used to analyze data in this research involved the use of descriptive statistics, tables and graphs. This will be done by use of statistical packages such as spreadsheet and SPSS. The data collected from the interviews will be organized into themes and paragraphs. The following steps will form the core of the data analysis process. i) Organization of data In this step, labeling and cleaning of the data will occur. ii) Identification of a framework The framework identified in this step will depend on both the research question as well as the available data. The identified framework will determine the coding plan. iii) Sorting data into the framework This will involve coding of the data, modifications of the framework and data entry. iv) Using the framework in descriptive analysis This will consider the range of responses and identify the recurrent themes from all the narratives of victims. Moreover, responses from the counselors will also determine the identified themes. v) Calculation of mean, mode, and media of the frequency of mental health disorders resulting from domestic violence in accordance with the data provided by the victims. vi) Presentation of results in graphs, charts, and figures. This is a critical step in ensuring that interpretations of data are easier. Graphs and charts enable readers to understand the existing relationships more precisely. Interview guide This is a tool structured like a questionnaire and contains pre-written research questions in the desired order. The researcher uses this to guide him/her when addressing the respondents to give out the right answer and in the right order. They help the interviewer to stay focused and accurately collect information. Ethical Issues and Additional Questions The researcher needs to assure the respondents of the confidentiality of the information they give and create a rapport with the respondent to give the comfort and a perfect condition to stay honest. The respondents chosen from the counselors or state list should be called first and requested for an interview session. Prior to conducting the interviews, each of the participants in the research will sign consent forms that will serve as evidence that their participation is on a voluntary basis and that findings from the study will remain confidential. Moreover, the consent form will reassure the participants of a high level of confidentiality and anonymity. The researcher will ensure that all the participants understand the purpose of the research as well as the duration it will take. Moreover, researcher will create awareness of the rights of the participants to withdraw from the study at their convenience. Each research study has several limits of confidentiality. Therefore, the researcher should highlight some limits such as data coding ;as well as sharing and archiving, which may compromise the level of confidentiality. The participants should understand the potential benefits of the research. Moreover, the researcher needs to obtain permission from the University’s institutional review board. In addition, other forms will be prepared to request for permission of the use and access to different tools and supplies as well as the resources that will make this research possible. Conclusion In conclusion, research about the effects of domestic violence is required so that the public can be sensitized to its effects. Pre-birth effects of domestic violence have not been fully covered and require further research. Most of the writers focus more on the violence being towards the mothers, which is not always the case. It is crucial to emphasize how domestic violence directed to the fathers can affect the child. The effects of domestic violence on the child’s personality are not fully covered, and it is essential in covering the topic. It is also significant to discuss the effect of domestic violence on children when they develop their own families later in life. Effects of domestic violence on academic performance require further research in order to give a clear relationship on how they relate. References Cleaver, H. (2007). Child protection, domestic violence and parental substance misuse: Family experiences and effective practice. London: JKP/Jessica Kingsley Publishers. Cooper, J., & Vetere, A. (2005). Domestic violence and family safety: A systemic approach to working with violence in families. London: Whurr Pubs. Denzin,N., & Linchon, Y. (1994). Handbook of qualitative research. London: Sage Publications. Department of Community Services (2002, September 24). Domestic violence and its impact on children’s development. Retrieved from Holt, S., Buckley, H., & Whelan, S. (2008). The impact of exposure to domestic violence on children and young people: A review of the literature. Child Abuse & Neglect, 32(8), 797-810. Kitzmann, K. M., Gaylord, N. K., Holt, A. R., & Kenny, E. D. (2003). Child witnesses to domestic violence: a meta-analytic review. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 71(2), 339. MacGee, C. (2000). Childhood experiences of domestic violence. London [u.a.: Kingsley. Mugenda, O & Mugenda,M (2003).Research methods-Qualitative and Quantitative approaches. Acts publishers,Nairobi,Kenya. Rajasekar,S, Philominathan, P & Chinnathambi,V (2013). Research methodology. School of physics, Bharathidasan University.INDIA Roberts, A. R. (2002). Handbook of domestic violence intervention strategies: Policies, programs, and legal remedies. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Sternberg, K. J., Lamb, M. E., Greenbaum, C., Cicchetti, D., Dawud, S., Cortes, R. M., ... & Lorey, F. (1993). Effects of domestic violence on childrens behavior problems and depression. Developmental Psychology, 29(1), 44. Summers, R. W. (2002). Domestic violence: A global view. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press. Terr, L. (2001). Childhood trauma: An outline and overview. American Journal of Psychiatry, 148, 10-20 Wolfe, D. A., Crooks, C. V., Lee, V., McIntyre-Smith, A., & Jaffe, P. G. (2003). The effects of childrens exposure to domestic violence: A meta-analysis and critique. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 6(3), 171-187.Wyk Van Brian (2012). Research design and methods. University of the Western CAPE. Read More

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