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Confession of a Mask by Yuko Mishima
5 pages (1312 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
As per ( Mccarthy,2013) “The themes of physical suffering and death, often in dramatic, even sadomasochistic forms, were present in Mishima's literature from first to last”.... The paper "Confession of a Mask by Yuko Mishima" highlights that the life of Kochan has been an artificial one and his real self was overshadowed by his false identity....
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Critical Success Factors Approaches
8 pages (2340 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "Critical Success Factors Approaches" briefly reviews some referred journal articles which deal with the identifying of variables influencing the success of project implementation according to various Critical Success Factors approaches.... .... ... ... The critical success factors (CSF) approach in the context of the project management has been first established by Rockart, which defined CSF as 'the limited number of areas in which results will ensure successful competitive performance for the organization"....
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Darkly Dreaming Dexter by Jeff Lindsay
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
The first novel written by Jeff Lindsay, 'Darkly Dreaming Dexter', is an unconventional piece of literature.... The authors used a creative approach to the traditional genre of crime novel to produce an eccentric work telling the reader about crime, punishment, the complexities of life in the modern world, the bizarre twists of relations between human beings, and the nature of police work....
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To What Extent Was Imperial Germany the Main Reason for the Outbreak of WWI
5 pages (1413 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
This literature review "To What Extent Was Imperial Germany the Main Reason for the Outbreak of WWI " discusses Serbian assassin's sidearm in Sarajevo instantly killed Austrian archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife, Sophie triggering a war that spanned all oceans in the world.... This write-up presents a literature review on the causes of World War 1 and particularly Imperial Germany's role in it....
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The Use of Low Glycaemic Index Diets in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus
7 pages (2313 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Cochrane Database of Systematic reviews. ... Nutrition reviews, 67, pp.... The literature review focuses on the use of low glycemic index diets in diabetes mellitus treatment. ... The paper "The Use of Low Glycaemic Index Diets in the Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus" will begin with the statement that diabetes mellitus is a metabolic condition that results due from an insulin secretion defect, insulin action, or both actions (American Diabetes Association 2012, 65)....
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Integration, Long-Term Contracts and Hold-Up Theories: Fisher Body and General Motors
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review conducts a critical analysis of the literature in which the vertical integration of FB by GM is used as an example of either the role of hold-up risks in long-term contracts or the role of vertical integration in transaction costs analysis.... literature Review: HOLDING UP GENERAL MOTORS?... Thereafter GM vertically integrated FB and this vertical integration emerged as a significant example in the literature of the role of vertical integration and/or hold-up risks associated with long-term contracts in transaction cost theory (Roider, 2006)....
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Review Of The Education Of The Little Tree By Forrest Carterthe
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The Education of the Little Tree is written in a fictional memoir style by Asa Earl Carter who used the pseudonym Forrest Carter.... The paper "Review Of The Education Of The Little Tree By Forrest Carterthe" gives an analysis of book's plot and examples of moral lessons which reader can learn from it....
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Book Review: Being Logical: A Guide to Good Thinking by D.Q. McInerny
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
McInerny was a Roman Catholic who worked as a professor of psychology at St.... Thomas College and University of Kentucky.... He taught logic based studies to the students of these institutions for many years.... D.... Q.... McInerny was the Vice President of Research and Development in.... ... ... He has authored some 200 articles which have gotten published in the International Journal of Psychology, and he was also awarded by University of Western McInerny was a born and raised in Minnesota but is currently living in Lincoln....
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Physiotherapies Basic: The Management of Low Back Pain
9 pages (2648 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
literature Review ... These patients will thus require assistance in the management of some activities they will have difficulty in performing.... In the cases where assistance is not given to these patients, the healing tends to take a longer while due to the straining of the patient while performing the tasks or activities....
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The Motivation to Attend Music Festivals - Notting Hill Carnival
8 pages (2560 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
For instance, arts festivals in Australia and New Zealand have become multimillion-dollar business (Arcodia & Whitford, 2006).... The paper "The Motivation to Attend Music Festivals - Notting Hill Carnival" discusses that intrinsic has been defined to include body/physical, mind/neutral, for example cognitive, affective, conative) or transpersonal/spiritual factors that motivate the person to choose a destination as shown by....
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Concepts of Intellectual Property Law
6 pages (1997 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review "Concepts of Intellectual Property Law" provides information about resources that define the IP.... The criterion is also worldwide; the standards of work, accomplishment and judgement are usual to all types of creativity, be it art, literature, musical composing or even software design....
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Beowulf as a Model of Dark Ages Masculinity
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
THE ROLE OF THE JOURNEY IN THE MAKING OF A HERO There have been many discussions in the scholarly literature about the nature of the transformation that Beowulf undergoes in the narrative and many of these focus on the motif of the journey.... According to Campbell (2008 23) heroic literature normally depicts the main character following through three distinct stages of “separation – initiation – return” in which he is tested by some trial involving supernatural forces....
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The Manifestation of Race, Ethnicity, and Faith in British Education
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review will provide a brief review of literature on identity politics and multiculturalism, specifically concerning three of the most debated issues in the UK: (1) race, (2) ethnicity, and (3) faith in education.... The first part of the literature review will discuss the distinctions between race, ethnicity, and faith.... The issue of multiculturalism in education will take precedence in this literature review....
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Summaries of The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, and Against the Wall Films
5 pages (1335 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
Books and movie reviews were the basis of secondary sources.... From the paper "Summaries of The Shawshank Redemption, The Green Mile, and Against the Wall Films" it is clear that films fit a general thematic structure of prison life.... The morality of revenge is evident in the films....
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Functional Analysis of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
The literature review is directly related to the hypothesis and helps in understanding the historical aspects of ERP solutions.... However, the comparative analysis of ERP solutions should have been supported with more literature and reasoning.... The paper "Functional Analysis of Enterprise Resource Planning Systems" focuses on the article that has been chosen for critique reading is written by Todor Stoilov, Krasimira Stoilova....
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Business Process Redesign
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
Clark and Stoddard (1996) have been successful in evaluating the potential of IOS and the role that it plays in manifesting inter-organizational collaboration, and “to improve firm performance and change industry structure” (Clark & Stoddard, 1996, “literature Review”).... ased on the ideas and suggestions put forward by the authors – Clark and Stoddard – and the findings of the literature review, it may be inferred that the effective application of IOS as a tool for business process redesign, will call for a comprehensive application mapping as well as selection, as has been depicted in the figure appended above....
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Balanced Scorecard in a University
6 pages (1745 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Balanced Scorecard in a University" is a wonderful example of a literature review on finance and accounting.... It is therefore important for universities to develop a balanced scorecard to enable them to know how they are performing both locally and internationally. ...
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Chemical Peels as New Technology and Microdermabrasion as Old Technology
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
eview of the literature 4 ... eview of the literature ... The paper "Chemical Peels as New Technology and Microdermabrasion as Old Technology" highlights that in the beauty industry, it is very crucial that you keep abreast of the latest information and developments in the industry....
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Consumer Awareness of Car Financing in UAE Banks
8 pages (2290 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Consumer Awareness of Car Financing in UAE Banks" is a good example of a literature review on finance and accounting.... The paper "Consumer Awareness of Car Financing in UAE Banks" is a good example of a literature review on finance and accounting.... In conclusion, the literature review reveals the nature of binge spending of Emiratis on luxury products including cars by borrowing massively from the UAE banks.... The literature review provides a study gap to assess the consumer understanding of the significance and implications of using the UAE banks' systems in obtaining cars....
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Supplements and Ergogenic Aids for Cycling Athletes
18 pages (6093 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
literature review of supplements and erogoeinc aids used by cycling athletes Professional cycling is among the most physically demanding sports with a combination of extreme duration, intensity and frequency of the physical demand.... The paper "Supplements and Ergogenic Aids for Cycling Athletes" shows that energy demands during long-lasting cycling events are extreme....
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Analysis of Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
hat precisely does it take to promote the type of organizational culture that is competent of performing what no one else is performing?... From the paper "Analysis of Overcoming the Unseen Forces That Stand in the Way of True Inspiration" it is clear that the book demonstrates the exceptional management technique of Catmull and how his living encounters developed him to be an outstanding director as well as a leader of the corporation....
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Film Analysis: Wuthering Heights
11 pages (2879 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights (Bloom's reviews).... Important analytical areas include a story set-up, use of different literature devices, character and characterization, and symbolic meaning of a story among others.... The film is based on an Emily Bronte's novel, Wuthering Heights, which is also a romantic literature.... Performance arts form important means of passing information to different people efficiently.... Film Analysis: Wuthering Heights (1939) of Introduction Performance arts form important means of passing information to different people efficiently....
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1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
Author Haley has very well been successful in creating a unique piece of historical literature.... The literary qualities of Haley have made this book a magnificent piece of literature that must be read by everyone who has a judgment about Malcolm.... [Your full name] June 21, 2011 Book Review “The Autobiography of Malcolm X” is a result of a series of interview that Alex Haley conducted with Malcolm X between 1963 and 1965....
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St. Paul the Traveler and the Roman Citizen by W.M. Ramsay
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 4 , Book Report/Review
In the first chapter, Ramsey maintains that his work should be treated as pertaining to history and literature.... Ramsey, William Mitchell wrote St.... Paul the Traveler and Roman Citizen with the intent to recount the story of St.... Paul as is recounted in the Book of Acts of the Apostles....
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5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
However, prior and the analysis and setting up of a model that describes the effects of the factors, a comprehensive literature review regarding the aforementioned factors is inevitable.... In the recent past, there have been several researchers that have dedicated themselves to test for the measures of the copious factors that determine a firm's marketplace profitability....
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Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management
4 pages (1097 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper 'Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management' is a felicitous example of a finance & accounting literature review.... The paper 'Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management' is a felicitous example of a finance & accounting literature review.... The literature evidenced that the investors are normally risk averse, as [Fri75] estimations suggest that investors tend to invest more in the less risky assets and very few in risky ones....
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Expert Systems with Applications
11 pages (3304 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper 'Expert Systems with Applications' is a meaningful example of the literature review on information technology.... The paper 'Expert Systems with Applications' is a meaningful example of the literature review on information technology.... Structure of the paper is as follows: next section explores the literature about ES's, and then a generic architecture for ES is discussed.... Fuzzy logic is intended to include unstructured variables such as the rating of the confidence of domain experts and decision makers in expert system's decision, while performing the cost benefit analysis of an enterprise's expert system. ...
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Saudi and the Western Style Education
9 pages (2309 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
literature Review Article Krieger 2007).... This work "Saudi and the Western Style Education" describes the goals to modernize education in Saudi Arabia.... From this work, it is clear about various programs that help to develop the critical-thinking and problem-solving skills in the students....
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The Use of Maggot Therapy for the Treatment of Chronic Wounds
18 pages (4631 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
literature REVIEW A chronic wound becomes a challenge to treat because it does not follow the natural pathway of healing comprising of the four stages of wound healing.... n this literature review, eleven studies have been reviewed.... t can't be concluded from this literature review if maggots show a better result when used directly or when used as bagged larvae in tea bag like pouches as the only study mentioned above which did not prove any beneficial outcome by maggot therapy, conducted by Opletalova K....
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Calendar Effects on Security Price Anomalies
9 pages (2565 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
literature Review For the day of the week effect in stock market returns, Gibbons & Hess (1981), Fama (1991), (Grossman and Stiglitz 1980)), French (1980)), Lakonishok and Levi (1982)), Rogalski (1984)) and Keim and Stambaugh (1984)), Harris (2002), Lakonishok and Smidt (1988), Allen and Karjalainen (1993) have exhibited the impression of this phenomenon.... Fama (1991) has reviewed market efficiency literature by selecting the relevant research in the previous 20 years....
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Amadeus Music Analysis
6 pages (1682 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
But there has also been negative reviews saying that the film, Amadeus, handles the Music of Mozart “as trivially as every other aspect of the Mozart story” (Horowitz, 1992, p.... or example, whenever Mozart is seen composing or performing, his own music is used (Amadeus, 1984/2002)....
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Implementing and Managing Change within the Organization
6 pages (1748 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Stanleigh (2007) highlights that in case of any reviews or improvements made it is important to inform the employees on time. ... The paper "Implementing and Managing Change within the Organization " is a good example of a literature review on management.... The paper "Implementing and Managing Change within the Organization " is a good example of a literature review on management.... literature Review on the process of managing strategic change. ...
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Developing International Operations in Education Sector
7 pages (2311 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
ike language adjustment, academic adjustment of international students when studying abroad is also well documented in the recent literature.... (2007), China-related POM research: A literature ... The aim of the review "Developing International Operations in Education Sector" is to discuss the fundamentals of multinational operation management with reference to the case of academic collaboration between the higher education of United Kingdom and China....
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Financial Statements and their Impact on the Capital Market
15 pages (4638 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Financial Statements and their Impact on the Capital Market" is a great example of a literature review on finance and accounting.... The company was performing at its peak till the year 2000.... The position and the compensation of a manager are closely related to the earnings of the organisation....
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ADHD Impact on Academic Performance
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
But from the literature review, it is obvious that until now, not many researchers have concentrated on the aspect as to why the boys are more affected than the girls.... The author of this book report "ADHD Impact on Academic Performance" casts light on the children suffering from the Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder....
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How Does Social Media Affect Guest Behaviour in the Hotel Industry
21 pages (6661 words) , Literature review
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The chapter closes with a conclusion that is informed by the arguments brought out in the literature review.... The paper "How Does Social Media Affect Guest Behaviour in the Hotel Industry" states that social media is a platform that has attracted billions of users who come from diverse backgrounds....
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Teaching History through Authentic Learning
9 pages (2440 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "Teaching History through Authentic Learning" presents authentic learning, which is an important shift in teaching history that combines Piaget's cognitivism, Vygotsky's Social Constructivism, and Schank et al.... The current paper has four parts: introduction, literature review, discussion and conclusion.... In the literature review, it discusses suggested authentic classroom strategies found in the literature....
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Economic Growth and Government Spending in Saudi Arabia
10 pages (2994 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Economic Growth and Government Spending in Saudi Arabia" is a great example of a literature review on macro and microeconomics.... A critical review of current literature on this topic will also be carried out.... In the current literature on economic growth, the fundamental question asks if an increase in the government spending can promote economic growth.... In the literature today, the statistics on government spending prove that the amount of government expenditures has escalated from 1....
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The Role of Leadership in Nursing
4 pages (1120 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
literature Review on Leadership literature Review on Leadership Introduction This current study will explore the role of leadership in nursing.... ritical review of the literature ... The paper "The Role of Leadership in Nursing" describes that a strength of Mullen et al (2011) that draws from the use of descriptive statistics is the fact that the vast amounts of data and information gathered are managed and organized with relative ease....
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Early Childhood Curriculum Change in Hong Kong
16 pages (4230 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "Early Childhood Curriculum Change in Hong Kong" discusses early childhood schooling that is considered a core ingredient in the development of young minds for prosperity in their later years.... literature Review ... It is incumbent upon each nation in the world to have an early childhood curriculum....
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Negative Attitude of Healthcare Professionals towards Borderline Personality Disorder
33 pages (8250 words) , Download 5 , Literature review
Furthermore, the literature review revealed that the negative attitude of healthcare professionals is mainly because of the negative and irritable mood and behavior of borderline personality disorder patients.... The research paper aims to analyze and investigate the negative attitude and behavior of healthcare professionals towards borderline personality disorder....
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Evaluation of a Leading Edge Management Development Programme
8 pages (2356 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Evaluation of a Leading Edge Management Development Programme " is a great example of a literature review on human resources.... oreover, high performing organisations report higher levels of management success in a particular line.... Eighty per cent of managers in high performing organisations states that their line management is effective or extremely effective compared with 39 per cent in low-performing organisations....
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Parental Involvement in Early Reading in Children
8 pages (2779 words) , Download 5 , Literature review
There is extant literature that speaks volumes about the importance of reading in an individual's life (Cunningham, 1994).... arental Involvement in children's early reading: A literature Review Summer “It is not clear to what extent reading for enjoyment leads to higher reading literacy, or the other way round, or to what extent some other aspect of students' background contributes to both.... There is extant literature that speaks volumes about the importance of reading in an individual's life (Cunningham, 1994) (Hall, 2001)....
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Social Entrepreneurship - How TOM Shoes Attract Attention from Ethical Consumers
8 pages (19 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
is a good example of a literature review on marketing.... is a good example of a literature review on marketing.... The paper "Social Entrepreneurship - How TOM Shoes Attract Attention from Ethical Consumers?... Grimes, McMullen, Vogus, and Miller (2013, pp.... 60-463) stated that social entrepreneurship is the act of drawing different business techniques on both private and public companies....
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Causes of Rent Arrears in Social Housing
8 pages (2340 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The literature used in this review will be mainly found in housing journals, but some information will be found from other journals if they contain relevant information.... Using this information, the essay will uncover the main reasons why people go into arrears on their rent in social housing by finding the key themes in the literature.... Key Themes in the literature One of the main themes in the literature is that rent arrears are a really important reason for many peoples homelessness....
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Indigenous Culture in Australia
7 pages (1926 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
However, postcolonialism tension in these countries is not only confined to physical struggle for space and cultural ascendancy, but embraces a host of other areas, such as literature, arts, the legal system, education, religion, and morality.... Thomas King, a native Canadian author, claimed that although postcolonialism is supposed to interpret indigenous literature from the point-of-view of the struggle between the colonists as the oppressors and the colonised as the oppressed, such an interpretation is deficient and not reflective of the entire history of the colonised....
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Reflections on Scared Straight 20 Years Later
9 pages (2383 words) , Download 3 , Movie Review
This movie review "Reflections on Scared Straight 20 Years Later" focuses on the film Scared Straight 20 Years Later, directed and produced by Arnold Shapiro in 1999.... He combined most of the material from his original documentary Scared Straight!... and included follow-up interviews.... ... ... ...
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Entrepreneurs' Skills and Traits in Small Business Organizations
15 pages (3481 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
This paper "Entrepreneurs' Skills and Traits in Small Business Organizations" reviews the literature on concepts of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs, classification of entrepreneurs, entrepreneurs' traits, entrepreneurs' skills, the difference between entrepreneurs and managers.... his chapter reviews literature on concepts of (1) entrepreneurship, (2) entrepreneurs, (3) classification of entrepreneurs, (4) entrepreneurs' traits, (5) entrepreneurs' skills, (6) difference between entrepreneurs and managers, and (7) success of small business organizations and entrepreneurs' skills and traits....
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The Impact of E-Participation and E-Government
14 pages (4856 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
There is little academic literature that has a direct focus on e-participation and blogging.... Available literature has tended to focus on political blogging (Merry 2010 & Sullivan and Cheon 2011), factors affecting blog usage (Katz and Lai 2009 & Liu and Chang 2010). ... rom the socioeconomic perspective of accessibility, literature is available to show that accessibility of e-participation tools is affected by the socioeconomic status of individuals....
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Throughput Accounting & Theory of Constraints
11 pages (3373 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
ABSTRACT: This literature Review tries to put light on the theory of Throughput Accounting along with its significance and correlation with the Theory of Constraints.... BSTRACT: This literature Review tries to put light on the theory of Throughput Accounting along with its significance and correlation with the Theory of Constraints.... 1997), which we have elaborated in detail in the next section of our literature review: ... ithin this segment of our literature review the author has discussed some very prominent views and arguments regarding the concept of Throughput accountancy, its use, principle, and criticism by various dominant authors in the field. ...
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