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The Slippery Slope Begins
5 pages (1369 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "The Slippery Slope Begins" highlights that the article uses ethos in that it brings out well-detailed arguments as to why the U.... policy on war with ISIS is changing.... This is captured by this statement, 'For instance, written testimony from White House had his signature.... ... ... ...
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Heinrich's theories
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article is about the deconstruction of two myths derived by the works of H.... .... Heinrich.... In this article the view of Heinrich is not supported and it is suggested that the two mythsunsafe act and behaviorof workers are the principal cause of the industrial accidents decreasing.... ... ...
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Cost and Price Analysis for Interagency Agreements
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper “Cost and Price Analysis for Interagency Agreements” is about the inter-agency dealings and how their agreements are priced.... This article serves as a guide or the foundation for the staff of an agency in conducting inter-agency transactions.... ... ... ... ... The paper is divided into two major parts....
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Unemployment in America: Historical Perspective
1 pages (382 words) , Download 4 , Article
The paper "Unemployment in America: Historical Perspective" states that the unemployment rate witnessed a decline from 7% in November, last year to 6.... percent in January this year.... Many economists consider that the job market recovery is far from complete, yet.... ... ... ... Generally, this paper discusses information given in an article published in 'The Economist' on the topic of unemployment in America....
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Human and Animal Relationships
1 pages (274 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article explores animal-human collusion.... It focuses exactly on the impact of a vehicle collision on wild animals during various seasons of the year and number of deaths this animals cause.... Autumn and spring, when these animals are migrating, evading hunters or looking for mates.... ... ...
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Errors and Omissions Insurance
3 pages (835 words) , Download 1 , Article
The article titles 'Errors and Omissions Insurance' and which is written Dan Vaughn and published in Liberty Directions in the Winter of.... ... ... The author aims to protect the hard work and careers of the professionals whom he defines as individuals possessing special skills and knowledge to The paper "Errors and Omissions Insurance by D....
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Infection Prevention as a Show - a Qualitative Study of Nurses Infection Prevention Behaviors
8 pages (2233 words) , Download 1 , Article
The paper 'Infection Prevention as a Show - a Qualitative Study of Nurses Infection Prevention Behaviors' is a thrilling example of a nursing article.... The article by Carole Jackson, Karen Lowton, and Peter Griffiths.... It was published in 2013 in the International Journal of Nursing Studies.... ...
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Scaffold Language Learning in Academic ESL Classroom
7 pages (2080 words) , Download 0 , Article
This paper "Scaffold Language Learning in Academic ESL Classroom" tells that scaffolding refers to giving a contextual meaning that supports the use of a language that is much simplified, uses graphics and visuals, the teacher modeling hands-on learning and cooperative learning.... ... ... ... This journal article observed in the paper is entitled 'Scaffold Language Learning in Academic ESL Classroom'....
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Caffeine may boost long-term memory
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
It specifically presents a research team's findings that caffeine increases the long term memory of the volunteers.... They are able to distinguish old and new pictures better if after.... ... ... As mentioned in the article, an average American consumes approximately 300mg of caffeine daily from sources such as tea, coffee and other energy as well as soft drinks....
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Principles of Viscosity and Lubrication by Escobar
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Principles of Viscosity and Lubrication by Escobar" elaborates more about viscosity and the different conditions that affect viscosity.... Escobar (2007) outlines the appropriate lubricants necessary for use in various environmental conditions.... ... ... ... The outstanding concept in the article is the various attributes of viscosity....
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Fatigue and Sleep Disturbance in HIV-Positive Women by M J Simoni et al
6 pages (1795 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Fatigue and Sleep Disturbance in HIV-Positive Women by M J Simoni et al" is a delightful example of an article on nursing.... The biodemal and behavioral expertise in nursing is greatly needed in HIV/AIDS patients.... According to the report, there has been no empirical data on this yet....
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The Issue of Global Warming
1 pages (285 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper focuses on global warming which occurs when the atmosphere is filled with carbon dioxide.... The increase of temperature on the earth is due to the burning of fossil fuels and greenhouse gases.... In addition, there are changes in climate and this has been caused by the shifts in orbit....
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New Curriculum from Teaching Tolerance
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The audience is able to find out at the outset what the article is about.... The content is short in length but precisely conveys the message of the author.... The author has wisely used the font and.... ... ... “online” in the first paragraph is in small letters whereas “FREE” is in capital as money is usually the biggest concern for the consumers. ...
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Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust Public Inquiry on the Horrifying Enduring of Patients at Stafford Hospital
8 pages (2426 words) , Download 0 , Article
It is not exceptional for medical attendants to confound the expressions "research" and "proof based practice.... Journal of the American medical Association 290(12), 1617–162 ... 2008, Developing and evaluating complex interventions: The new medical Research Council guidance.... British medical Journal 337(7676): 979–983.... medical Care 45(12): 1195–1204....
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Hormones Doping in Sports
9 pages (2490 words) , Download 0 , Article
The illegal doping leads to medical complications in the sports persons and in the end as a result of the side effects the sportspersons depend on the doping and there performance is affected (3). ... The international Olympic committee (OIC) took a step against the doping by making the medical commission.... This medical commission started the introduction of rules related to anti doping.... NTRODUCTION OF OFFICIAL medical DOPE TESTS ...
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Mechanistic Basis of Acupuncture
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Article
American practices of acupuncture incorporate medical traditions from China, Japan, Korea, and other countries.... Acupuncture is one of the oldest, most commonly used medical procedures in the world which originated in China more than 2,000 years ago.... American practices of acupuncture incorporate medical traditions from China, Japan, Korea, and other countries.... The medical benefits of acupuncture are now well recognized by the Western medical community....
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Three Christian Positions View on Abortion
7 pages (1818 words) , Download 1 , Article
His argument in this case, therefore, is that abortion is unethical, but it is allowable during medical emergencies.... Rowan Williams also considers abortion to be acceptable if there is a likelihood of the baby having serious disabilities after prenatal medical examination, and the mother insists that she does not have the coping capacity.... The latter supports the idea of allowing removal of the fetus only during early phases of pregnancy if it poses medical problems to the mother, but to avoid the action after the child has developed into advanced stages....
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Associations of Television Content Type and Obesity in Children
3 pages (750 words) , Download 0 , Article
He is an economics PhD The paper 'Associations of Television Content-Type and Obesity in Children by Zimmerman and Bell" is a delightful example of an article on social science.... The article is titled 'Associations of Television Content Type and Obesity in Children.... This article was written by two different authors....
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Denial as a Common Problem in Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
2 pages (536 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Denial as a Common Problem in Alcoholism and Drug Abuse" states that alcoholics should desist from expressing denial, especially when other people can clearly see it.... Admitting that one is an alcoholic goes a long way in ensuring that they overcome this problem.... ... ... ... Alcoholics who are severely affected by the problem tend to express a lot of denials compared to those who show mild effects of the problem....
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Price Drop of Chrysler 200, Dodge Journey and Dodge Avenger
4 pages (1195 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "Price Drop of Chrysler 200, Dodge Journey and Dodge Avenger" primarily deals with the pricing competition in the automobile industry specifically in the midsize vehicle segments.... Chrysler has attempted to reduce the sales prices of its multiple new models.... ... ... ... This article mainly addresses Chrysler's strategy pricing strategy for 2012 in order to combat the intensified competition from the market leaders in the midsize SUV segment....
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U.S. Childhood Obesity and Climate Change
2 pages (500 words) , Download 4 , Article
Galvez and Perry E.... Sheffield.... It objectively defines some of the causes of paediatric morbidity where it pays much attention to childhood obesity.... In determining the impact of climate change on the health of children in the United States,.... ... ... According to this article, physical appearance and provision of specific neighbor amenities including sidewalks and bicycle paths encourages the neighborhood to undertake Childhood Obesity And Climate Change al Affiliation Childhood Obesity and Climate Change The article was co ed by Maida P....
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Advancement of Home Networking
2 pages (603 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article "Advancement of Home Networking" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in the advancement of home networking.... Networking at home has followed the same path similar to other varied and even complex technological capabilities.... ... ... ... The core intention of the network at home was merely for teleworking....
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Using foreign financial statements
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article is about a very important field in contemporary financial world,the skills' requirements to read financial statements of foreign companies and extracting information of interest from these financials.... he article presents some techniques that organizations usually employ when their financial statements are provided to foreign users....
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Individual Creativity in the Workplace
5 pages (1332 words) , Download 3 , Article
This paper ''Individual Creativity in the Workplace'' tells us that the article 'Factors influencing individual creativity in the workplace: an examination of quantitative empirical research' by Toby Marshall Egan published in 'Advances in Developing human resources' in May 2005, talks about the importance of individual creativity....
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Eco-friendly Bulbs
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article "Advantages and Disadvantages of Using Eco-friendly Bulbs" discusses an article written by Zolfagharifard Ellie that was published by Daily Mail on October 17, 2014, titled, 'Are eco-friendly bulbs BAD for the environment?... LEDs attract 50% more insects and could damage ecosystems'....
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Exposure to Light at Night increases the risk of Breast Cancer
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
follow up on 78 562 women working as Nurses' in a health facility the medical practitioners helped with the health Study.... they had to complete a biennial questionnaire mailed to them which included questions about their health status, their medical history and if they knew or if they suspected any risk factor for cancer or heart disease.... After every two years, the participants had to fill-in a follow up questioner which was sent to cohort participants to keep them posted on the details on potential risk factors and to name newly diagnosed cases related to cancer and other main medical invents....
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Ethical Dilemma in Healthcare
3 pages (750 words) , Download 3 , Article
hen a medical error causes a patient to lose her eyesight, the medical staff ends up being put in a complex situation.... The article "Ethical Dilemma in Healthcare" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in ethical dilemmas in healthcare.... Health experts face various ethical dilemmas in their line of duty....
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You should submit at least 15 newspaper/journal/or television news stories over a 3 week period
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The statistics are astounding: “2,811 violent felonies in 2011 with about half of them being “violent felony sex crimes” (Slosson, 2012, para.... 1).... The statistics.... ... ... Slosson (2012) states that these sex crimes by soldiers have surpassed the national average for these types of crimes....
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Global Natural Gas Boom
1 pages (250 words) , Download 1 , Article
This article "Global Natural Gas Boom" presents the global energy use, the climate, and economics involving the current expansion of natural gas which is inexpensive.... I, therefore, find this article interesting because it informs about the recent impact of using inexpensive natural gas.... ... ...
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The Contract Situation of UC-Davis Health System
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
U-C Davis takes the stance that the County is responsible for the costs of these medical services with or without a contract.... The writer of this paper states that UC-Davis Health System filed a lawsuit against Sacramento County in California claiming the county had failed to pay them $125 million for indigent care services between July 2008 and September 2009....
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Multidisciplinary Intervention in Communication and Collaboration among Physicians and Nurses
2 pages (604 words) , Download 3 , Article
For this purpose, a survey was conducted on a medical inpatient unit in a tertiary care hospital at the University of California for a period of two years.... The intervention was conducted by the addition of one nurse practitioner, hospitalist medical director who oversaw the nurse practitioner and attending physician, Multidisciplinary rounds in hospitals are also conducted....
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Bridging Mental Health and Public Health
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Article
This article "Bridging Mental Health and Public Health" discusses the incorporation of mental health into the broader array of public health programs.... They detail how the Surgeon General's office recently released a report that called for the integration of mental health programs.... ... ... ... This data included findings in the underlining causes of mental disorders, which resulted in the increase in treatment programs and specialty practices....
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Transnational Business and Its Role in Contemporary Society
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This is a reflective paper 'Transnational Business and Its Role in Contemporary Society' which summarises the author's learning experience gained through the entire model describing each of the sessions undertaken by me all through the course.... ... ... ... The author states that the first session of the module was meant to have an understanding of the various types of business concerns operating in different parts of the world and how they are governed....
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Labor Economics
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "Labor Economics" focuses on the article written by Pedro Nicolaci Da Costa in The Wall Street Journal about unemployment.... The article 'Fed Should Push Unemployment Well Below 5%, Paper Says' was published on March 25, 2015.... First, a summary of the article is presented.... ... ...
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The Importance of Leadership Skills
5 pages (1508 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "The Importance of Leadership Skills" describes that with the increase in economic activities, business houses are in need of leaders, and individuals in the initial stage of their career would do well to follow the principles and develop into effective leaders.... ... ... ... The article deals with the importance of the leadership skills acquired in the early part of the career and the importance of these skills in the future growth of the career....
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Cheating in Academic Institutions by Donald McCabe
2 pages (598 words) , Download 2 , Article
The present article 'Cheating in Academic Institutions by Donald McCabe' mainly targets academicians, students and faculty heads where the authors highlight the problem of cheating in academic institutions and the possible causes of this dishonesty.... It is based on one decade of research.... ... ...
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Shared Leadership by Vass Graham
2 pages (600 words) , Download 3 , Article
The essay 'Shared Leadership by Vass Graham' is based on the article, which says that the shared leadership is like a common bond, as in a team, or projected by just a few people, who share a certain charisma and leadership qualities.... He feels that shared leadership is the basis of great performance....
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The Silent Language in Overseas Business by Edward T. Hall
2 pages (637 words) , Download 7 , Article
In this review 'The Silent Language in Overseas Business by Edward T.... Hall' comments about the usefulness of the article for an American manager doing business in Brazil are offered.... In the article, Hall describes five key elements of culture that determine cross-cultural interaction.... ... ...
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Architecture as Engineering
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Article
rchitecture as engineering actually grew out of the philosophy of the mind, in which the evolution of thought and the proper approach to science was speculated upon.... … These are the principles, both positive and negative, which Bacon proposes as the basis of modern science and which should lead man to conscious discoveries and hence to domination over nature” (“The Philosophy of Francis Bacon”, 2006).... “Throughout the history of architecture he saw a fundamental principle, in the application of reason to the satisfaction of needs, and this substantiated his case for architecture as a science and saved it from its fate as a historical curiosity....
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Benefits of Breastfeeding in the United States
2 pages (566 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper "Benefits of Breastfeeding in the United States" focuses on geographical areas, ethnic groups, and people of certain wealth participate in breastfeeding.... It is proven that breastfeeding or human milk offers the breastfeeding child the best chances at fighting and preventing diseases....
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Altered Cognition as Physiological or Psychological Response
10 pages (2728 words) , Download 1 , Article
It's actually an art and science that is used in maintaining a better life of an individual from the beginning to the end.... Delirium is rather a clinical entity due to an underlying medical condition and resolves with treatment of the underlying disorder.... Some medical conditions based on some evidence from the history, physical examination and laboratory tests are also likely to cause disturbance to the consciousness....
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Major Problems in Dealing with Health in Rural India and Advise on how to Address the Problems
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
Poor health policies and inadequate training of the medical personnel The introduction of selective health care provision by the colonial government in India was the basis of the “modern medicine “as referred to by Indians (Ashok et al 11).... For example, modern medical training, an initiative that is funded by local people has failed to meet the needs of rural dwellers that form the biggest percentage of Indian residents....
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EU Leaders Sign Financial Treaty
5 pages (1490 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "EU Leaders Sign Financial Treaty" tells us about a discussion on the signing of a financial treaty within the European Union purposely meant to prevent seventeen member countries from living beyond their means.... ... ... ... The fiscal compact, which is the name of the accord with the budget discipline rules, also seeks to bring a closer economic and political integration of the Euro Zone....
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The Future of Fracking: New Rules Target Air Emissions for Cleaner Natural Gas Production
1 pages (346 words) , Download 2 , Article
From the paper "The Future of Fracking: New Rules Target Air Emissions for Cleaner Natural Gas Production" it is clear that environmental Protection Agency that is abbreviated as EPA stated that they were concerned about the high levels of pollution resulting from unsupervised fracking locations....
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Managing Diversity Strategies
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the article by Glenn Llopis, diversity management is depicted as a mandatory key to growth, and the authenticity of the strategies employed depict the success of the process.... The article develops the assumption that diversity in the modern corporate environment surpasses the.... ... ... Glenn points out that the view of diversity management being a requirement for affirmative action has been surpassed by the need to increase the ability of an organization to address the requirement of an evolving business world (1)....
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Technology Education relevant to Curriculum Methods
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Article
This paper is going to summarize and critique the article entitled 'Technology as a Tool to Support Instruction'.... The use of instructional technology in education has resulted in some changes in the roles of teachers to being facilitators or coaches as opposed to experts.... ... ... ... Instructional technology refers to the use of technological devices to support learning amongst students....
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How to Build and Lead Successful Online Communities by Nic Laycock
1 pages (250 words) , Download 0 , Article
The author of the paper "How to Build and Lead Successful Online Communities by Nic Laycock" has listed myriad steps that ensure the success of virtual communities.... The most important step is to recognize the purpose of the online community.... .... ... ... Nic Laycock, in his article regarding virtual communities and social networking services, titled 'How to Build and Lead Successful Online Communities: Getting Started with an Online Community', talks about what steps are necessary to bring an online social network or virtual community into practice....
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Is Facebook Growing up Too Fast by Brad Stone
3 pages (862 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article 'Is Facebook Growing up Too Fast' discusses the rapid increase in the popularity and membership of Facebook.... It is interesting for a critique as it offers multiple perspectives of the facts about its growth, technological changes, and the social issues connected with it.... ... ... ...
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Providing Sex Education for Their Children by Joy L
2 pages (685 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper 'Providing Sex Education for Their Children by Joy L' revolves around the discussion of the article.... It discusses the parents' role in providing their children with the basic knowledge of sex education; it argues that should parents discuss early sex knowledge with their children or not?...
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Fuel Systems and Alternative Fuels
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
It has described how the use of the alternative fuel shall be a breakthrough for the entire world and how all human races shall be.... ... ... Inversely, Dowling has also been thoughtful to outline a few threats posed by the invention of biofuels.... However, the article seems quite descriptive with no clear objectives....
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