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IT Professionals
4 pages (1111 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
For the position of a C++ programmer, the person must have prior in-depth knowledge of C++ programming language.... He must have an authentic degree in computer science or should have done courses in programming which prove his knowledge.... He must have experience working with object-oriented design, data structures, pointers, multithreading, and applications programming.... Advertisements can be given in paper with a listing of all requirements like education, any teaching experience, depth of knowledge about object-oriented programming, salary and other benefits....
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Business Ethics: Case of Arthur Andersen
6 pages (1637 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
"Business Ethics: Case of Arthur Andersen" paper examines the case of Arthur Andersen and Clarence Delaney who were the co-founders of Arthur Andersen.... The audit firm was founded in 1913 in Chicago.... Originally, it was known as Andersen, Delaney & Co.... .... ... ... Arthur Anderson was offering accounting services to many companies....
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Product Liability Suit - Positioning Manufacturing Plants away from Green Environment Policies
8 pages (2310 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
Several states in America, specifically the state of California, practice strict environmental compliance policies that become a burden to most manufacturing companies.... The costs attributed to the improvement of environmental management and production process are very high,.... ... ... The paper 'Product Liability Suit - Positioning Manufacturing Plants away from Green Environment Policies' is an exciting example of the environmental case study....
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Duty of Care and Negligence
8 pages (2347 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper 'Duty of Care and Negligence' is an outstanding variant of case study on nursing.... The nursing practice is subject to a range of legal, ethical and professional duties.... The main one involves the duty of care owed to patients.... Ethical and legal implications may arise when the duty of care is breached....
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Understanding Cross National Employment: the Case of M&S
7 pages (2089 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This paper "Understanding Cross National Employment: the Case of M&S" discusses how the institutional perspective, as well as the cultural aspect, would have helped the management in analyzing and getting a grip on the cross boundaries employee relationships.... ... ... ... More critically with the rise of awareness of rights and the concept of right-sizing or downsizing, has moved human resource management (HRM) from a point where it was considered a not-so-important activity to the time where it is considered a major driver of the organizational productivity – the role of HRM has raced to leave behind other support functions....
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The dilemma of the CEO, Arauco Case
7 pages (1942 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The paper highlights that a company can achieve growth from its core business by the adjacency moves.... CEO's move of acquisition of a new chemical plant is a strategic plan of horizontal integration and expansion so that it could better serve its new segment of international customers.... ... ... ...
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Compare two different case
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
For one, Bombliss v.... Cornelsen and Internet Solutions Corp.... v.... Marshall are all about defamation and injurious falsehood, also known as trade libel.... Concerning the latter, Tabitha Marshall is charged with airing information that.... ... ... Cornelsen also airs information that defames and injures Bombliss' business interests....
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Cash in Hand
1 pages (293 words) , Download 18 , Case Study
This paper concerns the ethics in business refers to the basic codes of conduct required such as honesty, the confidentiality of employees and employers in order to ensure the success of the business (Gavai 2010).... ... ... ... In this case study the manager, Mr.... Thompson of Fashion First retail outlet committed tax illegality of tax evasion....
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Physical Evidence John F. Kennedy Assassination Case Review
11 pages (3163 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This work describes the pieces of evidence of John F.... Kennedy Assassination Case Review.... It demonstrates this occasion from the beginning to the end in detail.... The work shows the importance of this historic event and also its influence on the life of the US.... .... ... ... Mystery has surrounded the truth about the evidence, the honesty of the reporting, and the inconsistencies between the Zapruder film and the narrative to the point that speculation ranges from intergovernmental conspiracy to Communist plot....
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Analysis of Schizophrenia Case and Treatment Plan
2 pages (564 words) , Download 12 , Case Study
The author examines the case of Anna who is experiencing Schizophrenia malady whose unique nature encompasses losing contact with reality thus prompting one seems to focus his or her attention elsewhere.... The treatment plan for Anna will involve reducing or eliminating symptoms.... .... ... ... The DSM 5 code for this disorder requires that one must show one of these three symptoms, hallucinations, delusions as well as a disorganized speech....
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EnCom Energy Solutions
18 pages (4500 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The purpose of this case study 'EnCom Energy Solutions' is to create a theoretical framework within which a set of operational concerns that are facing an organization can be tackled using mathematical programming and optimization techniques.... he purpose of this case study is to create a theoretical framework within which a set of operational concerns that are facing an organization can be tackled using mathematical programming and optimization techniques. ...
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Analysis of Green Move Case
10 pages (2536 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The author of the "Analysis of Green Move Case" paper analizes the conflict between the management and him/herself.... As such, the author chooses to use the cooperation conflict resolution style.... This may help him/her in making sure that all the factors have been examined.... ... ... ... The issue, in this case, is very clear....
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North Korea: A Detailed Study
10 pages (2690 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"North Korea: A Detailed Study" paper explores several aspects of North Korea including its geography, people, government, military, international issues, terrorism, and crime issues.... North Korea is situated between China and South Korea and it also borders Korea Bay and the Sea of Japan.... ....
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Analysis of Harlequin Case
1 pages (282 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
"Analysis of Harlequin Case" paper examines Harlequin, a massive publishing company, which deals primarily with the publication of romance series.... The company has a massive customer base, which consists primarily of women.... The company's customer base is quite massive consisting of 50 million people....
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Starbucks Case Analysis
5 pages (1388 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The main objective of this paper 'Starbucks Case Analysis' is to provide a lucid comprehension about how the aspect of employee development can facilitate Starbucks to mitigate the rising issues and also to maintain their competitive position amid their competitors.... ... ... ... It has been viewed that with the increasing competitors and the growth for supplementary products are establishing new challenges for the company....
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Secure Computer System - Case Studies
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Factors considered when converting a section of general office space to server room; firstly, the walls should not be close to exterior walls which could be damp because of containing water.... Exterior walls are subject to be blown by strong winds.... For doors, I would pick an interior area and make doors with sizes large enough to pass the LAN equipment....
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Analysis of Ghaidan vs Godin-Mendoza Case
11 pages (2958 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author of the "Analysis of Ghaidan vs Godin-Mendoza Case" paper focuses on a landmark case both in terms of the historical application of the Human Rights Act 1998 (HRA) and in the manner that statutory interpretation gives effect to convention rights.... .... ... ... Lord Nicholls asserts that it has always been the intent of Parliament to implement and give effect to the Convention rights, such that '[p]arliament has decreed that all legislation, existing and future, shall be interpreted in a particular way....
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Legal Position of the Cases
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
This study "Legal Position of the Cases" examines two particular cases regarding the application of business law.... The study firstly briefly outlines the facts and background of each case.... Furthermore, the writer would provide a legal analysis along with conclusive recommendations.... ... ... ...
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The Van Modification Case
5 pages (1560 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
From the paper "The Van Modification Case" it is clear that in civil society, and in consideration of Del and Boyse's sides, the action done by Boyse for his customer Del is very damaging and highly compromising considering that Del has taken Boyse's statement/s as facts.... ... ... ... The damages for misrepresentation usually reflect Del's reliance interest, whereas damages for breach of a contract protect Del's expectation interest, although the rules on mitigation will apply in this case....
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Stakeholder Comparative Study
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
A paper "Stakeholder Comparative Study" claims that the British Land Company is a public company for which the primary business is real estate, while Shell Development Company of Nigeria is a subsidiary of the Royal Shell Company and is focused on the energy sector in Africa.... ... ... ... The following paper presents discuss and reviews the main stakeholders of British Land Company in comparison to the Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria....
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Starbucks Case Analysis
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Starbucks Case Analysis Introduction Starbucks Corporation is an American global coffee company specially known for providing a wide variety of coffee products to choose from.... Established in the year 1971 in Seattle, United States, today the business is considered to be the world's largest coffee house company operating in almost 50 countries globally along with providing employment opportunities to almost 149,000 employees....
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U05a1 Case Analysis
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Case Analysis “Almost a Worst-Case Scenario: The Baltimore Tunnel Fire of 2001” (College) “Almost a Worst-Case Scenario: The Baltimore Tunnel Fire of 2001” The Baltimore Tunnel Fire of 2001 was an accident that did not go out of control leading to mass destruction, due primarily to luck, and then to reasonably coordinated activities, though with limited resources and knowledge....
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Martha Stewart's case
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
Martha Steward is a successful business lady who knows all that happens when suspicious business deals are made.... hen she was called by Faneuil on coming back from her trip, she never bothered to question herself about the transaction she was about to make.... ... ... ... The transaction she was about to make was illegal because it was not authorized from the owner of Merrill Lynch....
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Case analysis
1 pages (254 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
Since it was apparently noted that the organization's human resources don't seem to be effective employees, there are ways that management should do.... ... ... Martires (2004), a very significant factor in the efficient performance and retention of workers is their motivation.... Management should be aware of and recognize the employees' motives in order to guide, lead and direct them properly....
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Incorporating a Hospital Information System with Hospital Quality Assurance Program System
7 pages (1953 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
o develop this system, we used ruby on rails as a programming language.... ‘Benefits of programming in Ruby - gHacks Tech News.... This case study "Incorporating a Hospital Information System with Hospital Quality Assurance Program System" presents hospitals having an information system that is not enough....
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Geico Case Analysis
5 pages (1514 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The study "Geico Case Analysis" focuses on the critical, and thorough analysis of the major issues on the Geico case.... Rewarding employees is one of the most critical functions of a company not only as an act of remunerating its employees for its work.... ... ... ... Failure in this area would be disastrous to the company for it will translate to a high attrition rate, lack of talent, ineffectiveness, and inefficiency which would ultimately redound to the competitiveness of a business leading to its demise in the marketplace....
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Emergency Care for Severe Acute Appendicitis
6 pages (1905 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
The paper 'Emergency Care for Severe Acute Appendicitis ' is engrossing a version of a case study on nursing.... Case study B presents a situation where Mr.... J, is supposedly admitted to a rural hospital on an emergency case of severe acute appendicitis.... On arrival, he receives an appendectomy operation in the same hospital....
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Analysis of Religious Accommodation Case
1 pages (315 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author analyzes the religious accommodation case in which the EEOC justified their claim to sue JBS for violation of the civil rights of their Muslim employees by holding that the company had created a hostile work atmosphere for their employees.... .... ... ... The commission held that JBS-SWIFT failed to exercise religious accommodation violated by denying the employees a chance to pray during their holy month of Ramadan....
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Analysis of Business Case Studies
11 pages (2951 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"Analysis of Business Case Studies" paper explains the potential effects on Gadgets2u.... om as interest rates go up.... and identifies the potential effect of changes in the euro to dollar and euro to yen exchange rates on the performance of Gadgets2u.... om.... .... ... ... One favorite trick (technically illegal) is transfer pricing....
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Atlanta Child Murder Case Analysis
6 pages (1764 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The study "Atlanta Child Murder Case Analysis" critically analyzes the Atlanta child murder case, murder crimes committed over the period of 1979 and 1981.... It discusses the overview of the case, the types of evidence used by the prosecutor, and the methods used in justifying the evidence.... ... ...
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The Role of Trust in Saudi Telecom Company
4 pages (1269 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
This case study "The Role of Trust in Saudi Telecom Company" focuses on the quality of products bought on the internet that is difficult to judge until it is delivered and can be experienced.... The company selling its goods and services on the internet must evolve marketing strategies.... ... ... ...
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Abrahams Case on Business Law
9 pages (2639 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The study "Abraham's Case on Business Law" discusses a business case in the law of tort made by Abraham.... The first Abraham's claim of negligence is against the shop manager (as personal liability) and the shop manager's employer under the principle of vicarious liability for personal injuries....
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Analysis of Media Cases
19 pages (4963 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
"Analysis of Media Cases" paper analyzes the case of Davies & Jones against Sporting Sunday based on previous case law and current UK and EU Statute.... Davies & Jones could obtain an interim injunction from the court to avoid further publication of unauthorized photographs.... ... ... ... On the issue of costs for obtaining an interim injunction, the court ruled there should be no order issued with regards to the cost and payment for the hearing....
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The Case of SG Cowen
4 pages (1198 words) , Download 5 , Case Study
The paper "The Case of SG Cowen" explains that initially, the case provides background on the investment banking industry as of 2001 and the significant changes that have taken place as a result of new banks entering the industry and established banks merging to form large conglomerates.... ... ... ...
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Applying the Case to Real Life Practice
1 pages (371 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The paper "Applying the Case to Real-Life Practice" tells that so many companies have adopted ABC's use because it is a flexible system that could provide special reports to management and accordingly make decisions on selling and delivering a product or service.... ... ... ... ABC has been the subject of scholarly research and articles since it was introduced twenty years ago....
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Innovative Marketing and Technology: The Case of Sonic Solutions
7 pages (1882 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
The rationale for the study "Innovative Marketing and Technology: The Case of Sonic Solutions" is to examine the target market of Sonic Solutions.... The writer attempts to design the business strategy aimed towards maximizing the marketability and the functionality of new products.... ... ... ...
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Westward Hilton Hotel Case
2 pages (500 words) , Download 7 , Case Study
The essay "Westward Hilton Hotel Case" analyzes Westward Hilton Hotel which has the highest occupancy rates which guarantee the huge profit.... A hotel has competitive advantages which ensure progress and continuity.... In the market, Westward Hilton grasps existing opportunities and makes more profit....
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Data Mining and Accounting
6 pages (1622 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
For instance use of Neural Networks, Fuzzy logic and genetic programming in large Corporation data warehouse can detect fraud instantly as well as project future fraudulent activities and should be embraced (Venkatadri & Lokanatha, 2011).... The paper 'Data Mining and Accounting' is a felicitous example of finance & accounting case study ю Data mining, also known as knowledge discovery in databases KDD or data, involves a data analysis technique in which data is analyzed from different angles to come up with recognized patterns that can be interpreted into useful information that can be applied to solve problems or to help in operations....
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Ben and Jerry's Homemade Case
2 pages (500 words) , Download 6 , Case Study
Shareholders' value appreciates in real terms only when net profit increases of the shares in the stock market, when it is a listed company.... Otherwise also, the company was introducing new product range but due to its.... ... ... Relatively other companies were earning high, as they were selling at relatively high prices....
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Elemental Technologies Case
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
The fact that Blackman and his former boss, together with two other former colleagues, founded the company meant that they knew what they were doing and that they were good at what they did.... Since they left a company, which lead in its field with amazing sales, showed that the.... ... ... Their backgrounds were software engineering, integrated circuit designing and chip designing, which showed that they had what it took to succeed in the industry....
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The Case For, or Against, New Orleans
7 pages (2060 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
"The Case For or Against New Orleans" paper analizes the case study that provided a timeline of what occurred in Freret in the outcome of the storm and the nature of the response of the community to a process of the planning that transpired and the attempts to execute these plans in the first year....
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Charlotte/Douglas International Airport Case
8 pages (2224 words) , Download 1 , Case Study
"Charlotte/Douglas International Airport Case" paper presents the potential application of airport design to solve some of the emerging key issues at Charlotte/Douglas International Airport (CLT) namely the congestion issues with the north ramp holding of the airport.... ... ... ... There is a number of potential benefits that are likely to result from upgrading the current CAT I approach Runway 18C to a CAT III approach....
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Patagonia Case Analysis
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Case Study
YOUR NAME HERE YOUR COURSE HERE DATE HERE Patagonia Case Analysis SITUATION ANALYSIS Casey Sheahan's Patagonia excels in its commitment to corporate social responsibility, supported by its charitable donations and grant awards.... The business has identified its appropriate target market consisting of those who live the “dirtbag” lifestyle which is a phrase developed by the business leadership to describe a more active, rugged and outdoor-minded lifestyle....
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English Banking Law: Did the Case of Horsham Killed the Case of Boland
9 pages (2485 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The author of the paper examines the law of overriding interests that can be explained better with the case of Williams and Glyn's Bank v Boland (1981).... This was a case whereby a question was raised with regard to the overriding interests of the wife.... ... ... ... Legal rights to a land occur when the interest in the land is transferred either by a deed of sale which carries the registered title, then the mortgagor is said to have acquired the legal rights to the land....
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Berman vs Department of Interior Case
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The following case study "Berman vs Department of Interior Case" is focused on the judgment on Merit Systems Protection Board for Berben vs.... Dep't of Interior.... It is stated that the court instructed the Board to order the Department of Interior in order to compensation to Berman.... ... ... ...
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Whole Foods Case
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
n the current environment of long drawn financial meltdown and recessive economy, the survival of businesses has become critical part of business strategy.... The leadership initiatives within organizations become the major imperative that interprets the vision and mission of the organizations in the context of changing business dynamics....
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Web-Based Application Development
12 pages (3035 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
The server-side backend refers to where the processing unit resides, in other words the codes and the logic that facilitates all accounting operations.... This case study "Web-Based Application Development" presents the development and improvements of web-based platforms.... One of the most demanding areas is security....
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Financing and Takeovers: Case of BT Group
10 pages (3093 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
The paper "Financing and Takeovers: Case of BT Group" is a perfect example of a case study on finance and accounting.... Factors Influencing the Share Price: Management Profile – this entails the experience, knowledge, skills, successful track record, and ethical stance that the management of the respective firm possesses....
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Early Childhood Education and Care
8 pages (2215 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
In this paper "Early Childhood Education and Care" early childhood construction and how institutions of the UK and Sweden are constructed will be critically and comparatively analyzed.... Methods, sources, reasons and limitations of comparative analyses method will be discussed in the introduction....
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Risk Factors That Cause Hypertension
1 pages (339 words) , Download 10 , Case Study
The paper "Risk Factors That Cause Hypertension" argues in a well-organized manner that risk factors that cause hypertension include HTN x8 years, smoking, obesity cases, an increased intake of salt, and minimal exercise.... The author presents a case of a 61-year-old who suffers from hypertension....
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