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Male Intimacy Friendship
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper stresses that the tradition that is experienced in the west has defined comradeship found among men to be the paradigm of friendship.... According to Vera Brittain, friendships found in their purest form have always been thought to exist often among the men as opposed to the women.... ....
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From Evaluating a Skilled Care Initiative in Rural Burkina Faso to Policy Implications for Safe Motherhood in Africa
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This essay analyses the role of safe motherhood policy in reducing cases of maternal, perinatal mortality.... The theoretical framework that guides the study presented in the article is that skilled attendance is regarded as being among the most important strategies of intervention for safe motherhood....
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Respiratory Muscle Strength Effect on Linear and Nonlinear Heart Rate Variability Parameters
2 pages (632 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Respiratory Muscle Strength Effect on Linear and Nonlinear Heart Rate Variability Parameters" is to determine the Heart Rate Variability indices and the Heart Rate of COPD patients during IC and VM.... This objective is achieved by a rationale properly explained in the introductory part....
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Systems of Parenting in Roaring Tigers, Anxious Choppers by Nancy Gibbs
2 pages (553 words) , Download 1 , Article
This paper "Systems of Parenting in Roaring Tigers, Anxious Choppers by Nancy Gibbs " tells that in her article, Nancy Gibbs talks of how Chua has distinguished between Asian parents and American parents.... These two cultures have a different way of bringing up children as observed by Chua.... ... ...
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The Impact of Congruency of Ambient Scent on Static Advertising Recall
1 pages (496 words) , Download 3 , Article
From the paper "The Impact of Congruency of Ambient Scent on Static Advertising Recall" it is clear that the variation of an advertisement is of importance to the producer or retailer of a product because it emphasizes the various ways in which the consumer recalls the product.... ... ... ... The use of scents to capture the attention of the consumer in the corporate sector dates back to the 1990s....
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Evidence-Based Practice Intervention
1 pages (561 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper "Evidence-Based Practice Intervention" states that the second study was done in order to compare the effectiveness of motor control exercises and graded activity for patients with chronic non-specific low back pain.... The study was conducted in Sydney, Australia.... ... ... ... The sample taken for the study comprised 257 healthy women whose ages lied between 18 and 40 years....
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Close Look at Hedge Funds
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article "Close Look at Hedge Funds" focuses on the critical, and multifaceted analysis of the major issues in the close look at hedge funds.... During the economic crisis, hedge funds made a lot of money betting that bonds based on mortgages would fall.... ... ... ... Hedge funds have a specialty of investing in highly risk stocks and bonds that would virtually guarantee profit....
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Market Segments Analysis
1 pages (442 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Market Segments Analysis" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues in market segments.... Research ethics is a wide umbrella that deals with the responsible conduct of research and its entire component.... Research ethics means putting into action moral rules.... ... ... ...
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For Capital Punishment
30 pages (7500 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper highlights that capital punishment is one of the most debated issues of our time which according to Walter Berns 'arouses the angriest of passions'.... There were times in history that it was implemented so strictly because of the demands of the times.... ... .... ... ... According to the paper, a popular human rights activist, Hans Gyran Franck, once said that 'it is well-known fact that the general attitude toward the death penalty can shift drastically [and] it is mainly after particularly gruesome acts of violence that the ideas favoring retribution and a tough stance against crime gain currency....
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Child Development: Participants and Method
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Article
ynthesis of the articles ... In the paper 'Child Development: Participants and Method' the author focuses on the two studies, which showed depression in two developmental stages: Infants and adolescence.... In the first study, Gartstein and Bateman studied the influence that mothers who were depressed had on their infants....
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World Trade Organization: The Doha Mandate and the Geneva Talks
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
1: After reading both the articles, do you think that the Geneva talks in 2008 prove that the WTO failed to liberalize agricultural trade ... This paper has two parts.... Part I analyses the roles and objectives of the WTO.... It explores the various subjects such as agriculture, services, transfer of technology and so on....
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Financing Greece and European Union Economy
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
The goal of this article is to briefly state the issue of the financial crisis in Greece and how it affects the EU economy.... Moreover, the article "Financing Greece and European Union Economy" provides a discussion regarding miscellaneous proposals to resolve the issue.... ... ... ... One of the problem areas in the EU pertains to the financial problems of key members such as Greece, which act as a weak link to the Union and which threaten to undermine the stability of the European currency and the general economy....
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
In case of public schools, the role of improved administrative procedures in all aspects is very critical as better administrative procedures can bring a.... ... ... In today's educational environment, comparatively less attention is being given to improve the working of public schools as compared to private schools which is one of the main reasons Therefore, the need of today is to explore the importance of restructuring the administrative procedures in terms of improved policies and legislation in improving the performance of public school teachers and students....
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Telaviv vs Yusuf
5 pages (1308 words) , Download 2 , Article
om/articles/38/1/Contracts/Page1.... This article "Telaviv vs Yusuf" discusses Telaviv who sent Yusuf an e-mail to ask whether he was interested in selling his laptop to her for £120 or not, and Yusuf responded immediately that the price offered by her was not an acceptable one for him....
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Plagiarism and Cheating in the Science and Technology Field
4 pages (1247 words) , Download 0 , Article
Plagiarism can manifest itself in variety of ways and is not only confined to the field of education, that is, in publishing of articles or books but is also growing in the field of science and technology.... The "Plagiarism and Cheating in the Science and Technology Field" paper states that plagiarism is a serious offense and has to be dealt carefully, a person found guilty of plagiarism is to be severely punished at all times leading to demotion from jobs, degrees, honors as a result of their misdeed....
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Personality in Computer Games
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Computer games have gained enormous popularity in spite of many dedicated gaming machines like Play Station, Xbox, Nintendo and the WII.... This popularity has amassed over several decades of creative game development and adding extra features that attract the PC users that force them to keep on buying these games....
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Disability in the UK: Measuring Equality by Purdam
5 pages (1295 words) , Download 0 , Article
dentify 4 journal articles that would be useful to follow up this reading.... This paper "Disability in the UK: Measuring Equality by Purdam" reviews the evidence in the data of surveys conducted on the lives of disabled people in the United Kingdom.... There is wide inequality for disabled people with regard to health issues....
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Differences between Parents Understanding and Those Diagnosed
4 pages (1304 words) , Download 3 , Article
Critique the Literature Review The literature review used in the research comprises of the materials from books, journals and articles while the report that follow come from the internet.... "Differences between Parents Understanding and Those Diagnosed" paper focuses on the study which was conducted to investigate the different views between the victims of AS and the caretakers and the parents....
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Natural Disasters of the Modern World
13 pages (3250 words) , Download 5 , Article
articles & Resources ... articles ... This paper "Natural Disasters of the Modern World" focuses on the fact that a natural disaster is an event of nature that takes human lives and destroys property.... Focusing on this definition there are at least six acceptable categories under which natural disasters can be classified....
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New Clues to Genetics of Type 2 Diabetes
15 pages (3750 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article 'New Clues to Genetics of Type 2 Diabetes' is concerned with Type 2 Diabetes, its consequences, its causes and in particular to what extent and why is it more common among certain people groups than in other groups.... It considers various research projects.... ... ... ... The author states that Type 2 diabetes is also known as adult-onset diabetes or non-insulin dependent diabetes....
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Evaluating of a Work's K Van Royen Severe Sexual Harassment on Social Networking Sites
17 pages (4624 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper " Evaluating of a Work's K.... Van Royen Severe Sexual Harassment on Social Networking Sites " is a great example of an article on nursing.... After careful consideration of all the aspects of this research paper, its overall evaluation is adequate.... ... ... ... The paper " Evaluating of a Work's K....
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Security Issues in Wireless Networks
16 pages (4414 words) , Download 3 , Article
This paper ''An Evaluation of the Recent IEEE 802.... 1ac Wireless Protocol'' discusses the security matters of using the wireless techniques.... It views the: an authentication enhancement, the key management and establishment and an encryption enhancement.... ... .... ... ... It will also be viewed on its differences with the older protocol 802....
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Second Malignancies in Breast Cancer Patients Following Radiotherapy - a Study in Florence, Italy
10 pages (2710 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper "Second Malignancies in Breast Cancer Patients Following Radiotherapy - a Study in Florence, Italy" discusses mammographic density as the risk factor related to interval cancers.... The paper focuses on the development of certain medicines and their pros and cons on humans.... ... ... ... Research papers focus on evidence and proof....
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Female Genital Cutting
10 pages (3275 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Female Genital Cutting" focuses on the critical analysis of the historical inferences of the practice while delving into the present circumstances surrounding it.... It highlights the reasons maintained for the ritual while targeting the involved communities.... ... ... ... New research shows the effects of female genital cutting in society as a negative form of ritual....
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To What Extent the IMF Reflects the Interests of Its Members
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Article
This article "To What Extent the IMF Reflects the Interests of Its Members" focuses on the International Monetary Fund that was founded in an effort to maintain and stabilize the monetary situations in the twenty-nine original member countries.... Its direction changed with the times.... ... ... ...
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Tales of Trash
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Article
In the paper 'Tales of Trash,' the author examines the scientific concepts and shade more light on how human beings think, feel and behave based on the actual, illusionary or implied existence of other people.... Social psychology appears to enclose a broad range of social subjects.... ... ... ... The author states that in psychology and sociology, human identity refers to an individual's conception and relaying of their unique self and others' personality or relationships in groups....
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Interviews with Sexually Assaulted People
13 pages (3318 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Interviews with Sexually Assaulted People" highlights that male rape survivors are aware of counseling organizations as well as post-trauma symptoms, and they know where to go for help.... Changing social attitudes is not entirely dependent on money.... ... ... ... Four men said that having the support of others was very helpful and one mentioned that he felt good about supporting others in turn....
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The Semiotics and Content Analysis in Relations to Public Relations and Instagram
10 pages (2795 words) , Download 0 , Article
This paper ''The Semiotics and Content Analysis in Relations to Public Relations and Instagram'' tells that Instagram is a social network where users can share images and comments.... It offers users a simple, easy way to take and edit photographs, and then post them across all major social media platforms....
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Differences and Similarities in Disability in Europe
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Article
This paper 'Differences and Similarities in Disability in Europe' will discuss the similarities and differences in disability and social care provision in England and Sweden.... The paper will explore different problems in both countries and evaluate them based on the differences between them.... ...
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Independent Living of People With Disabilities
12 pages (3537 words) , Download 1 , Article
This article "Independent Living of People With Disabilities" discusses the attitudinal barriers which affect the understanding of disability and how such attitudes often impact how these individuals are living their lives.... A discussion on attitudes and culture shall be included.... .... ... ... This article will ultimately provide insight for health professionals and the general population on how attitudes can affect the care and rehabilitation of people with disabilities and how changes in such attitudes can also help provide improved perspectives for these individuals....
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Critical Analysis of Hebrew Literature Curriculum for Arab Sector in Israel
20 pages (5000 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper analyses the paper 'The portrayal of the Jewish Figure in Literary Texts.... ... ... written by S.... Zamir and S.... Hauptman.... The discussions on the Hebrew curriculum for Arab schools in Israel by Zamir and Hauptman are analyzed and presented in the light of the radical Marxist approach to education....
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Social Worker Administrator
13 pages (3575 words) , Download 0 , Article
This paper ''Social Worker Administrator'' tells that Individuals' quality of life depends on coping with real life challenges such as conflicts, unemployment, and alike.... Today's life has been characterized by many of these challenges; some require more than just the family's resolution question, but a specialist's help....
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Pronunciation Accuracy: A Sociolinguistic Investigation
10 pages (2961 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article "Pronunciation Accuracy: A Sociolinguistic Investigation" examines the impact of group processes, including norms and cohesiveness of the groups, as influencing motivation, and expounds on issues concerning group processes, cohesiveness, group norms, self-efficacy, and learner autonomy....
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Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
11 pages (3791 words) , Download 0 , Article
"Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease" paper provides a different definition of COPD as per different scholars and highlights the causes, Pathophysiology, signs, and symptoms.... The paper describes the management of COPD which shall entail preventive measures and available treatment....
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Los Angeles Against the Mountains by John Mcpee
2 pages (661 words) , Download 12 , Article
The paper 'Los Angeles Against the Mountains by John Mcpee' looks at the story, which is set in Los Angeles with reference to the San Gabriel Mountains 'whose loose inimical slopes flout the tolerance of the angle of repose'.... It tells the ordeal of a certain Genofile family.... ... ... ... The author states that Debris flows is a kind of mass wasting event which can occur suddenly and inundate entire towns in a matter of minutes....
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Intro to Astronmy
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Pictures from mars and Jupiter are being taken from the self driven rocket sent by man to exploit the outside world.... This aircraft is the first to ever orbit any body outside the asteroid.... ... ... They also believed that the sun was at rest and never moved an inch.... They also believed that the stars kept rotating on a celestial sphere and moved around once a day....
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A Cultural Movement in Graphic Design
6 pages (1362 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper 'A Cultural Movement in Graphic Design' focuses on punk that refers to an American graphic style that started in the 1970s and exemplified a youthful attempt to rebel.... The style was a clear appearance of postmodernism where imagery commonly contended with comic book art.... ... ... ... Punk carried on to develop into a lifestyle, deeply rooted in an anti-corporate ethic of 'do-it-yourself....
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Negligence Tort Lawsuit
6 pages (1821 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "Negligence Tort Lawsuit " states that a Sacramento-based basketball team, The Kings, and the injured player Francisco Garcia, sued a plastic manufacturing company named Ledraplastic S.... .... .... for faulty product leading to personal injury, asking for $4 million in damages.... ... ...
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Relationship between Work and Leisure
6 pages (1833 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Relationship between Work and Leisure" will discuss how work is related to leisure from the Marxian plus Weberian perspectives.... To fully understand the relationship, the article analyzes unemployment, housework as well as tourism.... ... ... ... The paper describes the key conditions discussed the including leisure, labor, devotee work, unemployment, housework, and tourism....
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School Phobia Issues Critique
8 pages (2457 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "School Phobia Issues Critique" focuses on the critical analysis of a concise understanding of school phobia.... It briefly reviews the development and causes of school phobia, outlines assessment protocol, and finally, discusses possible treatment procedures.... ... ... ... School phobia is a serious psychological disorder affecting about 5% of school-going children in both elementary and secondary children....
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Deconstruction of Leadership Paper on Guts
7 pages (2159 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper "Deconstruction of Leadership Paper on Guts" highlights that Kevin and Jackie Freiberg have depicted successful leaders who have the guts to say goodbye to conventional wisdom and adopt radical policies to turn their organisations into successful models.... ... ... ... Traditional Leadership roles have been fearsome and ruled by diktat rather than reasoning....
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To What Extent Does the Original Context of the Isenheim Altarpiece Explain Its Imagery
9 pages (2408 words) , Download 1 , Article
"To What Extent Does the Original Context of the Isenheim Altarpiece Explain Its Imagery" paper states that Isenheim Altarpiece was originally used for patients who needed physical healing but the original founders' goals were for the patients to accept death.... ... ... ... In the painting, Lucifer is a suffering angel, not the arrogant one who wanted to usurp God's throne....
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The Family in America
7 pages (1874 words) , Download 1 , Article
This article called "The Family in America" describes the advantages and disadvantages of the relationships between family members and analyzes the changes in marriage values.... From this work, it is clear how to formulate the real concept of the American family, which is not similar to the standard picture of public tights, provided by society....
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Google's 10th Birthday
8 pages (2354 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper highlights that Google is an organization that offers a myriad of web-based services and has been in this kind of business for 10 years now.... When Microsoft started out it was never conceived that the monopoly that the company held will ever be competed for until Google showed up.... ....
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Cost to Bring a Drug to Market
9 pages (2034 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Cost to Bring a Drug to Market" aims to describe the progressive change in the R&D pharmaceutical environment and the R&D processes effect and to explore information and provide a detailed in regard to NCEs development and discovery of the drug.... ... ... ... However, the government sees investing in new drug discovery as a threat....
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Maximizing Financial Returns for Shareholders
7 pages (2307 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article "Maximizing Financial Returns for Shareholders " points out that the importance of shareholder wealth and value in business and financial dealings will be discussed.... Companies are dependent on shareholder investments so it is in the interest of the company.... ... ... ... The importance of shareholder value analysis, customer equity, profitability, long term investment, returns on assets and returns on equity are concepts that have been stressed and discussed in detail....
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Long Form Journalism writing ( see instruction)
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
It has grown influentially to the mind and heart of its believers and more and more people are converted to the church.... The members of the Church of Christ or Iglesia ni Cristo will end this year with another offering of.... ... ... It is their way of praising God for all the generous blessings He has outpoured year-round. ...
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Mental Illness and Substance Abuse
8 pages (2264 words) , Download 2 , Article
This article "Mental Illness and Substance Abuse" emphasizes the strength of the familial interpersonal relationship.... In the present scenario, it becomes imperative to motivate culminate better understanding, better interpersonal relationships and a positive approach towards life.... .... ... ...
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Consensus: the Impossible Goal
6 pages (1827 words) , Download 1 , Article
The "Consensus: the Impossible Goal" paper critically assesses Wildavsky's theory of two presidencies, one foreign and one domestic policy with reference to America President Bill Clinton and George w.... Bush.... Consensus on policy initiatives remains the stated goal of every incoming president....
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Blood and Treasure by Kris James Mitchener and Joseph Mason
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper outlines that economists Kris James Mitchener and Joseph Mason attempt to conceptualize an 'exit strategy' for policymakers in order to ensure long-term growth once an economic recovery is complete.... The authors' account of this historical economic problem is instructive.... ... ... ...
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