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Securing Good nurse Physician Relationships by Krame M and Schmalenberg
7 pages (1813 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Securing Good nurse Physician Relationships by Krame M and Schmalenberg " is a good example of an article nursing.... This article explores the critical area of nurse-physician relationships with a focus on what enhances or destroys the relationship.... ... ... ... The paper "Securing Good nurse Physician Relationships by Krame M and Schmalenberg " is a good example of an article nursing....
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The Relative Success of a Family Business
6 pages (1700 words) , Download 4 , Article
The paper "The Relative Success of a Family Business" identifies and discusses the criteria that academics use to assess the relative success of a family business.... It also discusses how these differ from those used to assess the relative success of the nonfamily business.... ... ... ... There are marked differences between family-run businesses and nonfamily businesses due to the fact that the decision-making capabilities in the former are confined to a specific group of people i....
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How Great Leader Inspire Everyone To Take Action by Simon Sinek
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 3 , Article
Placing the Why, the How and the What side by side, there has to be consistency in three components such that there is a logic of why one how is better than the other.... The author presents a detailed analysis of what elements define great leaders that influence everyone to take action....
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The Truth About CSR by Rangan, Chase and Karim
3 pages (820 words) , Download 0 , Article
In this article a thorough review is done to observe whether the article is able to meet its goals or objectives.... The article is of Harvard Business.... ... ... Authors of this article are Kasturi Rangan, Sohel Karim and Lisa Chase.... The article intends to resolve problems associated with CSR initiatives by outlining certain steps which should be followed by companies....
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A Diet for Better Energy Written by Diana Rodriguez
4 pages (1037 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper "A Diet for Better Energy Written by Diana Rodriguez" states that the article is worth recommending to others.... The information provided is extremely beneficial for a healthy life of people leading a modern and hectic lifestyle.... The tips in the article are safe and practical.... .... ...
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Linking Complexity Theory and Time-Paced Evolution
8 pages (2302 words) , Download 1 , Article
This article review "Linking Complexity Theory and Time-Paced Evolution" gives a critical review of the article 'The Art of Continuous Change: Linking Complexity Theory and Time-paced Evolution in Relentlessly Shifting Organizations', written by Shona L.... Brown and Kathleen M.... Eisenhardt.... ...
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How ardiovascular Disease Is Linked to Human Papillomavirus
3 pages (866 words) , Download 2 , Article
I am writing this letter to let you know my response towards a recent article, 'Troubles with the Heart are linked to HPV' published by Grady.... I hope that, the information that I will outlay in.... ... ... In this case, I tend to represent my perceptive in favor of the article.... In the article, Grady has created great insight on how troubles with the heart are linked to Human Papollomavirus (HPV)....
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Internet Addiction
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
This paper outlines that the main point in the article is that internet availability has led to internet-addiction especially among the teens.... Additionally, the article lists several negative effects of internet ranging from health disorders, psychological and social.... .... ... ... As the discussion highlights, the author argues that internet users can be important but compulsive internet use for activities such as playing game, socialization, and virtual reality has already shown serious negative effects....
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What Not to Eat and Eat during Pregnancy
3 pages (722 words) , Download 2 , Article
There are a few article's summaries about pregnant diet.... In addition, it provides alternatives as well as precautions that a pregnant individual should take when handling the foods.... Recommendations are also evident in this article.... ... ... ... The article forbids a pregnant woman from eating raw food of animal origin....
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Organizational Behavior Management in Healthcare
7 pages (1819 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Organizational Behavior Management in Healthcare" highlights the mandate by the authors which is an attempt to bridge the variations between behavioral science and management of medical care.... Organizational behavior management will not vary whichever the industry.... ... ... ... Healthcare is a universal application and therefore the standards that apply for this field are universally acceptable....
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Medical Errors in the ICU
14 pages (3566 words) , Download 0 , Article
There is a certain process of thinking adopted by many doctors which does not conform to logic or reason.... This article "Medical Errors in the ICU" discusses any event which is a deviation of the planned treatment or observation, and which is not a characteristic of the disease in the first place....
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British Empire in the Nineteenth Century
10 pages (2983 words) , Download 0 , Article
And this further gave them the power and logic to overthrow the Empire from their own country.... This paper ''British Empire in the Nineteenth Century'' tells that history of the British Empire has always provided food for thought to not just historians who analyses the growth and expansion of the Empire's operations, but also to students and teachers of religion and social and cultural values....
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Reasons for Companion Animal Guardianship from Two Populations
6 pages (1516 words) , Download 1 , Article
The aim of this paper is to analyze the journal article 'Reasons for Companion Animal Guardianship from Two Populations' specifically the health benefits and effect of pet ownership on young people and the middle-aged population.... Here the authors have put forward the survey from two classes of people to understand the effect of the ownership of two types of pets on them....
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The Origin of the Earth
3 pages (841 words) , Download 2 , Article
The paper "The Origin of the Earth" discusses that the article tries to provide an explanation about the age of the earth.... This is through the analysis of the Biblical account as well as the scientific account.... The article has some strengths as well as weaknesses.... ... ... ... The author seems to be of the idea that scientists are responsible for most of the evils that have been witnessed in society....
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Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Article
A paper "Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education" reports that a qualitative study conducted by Jeffrey.... J.... Kuenzi, who is a specialist in education policy.... A report for the US Congressional Research Service for the perusal of the members of the Congress.... ... ... ... The relevance of this report is rooted in the fact that the United States is not developing enough skill resources in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics through the country is placed in number one position in the world regarding scientific and technological growth....
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Usage of Unauthorized Software in Taiwan by Jane Lu Hsu and Ya-Lan Su
6 pages (1720 words) , Download 0 , Article
The author of the current article "Usage of Unauthorized Software in Taiwan by Jane Lu Hsu and Ya-Lan Su" utilizes statistical analysis to present its findings and the article is intentioned for specialists dealing with software piracy issues.... ... ... ... The purpose of this review is to provide an objective analysis, critique, and review of the article 'Usage of unauthorized software in Taiwan' by Jane Lu Hsu And Ya-Lan Su which was published in social behavior and personality journal in the year 2008....
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Economic Principles and Macroeconomic Indicators
6 pages (1520 words) , Download 0 , Article
This paper "Economic Principles and Macroeconomic Indicators" focuses on a complex field that is influenced by many factors.... The factors are analyzed using various economic indices which provide detailed information about the overall health of the economy.... ... ... ... One of the economic principles depicted in the article is sometimes the government can improve the outcomes of the market....
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On the Implication of Market Power in Banking - Evidence from Developing Countries by Turk Ariss
5 pages (1693 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper 'On the Implication of Market Power in Banking - Evidence from Developing Countries by Turk Ariss' is a useful example of a finance & accounting article.... Market power has a very significant implication on the efficiency and stability of banking across numerous economies in the world....
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Issues Experienced While Administering Care to Patients
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
The authors, Issues Experienced While Administering Care to Patients, of the article expound on the issues associated with the disease referred to as dementia.... In addressing it, they first claim that dementia is one of the main public health problems in acute hospitals.... ... ... ... As the report declares the method they used in carrying out their research was focus group interviews....
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Elective Cosmetic Surgery and Physical Body Defects
6 pages (1739 words) , Download 0 , Article
ndeed, the logic of improving the children's self-esteem or self-confidence holds.... The paper "Elective Cosmetic Surgery and Physical Body Defects" looks into cosmetics surgeries and many underlying risks.... There are several reasons why minors should not have elective cosmetics surgery....
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Integrating Dark Humor and Compassion by Cindy Cain
6 pages (1614 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Integrating Dark Humor and Compassion by Cindy Cain" is a discussion on how individuals express themselves at workplaces, displaying various emotions and unique personalities.... The title of the article itself suggests that the article is about the changing behavioral traits of workers....
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Corporate governance best practices: 10 years after SOX by Ken Yysiac
2 pages (500 words) , Download 5 , Article
This article accentuates on the impact that Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) and particularly its Section 404 on the corporate governance environment in the last one decade.... he author states that the SOX Act has been triumphant in averting some of the problems .... ... ... Accounting Information Systems "Article Review" Article 1 The first article chosen for review is “Corporate governance best practices: 10 years after SOX: Section 404 has had profound impact on controls environment” by Ken Yysiac....
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Economic Choices That Prolong Poverty and Effectiveness of Social Networks
2 pages (539 words) , Download 0 , Article
This article "Economic Choices That Prolong Poverty and Effectiveness of Social Networks" focuses on poverty that is not just a deficit of money.... Continuous daily difficult decisions related to poverty in use impose 'tax' on a person's mental and social resources.... .... ... ... The article is coherent throughout its various sections, progressive, strategic, and generous with information....
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Literary Analysis
5 pages (1468 words) , Download 3 , Article
She tells of her story when she was growing up during the World War II while she watched newsreels which showed atrocities that were performed by the Japanese against the Americans.... ... ... ... he reflection by the author clearly shows her troubling experience as a young ethically Asian girl who lived in a country that had undergone war against Asian countries like Korea, Japan, and Vietnam....
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Cyberslacking and the Procrastination Superhighway
2 pages (500 words) , Download 6 , Article
In the following paper 'Cyberslacking and the Procrastination Superhighway,' the article in question is by Lavoie & Pychyl.... It talks about the relationship between internet procrastination and the perception of the internet as an important tool.... ... ... ... The author states that it is often debated that internet can negatively impact the educational achievements of students as students waste time surfing on the internet aimlessly (procrastination)....
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Propagation of an Electromagnetic Wave
1 pages (287 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Propagation of an Electromagnetic Wave" describes what electromagnetic waves are, followed by a description of how they are produced by the vibration of an electric charge.... Vibrations are produced by the absorption of energy by the electrons, which produce electromagnetic waves.... ...
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Britain Turns Its Back on Android in Favor of iOS
1 pages (302 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Britain Turns Its Back on Android in Favor of iOS" states that the quality and features of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus motivated U.... consumers to choose Apple Smartphones that increased Apple's market share.... The introduction of the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 plus expanded Apple's market shares....
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Most New Cancer Drugs Target DNA
1 pages (249 words) , Download 0 , Article
.... ... ... The paper "Most New Cancer Drugs Target DNA" is a worthy example of an article review on health sciences&medicine.... The news item was published on September 17, 2014.... The topic that the article centers around is new cancer drugs that the article states that they target the DNA.... T The paper "Most New Cancer Drugs Target DNA" is a worthy example of an article review on health sciences&medicine....
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Community Corrections and Re-entry
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Article
Community Corrections and Re-entry Name: Institution: Article One-The Evolution of Community Corrections: The Enduring Influence of the Prison.... This article follows how these community corrections have evolved since their first emergence in the mid 19th century.... ... ... ... According to the authors of this article, prisons have an outstanding influence on community-based correction methods and, therefore, to understand their evolution, one needs to consider this connection....
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Bilingualism as a Contributor to Cognitive Reserve Critique
2 pages (570 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article "Bilingualism as a Contributor to Cognitive Reserve Critique" focuses on the critical analysis of the article on the problem of bilingualism as a contributor to cognitive reserve.... It focuses on factors that may lead to delays in the diagnosis of symptoms of Alzheimer's disease (AD)....
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Client Attachment to Therapist
3 pages (954 words) , Download 4 , Article
The paper "Client Attachment to Therapist" inspects the relations between clients and the therapist as well as the recollections of parental caregiving, level of attachment to therapists after varying durations and related the findings to parental caregiving.... ... ... ... The study was done by Woodhouse, Schlosser, Crook, Ligero, and Gelso and it involved 51 participants who were undergoing therapy sessions....
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Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation
4 pages (1163 words) , Download 3 , Article
This article "Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation" focuses on studies on corporate entrepreneurship is that the modern business environment is fast changing thus requires an organizational culture that supports innovations through corporate entrepreneurship.... ... ... ... The aim of this review is to evaluate what existing literature discusses about corporate entrepreneurship and innovation....
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Business Process Reengineering
12 pages (3000 words) , Download 3 , Article
A process map for the move process, for example, could involve 20, 30 or more steps, and several "if-then" logic steps.... In the article 'Business Process Reengineering' the author commented that reengineering actually consists of getting down to the business of doing business.... Business people and academics everywhere emphasize the value of redesigning business processes....
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Achieving Success in the Labor Market for Women
5 pages (1558 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "Achieving Success in the Labor Market for Women" analysis of the aforementioned newspaper article by Sunderland.... In providing the critique this article will first identify who the article is intended for, identify why it is being published, the context.... ... ... ... One could argue that women and minorities have come a long way in achieving success at all levels of the job market....
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Prestigious Award for Martial Artist
5 pages (1279 words) , Download 3 , Article
"Prestigious Award for Martial Artist" paper analizes the article which seems to be an average one after comparing both the merits and demerits.... This article says nothing about the author's name or the publication medium.... It says nothing about the date of publication also.... .... ... ... Ian Barrie, one of the martial arts instructors in Britain has recently been awarded the prestigious title of Shihan in Nanbudo, in July, at a seminar in Barcelona, attended by more than 100 delegates....
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Net Present Value by James Hutchinson
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article states that NPV is a good measure for both profit and not-for-profit business organizations for capital budgeting and investment appraisal related issues.... As the title of the article suggests, this article talks about how NPV has been adopted by Electric COOPERATIVES.... ... ... ... The given article states that there are only two problems in the NPV system as a result of which this method is not very common among COOPERATIVE firms....
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Quality Management
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
The purpose of the Learners Log Book (LLB) is to document the achievements of the learner in a central repository that will be considered as evidence on the effectiveness of the learning process.... It is a monitoring tool that e-tutors use to report on individual learners progress.... ... ... There are templates which will reflect whether learners read, whether they understand, whether they assimilate the knowledge, whether they develop enquiry ability, whether they have the potential to conduct critical thinking and Learner Log Book Quality Management Tools & Techniques LLB I....
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Adapting Kohlberg to Enhance the Assessment of Managers' Moral Reasoning by James Weber
3 pages (795 words) , Download 0 , Article
The purpose of this review is to provide the readers with a concise summary of the most significant points of the article,.... ... ... some background information, evaluate the text using a detailed examination of its strong as well as weak points and give a comprehensive summary of the analysis that was performed....
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Influence on Job in Leadership Effectiveness, Leadership Style and Employee Readiness by Jui-Chen
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 5 , Article
The article under the title "Ethics in Leadership effectiveness, leadership style by Jui-Chen Chen" presents that excerpted from the article Leadership effectiveness, leadership style, and employee readiness written by Jui-Chen Chen and Colin Silverthorne (2005).... ... ... ... The article under analysis researches the relationship between the Situational Leadership Theory (SLT), as well as the effect that leadership itself has on organizations, departments, teams, and work climate and atmosphere....
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Biographical Omissions: The Case of a Beautiful Mind and the Search for Authenticity
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Article
Name: Tutor: Course: Date: Biographical Omissions: The Case of a Beautiful Mind and the Search for Authenticity: Summary: The issue being raised by this article relates to the authenticity of the movie with relation to the life story of John Forbes Nash.... John Forbes Nash is the man behind the movie....
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The Office: 1950 to the Present by Christopher Budd
6 pages (1711 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "The Office: 1950 to the Present by Christopher Budd" highlights the changes in offices' and artifacts' building methods that occurred from the 1950s to 2000.... Analyzing the different factors will focus on the core points that have been discussed in the article observed.... ... ... ... This review analyses the journal article titled 'The Office: 1950 to the Present' by Christopher Budd....
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The Slippery Slope Begins
5 pages (1369 words) , Download 0 , Article
The paper "The Slippery Slope Begins" highlights that the article uses ethos in that it brings out well-detailed arguments as to why the U.... policy on war with ISIS is changing.... This is captured by this statement, 'For instance, written testimony from White House had his signature.... ... ... ...
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Measuring Compliance With Tobacco-Free Campus Policy by Amanda Fallin
3 pages (898 words) , Download 0 , Article
The article Measuring Compliance With Tobacco-Free Campus Policy by Amanda Fallin et al (2012) in the Journal of American College Health focuses at analyzing the implications of smoking in the United States.... With more than 450,000 deaths in 2005 due to smoking, the authors.... ... ... While first hand smoking has notable negative effects on the health of the smokers, second hand smoking according to the article is also a major public health threat....
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Cost and Price Analysis for Interagency Agreements
2 pages (500 words) , Download 3 , Article
The paper “Cost and Price Analysis for Interagency Agreements” is about the inter-agency dealings and how their agreements are priced.... This article serves as a guide or the foundation for the staff of an agency in conducting inter-agency transactions.... ... ... ... ... The paper is divided into two major parts....
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Unemployment in America: Historical Perspective
1 pages (382 words) , Download 4 , Article
The paper "Unemployment in America: Historical Perspective" states that the unemployment rate witnessed a decline from 7% in November, last year to 6.... percent in January this year.... Many economists consider that the job market recovery is far from complete, yet.... ... ... ... Generally, this paper discusses information given in an article published in 'The Economist' on the topic of unemployment in America....
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Is Athleticism Linked to Brain Size
2 pages (625 words) , Download 3 , Article
The article "Is Athleticism Linked to Brain Size?... focuses on the critical analysis of the article on whether athleticism is linked to brain size.... The brain is the most complex organ of the human body, and many of its parts are still being studied to identify specific areas.... ... ... ... The procedure and results of the experiment are briefly explained in easy words right at the beginning of the article so that readers get maximum information in the first few seconds of reading....
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One of the journals listed below* that relates to a topic of interest in organizational theory
2 pages (500 words) , Download 2 , Article
Trust within organizations plays a definably essential role in contributing to the ultimate success, or failure, of the enterprise.... Salamon and Robinson (2008) is a detailed, longitudinal study of trust relationships between employees and management.... The authors measured the perception of trust on the part of employees, not the actual levels of trust as reported by management within the organization....
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Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
1 pages (250 words) , Download 4 , Article
The article discusses common drinking problems that are often described as alcoholism.... The article highlights some of the varying understandings of alcoholism with the author presenting views from college students, religious leaders, activists, and other legal authorities.... ... ... ... The author discusses the views on alcoholism in American society as well as the behavioral patterns exhibited by young people who are described as alcoholics....
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Human and Animal Relationships
1 pages (274 words) , Download 2 , Article
The article explores animal-human collusion.... It focuses exactly on the impact of a vehicle collision on wild animals during various seasons of the year and number of deaths this animals cause.... Autumn and spring, when these animals are migrating, evading hunters or looking for mates.... ... ...
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Errors and Omissions Insurance
3 pages (835 words) , Download 1 , Article
The article titles 'Errors and Omissions Insurance' and which is written Dan Vaughn and published in Liberty Directions in the Winter of.... ... ... The author aims to protect the hard work and careers of the professionals whom he defines as individuals possessing special skills and knowledge to The paper "Errors and Omissions Insurance by D....
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