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ERP Implementation Best Practices
6 pages (1649 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Choosing a team leader with adequate project managerial and communication skills facilitate the smooth running of the project.... Ensuring that there is a process definition and workflow, a better communication plan, and system validation leads to an efficient implementation of ERP....
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The Etiology of Aggressive and Nonaggressive Antisocial Behaviour
6 pages (1691 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "The Etiology of Aggressive and Nonaggressive Antisocial Behaviour" discusses that the research does not use the sample drawn from the peak ASB age, which is around 16 years of age.... Unfortunately, this limitation is not satisfactorily explained or dealt with.... ... ... ... Generally, Eley et al (2003) begin this paper begins by identifying the two groups of antisocial behavior (ASB); aggressive and non-aggressive....
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4 pages (1000 words) , Download 3 , Book Report/Review
Class name Date assignment is due Title The footnote: A Curious History by Anthony Grafton is an entertaining and challenging work about the development of the historical discipline.... The author tries to show the similarity between modern discussions of history and the history discussions of the past generations....
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Do female entrepreneurs have different leadership styles than employed female managers
3 pages (1019 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
is a spectacular example of a literature review on management.... 138) assert that leadership style similarities and differences exist between female entrepreneurs and employed female managers.... They add that the differences and similarities emerge in that from the definitions of both manager and leader, there are....
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Managing Employee Daily Routine
23 pages (5750 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
In this literature review "Managing Employee Daily Routine" a critical examination of the context of a routine, its use, and application in business organizations as well as in the field of psychology where the routine is sometimes integral to the intervention strategies, is explored.... n this literature review a critical examination of the context of a routine, its use, and application in business organizations as well as in the field of psychology where a routine is sometimes integral to the intervention strategies, is explored....
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Beowulf- The Primordial Struggle of the Good against the Evil
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
of the English literature ic and Modern of the Concerned April, Beowulf- The Primordial Struggle of the Goodagainst the Evil Since times immemorial, human consciousness has been deeply influenced and troubled by the primordial battle of the good against the evil.... literature being a salient form of human expression has always been concerned with this engrossing theme.... The writers in English literature have always resorted to varied methods to symbolize the fundamental concerns of the human intellect and the pivotal realities of human concern....
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Reflective Journal
1 pages (250 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
Reflective Journal It is a very interesting subject which helped me learn a variety of new concepts and ideas.... I have learned about a lot of new technologies and tools.... This coursework has offered me an opportunity to learn how a research work is conducted.... ... ... ... This coursework has allowed me to search for the required information to answer a specific question....
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Intelligent E-mail Analysis
13 pages (3452 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Though aspects of privacy issues may arise also by the help of monitoring, other aspects may arise like lives may be saved in the event where a plan to kill one through the email system may be monitored and actions against this taken into consideration literature Research Investigation of Log files Log files are defined as the exact initial files that do the listing of the various actions or functionalities that have transpired or occurred within the course of operations.... Finlayson, Ross S,79) All this was necessary to facilitate effective communication and passage of information at that appointed and designated time....
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Analysis of Peace-building, State-building, Nation-building Turtles All the Way Down Article
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This article also in the final part of the literature review cites some of policy recommendations (Goetze & Guzina, 2008).... The author analyses Catherine's and Dejan's article on peacebuilding, state building, and nation building explores some of the most essential issues affecting people....
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Implication of Software Design and Performance
11 pages (3032 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
aps identified in the literature ... As demonstrated in the summary literature, the relevance and importance of performance in the development and evolution of software cannot be wished away.... Better strategies of adopting performance need to be research and also the current available literature on experiments conducted considered in providing a platform for integration of performance into the software industry.... ata: Both secondary and primary data shall be used in the research, secondary data for the research process will be collected in the existing literature while primary data shall be collected from experts through surveys and questionnaires....
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The Hulk and The Incredible Hulk
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
The films both received mixed reviews and so The Incredible Hulk had to overcome the negativity that The Hulk had received and according to many critics did not succeed its predecessor.... The Hulk originated as a superhero in the Ultimate Marvels comic books and has since gained world recognition and gained celebrity status as a movie hero....
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Paranormal Activity 2
3 pages (750 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
It is a spirit board and a talking board, through which communication can happen with other spirits present around human beings.... Ali and her boyfriend used is as a tool for communication and they realized that the haunted spirits were also talking to them with respect to the communication with the positive spirits as a means for spiritual enlightenment....
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Snow Falling on Cedars
5 pages (1320 words) , Download 0 , Book Report/Review
om/reviews/index.... om/reviews/index.... The paper "Snow Falling on Cedars" states that traces of racism can be seen in many chapters of the book.... For example, in chapter one Kubuo's silence is deemed as his admission of guilt.... While in chapter three, the author indicates that Japanese site at the backbenches in the courtroom as the public....
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Investigating the Challenges to Improve and Innovate in Thailand Pharmaceutical Industry
14 pages (4974 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Investigating the Challenges to Improve and Innovate in Thailand Pharmaceutical Industry" is an outstanding example of a health sciences and medicine literature review.... Investigating the Challenges to Improve and Innovate In Thailand Pharmaceutical Industry Contents literature Review 3 1 Role of technological innovation in pharmaceutical industry 3 ... There is very limited literature available on the pharmaceutical industry in Thailand and hence, there is ample scope for further studies in order to fill the void....
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The End of Corporate Computing
7 pages (2040 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The review "The End of Corporate Computing" focuses on the critical analysis of the major issues at the end of corporate computing.... Information technology is a sector that is continuously changing through innovations and improvement of previous technologies.... ... ... ... These innovations and development have been analyzed by different authors expounding on different topics and sometimes proposing news models that may improve past innovations and technologies....
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Social Inequalities
6 pages (1792 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Annual reviews of Sociology, (37): 1-45. ... Annual reviews of Sociology, (29): 417-442.... Social Inequalities Number: Introduction The chosen pieces of literature to be used for this discussion are Grace Kao ... This work called "Social Inequalities" describes how socio-cultural factors underpin the distribution of economic values in the society....
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The Negative Effects of a Caring Role on Children and Adolescents
24 pages (6000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The literature review will draw on previous studies conducted on that have brought much enlightenment on the cause of young informal carers.... However, in addition, mental illness of parents cause anxiety and stress and psychiatric disorder in children as well as impairment of parent-child communication resulting in depression and resiliency of the child carers....
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Critical opinion about article
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
Abstract One very promising, though still controversial, method of improving the effectiveness of drug delivery is the use of a niosomal membrane, a non-ionic surfactant.... They are especially useful for bypassing barriers that would otherwise have prevented drug delivery to the correct location, most notably the skin and the eyes....
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Human Trafficking
6 pages (1725 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
The paper "Human Trafficking" is a great example of a literature review on law issues.... he literature of Kempadoo, Sanghera, and Pattanaik (2015), advocates for the appropriate definition of the problem.... Research on human trafficking in North America: A review of literature....
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The Connection between Drugs and Crime
8 pages (1600 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
literature Review The correlation between high level of drug use and crime is by far one of the most widely researched topics in the field of criminology (Welte, Zhang et al.... Thus regardless of availability of proper and adequate evidence which establishes a strong association between drug abuse and crime, the scientific and empirical literature included as a part of this study, reveals that drug-crime nexus is relatively more complicated than what it is perceived....
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Common Sense by Thomas Paine
6 pages (1584 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
(American literature I).... The American Tradition in literature.... This paper analyzes the book written by bu Thomas Paine called "Common Sence".... In this captivating work, he uses all possible themes to inform his reader how America needs to be serious in fighting England as its common enemy....
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Effects and the Strategies of Air Pollution
5 pages (1641 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Review of secondary literature suggests that its effects are increasingly being felt with increased global warming and climate change other harmful effects have been cited to include health related matters (Zuckerman, 2011).... Available literature suggests that air pollution has been on the rise....
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The Sociology of Deviance: Differences, Tradition, and Stigma by Robert Franzese
4 pages (1000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
He uses the book to present a specific angle from which it reviews various traditions in the sociology of deviance.... The following chapters follow the same structure of contributing lengthy reviews of experimental trends.... Franzese jr is a professor of philosophy and holds a PhD in government, he also holds several other qualifications such as A....
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Economic Factors Affecting on the Value Stock Exchange of Thailand Index
14 pages (4435 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
literature Review literature review: Economic Factors affecting on the value Stock Exchange of Thailand index (SET Index) ... The literature review studies seven macroeconomic variables that affect stock value of Stock Exchange of Thailand through application of Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT) with effect to change with the asset prices, monetary policy change and equity markets and its impacts on the stock values....
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Impact of Care-Giving on Young Carers
24 pages (7441 words) , Download 4 , Literature review
he literature review will draw on previous studies conducted on this issue that has brought much enlightenment on the cause of young informal carers.... The paper "Impact of Care-Giving on Young Carers" supposes that those who had become young carers live differently from their non-caregiving peers....
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The Impact of Formal Strategic Planning
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The literature review "The Impact of Formal Strategic Planning" presents strategic planning which is widely publicized as an effective management tool to improve the performance of businesses.... These are 1) inadequate communication 2) unanticipated longer implementation 3) inadequate employee capabilities 4) goals not well understood by staff 5) insufficient coordination 6) crisis distracted attention from implementation 7) unanticipated problems 8) external factors....
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Causes of Teenage Pregnancy
7 pages (1974 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper 'Causes of Teenage Pregnancy' is a provoking example of health gender & sexual studies literature review.... The paper 'Causes of Teenage Pregnancy' is a provoking example of health gender & sexual studies literature review.... This paper is going to look after the various causes that are related to teen pregnancy....
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Latino Gay Film La Mission
2 pages (675 words) , Download 2 , Movie Review
In the paper 'Latino Gay Film La Mission' the author analyzes drama film written, directed, and produced by Peter Bratt.... It is distinguished as a historical document of interracial and other lifestyle issues in today's urban environment.... Significantly, the movie is appreciated for its social concern....
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Analysis of Avatar Movie
3 pages (866 words) , Download 10 , Movie Review
The paper "Analysis of Avatar Movie" discusses that it is essential to state that Avatar received many positive reviews and movie accolades including the Academy Awards for Best Art Direction, Best Cinematography and Best Visual Effects in March 2010.... ... ... ... James Cameron and Jon Landau directed wrote and produced Avatar....
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Article response
1 pages (250 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
In the start of the essay “The Teaching of Teaching on literature Response Teaching on literature is an essay taken from the book “Mystery and Manners” ed by Flannery O'Connor.... In the start of the essay “The Teaching of literature” she writes how fiction contains no paucity in critics since everyone considers themselves the authority when it comes to the fiction's main subject (O'Connor 122-126).... ??She tells the way her teachers invented ways to “ignore the nature of literature” through discussing history or examining how authors reasoned when writing their books....
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Random Family by Adrian Nicole LeBlanc
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
In the paper 'Random Family by Adrian Nicole LeBlanc' the author focuses on the marginalized society members, prostitutes, women in prison, adolescents who are living in poverty life among others.... Adrian Nicole LeBlanc is well known for her non-fiction book Random Family.... ... ... ... The theme of Random Family is Drugs, Trouble or what is presented by the author as fear and Love....
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The Realization of the American Dream in the Writings of Langston Hughes
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
THE REALIZATION OF THE AMERICAN DREAM AND HOW THEY ARE PICTURED IN THE WRITINGS OF LANGSTON HUGHES A literature Review of Institution ... literature Review ... American literature 41.... The author of this review "The Realization of the American Dream in the Writings of Langston Hughes" comments on the images depicted in Hughes's writings....
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Effect of Wind in Small Compartment Fire
10 pages (3038 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The literature review discusses the effects of the small-scale compartment on fire and the effects of wind in these small compartments (Kumar and Naveen 1558).... The literature review contains the works on the topic that was conducted by other researchers and their findings.... The literature review focuses on the stages of fire development and the effects of wind on the stages of fire development.... The literature review disc uses the effects of the small scale compartment on fire and the effects of wind in these small compartments (Kumar and Naveen 1558)....
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Effects of the credit crunch in terms of regeneration and redundancies
9 pages (2250 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
The researcher was able to draw appropriate conclusion based on the literature review and findings of the data analysis.... Effects of the credit crunch on Sunderland Council in terms of regeneration in the and redundancies carried out by the Council literature review ... Hence, the researcher relied greatly on authentic and publicly published articles for developing the literature (Newman, 1998).... In the current dissertation, the researcher was able to draw appropriate conclusion based on the literature review and findings of the data analysis....
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Understanding the Difference Between Leadership and Management
10 pages (2801 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The author of the paper "Understanding the Difference Between Leadership and Management" will begin with the statement that a review of 'leadership' and 'management' literature reveals the two concepts are different yet still overlap.... review of ‘leadership' and ‘management' literature reveals the two concepts are different yet still overlap.... Essentially, much of the literature surveyed appeared to focus on a single aspect of managerial work that is concerned with action....
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Dealing With Censorship in the Creative Media Industry
10 pages (2807 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
This book report "Dealing With Censorship in the Creative Media Industry" focuses on the prohibition of certain information from being given away either for it being politically inappropriate or for any other reason that may make the information be deemed not good for the public consumption.... ... ...
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Freedom Writers Movie
1 pages (250 words) , Download 5 , Movie Review
The paper contains a summary of Freedom Writer's Movie.... This movie is set on a story beginning in 1994.... It is about the person Erin Gruwell who is starting her first teaching job in California.... She was going to start as the freshman teacher at Woodrow Wilson High School.... ... ... ... The bureaucratic structure of the school has gone corrupt and there are many problems there are problems of lower academic standard and Erin is completely unprepared for such an environment....
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The Lost Valentine by Darnell Martin
7 pages (1821 words) , Download 0 , Movie Review
reviews and Opinions ... The focus of this paper "The Lost Valentine by Darnell Martin" is on The Lost Valentine, a 2011 film with a running time of 100 minutes.... I viewed the movie back in April 2012.... The film is a recap of the Second World War event and how it leads to the loss of soldiers who fought against the Japanese....
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Frankenstein and Conrads Heart of Darkness
11 pages (2981 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
Frye's argument is that this narrative is included in almost all of the archetypes used in our literature and that these attempts are also found within our most sacred ritual events as we continue to seek the true nature of the order of life.... Considering Northrop Frye's discussion of myth, ritual and the natural cycle as it is presented in “The Archetypes of literature,” it can be seen that there are several rituals and beliefs that we experience in modern life that we are perhaps not even aware of as being a voluntary affirmation of the natural order of life, such as the beliefs we associate with the concept of darkness....
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Autophagy in Colon Cancer
11 pages (3198 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
In this literature review "Autophagy in Colon Cancer," the role of autophagy in the proliferation and thriving of colon cancers will be discussed through a suitable.... In this literature review the role of autophagy in the proliferation and thriving of colon cancers will be discussed through suitable literature review.... literature review Autophagy and colon cancer Autophagy is basically a multistep process and is orchestrated by certain subset of genes....
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Approaches for Document Analysis
10 pages (3111 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper "Approaches for Document Analysis' is a great example of a literature review on social science.... The paper "Approaches for Document Analysis' is a great example of a literature review on social science.... Drawing on various perspectives present in literature, this paper seeks to critically examine different approaches of document analysis, visual analysis, discourse and narrative analysis and institutional ethnography analysis....
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Ideal Self Concept versus Actual Self Concept
9 pages (3010 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review "Ideal Self Concept versus Actual Self Concept" talks about brand personality which showcases the values that consumers hold in a multidimensional manner with research suggesting brands enhance the personality of individuals using them.... hile consumer behaviour literature (e....
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Challenges of Distributed Computing Environments
10 pages (2723 words) , Download 1 , Literature review
This literature review "Challenges of Distributed Computing Environments" discusses distributed computing systems that are growing quickly in the last years, with the emphasis on the large development of applications and the other key impacts of internet and wireless technologies on the industry.... hese technologies are meant to effectively allow systems to relate with other components at various levels, through provision of a given software layer and protocols that present the interoperability needed for mechanism developed in diverse programming languages hence making it easier for communication to take place effectively ((Ackerman,pp 340-450) ...
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International Business Machines Corporation
5 pages (1624 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review "International Business Machines Corporation" presents IBM-Indiana's telecommuting change effort as the importance of understanding organizational culture.... Telecommuting changed the way of doing things at IBM for example some managers lost prestigious privileges such as private offices with private secretaries and team members became physically dispersed which made inter-team communication much harder.... Managers who had private offices and private secretaries lost these huge symbolic aspects of being managers at IBM and the loss of group-work setting diminished opportunities for social contact and casual communication that were vital for propagation of stories and grapevine (Martin, 2004)....
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Down Syndrome into a Mainstream Primary
12 pages (3511 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
Therefore, teachers should maintain noise in a classroom as low as possible to ensure that there is perfect communication between them and the students (Ganong, 2005 p45).... Facilitated communication is also pivotal for the student with Down Syndrome to learn and understand in areas where it proves relevant.... Most significant is the role of teacher-student interaction, in the communication and learning process of the students with Down Syndrome....
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Textual Analysis of The 400 Blows: The Landmark of New Wave
10 pages (2696 words) , Download 1 , Movie Review
In The 400 Blows, Truffaut creates a film language that translates subtle nuances of feelings and emotions into film while describing cinema as nonintellectual and emotional form of literature. ... "Textual Analysis of The 400 Blows: The Landmark of New Wave" paper addresses the significance of the New Wave movement in French cinema....
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Eurognosi in European Crisis
11 pages (2750 words) , Download 2 , Literature review
This literature review looks at the means Eurognosi, which is a private educational institution, can stay ahead of the economic crisis.... This literature review looks at the means Eurognosi, which is a private educational institution, can stay ahead of the economic crisis....
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The Concept of Buddhism
11 pages (2912 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
However, we may attempt to achieve a deeper understanding of this philosophy if we look at a synthesis of the various pieces of literature offered by the multitude of scholars across the world and carefully analyze their reflections on Buddhism.... The paper "The Concept of Buddhism" explains that Buddhism is one of the oldest religions and concepts of the world Over a thousand years, Buddhist ideas and ideals, both have guided as well as influenced the thoughts of several human beings all around the globe....
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Ways in Which Innovation Impacts on an Organisation
10 pages (2871 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
The paper 'Ways in Which Innovation Impacts on an Organisation' is an excellent example of a management literature review.... The paper 'Ways in Which Innovation Impacts on an Organisation' is an excellent example of a management literature review.... Diffusion of innovation entails the communication that explains the as time goes, an idea or gains from product leads to momentum and spreads through a specific social system or population.... An organisation should set up the right systems and methods where communication mechanisms, performance indicators on innovation, viability on the commercial and financial variable, and the compatibility of the system in the operations of the organisation are outlined....
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Fire Engineering
37 pages (9250 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The paper covered the factors determining fire safety in buildings, codes of practice for fire safety, design and performance of fire safety framework, compliance issues by segment, health and safety of building occupants and the insights into fire fighting industry in general in Hong Kong.... .... ...
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