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Improving UNBSJ services and facilities
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Statistics Project
They are known for influential in activities such as the literary criticism, curricula and communication theory.... The competition among the universities as the best institution in offering the degree courses and serene approach to education is also increasing.... ... ... ... University of Toronto is considered the best one being the first in rank among the other universities....
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Quantitative Method in the Research
9 pages (2454 words) , Download 5 , Research Paper
(2002) said that in the online context, higher quality in the communication between the parties produces higher degrees of trust which may lead to loyalty.... So the questionnaire tries to evaluate the communication patterns through which the managers of the organization are adopting in reaching the hearts of professionals through the study.... Dixie Evatt, "Measuring Public Knowledge Through Open-ended Questioning," Southwestern communication Journal 14No....
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Problem Solving and Team Code of Conduct
7 pages (2253 words) , Download 0 , Essay
Members in a team will tend to develop some ways in which they interact with each other with effectiveness in interpersonal communication among the members and those external to the group being critical in the functioning of the team.... embers in a team will tend to develop some ways in which they interact with each other with effectiveness in interpersonal communication among the members and those external to the group being critical in the functioning of the team....
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21 pages (5250 words) , Download 4 , Research Paper
This essay talks that crowdsourcing refers to the process of subcontracting of proposed invention or various jobs those can usually be handled by employed staff or service providers for a specified business or corporation.... The relationship among crowdsourcing can be observed in an enhanced manner....
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Deutsche Bank Spy Scandal
7 pages (2058 words) , Download 4 , Case Study
This paper "Deutsche Bank Spy Scandal" discusses the Deutsche Bank, which employs over eighty-thousand people in seventy-six countries, had suspended its security chief after allegations that Germany's largest bank had spied on people outside the financial institution.... ... ... ... The radical and at times careless investigation methods employed by the bank raised a myriad of serious legal issues, not the least of which were data protection and privacy concerns....
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E-Coaching: A Platform for the Strategic Alignment of Learning and Human Resource Development in UAE
76 pages (19000 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
Classical human resource management is concerned in performing various administrative tasks directly dealing with recruitment, retention, development and utilisation of human resources for the organisation (Mohapatra, 2009).... ... ... ... Coaching is recognized as an effective and efficient tool in enhancing employees' performance (Bennett and Bush 2009; Sherman and Freas 2004)....
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The Ecology of English in Saudi Arabia
14 pages (3691 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
In countries that have more than one national group, English becomes a medium to establish communication among people who speak different local language (Crystal, 1997).... Businessmen interact in English when sealing business deals while students in universities are taught in English especially in medicine and engineering fields as it is considered as a language of telecommunication, communication, international diplomacy, banking, transportation, industry and commerce, advertising and internet ...
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The Vision Statement of McDonald's
10 pages (2600 words) , Download 0 , Research Paper
communication is important when managing inventory properly.... The information communication technology department improves communication between the regional outlets.... Also, the information is managed by using information communication technology.... Since the company operates in the global market, technology is required to improve communication among the shareholders.... Organizational structureMcDonald has a hierarchical structure that improves its communication with the stakeholders....
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Customer Satisfaction
8 pages (2508 words) , Download 3 , Essay
In the context of promotion, marketing communication is considered as a significant aspect of promotional tool which is used for gaining better customer response.... One of the most important communication tools for an organisation is television advertisement which makes customers aware about the any product.... Hence, it can be observed that McDonalds use marketing communication tools such as television and internet advertising for approaching to vast customer segment (McDonald's, 2012)....
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Irish E-Government Initiative as a Threat to Individual Liberties
7 pages (2030 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The evolution in communication and information technology has been effective in changing the way we communicate.... E-government in its simple definition can be termed as the use of information can communication technologies in order to improve the activities of the public sector organizations.... It is the systematic arrangement of the public sector such that it is using the modern technology to deliver services to the people and to communication with the people....
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Discovering Professional Resources
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
communication which is oriented towards learning and the transfer of ... These communication channels ... American Association of School Administrators, calls for resolutions from school districts across the country who take a parallel position on testing techniques and policies....
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Book Review of Let Me Hear Your Voice
7 pages (1853 words) , Download 2 , Book Report/Review
During this process, Anne-Marie's symptoms of withdrawal and lack of nonverbal communication skills only worsened.... His response to the Maurices after a quick analysis of Michel was “Michel is currently functioning at about six months behind his age level in communication and socialization.... In the book Let Me Hear Your Voice, Maurice gives numerous accounts of her children's autistic symptoms surfacing in their communication or lack thereof....
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Emergency Risk Management: Tsunami as a Natural Disaster
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Again, it is important to make a choice of preferred system according to end user's capability to make use of the system with in the limitations of its technological environment, recurrent power failures, set computing facilities and communication disturbances. ... here are alternate communication Systems available to alert or warn the people living near the sea shores.... here was lack of communication and cooperation among local bodies as to laying of pipelines and joining them to a water plant of another area....
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Supplier/buyer relationship in an automotive industry
5 pages (1250 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The research on different aspects of supplier – buyer relationship in the automotive industry can be conducted by applying different research methods.... Through this chapter the various methods of research are discussed in order to identify the most appropriate research method.... ... ... The justification for the selection is also provided along with the limitations of the selected methodology. ...
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Reasons Why People Conform and Obey to the Majority
6 pages (1836 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
These researches include the study of mass communication, attitude, compliance, affiliation, conformity, authority, cross cultural issues, social roles, interpersonal attraction, statues, non verbal communication, group process attribution etc.... Group communication....
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Charmian Kenner and her Contribution to Research on Biliteracy
7 pages (1750 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
She is currently a full-time lecturer at the school of Culture, Language and communication, Department of Educational Studies at Goldsmiths College, University of London where she is a deputy director of the school and a member of the Research and other Committees.... The flexibility that this situation offers from using multilingual and multimodal communication has the potential to become an asset for young children.... s Charmian remarked, the multilingual and multimodal abilities developed by bilingual students provide them with considerable advantages within a global context in which there is an increasing use of communication in several languages and modes....
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Cartography: Maps and Geographical Information Systems
7 pages (1837 words) , Download 3 , Essay
?Dykes et al (2005) in their book on “Exploring Geo-visualization”, while recognizing the traditional role of map as a tool to present information, have also pointed out the need for the map to be seen as ‘a supple interface to geospatial data' as maps assist in providing communication with the data behind the map's visual representation.... Reference to Cartography Usability analysis of GIScience and map design hinge upon a thorough grasp of Cartographic communication technique....
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Myers: Customer Loyalty Programs and Customer Satisfaction
7 pages (2351 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
The communication is closely linked with the target groups, attracting customers and encouraging brand loyalty where the attainment of top of mind awareness and enhancing the sales towards innovation and existing customers[Bri09].... The customer relationship management is the strategy of managing all organizational communication with present customers[Cha09].... he customer relationship management is the system for managing the communication of the Company towards recent and future customers while involving using the technology to arranging, automation while synchronizing the sales, marketing, customer services and technical support[Bri09]....
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The Role of Leaders in Strive to Achieve Organizational Change
7 pages (1888 words) , Download 0 , Article
Basically, constructive organizational behavior such as ability to motivate, enhance communication and form constructive work groups leads to realization of desired change in the organization.... From the results and discussion, it is actually clear that leaders can only be effective in the change process if they have the ability to enhance communication among their groups, induce team work spirit, motivate members and make appropriate rewards.... The conclusion confirms that leaders can only be effective in the change process if they make efforts to enhance communication among their group members, induce team work spirit, motivate members and make appropriate rewards (Gilley, McMillan & Gilley 2009). ...
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Leadership Style and Management Control
8 pages (2433 words) , Download 0 , Research Proposal
Leaders use a model to integrate the right people, communication technology and organizational structure.... The second identifies communication and trust as of high priorities.... Finally such leadership relies on communication technologies (Wielkie, 2009). ...
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Leadership in the Context of Higher Education
8 pages (2327 words) , Download 0 , Literature review
Recognition and reputation: achievements that would glorify the reputation of the institution along with communication of the same to get more recognition.... Frequent training and evaluation of skill is a part of this approach, which is accompanied by delegation of responsibilities and effective communication.... Both these forms of leadership styles have been recognised by researchers to be responsive, convenient and approachable using transparency in communication....
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Role of EDI Implementation in the Increase of Performance of a Small Medium Company in China
9 pages (2445 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
The significant advantage of EDI towards the traditional systems of communication is the lack of need for processing the information exchanged; more specifically, in all other modes of communication technology – such as fax and e-mail – the development of the actions suggested in the message sent requires the human intervention, i.... (2003) highlight the constraints caused because of the compatibility of data exchanged in the context of EDI; in the above study it is noted that despite the fact that EDI was initially introduced in order to help towards the improvement of communication among businesses, in practice, its value has been doubted because of ‘the complexity of agreeing electronic document formats' (Chesher et al, 2003, p....
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Dynamic Mobility Management Scheme For VoIP Services
40 pages (10000 words) , Download 2 , Dissertation
The aim of the paper "Dynamic Mobility Management Scheme For VoIP Services" is to highlight and observe various rowing system and highlight the system's transfer stream in synchronized VoIP system.... A prototype drawing is developed to judge the result of each rowing model on audio transfer.... ...
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Strategic Management and the Implementation of New Technology Systems
19 pages (5053 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
communication is essential for getting across the ideas to the leadership group, but it is also equally important during the development state of new technology design, particularly for those who are part of the testing teams and who must provide useful information.... The paper "Strategic Management and the Implementation of New Technology Systems" is a great example of management coursework....
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Innovation - Steve Jobs & Apple Computer
10 pages (2500 words) , Download 2 , Research Paper
This paper focuses on the examination of the role of Steve Jobs, a technology entrepreneur in the establishment and the development of Apple Computer; the significant role of Steve Jobs in the development of Apple can be identified by two facts.... .... ... ... The survival and development of firms in the modern market is a challenging task....
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The World Leader in Toys Mattel
12 pages (3260 words) , Download 2 , Essay
The company learned the strategies for improving communication.... They are the ones who need more communication and to build this picture in front of them, it is recommended to work constantly in this direction.... The paper "The World Leader in Toys Mattel" highlights that Mattel learned from this crisis that how much the stakeholders are important and how much they trust in the consumers needs to be consistent to perform in the best manner....
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Social Media in the Public Sector
6 pages (1500 words) , Download 3 , Dissertation
However, the contemporary networked world is just the opposite with two-way communication being the norm.... The notion of e-government includes but is not limited to, e-participation, a term that recognizes that two-way communication can be efficiently achieved via social media technologies by allowing the user (citizen) to interact with the government in real time (Macintosh & Tambouris, 2009)....
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Managing Cross-cultural Organization
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
anging from the concept of time management, communication, personal position when speaking and even the position of the eye during a conversation, different cultures behave differently.... communication is often the central pillar in trying to cut across cultures.... ) observed that the best way to enhance communication across cultures is to first accept the existence of different cultures and be very ready and willing to learn and adopt them....
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The Role of Project Manager as Planner, Controller and Community Stakeholder
7 pages (2263 words) , Download 4 , Coursework
5) identify that problem solving, communication, collaboration, social and interpersonal skills and time management are target skills desired by employers.... Ninety five percent of project managers cited poor communication for the root of their project failures.... The Root Causes Of Poor communication, Agency Sales....
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Graduate Admissions Statement of Goals
10 pages (2590 words) , Download 2 , Admission/Application Essay
As an individual who seeks to become a top-level executive and also take up leadership roles in other companies, I will really seek to sharpen my leadership, communication and negotiation skills.... In Student Homestay Services, I noticed that my superiors required timeliness, accuracy, strong communication skills, compliance and to an extent independence and above all willingness to learn.... Thirdly, a good leader must have strong communication skills....
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The State of the IT Job Market in Saudi Arabia
9 pages (2527 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
A 2013, Information and communication Technology (ICT) Investment ... o develop their career as a systems analyst, student are anticipated to study both technology and business units including marketing, organization behavior, human computer interaction, economics, management theories, information systems managements, computer programming, mathematics, database concepts computer networking, data structures and algorithms, e-commerce, Artificial Intelligence, communication skills and business....
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Managing Employment Relations
9 pages (2436 words) , Download 0 , Case Study
It focuses on developing a European level industrial relations system as well as new channels for employee communication.... It also aids improvement in communication between the employer and the employee.... This involves a good system of rewards, proper advice and guidance, a good network of communication between employees and employers as well as protection of employee rights. ...
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Social Innovation and the Role of Leadership
9 pages (2520 words) , Download 3 , Research Paper
They also prefer communication as communication is the methodology that is utilized to deliver ideas and gain support.... All the ideas related to innovation should be delivered through communication and the needs of the workers should be comprehended in order to make them work in the way of the thought ideas....
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JRPGs and Western RPGs in the Relationship between Gameplay and Narrative
6 pages (1843 words) , Download 1 , Coursework
This has simplified the communication process, given that a single image is equivalent to many volumes of data in the case of textual representation of information.... The paradigm shift in communication has been attributed to the societal embracing of visual culture especially in advertisements.... Japanese video games help in the communication of product or service information to the public through visual tools like images, graphics and other forms of design....
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People Management and Development at Work
8 pages (2310 words) , Download 1 , Research Paper
Effective communication approach between the top level management and employees are also required to retain effective and skilled employees.... Effective organizational communication approach will help the organizational leaders to understand the needs and expectation of the employees.... Last but not the least; the management of the organizational leaders and management should try to introduce decentralization and bottom-up communication approach in the decision making and strategy development process to maintain effective relationship between top level management and employees of the organization (Millmore, Lewis, Saunders, Thornhill and Morrow, 2007, p....
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The Role of Nurses in Medication Errors and the Impact of These on the Health Care System
8 pages (2426 words) , Download 1 , Essay
Thus, communication barriers must be eliminated and the drugs information must be always verified.... One of the ways that can be used to improve communication among medical personnel is SBAR method (Situation, Background, Assessment, and Recommendations).... A study reveals that 60% medical errors events reported annually are caused by poor communication....
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The Effectiveness Uses of Psychology in Management
7 pages (2096 words) , Download 2 , Essay
It will also determine the necessary communication systems, consider the social influences and the values adhered by members (Cox, De Cieri, & Fenwick, 1998). ... Kotler and Schlesinger (1979) explicated that resistance to change is met when members have parochial perceptions views focused only to the impact on them but not on the organization The lack of communication and inadequacy of information can cause internal rift and misunderstanding (Kotler et al.... Open communication will aid in engendering participation amongst members as it will also help dissipate the unfounded and insignificant rumors relating to the introduction of changes within an organization (Kotler et al....
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Marketing Plan for Winthrop's MBA Program
8 pages (2389 words) , Download 0 , Coursework
Other attributes that attract individuals to approach MBA program is development of leadership skill, analytical and communication skill, decision making skill, planning skill and risk taking abilities.... The growing competition in the business industry has resulted in increasing demand for high-skilled workforce with qualities such as, team management, leadership, ability to perform under pressure and presentation and communication skills.... Managers with developed leadership and communication skills have been witnessed to effortlessly work in cross-cultural environment of multinational companies....
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Engineering Innovativeness
8 pages (2405 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
Specifically, we demonstrated effective oral and written communication in professional and lay domains.... Through written communication, we were in apposition to write reliable reports concerning our experiences during the research.... In addition, our communication skills enabled us to build good rapport with engineers and he target companies....
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Death March Project Management
8 pages (2071 words) , Download 0 , Assignment
The company had employed only upward communication thereby giving room for fraud as the project continued. ... low communication also hinders the success of a project.... The management should have good communication skills to ensure that the client gets to understand the issue. ...
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Clostridium Difficle Infection
17 pages (4250 words) , Download 2 , Term Paper
My modules in holistic nursing care and communication and professional relationship in nursing, and also my observation and participation in the prevention and management of C.... This interaction and communication are essential aspects of this profession.... This interaction and communication are essential aspects of this profession.... Since communication is core to the management of Clostridium difficle nursing management, literature pertaining to this topic was searched using the search terms “communication”, “nursing”, and “bad news”. ...
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Expressing Attitude on Forum Discussion Boards
52 pages (14787 words) , Dissertation
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The author outlines the significance of attitude in communication.... This work called "Expressing Attitude on Forum Discussion Boards" describes the conviction behind the expression of attitudes on discussion boards, with a specific focus on how the attitudes affect other similar disciplines such as personal opinions and ideology....
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The Alignment between Vis-a-Vis the Business Objectives of Apple
33 pages (9806 words) , Download 10 , Dissertation
For the research and analysis report, the author of the paper "The Alignment between Vis-à-Vis the Business Objectives of Apple" has chosen to work on the project topic 'How the introduction of a new technology can assist an organization in achieving its business objectives?... .... ... ... In the introduction part of this research and analysis project, the topic chosen, the reasons for the topic chosen and the aims and objectives of the research and analysis report are presented....
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Work-based learning (at a Law ftrm)
8 pages (2000 words) , Download 2 , Essay
Aim of the Study While working at Trinity Solicitors LLP, I kept certain objectives that are to gain confidence, to improve my communication, administration, writing and presentation skills, to be able to conduct legal research successfully, to understand and make use of legal terminologies and to make myself aware of the work environment and adjust in it without any problem.... My interviewing skills are also polished along with my communication skills.... My planning related to professional growth is to attain legal knowledge, confidence, communication skills and conduct legal research profoundly....
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Similarities and Differences between IPv4 and IPv6
8 pages (2173 words) , Download 3 , Literature review
The internet protocol (IP) is the main communication protocol used for relaying packets or datagrams across an internetwork through the use of Internet Protocol Suite.... This has necessitated the development of communication protocols that address hosts and routing packets or datagrams from source host to the final destination host across internet protocol (IP) networks.... The internet protocol (IP) is the main communication protocol used for relaying packets or datagrams across an internetwork through the use of Internet Protocol Suite....
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Which Play Therapy is Best
7 pages (2065 words) , Download 2 , Case Study
lay as communication - Children use play as their primary medium of communication.... The parents learn new ways to listen to what the child is telling them and they learn communication skills that are effective with their child.... This paper "Which Play Therapy is Best" discusses the use of play in therapy....
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Effective School Systems Employed within a School Behaviour Management Policy
7 pages (2077 words) , Download 1 , Research Proposal
communication is an important consideration based on which behaviour of students in classroom can be managed successfully (Prozesky, 2000).... The Effect of Teacher-Family communication on Student Engagement: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment.... communication and Effective Teaching....
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Introduction to Professional Nursing Practice
7 pages (2150 words) , Download 4 , Essay
In post cases, this comes with enhancing interpersonal and social relationships with friends and family, which is via healthy communication (Elder, Evans & Nizette, 2009) ... “Burnout” in the medical field is an inevitable challenge especially among nurses though with effective and immediate measures, respective authorities can adequately keep this problem under control....
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Practical Classroom Strategies to Promote L2 Oral Fluency
8 pages (2295 words) , Download 2 , Coursework
These polite expressions are used in everyday communication and when the L2 teacher uses them in teaching a second language, the fluency of the learner is greatly improved (Birch, 2014).... uges (2003) is of the opinion that if a L2 teacher wants to promote fluency and foster it among his or her students, then there is a need to limit the correction of the errors to only those that hinder communication.... This is to help move the level of oral communication up....
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Embryo Glue: Clinical Effectiveness
7 pages (2475 words) , Download 2 , Research Proposal
Englinde, personal communication, 16th February 2015).... Englinde, personal communication, 16th February 2015).... Michael, personal communication, 28th Feb.... The research paper 'Embryo Glue: Clinical Effectiveness' investigates the differences in viscosity levels between the ordinary media used for embryo development and a mixture of the said media and EmbryoGlue....
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